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    15 September 2022, Volume 38 Issue 5
    • The Attentional Guidance Effect of Visual and Verbal Working Memory Representation
      SONG Jiaru, LIU Yuanyuan, WANG Xiuli, LI Shouxin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(5):  609-617.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.05.01
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      Three experiments were conducted to explore the different attentional guidance effects from visual and verbal working memory (WM) representation in different stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) conditions. In Experiment 1, we explored how the effect of verbal WM on visual attention were influenced by SOA when the visual guidance task and visual detection task were presented simultaneously. The results showed when the SOA was 300ms and 1000ms, the attentional guidance effect of verbal WM was observed, while when the SOA was 3500ms, the attentional guidance effect wasn't observed. In Experiment 2 and 3, we explored how the effects of verbal WM and visual WM on visual attention were influenced by SOA when the visual guidance task and visual detection task were presented seguentially. The results showed the attentional guidance effect was observed in all WM representation and SOA conditions. These results indicate that the effect of verbal WM representation on attentional guidance is influenced by task paradigm. Attentional guidance effect can be observed from visual WM representation under more widely conditions than verbal WM representation.
      The Effects of Gender and Gain-loss Situation on Delay Discounting of College Students under Positive and Negative Reference Points
      ZHU Zhongye, XIE Yuhong, LIU Lei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(5):  618-625.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.05.02
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      Numerous studies have shown that delay discounting is affected by the trait and state factors. The study used two experiments to explore the effects of gender as a trait factor and gain-loss situation as a state factor on delay discounting of college students under positive reference point (Experiment 1) and negative reference point (Experiment 2). Experiment 1 found that under positive reference point, no matter male and female, the subjective long-term value of gain situation was higher than that of loss situation. Experiment 2 found that under negative reference point, male and female have different subjective long-term value in gain situation and loss situation; That is, the subjective long-term value of female was higher compared with male in loss situation, whereas there was no significant difference in gain situation. The results showed that under different reference points, male and female have different tendency to delay discounting in gain situation and loss situation. Compared with male, female is more willing to delay compensation in loss situation under negative reference point.
      The Influence of Mother's Perception of Coparenting on Behavior Problems among Preschoolers: A Moderated Mediation Model
      LIU Xiaojie, LI Yan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(5):  626-634.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.05.03
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      To explore the relationship between mother's perception of coparenting and children's behavior problems, as well as the mediating effect of marital conflict and moderating role of children's psychological resilience, this study applied One-year longitudinal design to survey 170 preschoolers' mothers from two kindergartens in Shanghai. The findings of the study were as follows:(1) Mother's perception of coparenting was negatively correlated with marital conflict and children's behavior problems; (2) Marital conflict played a mediating role between mother's perception of coparenting and children's behavior problems; (3) Children's psychological resilience moderated the relationship between martial conflict and children's behavior problems. That is, children's psychological resilience moderated the second half path of mediating effect. The present study provides evidence that coparenting influences preschooler's behavior problems through marital conflict, and children who have high psychological resilience can buffer the impact of parental marital conflict on their behavior problems.
      The Effect of Parental Perceived Family Stress on Child Problem Behaviors: The Mediating Roles of Parental Psychological Aggression and Child Cortisol Response to Stress
      FU Xuewei, SUN Jianing, XIAO Jiale, WANG Haosen, LIN Danhua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(5):  635-647.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.05.04
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      Problem behaviors is related to a series of individual and contextual factors. A sample of 150 Chinese children and their parents participated in the present study. Trier Social Stress Test for Children (TSST-C) was conducted to induce cortisol stress response among children. Parents reported perceived family stress, parent-child psychological aggression, and their children's problem behaviors. Results revealed that:(1) parental perceived family stress positively predicted child problem behaviors; (2) psychological aggression mediated the relation between family stress and child problem behaviors; (3) psychological aggression and cortisol response sequentially mediated the relation between family stress and child problem behaviors. The present study revealed the psychological and physiological mechanisms through which family stress was associated with child problem behaviors, and may yield critical implications for targeting intervention approaches in terms of child psychopathology.
      Cumulative Ecological Risk on Bullying Victimization in Junior High School Students: The Moderating Effects of Resilience
      XIAO Xue, GUO Lei, ZHAO Yongping, CHEN Fuguo
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(5):  648-657.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.05.05
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      To explore the relationship between cumulative ecological risk and bullying victimization, and to test whether resilience moderates this relationship, a total 3879 junior high school students from 24 middle schools in China participated in this study. The results showed that:(1) the cumulative ecological risk was positively associated with bullying victimization. The relationship was characterized by the nonlinear pattern of the quadratic function (negative acceleration model) between cumulative ecological risk and bullying victimization; (2) The moderating effect of resilience was significant in the nonlinear relationship of the quadratic function between cumulative ecological risk and bullying victimization. This relationship showed protective-reactive model. In conclusion, the cumulative ecological risk has huge influence on bullying victimization, and we should not be over-optimistic about the protective function of resilience in those students who experience severe adversity. This study provides an inspiration for preventing bullying victimization in junior high school students.
      Research on the Influence Mechanism of Subjective Norm on University Students' Volunteer Engagement: A Chain Double-mediation with Adjustment Model
      ZHANG Baosheng, LI Xin, LI Xinye, ZHANG Qingpu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(5):  658-666.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.05.06
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      The research about the influence mechanism of university students' volunteer engagement based on the theory of planned behavior theory, self-determination theory and role identity theory can be constructed by the double mediation model, in which the subjective norms as the independent variables, engagement of university students as dependent variable, role identity and voluntary service passion as the intermediary variable. Data were obtained through a questionnaire survey of 330 college student volunteers. Hierarchical regression and Bootstrap test were adopted to test the model of the questionnaire data. The research results show that the subjective norm has a positive influence on volunteer engagement. Such positive influence is transmitted through the role identity and voluntary service passion. The results also show that voluntary service passion is enhanced by the mediation effect between family norm and volunteer engagement. The role identity and voluntary service passion plays a double-chain intermediary role in the influence mechanism. The research provides theoretical guidance for the related work in the field of university students' volunteer service.
      A Study about Chinese Relative Clause Processing and the Effects of Animacy for Preschool Children
      HE Wenguang, YANG Xielan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(5):  667-674.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.05.07
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      One of the important tasks in psycholinguistic literature is to explore the innate mechanisms and the universal principles guiding parsing in sentence processing. To explore whether 3~6 years old children have the ability to utilize semantic cues in comprehension of relative clauses or not, 120 children were recruited in the study. The study employed a 2×2×3 mixed design, with RC type (SRC vs.ORC), the configuration of animacy of the head nouns (animaicy-inanimacy vs. inanimacy-animacy) as within-subject factors, and grade (one vs. two vs. three) as between-subject factors. The data were addressed using general logistic mixed effect regression model (GLMER) and the results indicated that the main effect of grade was significant, but no significant differences were found for type of sentences and animacy of the head nouns. There were significant interactions between type of sentence and grades, simple analyses showed that no significances were found between SRCs and ORCs for grade 1 and grade 2, but for grade 3, there were significant differences between SRCs and ORCs. The three-way sentence×grade×animacy interactions were marginal significant. For children from grade 3, sentences with inanimacy-animacy configuration were more difficult to process than sentences with animacy-inanimacy configuration under conditions of ORCs, but under conditions of SRCs, sentences with inanimacy-animacy configuration were easier to comprehend than sentences with animacy-inanimacy configuration. Under conditions of inanimacy-animacy configuration, children from grade 1 have more difficult in comprehending SRCs compared to children from grade 2 and 3, but no significant differences were found between grade 2 and 3. On the other hand, under conditions of animacy-inanimacyconfiguration, no significant differences were found in comprehending ORCs between grade 1 and grade 2, but their accuracy was lower than children from grade 3.In conclusion, this paper firstly found that 3~4 years old children from China have the ability to comprehend RCs with simple structure, but until about 6 years old, they could utilize the semantic cues in comprehension of RCs.
      The Effect of Analogical Comparison of Worked Examples on Learning Physical Synthesis Problems
      YU Yadi, YANG Lina, QU Kejia
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(5):  675-682.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.05.08
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      The current study compared the effects of analogical comparison of worked examples (ACME) and traditional worked examples on learning physical synthesis problems. Furthermore, this study examined the effects of different kinds of ACME, as well as the effects of ACWE designed with different "prompts" method on physical synthesis problems learning. The results were as follows:(1) The post-test scores of the ACWE groups were significantly higher than the scores of traditional worked examples group; (2) Students in the multiple concept ACWE group performed significantly better than students in single and multiple mixed concept ACWE group on near transfer results. However, there was no significant difference between these two groups on far transfer scores; (3) Students who have learned worked-examples designed with prompts performed better than those who haven't. However, there was no significant difference between the students who learned worked examples with scaffolding-prompts and open-prompts. The present study implied that, ACWE, especially multiple concepts ACME, is an effective way to learn physical synthesis problems. Both design methods of scaffolding-prompts and open-prompts can facilitate the learning effect of ACME.
      The Mediating Effects of Experiential Avoidance and Negative Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies on the Relationship between Cumulative Traumatic Experiences and Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorders in Children
      LI Jina, WANG Weiwei, ZHANG Weijun, QU Zhiyong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(5):  683-691.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.05.09
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      This study aimed to explore the underlying mechanism between cumulative traumatic experiences and complex posttraumatic stress disorders (CPTSD). Using the convenience sampling method, a total of 3478 traumatized children in grades 4~5 from 7 primary schools in Henan province were selected. All participants completed questionnaires regarding the Traumatic Experiences Checklist, the Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale-Short Form, the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire-Short Form and the International Trauma Questionnaire. The results showed that:(1) cumulative traumatic experiences, experiential avoidance, and negative cognitive emotion regulation strategies were significantly associated with CPTSD. Besides, cumulative traumatic experiences positively predicted children's CPTSD; (2) experiential avoidance and negative cognitive emotion regulation strategies mediated the relationship between cumulative traumatic experiences and CPTSD. Specifically, experiential avoidance and catastrophizing acted as the mediation effect on the relation between the cumulative traumatic experiences and complex posttraumatic stress disorders (CPTSD), respectively. Furthermore, the chain mediating effect of experiential avoidance on self-blame/rumination/catastrophizing was also found. Therefore, reducing the incidence of traumatic events, activating children's behavior, and adjusting the pattern of negative cognition may contribute to the prevention and alleviation of children's CPTSD.
      Mindful Awareness and Mental Health among Primary and Middle School Students: The Cross-time Mediating Effect of Emotion Regulation and Positive Appraisal
      WANG Yue, ZHANG Bao, ZHOU Hui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(5):  692-702.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.05.10
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      The present study aimed to explore the relationship between mindful awareness and mental health among primary and middle school students, as well as the mediation role of emotional regulation and positive appraisal. The participants were 1251 students (boys=692, girls=560) from two elementary (grade 4 to grade 6) and two secondary schools (grade 7 to grade 9). Students participated in two assessment waves, with an interval of 6 months, in which they completed self-report measures assessing mindful awareness, mental health (life satisfaction, depression, anxiety and academic pressure), emotion regulation and positive appraisal. It was found that:(1) the mindful awareness levels of middle school students' were significantly lower than that of primary school students; (2) mindful awareness was positively correlated with emotion regulation, positive appraisal and life satisfaction, and negatively correlated with depression, anxiety and learning stress in two assessment waves; (3) emotion regulation significantly mediated the relationship between mindful awareness and mental health across time, while the mediating effect of positive appraisal was not significant.
      Social Support and Hope Mediates the Relationship between Gratitude and Posttraumatic Growth among College Students
      YU Qingyun, WANG Wenchao, WU Xinchun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(5):  703-710.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.05.11
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      This study examined the mediating effect of social support and hope in the relationship between gratitude and posttraumatic growth (PTG) among college students. Used self-report questionnaires to investigate the mental health of 2168 college students. The mediating roles would be assessed by using structural equation model, wherein the virus exposure risk, gender and age would be controlled because its importance.The results showed that the prevalence of PTG was 41.61%; gratitude had a directly and positive effect on PTG; gratitude could affect PTG positively through social support and hope. These findings suggested that college students' gratitude may have an indirect and positive relation with PTG by social support and hope.
      The Relationship of Dispositional Mindfulness to Anxiety and Aggressiveness among College Students: The Mediation of Resilience and Moderation of Left-behind Experience
      YU Si, ZHANG Chunyang, XU Wei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(5):  711-719.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.05.12
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      Based on the integrated model of resilience and the lifelong development model of the relationship between stress and health, this study investigated the relationship of dispositional mindfulness to anxiety and aggressiveness and its inner mechanism. A total of 639 college students in Chongqing were selected to participate in this study, and data were collected from self-report. This study indicated that:(1) Dispositional mindfulness negatively predicted anxiety and aggressiveness among college students; (2) Resilience mediated the relationship of dispositional mindfulness to anxiety and aggressiveness; (3) Left-behind experience moderated the second half of the model (i.e., the link between resilience and anxiety/aggressiveness). Specifically, the mediating effect of resilience was weaker for college students who have a left-behind experience compared to those without such experience. Findings highlight the beneficial effects of dispositional mindfulness and resilience on the maladjustment of college students, and the adverse impact of childhood left-behind experience on individuals' psychological resources and mental health in adulthood.
      Passive Social Network Site Use and Social Anxiety: The Influence of Rumination and Self-construals
      LI Song, CHEN Xu, RAN Guangming, ZHANG Qi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(5):  720-728.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.05.13
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      Although passive social network site use has been verified to play a key risk factor of increased social anxiety, little research has explored the mediating and moderating mechanisms underlying this relation. This study aimed to test the mediating role of rumination and the moderating role of self-construals in this connection. A total of 614 college students filled out self-report questionnaires including passive social network site use, rumination, social anxiety and self-construals. The results indicated that passive social network site use was positively related to social anxiety and rumination fully mediated this link. Importantly, the effect of passive social network site use on rumination was moderated by self-construals. Conditional indirect effects analysis further showed that the significant mediating effect of rumination only existed among interdependence self-construals individuals rather than independence self-construals individuals. This study contributed to deepen the understanding of how passive social network site use influenced high social anxiety.
      Diversity of Daily Small Groups and Physical Symptoms of Elderly: The Mediating Effect of Group Positive Emotion and Moderating Effect of Psychological Stress
      HUANG Xiaoxiao, ZHANG Baoshan, YU Guoliang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(5):  729-738.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.05.14
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      Using the method of daily diary, 53 elderly people were recruited to explore the influence and mechanism of the diversity of daily small groups on their physical symptoms. The results showed that:(1) The diversity in daily small groups could negatively predict the physical symptoms of the elderly; (2) At the intra individual level, group positive emotions played a partial mediating role in the relationship between diversity in small groups and physical symptoms of the elderly; (3) Psychological stress could moderate the effect of diversity of daily small groups on daily physical symptoms. The results help to reveal how the diversity of small groups is related to the physical symptoms of the elderly, and under what conditions the relationship between them is stronger or weaker, which has a certain practical significance for the intervention of physical symptoms of the elderly in the future.
      The Psychological Mechanisms Explaining the Role of Early Maternal Touch in Child Social Development
      SU Jinlong, SU Yanjie
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(5):  739-748.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.05.15
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      Recent studies have showed that early maternal touch might cause an effect on child social development. As to the explanations, extant studies have emphasized on the roles of CT afferents and related neural substrates, with little attention on psychological mediators. In the current study, we proposed a psychological model based on existing literature and our previous studies, and in which we explored the roles of caregiver-child relationships and children's exploratory behaviors in the relation between early maternal touch and children's social development. Furthermore, we also examined the limitations as to the study design, the multiplicity of the relation, and future directions that might help us better understand the effect of early maternal touch on children's development.
      Research Paradigms of Children's Time Cognition: Dilemma and Transcendence
      YU Xide
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(5):  749-760.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.05.16
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      The research on children's time cognition under the guidance of western positivism is not only fruitful but also limited to predicament. Four common research paradigms are taken as breakthrough points to conclude and the dilemmas are mainly reflected in:(1) whether the cognitive paradigms of clock time can cover all the contents of time thinking; (2) Whether the use of various paradigms can be effectively adapted to the different time thinking; (3) Whether the "common magnitude system" can provide a root explanation for children's time cognition from the behavioral perspective; (4) How necessary and feasible is it to explore the brain mechanism of children's time cognition on the premise of not discovering a specific brain mechanism of time processing in adults. These difficulties reflect the inclined weight of children's "empirical" and "linear" time made by previous researchers, so did the undervaluation of "conceptual" and "cyclical" time. Chinese "time" culture emphasizes the integration of time to capture space, objects and people. Future research can incorporate children's time cognition into the background of "time-event", and transcend the above-mentioned difficulties in terms of embodied situations, interpersonal interactions, behavior control and other aspects.