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    15 July 2008, Volume 24 Issue 3
    • From Pretense to Representative Theory of Mind: Effect of Pretense-Understanding Training
      DENG Ci-ping, LIU Ming
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  1-8. 
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      The possible developmental relations between pretend play and theory of mind (ToM),and the possible influence of pretense training experience on young children's development of ToM were investigated in the study.The study consisted of two experiments.In experiment 1,the performances in standard ToM tasks and in ToM tasks in nested in pretend context in 60 children aged 3 4 were examined and compared.It showed that young children's memory of formerly pretense was better than their memory of formerly belief,but the immediately facilitating effect of pretense context on children's performance in ToM tasks was not found.In experiment 2,21 young children who failed in the standard ToM tasks received 2 weeks' pretense training,and then participated in ToM tasks with different materials.It showed that,compared with controlled group of children who received only language form training,pretense training enhanced young children's performance on ToM tasks.Thus,it seemed that pretend play might pave the way for ToM development.
      Research on the Development of Preschooler’s Ability Judgement
      LV Kai, SANG Biao, WU Ling-ling
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  9-14. 
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      This study investigated the developmental trend of preschoolers judgement toward their own and others' abilities.Ss were 62 preschoolers between 3 and 6 who were all native Chinese from a kindergarten in Shanghai.They partic ipated in two tasks,that was,psychomotor task and memory task in which they were asked to predict their own and other children performance under different situations.The results demonstrated that the accuracy of preschoolers prediction toward their own or others' performance increases with age in both tasks and this development accelerates at about four.Preschoolers' judgement toward others abilities is not always more accurate than that toward their own.However,with the age increased,preschoolers tend to make more positive judgement toward their own abilities than toward others'.Most of the preschoolers can distinguish between expectation and wish though such distinguishment is hard to be detected when they are asked to make judgement toward their own abilities.
      Development of Second-Order False Belief and Faux Pas Understanding in 7 to 9 Year-old Children
      WANG Yi-fang, SU Yan-jie
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  15-20. 
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      Second-order false belief (FB) tasks and Faux pas tasks were used to explore the development of theory of mind (ToM) in 90 children aged 7-9.The results showed significant differences existed between children aged 7 and 8 and between children aged 7 and 9,but not between children aged 8 and 9.All children performed better on second-order FB tasks than on faux pas tasks.Moreover,the scores on the two tasks correlated significantly (age controlled).In sum,8 years of age was another turning point in ToM and the concepts (belief,emotion,intention) of theory of mind correlated each other during 7 to 9 years of age.
      The Research of ERPs on the Early Process of Additive Mental Calculation by Mental Abacus Calculation Children
      SUN Yan-chao, LIU Xiu-yan, WANG Dong, GAO Wei-xing, ZHAO Lun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  21-25. 
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      To explore the influence of mental abacus calculation training on children's early perception of additive mental calculation,32 children were investigated through two digit additive mental calculation by event related potentials (ERPs) technology.The results showed that the amplitudes of the posterior P1 and central prefront al N1 evoked by the children with mental abacus calculation training were larger than that of the children without mental abacus calculation training,but the amplitudes of temporal posterior N170 and central prefrontal P2 were smaller than that of the children without mental abacus calculation training in the early stag of additive mental calculation.It was indicated that the early percep tion of children in the mental calculation process was influenced by mental abacus calculation training.
      A Research on Subtypes of Social Withdrawal in 9 Year-old Children
      ZHENG Shu-jie
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  26-29,35. 
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      The subjects were 288 9-year-old children and their mothers,teachers in this study.Peer nomination was used to select social withdrawal children,94 children were named withdrawal; children in which 77 cases were valid.Hierarchical cluster analysis,based on child temperament and social behavior and parenting(control),was used to identify the subtypes of social withdrawal and three main clusters were created,which were labeled "unsociable","shy",and "be controlled",respectively.The ratio analysis indicated that there was no significant difference between social withdrawal boys and girls,and no significant difference between three subtypes.
      Visual Temporal Estimation Ability In Different Subtypes of Children With ADHD
      LIU Wei-wei, LIU Xiang-ping, ZHONG Shu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  30-35. 
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      By testing 39 primary school students (13 ADHD-C,11 ADHD-I and 15 mental normal children) with the target time of 2s、 15s and 45s on visual temporal estimation,the results showed that: (1) the deficit of ADHD on temporal estimation won't be affected by length of intervals; (2) the ADHD-I only showed specific deficit in stability,while the ADHD-C showed deficit both in stability and accuracy.We suggest that the deficit of ADHD on temporal estimation stability showed their deficit on state regulation.
      The Effect of Parental and Peer Factors on Adolescent Drinking Behavior
      LIN Dan-hua, LI Xiao-ming, FANG Xiao-yi, MAO Rong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  36-42. 
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      A sample of 995 7th,8th,10th,and 11th graders was recruited in the study to explore the relative influence of parental and peer factors on adolescent drinking behavior.An anonymous survey was conducted and the subjects were asked to report their drinking behaviors,parental and peer's drinking behaviors and drinking attitudes,parental monitoring and parenting style.The results showed: (1) drinking behavior was prevalent among adolescent,with 70% of adolescent having ever used beer and wine and 25% ever used hard liquor.Moreover,10% reported having often used beer and wine and 2% often used hard liquor; (2) a significant correlation was found between parental drinking behavior and attitude,parental monitoring,parenting style,the number of peer drinking,peer attitude and adolescent drinking behavior; (3) parental drinking behavior and attitude could directly and indirectly predict adolescent alcohol use.Moreover,parental drinking behavior and attitude was more important in predicting adolescent alcohol use than peer's drinking behavior and attitude.
      The Characteristics and Development of Audiovisual Speech Perception in Native Chinese Speakers
      LI Yan-fang, MEI Lei-lei, DONG Qi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  43-47. 
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      Using the McGurk paradigm,the present study explored the characteristics and developmental trends of audiovisual speech perception of Chinese children and adults.30 primary school students in Grade 2,24 students in Grade 5,and 29 freshmen were requested to repeat the monosyllable presented in the audiovisual and audio-only modality.The results showed that speech perception were significantly affected by the visual cues for all the subjects,but the magnitude of influence showed no age difference.This results support the hypothesis that "McGurk effect is linguistic universal".
      Influence of Teacher Expectations on Psychological Characteristic in Junior Middle School Students
      FAN Li-heng, JIN Sheng-hua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  48-52. 
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      This research is intended to explore the influence of teacher expectations on students' achievement,peer acceptance and school life satisfaction using interview,nomination and questionnaire.The results show that: (1) in individual level,teachers' achievement expectation positively predicts students' school life satisfaction,peer acceptance and achievement; teachers' discipline expectation negatively predicts school dissatisfaction,positively predicts peer acceptance and achievement; teachers' conduct expectation positively predicts school satisfaction,negatively predict school dissatisfaction; (2) in class level,teachers' achievement expectation negatively predicts school dissatisfaction,positively predicts peer acceptance; teachers' conduct expectation negatively predicts peer acceptance.
      Impacts of Parenting Style, Physical Self on Gender Role Development in High School Students
      ZHANG Lin, DENG Xiao-ping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  53-57. 
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      Method of questionnaire was adopted to investigate 264 high school students to explore impacts of parenting style,physical self on gender role development.The results showed that: (1) As a whole,boys tended to be more of androgynous trend of the development; (2) the protection and interfere from mothers,strength and sports and self esteem of physical self affected significantly boys' masculinity,whereas boys' femininity was significantly impacted by warm and understanding from mothers and the flexibility of physical self; (3) the self esteem of physical self impacts girls' masculinity; the strength of physical self had a negative impact on girls' femininity; the appearance of physical self had a positive impact on girls' femininity.
      The Relations among Personal Strivings, Personality Traits and Subjective Well-being in Undergraduates
      YANG Hui-fang, GUO Yong-yu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  58-64. 
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      By applying the structural equation modeling analysis,the present study examined the relations among personal strivings,personality traits and subjective well-being,and compared the influence of personal strivings and personality traits on subjective well-being.533 undergraduates from 6 universities in Wuhan completed the NEO personality-Five Factor Inventory、Striving Assessment Scales、 Students Life Satisfaction Scales、 Mood Forms.Results of the study indicated as follows: both personal strivings and personality traits had influence on subjective well-being; the influence of personality traits on subjective well-being was greater than the influence of personal strivings; personality traits had influence on personal strivings.The different relations between subjective well-being and two aspects of personality,which were personal strivings and personality traits,were discussed.
      Value Priorities among Chinese University Students in Social Transition
      LI Yin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  65-70. 
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      Employing Schwartz Values Survey (SVS) as an instrument,the present study dedicates itself to investigate the content and structure of values among university students in social transition.The structural analyses of value systems identified four higher order value types and ten primary value types,and revealed no gender difference in the holistic structure of value.The empirical findings indicated three basic characteristics of value priorities among university students,including multi-orientation of values,coexisting of collective interests and individual interests,realism.In view of the limitations of the present study,suggestions for further research directions were made.
      Characteristics of Subjective Well-being and Self-esteem and their Relationship in Adult Only Children Families in China
      CHEN Cui-ling, FENG Li, WANG Da-HUA, LI Chun-huai
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  71-76. 
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      The study examined characteristics of subjective well-being and self-esteem and their relationship in adults only children in China.By convenient sampling,100 adults only children and 100 adults with siblings were measured by Questionnaire of Subjective Well-being and Scale of Self-esteem.The results indicated that: (1) subjective well-being and self-esteem level of adults only children were obviously higher than those having siblings; (2) adult only children were found to be heterogeneous in terms of subjective well-being and self-esteem.Specifically,differences of gender and martial status were significant on them among the adult only children; (3) unlike the adults with siblings,no manifest relationship was found between subjective well-being and self-esteem in adults only children.
      The Experimental Study on Effect of Curriculum-embedded Performance Assessment on Mathematical Problem Solving
      ZHANG Yong-mei, LIU Hong-yun, MENG Qing-mao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  77-83. 
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      Curriculum-Embedded Performance Assessment (CEPA) is an important approach to assessing students' learning achievement,which is highly advocated by the New Curriculum Reform in K-12 education area.Selecting 335 seventh-grade students as its research subject,this study took a one-year longitudinal experiment,explored the effect of CEPA to students problem solving in the Mathematics.The result indicates that this assessment approach promotes students' problem solving ability significantly,and the promoting effect accelerated as the experiment progressing,which is also influenced by students' original achievement abilities.The further analysis to the subjects' oral reporting materials shows that CEPA promoting effect demonstrates in the aspects such as problems understanding,meta-cognition and problem solving strategies,etc.
      Children’s Numerical Estimation with Different Mathematical Achievement Levels: Effect of Different Object Arrangements
      SI Ji-wei, CHEN Xiao-feng, XU Jing-hong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  84-88. 
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      The aim of the present study is to investigate whether regular or irregular patterns of objects and well or unwell distributed patterns of objects have the impact on students' estimation accuracy with different levels of mathematical achievements.35 third graders from a primary school took part in this experiment.Several conclusions were drawn from the results: (1) students with higher mathematical achievement were more efficient estimators.Their percent absolute error were much lower than their counterparts',the difference between them were significant; (2) different object arrangements caused a regular-random numerosity illusion and a well 2 unwell distributed numerosity illusion and there for,well distributed or regular graphs were more often overestimated.
      Age Effect on a Short-Term Training in Discriminating a Non-Native Phonemic Contrast
      MEI Lei-Lei, LI Yan-Fang, HUANG Shi-Zhi, XUE Gui, CHEN Chuan-Sheng, DONG Qi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  89-93. 
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      Two-grade and five-grade primary school students and undergraduates,who didn't have any formal knowledge of Korean language,were chosen as subjects to investigate age effect on non-native phoneme learning.They received a short-term training in discriminating a Korean phonetic contrast and were tested on the phoneme discrimination task before training and after each training day.Results showed that: (1) Chinese subjects had significant difficulties in discriminating Korean tense consonant /k*/ and lax consonant /k/; (2) At the pre-training stage,adults performed better than children in the phoneme discrimination task; (3) After training,the younger children gained more improvements than the elder children and adults.These results confirm the hypothesis that the younger the learners are,the better and faster they will be at learning the phonology of a new language.
      A study on College Students’ English Learning Strategy Characteristics and Development Trend
      ZHANG Rong-hua, KANG Xuan, PENG Wen-bo, LIU Dian-zhi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  94-99. 
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      A self-administered questionnaire survey about English learning strategy was conducted among 493 undergraduates with difference backgrounds.The result shows: It indicated the main strategies of undergraduate English learning is explicit strategies because the implicit strategies was significantly lower than the explicit; the social/affective strategies were highest and the metacognize strategies were lowest among the explicit; and there were significantly differences between genders,subjective judgments about English learning difficult or easy,and academic achievements.We found that girls' strategy usage rate was generally higher than boys',and the more achievement or more positive learning cognize had more higher use rate of strategy.It was V shape of undergraduate's English learning strategy development that grade three reach to the lowest.And the fluctuation extent of boys' strategy level was bigger than girls'.
      Developing Scale for School Well-Being in Adolescents
      TIAN Li-li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  100-106. 
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      Based on the concept and construct of school well-being proposed in this paper,the Scale for School Well-Being in Adolescents was developed.Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted.The results showed that: (1) school well-being consisted of school satisfaction,positive affect and negative affect in Chinese students' school lives; (2) school satisfaction was a six-dimension structure comprised of achievement,school management,teacher-student relationship,peer relationship,teaching and school work; the positive affect in school and negative affect in school were both one-dimension structure; (3) the Scale for School Well-Being in Adolescents had good reliability and validity and could be used in other studies.
      Construct of Test on Creative Teaching Behavior in Teachers
      ZHANG Jing-huan, CHU Yu-xia, LIN Chong-de
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  107-112. 
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      Test on Creative Teaching Behavior in Teachers (TCTBT) was revised on the basis of previous studies in a group of 321 teachers from a wide range of primary school.The results of confirmatory factor analysis on the data from 592 primary school teachers engaged in the formal test supported the construct of TCTBT consisting of 4 subscales,the 4 subscales were instruction of learning manners,inspiration of motivation,evaluation of ideas and encouragement of flexibility.The higher inner consistency reliability and higher re-test consistency reliability (0.92,0.97),also the discriminative validity from observed data of creative teaching behavior in teachers in classroom proved that the test can be applied to assess creative teaching behavior in Chinese teachers.
      Developing Teacher-Expectancy Consciousness Scale for Middle School Students
      ZHENG Hai-yan, ZHANG Min-qiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2008, 24(3):  113-118. 
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      Teacher-expectancy is teachers.predictive cognition about the results of their students.behaviors,which is based on perceptions.The effect of teacher-expectancy is the influence of teachers.expectancy to the students.study.According to the way of teachers.expressing expectancy to their students summarized by Robert Rosenthal through about one hundred experiments,we developed Teacher-Expectancy Consciousness Scale for Middle School Students which was fit for China on the basis of literature review and experimental analysis.Confirmatory factor analysis found that the scale consisted of two dimensions,which were positive effect and negative effect.We tested the reliability and validity of the scale and found their indexes were good.