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    15 July 2022, Volume 38 Issue 4
    • Research on Visual Sub-second and Supra-second Duration Perception among Deaf Students
      ZHANG Feng, YIN Huazhan, JIN Kaige, ZANG Xinlei, ZHU Zhiyi, ZHAO Junfeng
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(4):  457-465.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.04.01
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      Using a duration bisection task, the characteristics of sub-second and supra-second duration perception in the visual channel among deaf students were explored. The results showed that under the sub-second condition, the duration judgment accuracy of deaf students was lower than that of non-deaf students; The CNV peak and LPCt amplitude of deaf students were lower than those of non-deaf ones, the CNV latency of deaf students was shorter than that of non-deaf ones, and the latency of LPCt peak was longer than that of non-deaf ones. Under the supra-second condition, the duration judgment accuracy of deaf students was higher than that of non-deaf students; There were no significant differences in N1, P2, CNV, and LPCt components between deaf students and non-deaf students. These results indicated that hearing loss might have impaired the sub-second duration memory and decision-making processes of deaf students, which supported the generalized-deficiency hypothesis. However, hearing loss did not affect the processing of supra-second duration perception. This research supported the sensory compensation mechanism. Therefore, duration length played a regulatory role in the effect of hearing loss on visual duration perception. This research provided new evidence for the range-synthetic model of temporal cognition.
      8~15 Year Olds’ Understanding of Wealth and Poverty including a Developmental Comparison between Children and Adults
      JIANG Yingying, AN Jing, MA Li, ZHU Liqi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(4):  466-474.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.04.02
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      The understanding of economic inequality plays an important role in children's evaluations of individuals and societies as well as their opinions on governmental policy issues including taxation and welfare. Based on cognitive-developmental theory, this study recruited 186 Chinese participants (8~9 year olds; 11~12 year olds; 14~15 year olds; adults, mainly undergraduates, age:20.7±1.32) and had them fill out a self-reported questionnaire about the nature, justification, causes and alleviation of poverty, including open-ended questions and structural items. Our findings were as follows:After controlling for SES, (1) 8~9-year-old children were more likely than adults to describe the rich/poor with peripheral features; 11~12-year-old children placed more emphasis on the psychological features than other age groups; Adults' descriptions focused more on systemic features than 8~9-year-old children; (2) 8~9-year-old children were more likely to claim it is unfair that some people are poor while some are rich than other age groups; (3) Both children and adults mentioned personal factors in the causes of poverty and ways to alleviate poverty, while adults were more likely to focus on external factors such as national policy and societal factors and suggest it is impossible to eliminate poverty. In conclusion, some similarities have been observed between children in this study and their Western counterparts regarding the development of understanding of wealth and poverty, such as the description of the rich/poor. However, differences were also detected, particularly in children's ideas about the causes, justification, and alleviation of poverty. Chinese children placed more emphasis on personal factors and were more likely to believe that poverty was fair, compared to children in previous Western studies. The cultural implication of the results is discussed. Our findings provided a theoretical and empirical basis for other future studies to investigate this complicated development.
      The Effect of Empathy on Generalized Reciprocity: The Mediating Effect of Self-other Overlap
      LIN Shuwei, SUN Binghai, HUANG Jiaxin, XIAO Weilong, LI Weijian
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(4):  475-484.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.04.03
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      Compared with the direct reciprocity of "I help you, you help me", the positive generalized reciprocity of "I help you, you help them" promotes role change from recipients into helpers, which can help more people. On the contrary, the negative generalized reciprocity of "I hurt you, you hurt them" can easily induce the victims to become hurters and make other people hurt. Previous studies have not explored a bilateral factor that can both promote positive generalized reciprocity and inhibit negative generalized reciprocity. Using the adapted dictator task paradigm through two experiments, it is found that empathy is a special variable that can expand the positive generalized reciprocity transmission effect and weaken the negative generalized reciprocity transmission effect. The intrinsic mechanism is due to the self-other overlap, which further supports the Self-expansion model. This work provides protocols to create a good social moral atmosphere, strengthen citizen moral construction, and ensure a just and harmonious social environment.
      The Effects of Theory of Mind and the Pattern of Social Interactions on the Development of Social Mindfulness in Junior High School Students
      YAN Yixia, LIU Yanying, DING Fang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(4):  485-494.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.04.04
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      The present study examined the developmental characteristics and the relative factors that influenced social mindfulness in junior high school students. In Experiment 1, we investigated the development of social mindfulness in 628 junior high school students (7~9 grades) with different levels of theory of mind (ToM) by employing cartoon vignette and social mindfulness (SoMi) paradigms. In Experiment 2, we recruited 360 junior high school students (7~9 grades) and investigated the effects of the pattern of social interactions and feedback types on social mindfulness of students in different grades by adopting study paradigms of social interaction scenarios and SoMi. The results were as follows:(1) There were no age or gender differences in social mindfulness among the junior high school students, but the students with high level of emotional ToM showed more social mindfulness than those with high level of cognitive ToM in 7th grade; (2) The 7th grade students had more social mindfulness under the positive feedback condition, while the 8th grade students had more social mindfulness under the negative feedback condition. There was no significant difference between the two conditions for the 9th grade students; (3) In the cooperative situation, the junior high school students had more social mindfulness under the positive feedback, while in the competitive situation, they had more social mindfulness under the negative feedback. The present study implies that social mindfulness is stable across age and gender in junior high school students, but it is affected by theory of mind, the pattern of social interactions, and feedback types.
      The Relationship between Parental Behavioral Control, Psychological Control and Social Maladjustment among High School Students: Mediating Role of Interpersonal Self-support and Campus Exclusion
      ZHANG Ye, WANG Kai, LIU Zuzhi, SHEN Ting
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(4):  495-504.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.04.05
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      Based on self-determination theory and person and environment interaction theory, the current study examined the relationship between parental behavioral control, psychological control and social maladjustment among high school students, as well as the mediating effects of interpersonal self-reliance and campus exclusion. A total of 1209 high school students from three public schools in Liaoning province were tested by using parental control questionnaire, interpersonal self-support scale, campus exclusion questionnaire and negative social adaptation questionnaire. The results showed that:(1) Parental behavioral control had no significant predictive effect on social maladjustment, while psychological control had a positive predictive effect on social maladjustment among high school students; (2) Interpersonal self-support and campus exclusion played mediating roles between parental control and social maladjustment. Specifically, parental behavior control can predict high school students' social maladjustment through the mediating role of interpersonal self-support, and the chain-mediated role of interpersonal self-support and campus exclusion. Parental psychological control not only directly predict social maladjustment, but also can predict social maladjustment through the mediating roles of interpersonal self-support and campus exclusion respectively, as well as the chain-mediated role of interpersonal self-support and campus exclusion. Research ultimately tease out a theoretical mechanism of "parenting style → personality development → interpersonal feedback → adaptation outcome".
      The Impact of Parenting Styles on Resilience of Adolescent: The Chain Mediating Effect of Self-control and Regulatory Focus
      CAI Xuebin, GUI Shoucai, TANG Yiqi, ZHANG Shuo, XU Mingxing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(4):  505-512.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.04.06
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      To test the mediating effect of adolescents' self-control and regulatory focus between different parenting styles and adolescents' resilience, this study invited 922 adolescents (Mean age=14.99 years, SD=1.90, including 367 boys) to complete the S-EMBU (Swedish acronym for Egna Minnen Betraffande Uppfostran[My memories of upbringing]) for Chinese (S-EMBU-C), Regulatory Focus scale, Self-control scale and Connor-Davidson Resilience scale for the investigation. The results indicated that:(1) Resilience of adolescents can be predicted by parenting styles, self-control and regulatory focus of resilience; (2) The positive parenting style can influence adolescent's resilience directly (β=0.18,p <0.001), and also indirectly affects resilience through adolescent self-control (β=0.07,p <0.001) and promotion focus (β=0.21,p <0.001), respectively. Furthermore, the positive parenting can indirectly affects resilience through a chain mediator of self-control and promotion focus (β=0.02,p <0.05), and through a chain mediator of self-control and prevention focus (β=0.02,p <0.01); (3) The negative parenting style can influence adolescent's resilience directly (β=0.14,p <0.01), and negative parenting style can influence adolescent's resilience negatively and indirectly by prevention regulatory focus of adolescent (β=-0.04,p <0.01). These findings suggested that self-control and regulatory focus have a chain mediating effect between the parenting styles and resilience of adolescents.
      A Study on the Relationship between Creative Teaching Behavior and Pupil’s Creative Thinking: A Moderated Mediation Model
      LI Yuhua, WANG Tong, LIU Yue, YU Jie, LIN Chongde
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(4):  513-519.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.04.07
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      The study conducted a moderated mediation model to give an interpretation for the relationship between creative teaching behavior and pupil's creative thinking and analysed the mediation of children's self-efficacy for creativity and their open personality, with the oral report by 471 primary school students. The results showed that:(1) Under the controlled factors including children's age, gender, and their parent's educational background, teachers' creative teaching behavior had a significant positive predictive effect on the fluency, flexibility, and uniqueness of childen's creative thinking; (2) Perceived teachers' creative teaching behavior influenced children's creative thinking by means of their creative self-efficacy; (3) The mediating effect of creative self-efficacy was moderated by openness to experience. The higher the level of open personality, the stronger the predictive effect of teachers' creative behavior on creative self-efficacy. The findings suggest that creative self-efficacy and openness to experience could be the important mechanisms of the association between teachers' creative teaching behavior and children's creative thinking. Improving teachers' creative behavior, enhancing level of creative self-efficacy and openness to experience help to promote primary school students' creative thinking level.
      Longitudinal Associations between Attitudes towards Mathematics and Mathematical Achievement in Primary School Children: The Roles of Academic Procrastination and Mathematical Metacognition
      XUE Xiaoran, HUANG Bijuan, LI Hongxia, ZHAO Xiaomeng, SI Jiwei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(4):  520-529.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.04.08
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      In order to further explore the longitudinal associations and the internal mechanism between the primary school children's attitudes towards mathematics, academic procrastination, mathematical metacognition and mathematical achievement, a half-year longitudinal study was conducted on 515 primary school children in grades 3 and 5. Results showed that:(1) T1 and T2 academic procrastination mediated the relationship between children's attitudes towards mathematics and mathematical achievement across time; (2) Different levels of mathematical metacognition had significant differences in the path of "attitudes towards mathematics→mathematical achievement" of the longitudinal mediation model. This means that more positive attitudes towards mathematics can reduce children's academic procrastination, thereby improving their mathematical achievements, and high mathematical metacognition can monitor and moderate children's attitudes towards mathematics to make them play a positive role, thereby improving mathematical achievement. These findings are of great significance for effectively promoting children's mathematics learning.
      The Relationship Between Teacher-student Interaction and College Students’ Learning Engagement in Online Learning: Mediation of Autonomous Motivation and Academic Emotions
      LANG Yueru, GONG Shaoying, CAO Yang, WU Ya'nan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(4):  530-537.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.04.09
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      This study aimed to explore the relationship between teacher-student interaction and learning engagement, as well as the role of autonomous motivation and academic emotions in online learning by using Teacher-student Interaction Questionnaire, Learning Self-regulation Questionnaire, Academic Emotions Questionnaire and Utrecht Work Engagement Scale-Student among 563 college students. Results were as follows:The online teacher-student interaction could not only directly predict learning engagement positively, but also could affect learning engagement positively through the mediation of positive emotions and the chain mediation of autonomous motivation and positive emotions. However, the mediating effect of negative emotions was not significant. These results show that teacher-student interaction in online learning could stimulate autonomous motivation of college students, promote their positive emotions and improve their learning engagement.
      Peer Attachment and Junior High School Students’ Mobile Phone Addiction:Analysis of a Moderated Mediation Model
      YANG Chen, LIAN Shuailei, CHEN Chunyu, SUN Xiaojun, ZHOU Zongkui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(4):  538-545.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.04.10
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      In order to give an interpretation for the relationship and complex mechanisms between peer attachment and mobile phone addiction, the present study conducted a moderated mediation model to examine the effects of peer attachment, negative affect and the ability to be alone on mobile phone addiction and the underlying mechanism. A total of 729 junior high school students participated in this study. Junior high school students' peer attachment was measured with Inventory of Peer Attachment. The 21-item version of Depression Anxiety Stress Scale was used to assess negative affect. The ability to be alone was assessed with the Ability to Be Alone Scale. Junior high school students' mobile phone addiction was measured by the Mobile Phone Addiction Index. All the measures have good reliability and validity. The results showed that:(1) Peer attachment has a negative direct effect on junior high school students' mobile phone addiction; (2) The negative association between peer attachment and junior high school students' mobile phone addiction was mediated by negative affect; (3) The mediating effect of negative affect was moderated by the ability to be alone. Specifically, the indirect effect was stronger for junior high school students with the higher ability to be alone than for those with the lower ability to be alone.
      Negative Representations of Family and Internet Relationship Addiction:The Mediating Role of Need to Belong and Social Sensitivity
      LIU Qinxue, ZHANG Lingling, LIN Yue, DING Zien
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(4):  546-555.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.04.11
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      Based on the Emotional Insecurity Theory,the present study investigated the relationship between negative representation of family and adolescent Internet Relationship Addiction,and the chained mediating effect of need to belong and social sensitivity. A sample of 4476 adolescents from two middles schools in Hubei Province completed the questionnaire included the Negative Representation of Family Subscale,Need to Belong Scale,Social sensitivity scale and Internet Relationship Addiction Subscale. The results revealed that:(1)Negative representation of family positively predicted adolescent Internet relationship addiction;(2)Need to belong and social sensitivity mediated the relationship between negative representation of family and Internet relationship addiction parallelly,and(3)Need to belong and social sensitivity also mediated the relationship between negative representation of family and Internet relationship addiction sequentially. Implications and limitations were also discussed.
      Association of Mother-child Discrepancies in Perceived Parenting and Children’s Depression: The Mediating Role of Mother-child Attachment
      YIN Jinxiu, LIN Xiuyun, LIU Wei, WANG Yulong, PENG Bo
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(4):  556-565.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.04.12
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      The current research aimed to explore the associations between mother-child discrepancies in perceived parenting and children's depression using Response Surface Analysis, and the mediating role of mother-child attachment using structural equation model. Data of Authoritative, Authoritarian and Permissive Parenting Practices, Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment, and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale were collected. Totally, 300 two-parent rearing families in which children are in grade three to six were recruited. Results revealed that:(1) Mother-perceived authoritative parenting and authoritarian parenting were significantly higher than children-perceived ones, while permissive parenting was significantly lower; (2) There was a significant positive linear effect of authoritative parenting discrepancy and a negative linear effect of authoritarian parenting discrepancy on children's depression, while no significant effect of permissive parenting discrepancy on children's depression; (3) Mother-child attachment fully mediated the association between mother-child discrepancy in authoritative parenting and children's depression. However, the mediation role of mother-child attachment in the association between mother-child discrepancy in authoritarian parenting and children's depression was not significant. The association of parent and child discrepancies in perceived parenting and child mental health needs be paid more attention.
      The Effect of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Middle School Students’ Conscience: The Chain Mediating Role of Self-control Trait and Ego-depletion
      WANG Xiaofeng, YAN Liangshi, Ding Daoqun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(4):  566-575.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.04.13
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      This study aimed to explore the effect of adverse childhood experiences on conscience among middle school students and its underlying mechanism.Based on the bioecological theory and the strength model of self-control, a total of 3648 students from grade one to grade three in seven middle schools in seven cities of Hunan Province were recruited by cluster sampling method. They completed a battery of questionnaires, including adverse childhood experiences questionnaire, adolescent conscience questionnaire, self-regulatory fatigue scale, and self-control scale. The results showed that:(1) Adverse childhood experiences negatively predicted middle school students' conscience; (2) Self-control trait and ego-depletion mediated the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and conscience partially; (3) Adverse childhood experiences also affected conscience through the chain mediating roles of self-control trait and ego-depletion. The findings indicated that adverse childhood experiences were not only an important external factor affecting the conscience, but also had indirect effects on middle school students' conscience through self-control trait and ego-depletion. Therefore, important ways to prevent the loss of conscience and elevate the level of conscience of middle school students were reducing and avoiding the psychological impact of adverse childhood experiences, improving their self-control trait, and cuting down self-depletion.
      The Relationship of Cumulative Ecological Risk and Higher Vocational College Students’ Learning Burnout: The Mediation Effect of Negative Self-schema and Internet Addiction
      CHEN Jianwen, LIU Yan, TAN Qianbao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(4):  576-583.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.04.14
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      The present study was designed to explore the relationship of cumulative ecological risk and higher vocational college students' learning burnout and to examine the mediation effect of negative self-schema and internet addiction. 664 higher vocational college students were selected as subjects. They completed a set of questionnaires, concerning cumulative ecological risk, negative self-schema, internet addiction and learning burnout. The results showed that:(1) Higher vocational college students' cumulative ecological risk, negative self-schema, internet addiction and learning burnout were positively related to each other; (2) Cumulative ecological risk not only had a direct effect on their learning burnout, but also had an indirect effect on learning burnout through three ways:mediation through negative self-schema, mediation through internet addiction and chain mediation through negative self-schema and internet addiction. This conclusion is helpful to understand the mechanism of cumulative ecological risk on learning burnout, and to provide suggestions for future higher vocational college students to reduce their learning burnout.
      Childhood Trauma and Negative Emotions among College Students with Left-behind Experience: The Moderation of Resilience
      ZHANG Chunyang, XU Wei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(4):  584-591.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.04.15
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      To investigate the relationship between childhood trauma and negative emotions among college students with left-behind experience and verify the moderating role of resilience, a questionnaire survey was conducted among 391 college students with left-behind experience using the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale at the base-line as well as the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale at the baseline and 3 months follow-up. The results showed that:(1) Compared with college students with left-behind experience who did not have childhood trauma, individuals who have childhood trauma had lower levels of resilience and higher levels of depression, anxiety, and stress; (2) After controlling for gender, age, family status, only child or not, and prior levels of negative emotion, childhood trauma and psychological resilience can significantly predict negative emotions after 3 months; (3) Resilience moderated the relationship between childhood trauma and negative emotion. At low levels of resilience, childhood trauma significantly predicted negative emotions of college students with left-behind experience; at high levels of resilience, the prediction effect was no longer significant. These findings show that childhood trauma is a risk factor for negative emotions of college students with left-behind experience. Resilience is a protective factor for negative emotions of college students with left-behind experience and appears to have positive effects in that it decreases the impact of childhood trauma on negative emotions in college students with left-behind experience.
      Online Measures of Comprehension Monitoring in Children
      SHI Mengmeng, REN Guiqin, LYU Xiaoxiao, ZHANG Qiao, LI Haijiao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(4):  592-599.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.04.16
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      Comprehension monitoring plays an important role in both oral communication and information reading. Online measure creates a new pathway for studying children's comprehension monitoring. After reviewing the previous pieces of research, which were primarily based on online measures, on oral and reading comprehension, this paper summarized the characteristics of children's comprehension monitoring and its influencing factors. Future study can dig into the time course of children's comprehension monitoring and the theoretical models. It can also focus on the brain mechanism and explore the development of children's comprehensive monitoring through the cross-modal integration of audiovisual information.
      Does Segmentation Facilitate Video Learning?
      WANG Yanqing, YANG Xiaomeng, ZHAO Tingting, GAO Chunying, ZHANG Yang, ZHAO Qingbai, WANG Fuxing, HU Xiang'en
      Psychological Development and Education. 2022, 38(4):  600-608.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.04.17
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      Recently, videos (animations, educational videos) are increasingly used in instructional materials and computer-based learning. A number of methods have been proposed to improve the effectiveness of video learning. One of them is segmentation, which involves showing animations or learning materials in time segmented pieces. Previous studies have examined the role of segmentation in learning through two kinds of manipulation. On the one hand, the segmentation was controlled by the learners or the system. On the other hand, the dynamic visualization was divided into smaller units of information at meaningless or meaningful time points. However, it remained unclear about the effects of segmentation. In this article, we reviewed studies regarding segmentation of video on learning outcomes and subjective perceptions. It was found that the segmentation was conducive to learning, and reduced perceived difficulty. Moreover, students expressed positive affective about the segmented learning style. The event segmentation theory and cognitive load theory have been used as theoretical foundations for predicting or explaining the positive effects of segmentation. In future research, we should continue to explore the segmentation from the perspectives of the boundary conditions, active pauses, the cognitive neural basis, and so on.