Psychological Development and Education ›› 2008, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (2): 54-59.

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The Relations among Problem Behaviors,Personalities and Family Functioning of Migrant Children

LI Xiao-wei1, ZOU Hong1, JIN Can-can1, KE Rui1,2   

  1. 1. Institute of developmental psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875;
    2. Xi'an Municipal Tobacco Monopoly Administration, Xi'an 710048
  • Online:2008-04-15 Published:2008-04-15

Abstract: The research investigated the character of migrant children and its relations to their personalities and family functioning. 806 migrant children and 319 children in Beijing completed the children's problem behaviors questionnaire, the five-factor personality inventory and family funct ioning inventory. The result showed: (1) Migrant children. s externalizing problem behaviors showed significant gender differences. The percentages of the internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors are 3110% and 2011%. Compared to the urban children, migrant children showed more problem behaviors especially the internalizing problem. (2) In terms of the internalizing problem behaviors, the neuroticism and openness in personality had positive effect, extraversion and familiarity had negative effect; In terms of the externalizing problem behavior, the neuroticism and openness in personality also had positive effect, agreeableness, conscient iousness and familiarity had negative effect. (3) For connections among personality, family function and problem behavior, personality is more immediately related with the sense of isolation, which serves in part as medium between familiarity and internalizing problem behavior, serves completely medium between familiarity and externalizing problem behavior.

Key words: migrant children, problem behaviors, personalities, family functioning

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