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    15 April 2001, Volume 17 Issue 2
    • Academic Help-seeking Strategies:Its Relation to Personal Goal Orientation, Classroom Goal Structures and Culture Factors
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(2):  1-6,18. 
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      The present study investigated the relationship between personal goal-orientation,calssroom goal structures,culture factors and academic help-seeking strategies.Nine gundred and eighty-two middle school students responded to a questionnaire.The following results were obtained:(1)Personal goal-orientation could be divided into task orientation,ego-approcah orientation and ego-avoidance orientation.They had different effect patterns on academic help-seeking,only those students with egoavoidance orientation were lidely to do executive help-seeking.(2)Classroom goal structures had influence on with academic help-seeking,students who were in task-oriented calassroom were more likely to do instrumental help-seeking.(3)Culture factors had influence on academic help-seeking.Students who conformed to Chinese help-seeking proverbs were likely to do instrumental help-seeking.Students who were sensitive to others'evaluation were likely to avoid asking help or executing help-seeking.(4)The patterns of personal goal-orientation,classroom goal structures and culture factors on different graders'academic help-seeking were different.
      The Influence of Ways of Classification of 3-7-year-old Children on Results of Classification:a Survey
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(2):  7-12. 
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      The research is conducted for three ways of calssification under the same condition,300 children from 3 to 7 years old were used as subjects.The influences of three ways of classification(free classification,classification according to speech,classification according to target picture)on the results of classification were explored.The conclusion is reached on the basis of that:from the general results of classification,the ways of classification haveobvious influences on results of classification,but the influences vary from age to age.The influence may reach the summit by the age of 6.The influence of other years old group on ways of classification is diminishing.
      Educational Intervention of 5-10 Years Old Children With Developmental Learning Difficulty
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(2):  13-18. 
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      This study explored the changes of the 100 children with learning difficulty aged 5-10 years on their learning behavior and school achievement after receiving our educational intervention program.It is convinced that our program composed of systematic cognitive intervention,motion proficiency and sensory integration,modification on the self-consciousness of children and the way of parent-child and peers interaction has significantly influence on the remedy of learning difficult.
      Structure of Health-related Behaviors in Adolescence: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(2):  19-25. 
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      This study is conducted an analysis to the structure of health-related behaviors of 398 adolescents in Beijing's middle schools,including five type of health-enhancing behaviors(HEB)and five type of health-compromising behaviors(HCB).It was indicated that all the HCBs were highly related, while the HEBs did not show the same results.The confirmatory factor analysis shows that there are two main factor in adolescents'health-related behaviors,one is Health Life Habits,which includes full sleep,regular eating habits and dental care;and the other,Risk Life Style is constituted with five types of HCBs and the other two types of HEBs.
      The Effects of Percieved and Actual Friends’Use of Cigarette on Adolescents’Use of Cigarette
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(2):  26-30,35. 
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      To explore the relative effects of perceived &actual friends'smoking behavior on adolescents'smoking behavior,1091 students who were selected from one ordinary middle school and one key middle school in Beijing city were asked to report their own and their friends'smoking behavior,and nominate up to their ten friends.5667 nominated friends were from our sample.Their self-reported smoking behavior were taken as actual friends'smoking behavior.The results show:perceived friends'smoking behavior has significant effects on adolescents'smoking behavior,but the effect of actual friends'smoking behavior is non-significant;Gender and style of friendship have main effects on the difference between perceived and actual friends'smoking behavior;Actual friends'smoking behavior are more than adolescents'smoking behavior.
      The Effects of Students Cognigive Styles on Article Reading Comprehension
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(2):  31-35. 
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      Using an expository text in two forms with and without signals and a prose as reading materials,53 grade 2 junior middle school students with two cognitive styles participated in the experiment.The results showed:(1)there were no significant differences in prose comprehension and recall between field-dependent and field-independent students,while the field-independent students achieved better results in expository text reading than the field-dependent ones;(2)the field-independent students had a better achievement in expository text reading with signals than the field-dependent ones,but there were no significant differences between cognitive styles when the expository text with signals.
      Allocation of Planning Time and its the Effect on the Writing Achievement
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(2):  36-40. 
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      The purpose of this study was to probe into the allocation of planning time between the top and poor students as well as the possible effects of the different strategies of allocation of planning time on the writing achievement.Experiment 1 and 2 studied the differences between the top students and poor students'arrangement of the planning time in the condition of unlimited time and limited time.Experiment 3 investigated the possible effect of the different allocation strategy of planning time on the writing achievement.The results showed that the top students spent much more time on writing plan in the condition of unlimited time and that there were significant better achievement in longer limited planning time than shorter limited planning time.
      A Typological Study on Pupil’s Participation
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(2):  41-44,49. 
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      The purpose of this study was to classify pupils by their participation in teaching-learning process,and investigate the developmental features of different types of pupils.263 pupils from 1 to 6 grade were our subjects for the quantitative analysis of student participation.The results indicated:1)Pupils are dicided into three groups,i.e.,negative participation,positive participation,and passive participation.2)The population distribution among three group illustrates the number of the passive-participation pupils is the most,the positive-participation is second,the negative is third.3)The positive-participation pupils have better performances both in self-description and academic achievement than the passive and negative-participation pupils.
      An Investigation of The Current Situation of Applying Affective Factors in Teaching by Teachers in Secondary Schools
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(2):  55-58,64. 
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      In order to get the information for the research on improving teaching of secondary schools in the dimension of affection,the author first did a large-scale investigative study by using questionnaires to survey the current situation of applying affective factors to teaching of secondary schools.The results showed that:the current situation,focusing on cognition and neglecting affection,was universal in teaching of secondary schools;it was reflected mainly in teaching practicing not in comprehension;its cause mainly was deficient in theoretical and methodical guidance and also was due to misunderstanding of applying of affection to teaching;the problems were nearly the same both in urban and in countryside,in key and in non-key secondary schools,and there were not distinct differences statistically.
      The Relationship between the organizational Health of Secondary Schools and the Mental Health of Students
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(2):  59-64. 
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      This study explored the relationship between the organizational health of secondary schools and the mental health of students,the research result is there is significant correlation between the atate of or ganizational health of school and the general level of the mental health of students becomes.There is a great difference between the general level of the mental health of the students in a healthy school and unhealthy school.Regression analysis shows further indication that there is good regression relation between the organizational health factors of school and the mental health factors of students.There is in particular,a significant regression between the three organizational health factors initating structure,consideration,63 and principal influence-and various students mental health factors.These three factors are the major an ticipated factors which determine the mental health of students.