Psychological Development and Education ›› 2010, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (6): 584-591.

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The Developmental Characteristics of Analogical Reasoning on Tasks with Different Complexity in 5~9 Years Old Children

ZHANG Li1, XIN Zi-qiang2, Gulizha1,3   

  1. 1. Institute of Developmental Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;
    2. Department of Psychology, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing 100081, China;
    3. Xinjiang Arts Institute, Urumchi 830001, China
  • Online:2010-11-15 Published:2010-11-15

Abstract: According to the Relational-Representational Complexity Model,this present study depicted the complexity of analogical tasking from the aspects of hierarchical complexity and horizontal complexity.Based on this model,the developmental trends and characteristics of analogical problem-solving in tasks on varied complexity were investigated with classical A:B:C:D paradigm.A sample of 115 children aged 5 to 9 participated the study,and their performances on analogical tasks with varied complexity were explored.Results indicated that:(1) the children's analogical reasoning showed diversified characteristics.There were mainly five kinds of patterns,including mastering analogical reasoning adequately,completing analogical reasoning from partial relation or location,unable to finish analogical reasoning and uncertain about the analogical reasoning.Thereinto,analogical reasoning from partial relation was peculiar to complex tasks.(2) In both the simple and complex tasks,with age increased,the proportion of children who had mastered the analogical reasoning increased gradually,while the proportion of those who were unable to complete analogical reasoning declined from age 5 to 9.Moreover,the proportion of children who completed analogical reasoning from partial relation declined in complex tasks.In conclusion,when performed simple tasks,the children within preoperational stage showed analogical reasoning ability.However,in complex tasks,only those who had developed into concrete operational stage demonstrated such ability.

Key words: analogical reasoning, developmental characteristics, relational complexity, relational-representational complexity model

CLC Number: 

  • B844.1
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