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    15 July 2001, Volume 17 Issue 3
    • Children’s strategies of emotion regulation and their problem behaviors at 2 years old
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(3):  1-4,21. 
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      One hundred and seventy-six toddlers were observed in laboratory situations.Emotional regulation strategies were coded based on children's reaction in 4 episodes:strange situation,toy and food delay,maternal separation-child alone,and maternal separation-with a strange adult.K-means Cluster analysis was used for categorizing,and Positive group,average group,and soothing group was defined.Mothers also rated their children's externalizing and internalizing behaviors with CBCL.It was found that,No significant differences bet ween the groups on externalizing behaviors,but,there were significant differences bet ween the groups on internalizing behaviors.
      Development of Visual-Motor Integration and Its Relation to Academic Achievement in 4-8-year-old children
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(3):  5-8. 
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      Visual-motor integration was the integration ability of visual perception and hand action in the process of performance,and plays important role in child development.This study was to explore the development of the visual-motor integration and its relation to academic achievement in 4-8-year-old children.The results indicated:(1) children's VMI increased gradually with age and fastly from 6-year-old to 7-year-old.(2) The correlation between VMI and academic achievement was significant,and children with higher academic achievement got higher score in VMI than children with lower academic achievement.
      A study on the developmentCharacteristics of Adolescents’ interpersonal relations
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(3):  9-15. 
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      This study focus on exploring the developmental characteristic of adolescents' interpersonal relations with peer groups,parents,teachers and strangers.The subjects were selected from Beijing,Henan,Chongqing,Hangzhou and Xinjiang,with age from 13 to 18 years old.The results are as follows:Firstly,the level of interpersonal relations of adolescents decrease between the age of 13 and 14,then increase significantly between the age of 14 and 15,and keep steady during senior high school.Secondly,adolescents' interpersonal relations with peer groups are better than the relationships with adult.Moreover,adolescent's interpersonal relations with peer groups of same sex are better than the relationships with peer groups of opposite sex,and the relationships with stranger are better than the relationships with parents and teachers.Thirdly,the level of interpersonal relations of girls is higher than the relationships of boys.Fourthly,there are critical periods in adolescent's interpersonal relations with peer groups of opposite sex.For boys this period appears between the age of 14 and 16,while for the girls this period appears between the age of 14 and 15.During the critical periods,the level of interpersonal relations with opposite sex increase significantly and keep steady after the periods.Besides,the interpersonal relations with peer groups of same sex increases quickly between the age of 15 and 16.Fifthly,adolescent's interpersonal relation with parents decreases significantly between the age of 13 and 14,while increases during the senior high school.Besides,adolescent's interpersonal relation with teachers keeps at a low level.However,There are significant differences on the development of adolescent's interpersonal relations with strangers.Boys' relationships with strangers increases steadily with the increase of age,while girls' relationships with strangers fluctuates during the adolescence.
      Teacher-Student Relationship in Grade 3-6 of Primary School: Its Structure, Patterns and Development
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(3):  16-21. 
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      14 teachers completed the student-teacher relationship scale(STRS) to access their relationship with 498 primary school students.Results found that(1) there are three factors named closeness,conflict and response existed in the structure of teacher-student relationship,(2) there are three patterns of teacher-student relationship:closeness,conflict and apathy,the percent of each pattern in this sample is 43.3%,33.7% and 23.0%;(3) teacher-student relationship is changed along with students grow.Positive pattern of teacher-students relationship is decrease as the passive pattern is increase by grade growing.
      Self-concept and Coping Style of Junior High School Students
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(3):  22-27. 
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      The questionnaire of self-concept and coping style were administered to 197 junior high school students,this study explored the feature of self-concept,coping style and their relation.The result indicated that(1) There are sex difference between boys and girls in general self-concept,feeling of self-worth and physical self-concept.Boys displayed higher self-appraisal than did girls.Significant grade differences were found also.Meanwhile,interactions between sex and grade were noted.Girls declined in feeling of self-worth and physical self-concept when they entered higher grade.(2) There are sex difference in illusion coping style.Boys displayed higher level than did girls.There are grade differences in coping style of seeking help and venting.(3) All factors of self-concept positively correlated with coping style of problem solving and seeking help significantly in junior high school students.The more positive they had,the more possible they coped the frustration and trouble with manner of problem solving and seeking help.Some factors of self-concept had significant direct effects on some factors of coping style.
      Adolescents’ Sense of Family Obligation in Urban and Rural Areas
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(3):  28-32,39. 
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      Questionnaires of Family Obligation were employed in a sample of 711 adolescents of grade 1 and 3 of high schools in both urban and rural areas of Shandong Province of China,in an effort to explore the characteristics of adolescents' family obligation.The results indicated:(1) In general,adolescents possessed relatively strong values of family obligation.(2) Rural adolescents possessed higher expectations for future support to their families than urban adolescents.Female adolescents possessed higher expectations for both current and future assistance to their families and placed more importance upon familial respect than male adolescents.Adolescents as only children had similar expectations for assisting and respecting their families with their peers with siblings.(3) Adolescents possessed greater expectations for both current and future assistance to their families than did their parents.
      Study of Representation for Stoichiometric Chemical Problem-Solving and Its Relation to Strategy among Senior high school Students
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(3):  33-39. 
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      The five representation hierarchies and four kinds of strategy are presented for stoichiometric chemical problem solving on the basis of other's relative researches on this domain in several decades,and at the same time 15 typical students are studied as cases in detail with Think-Aloud method.The results suggest that the strat egy chosen depends on the degree of representation(including representation time and accurate representat ion rate) and students with deep representation are inclined to choose superi or strategies when students are solving stoichiometric chemical problems.
      Chemical Experimental Problems Solving Among Senior High School Students
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(3):  40-46. 
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      Subject problem solving is one important branches of the research on problem solving.The researches on chemistry subject problem solving is less.Based on our preliminary research,through quality and quantity analysis,the research adopts mental simulation method and activities task analyses and investigation question,the psychological activities and the influence factors of high school students,solving the chemical experimental problems in laboratory are deeply explored.A series of significant results have attained.The research results benefit to train high school students' ability of chemistry experimental problem solving.
      Revision for CCTDI(Chinese Version)
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(3):  47-51. 
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      CCTDI.The revision of CCTDI Chinese version includes translation and test.The revised inventory was used to analyzed critical thinking disposition of 382 university students.The results showed:a) The reliability and validity of the CCTDI Chinese revision was satisfactory.The Cronbach's α,the correlation coefficients among each scale score,the correlation coefficients between each scale score and total score were high enough.b) The O scale score,C scale score and I scale score was significant related to that of Openness to experience.C) The disposition toward CT of the tested Chinese students was opposition.
      Participatory Training for Teachers in School Mental Health Education
      Psychological Development and Education. 2001, 17(3):  60-64. 
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      The research was to enhance the consciousness and abilities ofall the teachers caring for pupils' mental health at No.1primary school toDonghua,Kunming through participatory training.It was also exploredwhether this kind of training was feasible and effective.Multi-dimensionalassess result indicated the training was effective because:1.Trainingcontents were determined according to requirement assessment,reinforcingthe training aim.2.participatory teaching aroused trainees' participatory enthusiasm,and the training effect was enhanced further.3.The staff training overall increased teachers' positive everyday teachingbehavior and reduced negative everyday teaching behavior.