Psychological Development and Education ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 29-43.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.01.04

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Generative Drawing Effect in Memory and Its Boundary Conditions: A Meta-analysis

XIE Heping1, WANG Yanqing2, WANG Fuxing2, ZHOU Zongkui2, DENG Sue3, DUAN Zhaohui4   

  1. 1. School of Studies in Fundamental Education, South China Normal University, Shanwei 516625;
    2. School of Psychology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079;
    3. Houhai Primary School attached to Shenzhen University Education Group, Shenzhen 518067;
    4. The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China, Shenzhen 518116
  • Published:2024-02-20

Abstract: In terms of the inconsistent findings in previous studies regarding the effect of generative drawing on memory, the present meta-analytic review aimed at investigating the overall effect of generative drawing on item memory performance as well as its potential boundary conditions. After the systematic search and standard selection, a total of 65 related empirical papers which met the inclusion criteria were finally reanalyzed in this meta-analysis. These papers contained 103 experiments, and computed 110 independent effect sizes (7921 participants). The main-effect analysis showed that the pooled effect size was statistically significant and medium-to-large in magnitude with a positive direction (Cohen’s dpooled = 0.65), suggesting that individuals in the generative drawing condition performed better memory outcome than those in the no-drawing condition. This result confirmed generative drawing effect in memory. The moderator analyses showed that; (1) Old people benefited more from generative drawing than those in other age groups on memory performance; (2) Generative drawing was more beneficial to simple word memory than complex text memory; (3) The memory performance was better when generative drawing was supported with drawing training than when it was supported with minimal guidance, and (4) The memory outcome of finger-on-screen drawing was better than stylus-on-screen drawing, pencil-based drawing, and mouse-based drawing. These results indicate that: (1) Generative drawing, overall, can indeed facilitate item memory, supporting the integrated-components model of the drawing effect, and (2) Individuals’ age, type of materials, drawing support, and drawing mode are boundary conditions of generative drawing effect in memory.

Key words: generative drawing, memory, boundary condition, meta-analysis

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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