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    15 November 2010, Volume 26 Issue 6
    • Effects of Spatial and Object-based Attention Interference on Spatial and Object Working Memory
      LUO Liang, LIN Chong-de, CHEN Guang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(6):  561-568,576. 
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      Two behavioral experiments were conducted to examine the hypotheses that secondary tasks affecting object-based and spatial selective attention have different interference effects in the maintenance of object and spatial information,and that these interference effects are mediated by the verbal accessibility of memory stimuli.Experiment 2 used "nonverbalizable" stimuli and found significant selective interference effects of secondary tasks involving spatial and object-based selective attention upon spatial and object working memory,respectively;while Experiment 1,using objects applicable of verbal labeling as target,yielded no significant selective interference effect.These results suggested that object-based and spatial selective attention were respectively engaged by object and spatial working memory for information hard to associate with verbal codes;but when information was easy to encode verbally,selective attention was not engaged.
      The Categorical Perception Skills in Chinese Children with Phonological Dyslexia
      LIU Wen-li, YI Ting-wei, YANG Yu-fang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(6):  569-576. 
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      With a group of Chinese children with phonological dyslexia,a group of normal children and a group of adults as the participants,the study examined whether phonological dyslexics showed speech perception deficits.The categorical perception tasks were adopted as the speech perception tests,which asked participants to identify continua of synthetic or natural phonetic category.The results found that children with phonological dyslexia showed categorical perception deficits and had less consistency when identifying stimuli within categories,whether the stimuli were synthetic or natural;individual analysis showed that the slopes of identification function for most of phonological dyslexics were relatively low;regression analysis suggested that the effect of speech perception skills on reading ability is mediated by phonological awareness ability.
      The Trait of Attachment and the Effect of Attachment on Social Adjustment of Middle School Students: Parents Intimacy as a Moderator
      JIN Can-can, ZOU Hong, ZENG Rong, DOU Dong-hui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(6):  577-583. 
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      2630 middle school students from six cities participated in current study.Questionnaires were used to explore the situation of attachment,parents intimacy and social adjustment.Findings suggested that(1) mother-child attachment quality are better than father-child attachment quality;the scores of father-child communication,mother-child alienation and father-child alienation of boys are higher than those of girls;parent-child attachment quality decline with grade;(2) The dimensions of parent-child attachment are obviously correlated with the dimensions of social adjustment.The subjects of total attachment security(father-child attachment security and mother-child attachment security) gain the highest scores of the dimensions of positive social adjustment,followed by those of single parent-child attachment security(father-child attachment security and mother-child attachment insecurity,father-child attachment insecurity and mother-child attachment security),and the third are the subjects of total attachment insecurity(father-child attachment insecurity and mother-child attachment insecurity).The opposite happened in the dimensions of negative social adjustment;(3) Parents intimacy can moderate the prediction of attachment on social adjustment.
      The Developmental Characteristics of Analogical Reasoning on Tasks with Different Complexity in 5~9 Years Old Children
      ZHANG Li, XIN Zi-qiang, Gulizha, Bokeli
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(6):  584-591. 
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      According to the Relational-Representational Complexity Model,this present study depicted the complexity of analogical tasking from the aspects of hierarchical complexity and horizontal complexity.Based on this model,the developmental trends and characteristics of analogical problem-solving in tasks on varied complexity were investigated with classical A:B:C:D paradigm.A sample of 115 children aged 5 to 9 participated the study,and their performances on analogical tasks with varied complexity were explored.Results indicated that:(1) the children's analogical reasoning showed diversified characteristics.There were mainly five kinds of patterns,including mastering analogical reasoning adequately,completing analogical reasoning from partial relation or location,unable to finish analogical reasoning and uncertain about the analogical reasoning.Thereinto,analogical reasoning from partial relation was peculiar to complex tasks.(2) In both the simple and complex tasks,with age increased,the proportion of children who had mastered the analogical reasoning increased gradually,while the proportion of those who were unable to complete analogical reasoning declined from age 5 to 9.Moreover,the proportion of children who completed analogical reasoning from partial relation declined in complex tasks.In conclusion,when performed simple tasks,the children within preoperational stage showed analogical reasoning ability.However,in complex tasks,only those who had developed into concrete operational stage demonstrated such ability.
      The Occurrence and Development of Young Children’s Informal Reasoning
      ZHANG Qi, MA Yan-ping, ZHANG Li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(6):  592-597,611. 
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      Because different measuring criteria were used in the previous researches,so that the results of the occurrence phase of young children's informal reasoning were different.New measurement criterion for measuring the occurrence of young children's informal reasoning was discussed and proposed in the research.Informal reasoning tests were administrated to 3 to 6 years old children by argument promoting method,the results showed that young children's my-side reasoning ability occurred from 3 years and 3 months to 3 years and 9 months;other-side reasoning ability occurred from 4 years to 4 years and 6 months;refuting reasoning ability occurred from 4 years and 9 months to 6 years.During the reasoning process,there were significant age differences in the quantity of reasons and no significant gender differences in the quantity of reasons.
      Relationship between Junior Students’ Gratitude and Academic Achievement: With Academic Engagement as the Mediator
      WEN Chao, ZHANG Wei, LI Dong-ping, YU Cheng-fu, DAI Wei-zhu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(6):  598-605. 
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      To examine the relationship between junior students' gratitude and academic achievement,and whether emotional,cognitive and behavioral engagement as factors of academic engagement play a serial mediating effect between them.669 middle school students were tested with Adolescents' Gratitude Scale,Academic Engagement Scale,and Academic Achievement Questionnaire.The results indicated that:(1) Junior students' gratitude was positively associated with their academic achievement;(2) emotional,cognitive and behavioral engagement played a serial mediating effect between gratitude and academic achievement;(3) Scores of female were higher than that of male in the aspects of gratitude and behavioral engagement,which partly accounted for the sexual differences on academic achievement.
      The Effects of External Information Representation on Framing Effect in Learning Decision-Making
      LIU Ru-de, SONG Ling-qing, HE Mei-jun, ZHANG Jun, YUAN Zhen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(6):  606-611. 
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      Two experiments with different kinds of information representations were conducted to demonstrate the consistency in the choice reversal between a risky and a less risky option of an equally expected value which were described in positive terms(gain framing) or in negative terms(loss framing).Three hundred and thirty-three middle school students were distributed into the first experiment with description-based representation and the second experiment with experience-based representation to make learning decisions in gain framing or loss framing.The results showed that:1) in the first experiment,there was a choice reversal where almost half the subjects who were given the positively framed version of the task selected the option with a certain outcome,whereas the majority of subjects who were given the negatively framed version selected the risky option.2) In the second experiment,there was no such choice reversal between a risky and a less risky option described in either gain framing or loss framing.In conclusion,there was a framing effect in the first experiment with description-based representation,whereas there was no framing effect in the second one with experience-based representation.The inconsistency of choice reversal in the two experiments implied the significant influence of external information representations on the framing effect in the learning decision-making.
      The Difference between Expert and Novice Teachers in Perceiving Static Classroom Teaching Scenes: An Eye Tracking Study
      WANG Fu-xing, SHEN Ji-liang, TIAN Hong-jie, ZHOU Zong-kui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(6):  612-617. 
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      Teaching management is an important skill for expert teachers.Previous studies had shown that expert and novice teachers differ in perceiving and processing classroom information.However,these studies were limited by the use of traditional inquiry methods such as surveys,questionnaires,and observations,and failed to provide direct data in authentic situations.With the advance in eye-tracking technology,researchers in the current study are able to identify where and how teachers responded to visual cues presented in real classroom teaching scenes.Results showed that experts gave more fixations and longer fixation duration than novices.Non-classroom-teaching scenes were fixated more than classroom-teaching scenes.Experts gave few fixations but long duration time on classroom teaching related scenes.Conversel,they gave more fixations but shorter duration time on non-classroom-teaching scenes.Experts paid more attention to non-classroom-teaching scenes than novices.On the whole,experts use different strategies and eye movement model to perceive and process the information in different scenes.
      The Relationship of Internet Use, Internet Special Self-efficacy and Internet Addiction in University Students
      LUO Zhe-hui, WAN Jing-jing, LIU Qin-xue, FANG Xiao-yi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(6):  618-626. 
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      In order to explore the effect of internet special self-efficacy on the relationship of internet use behaviors and internet addiction in university students,1121 undergraduate students from five universities in Wuhan were invited to participate in the study.They were asked to finish Chinese Internet Addiction Scale(CIAS),Internet Use Questionnaire,Internet Use Self-efficacy Questionnaire,and Internet Control Self-efficacy Questionnaire.The results showed that there were gender and grade differences in internet use behaviors of undergraduate students.In the participants,12.2% were internet addicts.And the proportion of internet addiction was different in different gender and grade.The internet special self-efficacy of undergraduate students also had gender and grade differences.The number of days using internet per week,using online games,online transaction,and internet social contact could predicted internet addiction directly.Undergraduate students' internet use behaviors could not only affect internet addiction directly,but also affect internet addiction indirectly through internet use self-efficacy and internet control self-efficacy.From the study,we had some suggestions for the intervention and prevention of internet addiction.
      The Intergenerational Social Support and Its Impact on Depression in the Empty Nest Aged among Urban and Rural Areas
      PENG Hua-mao, YIN Shu-fei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(6):  627-633. 
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      The present study applied Parents-Adult Children Social Support Scale and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale(CES-D) to 196 elderly.Results showed that:regarded the non-empty nester from urban areas,the empty nester from urban areas,the non-empty nester from rural areas and the empty nester from rural areas four groups of people,(1) the social support receiving from adult children matched the giving;(2) in respect of the social support receiving from adult children,service support was the mostly,and emotional and economic support were the secondly.No significant difference between empty nester and non-empty nester was found on the specific dimensions of receiving social support.So did that between urban and rural areas.(3) in respect of the social support giving to adult children,emotional and service support were more than economic support.Empty and non-empty nester gave the same social support to adult children on the specific dimensions of it.The urban aged gave more than the rural on each dimension of giving social support.(4) the rural aged were more depressed than the rural ones.(5) the influence factors on depression were different.For urban non-empty nester,the emotional support they gave to adult children could negatively predict their depression level;for urban empty nester,the more emotional support and the less economic support they gave to adult children,the lower depression level they would have;while for rural non-empty nester,the service support they received from adult children was a significant inverse predictor on their depression level;for rural empty nester,social support didn't affect their depression level.
      Rural Left-Home-Children’s Depression and Antisocial Behavior: the Protective Role of Daily Pleasures
      ZHAO Jing-xin, LIU Xia
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(6):  634-640. 
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      A total of 410 children,including Parents Left for Work(PLW) group,"Father Left for Work"(FLW) group and normal group,were recruited from a rural areas in Henan province.These children completed a self-report assessment on testing relationships between daily hassles and children's depression and antisocial behavior,and the protective role of daily pleasures in the relationships.Results showed that higher level of daily hassles predicted higher scores of children's depression and antisocial behavior.Ameliorative effects of daily pleasures were found for children's depression and antisocial behavior,however,the effects changed as a function of children's group.For children's depression,the predictive power of daily pleasures in FLW and normal group was stronger than in PLW group.In contrary,the ameliorative effects of daily pleasures for children's antisocial behavior in PLW group were stronger than in FLW and normal group.Moreover,the negative effect of daily hassles to children's antisocial behavior was resisted by daily pleasures.
      Effect Mechanism of Parenting Style on College Students Subjective Well-Being
      ZENG Xiao-qiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(6):  641-649. 
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      Parental Bonding Instrument,Self-Esteem Scale,General Self-Efficacy Scale,General Trust Scale,Perceived Social Support Scale,Indices of General Affect and Well-Being were used to assess 765 college students,and the possible effect mechanism of parenting style on subjective well-being was explored.The results indicated as follows:College students in China perceived significantly more maternal care than paternal care,and the male perceived significantly more parental overprotection than the female;there were significant correlation between parental rearing patterns and self-esteem,self-efficacy,general trust,perceived social support,and subjective well-being;there were no significant differences between influence of maternal rearing and influence of paternal rearing on general trust,perceived social support,and subjective well-being,but comparing with paternal care,maternal care had significantly greater effects on self-esteem and self-efficacy;compared with self-efficacy and general trust,selfesteem and perceived social support were main influence factors of subjective well-being;self-esteem and perceived social support were mediator factor between paternal and maternal rearing and subjective well-being.
      Preliminary Development of the Interpersonal Adaptability Scale for College Students
      WANG Gang, ZHANG Da-jun, JIANG Qi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(6):  650-657. 
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      Based on review of current literature,the conception of interpersonal adaptability was defined in this paper,and the construct of interpersonal adaptability was proposed by open-ended questionnaire survey,interview with experts and theoretic analysis.According to the construct the Interpersonal Adaptability Scale for College Students was developed to investigate 2100 valid subjects.Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted,and reliability and validity were analyzed.The results showed that:(1) interpersonal adaptability of college students was a hierarchy including eleven primary factors and two secondary factors.Eleven primary factors included self-recognition ability,relationship-recognition ability,and cooperation ability and so on.Two secondary factors included interpersonal recognition ability and interpersonal interaction ability.(2) the Interpersonal Adaptability Scale for College Students had good reliability and validity.It could be used to test interpersonal adaptability of college students.
      The Influencing Factors of the Development of Self-Control of Emotion
      Jiang, Yuan, Lin, Chong-de
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(6):  658-664. 
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      Self-control is a capacity that has profound effects upon the people's behavior,and is an important research topic in emotion,motivation,and developmental psychology.The current study focused on the development of self-control of emotion through reviewing the latest findings,and necessitated examination of both intrinsic and extrinsic factors for understanding the development of control of emotions.Furthermore,this study also commented on its deficiencies and future research trends.
      Review on Adolescent Drug Use Prevention Intervention
      LIN Dan-hua, LI Xiao-ming
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(6):  665-672. 
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      The issue of adolescent drug use is becoming more and more serious in contemporary society of China.It is of theoretical and practical importance to systematically review drug use prevention intervention among the popu-lation.The present paper summarized and evaluated the existing adolescent drug use prevention intervention approaches,prevention intervention model and effective ingredients of drug use prevention intervention.Moreover,several exemplary drug use prevention programs in western society were introduced.Future direction in the field of adolescent drug use prevention intervention is prospected.