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    15 January 2024, Volume 40 Issue 1
    • Need Is the Driver for Education and Development
      LIN Chongde
      Psychological Development and Education. 2024, 40(1):  1-7.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.01.01
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      Need has always been an important concept in the field of psychology. However, it deviated from the interests of researchers for decades. Recently, in wake of the research trend induced by resurgence of needs, international psychologists have become mindful of their prominence in prospective exploration. Nevertheless, it is disappointing that research on needs has not attracted much attention in China. The current article aims to promote development of need research in China via reviewing extant theories and implications associated with needs. Specifically, the nature of needs is first elaborated from four aspects, followed by depictions of the characteristics of needs in terms of objectivity, sociality, intensity, development, repeatability as well as diversity. Ultimately, three theories are introduced to classify different types of needs, such as Maslow’s Self-actualization Theory, the Self-determination Theory, and the Motivation-personality-development Theory. Based on the aforementioned analyses and descriptions, ten promising future research directions surrounding the relationship between needs and psychological development are proposed to afford pertinent reference to need researchers.
      The Relation between Home Environment and Early Language Development in Rural China
      LENG Xinyi, SU Mengmeng, LI Wenling, YANG Xiujie, XING Ailing, ZHANG Xianglin, SHU Hua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2024, 40(1):  8-18.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.01.02
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      With the newly developed picture naming test and the questionnaire on home literacy environment, the present study examined the expressive vocabulary and the basic family environment of 374 preschool children from 3 age groups in rural Guizhou, China. Furthermore, we investigated the relationships between various family factors (socioeconomic status, home literacy activities, parental beliefs, parental estimation, and early reading-related education) and Children’s expressive language. The results showed that the reliability and discrimination of the picture naming test were acceptable, and a significantly increased performance was observed across 3 age groups from young to old. Compared with children in urban areas, children in rural areas were suffering from a more disadvantageous home environment. Among these factors, mothers’ educational level and home literacy activities could significantly and independently predict children’s expressive vocabulary. Therefore, the results provided a theoretical foundation for the feasibility of intervention in the development of children’s early language ability in low-income areas in rural China.
      Characteristics of Pre-attentive Processing of Visual Channels in Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder: Evidences from ERPs
      CHEN Shuling, JIA Huibin, JIN Can, ZHANG Xin, WANG Enguo
      Psychological Development and Education. 2024, 40(1):  19-28.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.01.03
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      Studies have shown that children with developmental coordination disorder have impaired pre-attentive in the auditory channel, however, whether the pre-attentive processing of visual channel is also impaired, resulting in information processing difficulty is not clear at present. The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of visual channels pre-attentive processing in children with developmental coordination disorders. From 760 children at a primary school, 20 children were diagnosed with developmental coordination disorder, and 20 children were selected from the control group with the same age and intelligence level. Different color picture stimuli were presented in blocks of oddball task (standard p=0.8, deviant p=0.2) to measure the pre-attentive information processing capacity. Behavioral results showed that there was no difference in the response time on the main task; However, children with developmental coordination disorder were significantly less accurate than the control group. ERP results showed that the latency of visual Mismatch Negativity was significantly longer in children with developmental coordination disorder. At the same time, a significant correlation between the motor skills diagnostic scale score and the latency of vMMN was found. The results suggest that children with developmental coordination disorder may have deficits in visual channels pre-attentive processing, The latency of vMMN can be an objective indicator in preliminary judgment of developmental coordination disorders.
      Generative Drawing Effect in Memory and Its Boundary Conditions: A Meta-analysis
      XIE Heping, WANG Yanqing, WANG Fuxing, ZHOU Zongkui, DENG Sue, DUAN Zhaohui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2024, 40(1):  29-43.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.01.04
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      In terms of the inconsistent findings in previous studies regarding the effect of generative drawing on memory, the present meta-analytic review aimed at investigating the overall effect of generative drawing on item memory performance as well as its potential boundary conditions. After the systematic search and standard selection, a total of 65 related empirical papers which met the inclusion criteria were finally reanalyzed in this meta-analysis. These papers contained 103 experiments, and computed 110 independent effect sizes (7921 participants). The main-effect analysis showed that the pooled effect size was statistically significant and medium-to-large in magnitude with a positive direction (Cohen’s dpooled = 0.65), suggesting that individuals in the generative drawing condition performed better memory outcome than those in the no-drawing condition. This result confirmed generative drawing effect in memory. The moderator analyses showed that; (1) Old people benefited more from generative drawing than those in other age groups on memory performance; (2) Generative drawing was more beneficial to simple word memory than complex text memory; (3) The memory performance was better when generative drawing was supported with drawing training than when it was supported with minimal guidance, and (4) The memory outcome of finger-on-screen drawing was better than stylus-on-screen drawing, pencil-based drawing, and mouse-based drawing. These results indicate that: (1) Generative drawing, overall, can indeed facilitate item memory, supporting the integrated-components model of the drawing effect, and (2) Individuals’ age, type of materials, drawing support, and drawing mode are boundary conditions of generative drawing effect in memory.
      The Effect of Teacher-student Relationship on Social Competence with Peers for Students with Intellectual Disabilities: A Moderated Mediation Model
      TIAN Huidong, ZHANG Yuhong, SUN Haoxiang, LI Ying, Hanixia
      Psychological Development and Education. 2024, 40(1):  44-54.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.01.05
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      To investigate the relationship between teacher-student relationship, social competence with peers, self-control in students with intellectual disabilities, totally 384 students with intellectual disabilities were recruited to participate in this study. Their teachers completed Social Competence with Peers Scale, Teacher-student Relationship Scale and Self-control Scale. The results indicated that: (1) In the teacher-student relationship, conflict and dependency negatively predicted the social competence with peers of students with intellectual disabilities, while closeness had a positive predicting effect; (2) Self-control played a mediating role between teacher-student relationships and social competence with peers; (3) The mediating effect of self-control on teacher-student conflict and social competence with peers was moderated by gender. These findings provide a new perspective for schools and parents to cultivate social competence with peers of students with intellectual disabilities.
      Anger Congruence and Interpersonal Relationships in Female College Roommates: A Moderated Polynomial Regression Model
      CHEN Qishan, HE Jingyi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2024, 40(1):  55-63.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.01.06
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      This present study aims to investigate the influence of individual-roommate congruence in anger and attribution styles on dormitory interpersonal relationships among female college students. A dyadic study was conducted in which the subjects were paired in the dormitory unit. Four hundred sixty-eight female college students from universities took part in the research. Polynomial regression and response surface analysis were used to examine the research hypothesis. The results showed that individual and roommate congruence in anger affects an individual’s perception of their relationship. Compared with both individual and roommate being high anger, when both individual and roommate are low anger, individual’s perception of dormitory interpersonal relationship is relatively better. When the individual and roommate’s anger level is incongruent, compared with the individual with high anger and roommate with low anger, if the individual with low anger and roommate with high anger, individual perception of dormitory interpersonal relationship will be better. Attribution style plays a moderating role between the individual-roommate anger congruence and individual perception of their relationship. When internal attribution is adopted, with the increase of individual anger, her perception of the roommate relationship descends but gradually slows down. However, for those who adopt the external attribution style, their perception of dormitory relationships decreases rapidly with the increase in anger level.
      The Influence of Advantages and Disadvantages of Mate Selection on Normal University Students’ Teacher Professional Identity: The Mediating Role of Perceived Mate Value and the Moderating Role of Self-esteem
      WANG Xinqiang, LI Jinwen, LU Hongyan, LAI Zhengwei, LI Jiayuan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2024, 40(1):  64-73.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.01.07
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      With 567 normal university students as valid subjects, an experiment was conducted to examine the influence of the advantages and disadvantages of mate selection (ADMS) by the situational story method on normal university students’ teacher professional identity, as well as the mediating effect of perceived mate value and the moderating role of self-esteem. Results showed that:(1) ADMS had a significant effect on the professional value identity and extrinsic value identity of normal university students, but not on the total score of professional identity and other dimensions (professional willingness and expectation identity, professional volition identity, professional efficiency identity, intrinsic value identity, and volitional behavior identity); (2) ADMS affects extrinsic value identity through the mediation role of perceived mate value, with self-esteem moderating the first half of the mediation model. In the high self-esteem group, the effect of ADMS on perceived mate value was relatively small; (3) With the decrease in self-esteem, the mediating effect of the perceived mate value in the relationship between ADMS and the extrinsic value identity increases.The research provides theoretical guidance for the promotion of teachers' professional identity.
      Parent-teacher Relationships and Primary Students’ School Attitude: The Mediating Role of Teacher-child Relationships and the Difference between Parents
      LI Yan, LIANG Lichan, ZHOU Xinran, BIAN Yufang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2024, 40(1):  74-82.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.01.08
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      Teacher-parent relationships are the basis of school-home collaboration, which is conducive to forming a joint educational force and then promoting the full development of students. This study examines how teacher-parent relationships and teacher-student relationships are related to students’ school attitudes in primary school and distinguishes the difference between fathers and mothers. This study recruited 1366 four-grade students and their parents from Beijing to fill in scales at two points. The results indicated that: (1) The quality of parent-teacher relationship reported by parents negatively influences school avoidance, and the frequency of parent-teacher contact negatively influences school preference; (2) The quality of the parent-teacher relationship reported by mothers negatively influences school preference, and the frequency of parent-teacher contact can positively predict school avoidance. In contrast, the two pathways reported by fathers are not significant; (3) Teacher-student relationship played a mediating role in parent-teacher relationship quality and school attitude, which means the teacher-parent relationship can predict school attitude through the teacher-student relationship.
      The Influence of Family Economic Income and Father’s Education Level on Academic Engagement among Rural Junior Middle School Students:The Mechanisms of Family Obligation and Education-dependence Future Identity
      YANG Baoyan, MA Xifeng, ZANG Hongyu, MAO Haiyan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2024, 40(1):  83-92.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.01.09
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      This study was conducted among 185 third-grade students at a rural junior middle school in L county, G province.The experimental method was adopted to explore the impact of family income and father’s education level on the academic engagement of rural junior middle school students, and investigate the effect on the role of family obligation and education-dependence future identity. The results indicated that: (1) Family economic income and father’s education level had a direct and positive predictive effect on academic engagement; (2) Current support for family, respect for family, and future support for family played a partial mediating role between family economic income and academic engagement; (3) Education-dependence future identity positively moderated the mediating effect of current support for family and future support for family between family economic income and academic engagement, which meant in the case of future identity dependence on education, the indirect effect of family economic income on ACADEMIC ENGAGEMENT through future support for family and current support for family was more significant.
      Parental Psychological Control and Children’s Anxiety: A Moderated Mediating Model
      ZHAO Jingwei, CHEN Xiaoxu, REN Liwen, GENG Zhe, XU Fuzhen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2024, 40(1):  93-102.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.01.10
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      The present study investigated the prediction of parental psychological control on children’s anxiety, exploring the mediating role of parent-child conflict and moderated effect of children’s effortful control. A total of 464 primary school students and their parents from Shandong province were surveyed with cluster sampling twice with one year interval by using the Parental Psychological Control Questionnaire, the Child-Parent Conflict Subscale of Child-Parent Relationship Scale, the Effortful Control Subscale of Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire and the Spence Children’s Anxiety Scale. The results indicated that: (1) Levels of parental psychological control could positively predict the following children’s anxiety, and the prediction of mother’s psychological control was stronger than that of father; (2) Parental psychological control had positive actor effect on parent-child conflict, and maternal psychological control had positive partner effect on father-child conflict; (3) Mother-child conflict could mediate the prediction of maternal psychological control on children’s anxiety, which was moderated by children’s effortful control, that is, the higher level of children’s effortful control could buffer the impact of mother-child conflict on children’s anxiety.
      The Effect of Parenting Styles on Social Anxiety in Junior High School Students: The Chain Mediated Role of Rumination and Peer Acceptance
      QIN Yao, PENG Yunshi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2024, 40(1):  103-113.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.01.11
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      This study aimed to explore the effect and mechanism of Parenting styles on social anxiety of junior high school students. Based on a Cognitive-behavioral framework of social anxiety, and in order to clarify the relationship between parental rearing styles and social anxiety and its mechanism, the present study constructed a chain mediation model, focusing on the chain mediation of peer acceptance and rumination. Questionnaire method was used to investigate the relationship of parental rearing patterns, peer acceptance, rumination and social anxiety of 518 junior high school students. The results showed that: (1) Positive and negative parenting styles, social anxiety, rumination and peer acceptance were significantly correlated; (2) Negative parenting (rejection, over-protection) has a positive predictive effect on children’s social anxiety;(3) The influence of positive parenting and negative parenting styles on social anxiety includes two paths: the single mediating effect of rumination and the chain mediating effect of peer acceptance and rumination. This study enriches the research achievements in the field of middle school students’ social anxiety, and validates the related theories for preventing and intervening adolescents’social anxiety.
      The Relationship between Parents’ Phubbing and Adolescents’ Cyberbullying: The Mediating Effects of Stress and the Moderating Effects of Age
      WEI Hua, DING Huimin, CHEN Wu, HAO Xingfeng, XIONG Jie
      Psychological Development and Education. 2024, 40(1):  114-121.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.01.12
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      Based on the General Strain Theory and Hot/Cool System Theory, this study explores the relationship between parents’ phubbing and adolescent cyberbullying, and the mediating effect of stress and the moderating effect of age. A sample of 912 adolescents was surveyed with Parent Phubbing Scale, Stress Scale and Cyberbullying Perpetration Scale. The results indicated that: (1) Parents’ phubbing, stress and cyberbullying were positively correlated with each other; (2) Parents’ phubbing positively predicted cyberbullying, stress mediated the relationship between parents’ phubbing and adolescent cyberbullying; (3) Age moderated the second half of this mediated pathway, with the effect of stress on cyberbullying being greater in the younger age group compared to the older age group. The present findings support the moderated mediation model underlying the relationship between parents’ phubbing and cyberbullying. This also has significant implications for formulating prevention and intervention measures on cyberbullying among adolescents.
      The Relationship between Objectified Body Consciousness and Restrained Eating Behavior among Female College Students: The Mediating Roles of Fear of Negative Appearance Evaluation and Sociocultural Pressure
      FAN Xianglin, CUI Yingjin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2024, 40(1):  122-131.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.01.13
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      The study aimed to explore the relationship between female college students’ objectified body consciousness and restrained eating behavior, 727 female college students were selected as subjects tested with Objectified Body Consciousness Scale, Eating Attitude Test-26, Fear of Negative Appearance Evaluation Scale and Sociocultural Stress Scale. The results indicated: (1)In the framework of objectified body consciousness, body shame can significantly predict female college students’ restrained eating behavior, while body surveillance can not significantly predict female college students’ restrained eating behavior; (2)Fear of negative appearance evaluation and sociocultural pressure play a mediating role in body shame and restrained eating behavior of female college students; (3)Fear of negative appearance evaluation and sociocultural pressure play a chain mediating role in the relationship between body shame and restrained eating behavior of female college students. The results can provide a basis for the practice of mental health education for college students in China.
      The Influence of Loneliness on Creative Inclination: Mediating Role of Boredom and Anxiety
      ZHANG Huiru, ZHANG Weida, FU Wangqian, DENG Min, PENG Suhao, LI Yu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2024, 40(1):  132-141.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.01.14
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      The present study investigated the relationship between loneliness and creative inclination of college students on the basis of the activation hypothesis. 974 college students from grade one to grade four in 11 universities were investigated with the help of UCLA Loneliness Scale, Boredom Proneness Scale-Short Form, the 7-item Anxiety Sale (GAD-7), and the Williams Creativity Assessment Packet (CAP). The results are as followings: (1) There were significant positive correlations between loneliness, boredom, anxiety, and creative inclination after controlling the two variables of gender and age; (2) Loneliness has a significantly positive prediction effect on college students' creative inclination; (3) The effect of loneliness on creative inclination was not only explained by the simple mediating role of boredom and anxiety but also explained by the chain mediation role of boredom and anxiety. This study reveals the relationship between loneliness and creative inclination and its mechanism, and provides suggestions for guiding college students to face up to the positive influence of loneliness on creative tendency and better promote self-regulation.
      Solution to “Being in the Game”——A Mindfulness Intervention Study on Wisdom: The Role of Personal Growth Initiative and Reflection
      WANG Yimeng, WANG Zhendong, WANG Fengyan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2024, 40(1):  142-152.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.01.15
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      In order to explore the underlying mechanism of the effect of mindfulness on wisdom, the current study examines the mediating effect of personal growth initiative (PGI) on the relationship between mindfulness and wisdom. It demonstrates the moderating effect of reflection on the mediating process, using 137 college students randomly assigned to the control and experimental group (Mindfulness Intervention). To be specific, the results show that mindfulness may well effectively promote wisdom development. Additionally, mindfulness can also indirectly enhance the development of wisdom by improving the level of PGI. Furthermore, reflection moderates the direct path of mindfulness affecting wisdom. Most importantly, the mediating effect of PGI between mindfulness and wisdom is moderated by reflection.