Psychological Development and Education ›› 2008, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (3): 65-70.

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Value Priorities among Chinese University Students in Social Transition

LI Yin   

  1. Department of Education and Human Development, Graduate School of Education, Peking University, Beijing 100871
  • Online:2008-07-15 Published:2008-07-15

Abstract: Employing Schwartz Values Survey (SVS) as an instrument,the present study dedicates itself to investigate the content and structure of values among university students in social transition.The structural analyses of value systems identified four higher order value types and ten primary value types,and revealed no gender difference in the holistic structure of value.The empirical findings indicated three basic characteristics of value priorities among university students,including multi-orientation of values,coexisting of collective interests and individual interests,realism.In view of the limitations of the present study,suggestions for further research directions were made.

Key words: value priorities, value types, value structure

CLC Number: 

  • B844.2
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