心理发展与教育 ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (6): 750-757.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.06.14

• 学生心理健康与教育 • 上一篇    下一篇


张金凤, 汪彦   

  1. 重庆大学公共管理学院, 重庆 400044
  • 出版日期:2018-11-15 发布日期:2018-12-27
  • 通讯作者: 张金凤,E-mail:psyzhangjf@cqu.edu.cn E-mail:psyzhangjf@cqu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

The Effects of Tenacious Goal Pursuit and Flexible Goal Adjustment on Well-being among Elderly Couples: Based on the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model

ZHANG Jinfeng, WANG Yan   

  1. School of Public Affairs, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044
  • Online:2018-11-15 Published:2018-12-27

摘要: 采用目标坚持性/灵活性量表和费城老年中心信心量表对北京的258对老年夫妻进行问卷调查,基于行动者-对象互依性模型,探讨目标处理策略对老年夫妻幸福感的影响。结果发现:(1)夫妻双方的目标处理策略和幸福感分别具有一致性;(2)目标坚持性和灵活性均对自身幸福感有积极效应;(3)丈夫目标坚持性对妻子幸福感有积极效应,但妻子目标坚持性对丈夫幸福感作用不显著;丈夫和妻子的目标灵活性均对配偶幸福感有积极效应;(4)对于丈夫的幸福感,目标灵活性的行动者效应和对象效应均强于目标坚持性;对于妻子的幸福感,目标坚持性和灵活性的行动者效应和对象效应差异均不显著。目标坚持性和目标灵活性对夫妻幸福感的影响存在差异。

关键词: 目标坚持性, 目标灵活性, 幸福感, 老年人, 行动者-对象互依性模型

Abstract: This study aimed to examine the actor and partner effects of goal regulation strategies on well-being among elderly couples. A total of 258 elderly couples in Beijing completed measures of tenacious goal pursuit, flexible goal adjustment, and well-being. The results showed that (1) the dyad had significant congruence in tenacious goal pursuit, flexible goal adjustment, and well-being, respectively; (2) tenacious goal pursuit and flexible goal adjustment had significant actor effects on well-being within the dyad; (3) husband's tenacious goal pursuit had a significant partner effect on wife's well-being, while wife's tenacious goal pursuit did not show a significant partner effect on husband's well-being; flexible goal adjustment had significant partner effects on well-being within the dyad; (4) for husband's well-being, the actor and partner effects of flexible goal adjustment were stronger than that of tenacious goal pursuit, whereas for wife's well-being, the actor and partner effects of the two goal regulation strategies were not significantly different. These results indicated that tenacious goal pursuit and flexible goal adjustment played different roles in elderly couples' well-being.

Key words: tenacious goal pursuit, flexible goal adjustment, well-being, older adults, actor-partner interdependence model


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