Psychological Development and Education ›› 2008, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (3): 84-88.

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Children’s Numerical Estimation with Different Mathematical Achievement Levels: Effect of Different Object Arrangements

SI Ji-wei1, CHEN Xiao-feng1, XU Jing-hong2   

  1. 1. School of Psychology, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014;
    2. Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875
  • Online:2008-07-15 Published:2008-07-15

Abstract: The aim of the present study is to investigate whether regular or irregular patterns of objects and well or unwell distributed patterns of objects have the impact on students' estimation accuracy with different levels of mathematical achievements.35 third graders from a primary school took part in this experiment.Several conclusions were drawn from the results: (1) students with higher mathematical achievement were more efficient estimators.Their percent absolute error were much lower than their counterparts',the difference between them were significant; (2) different object arrangements caused a regular-random numerosity illusion and a well 2 unwell distributed numerosity illusion and there for,well distributed or regular graphs were more often overestimated.

Key words: numerical, estimation, math achievement, object arrangement

CLC Number: 

  • G442
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