Psychological Development and Education ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 240-248.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.02.13

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The Effect of Family Socioeconomic Status on Adolescents' Problem Behaviors: The Chain Mediating Role of Parental Emotional Warmth and Belief in a Just World

LIU Guangzeng, ZHANG Dajun, ZHU Zhengguang, LI Jiajia, CHEN Xu   

  1. Faculty of Psychology, Research Center of Mental Health Education, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715
  • Published:2020-03-19

Abstract: This study aimed to explore the effect of family socioeconomic status on adolescent problem behaviors and its underlying mechanism. Based on the bioecological theory, we used the family socioeconomic status assessment, the short-Egma Minnen av Bardndosnauppforstran, the belief in a just world scale and the strengths and difficulties questionnaire survey 1337 adolescents (grades 7-12) in 13 middle schools in the country's three major regions. The results indicated that:(1) There were significant correlations among family socioeconomic status, parental emotional warmth, belief in a just word and problem behaviors, and family socioeconomic status could significantly negatively predict problem behaviors; (2) Parental emotional warmth and belief in a just word played significant mediating roles between family socioeconomic status and problem behaviors. Specifically, there were three paths that family socioeconomic status to influence problem behaviors:one was the mediating role of parental emotional warmth; the second was the mediating role of belief in a just word; the third was the chain-mediated role of both parental emotional warmth and belief in a just word. This study enriches the research results in the field of problem behaviors and provides a theoretical basis for the prevention and intervention of adolescent problem behaviors.

Key words: family socioeconomic status, parental emotional warmth, belief in a just world, problem behaviors, adolescents

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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