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    15 September 2010, Volume 26 Issue 5
    • Factors Influencing Children’s Numerical Development: Surface Similarity Effect and Shared Labels Effect
      HAN Cong-cong, CHEN Pu-jing, CHEN Ying-he
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(5):  449-456. 
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      This study explored how surface similarity effect and shared labels effect influenced the performance of 60 children aged 3 to 5 on the numerical equivalence task and numerical comparison task.This study tried to examine whether and how the surface similarity effect affected children's performance on two different experimental conditions,congruent vs.incongruent.Further,it was hypothesized that give-objects task would have more advantages over give-a-number task in test number labels.The following conclusions were drawn:(1)the 4-year-olds and 5-year-olds performed significantly better on the numerical equivalence task and numerical comparison task than 3-year-olds did;(2)when surface similarity was congruent(i.e.,all sets contained the same objects),children performed significantly better than they did on the incongruent condition of numerical equivalence and comparison; (3)children who understood the number words for the target sets performed above chance in the equivalence task and comparisons task.
      The Effect of Difference between Premises on Diversity-based Reasoning of Children
      CHEN Qing-fei, LEI Yi, LI Hong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(5):  457-464. 
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      This research studied and discussed the possible effect of the differences between premises on diversity-based reasoning,and examined the development of diversity-based reasoning of children as well.During our studies,two experiments were designed.32 children aged 5-6 and 32 children aged 8-9 participated in experiment 1,while 51 children aged 10-12 participated in experiment 2.As differences between premises reducing,children aged 5-6 consistently failed to consider sample diversity in inductive reasoning,but children aged 8-9 tended to create diverse samples in their reasoning.Although our way to quantifying the difference between premises was artificial,as the difference between premises increased,the strength of inductive reasoning was enhanced.At least in this study,when the difference between premises reached the most of the differences it can be,choices of most subjects showed the diversity effect.However,when the differences were very small,although the subjects could judge which group's differences were great,their inductive reasoning has no significant tendency.
      Strategies’Utilization Deficiency of Three to Six Grade Students When Solving Multi-Subtraction Problem
      ZHOU Shao-xian, WANG Fu-xing, XU Fei-fei, CHEN Jun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(5):  465-472. 
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      This study explored the concept of utilization deficiency and the development progressing of strategies. One hundred and twenty primary school students of three to six grade participated in this study.The results showed that the phase of utilization deficiency did exist when children solved problems.After using a strategy,children's cognitive performance decreased firstly,and then,it ascended gradually.Finally,the performance dropped a little again.In generally,the process of strategy acquisition was not linear.The process of strategy acquisition included three stages.They are exploring use,comprehensive use and degeneration of strategy use.
      Experience of School Life in Senior High School Students: Based on the Day Reconstruction Method
      TIAN Li-li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(5):  473-481. 
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      Daily rhythm patterns of the affect experiences,corresponding to activities,locations and interactive partners in school lives,were investigated with the Day Reconstruction Method(DRM).133 senior high school students,whose life experiences were recorded,were involved in this study,Four main results were found:(1) Senior high school students showed stronger positive experience than negative ones in most activities,locations and interaction throughout the day at school.(2)Most of the positive affects and intensity of tiredness reached the peak before they went to bed.In the contrast,most of the negative affects intensity fell into the lowest point at the same time.(3)They experienced strong sense of competence during the whole day.Its intensity was at the lowest point in the morning whereas it reached the peak at noon.
      The Development of Different Levels of Emotion Understanding in Young Children Aged 36 years and its Relationship with Attachment
      MA Wei-na, YAO Yu-jia, CAO Liang, ZHOU Li-qing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(5):  482-488. 
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      This study was conducted to discuss the developmental trend of emotion understanding in young children aged 3-6 years and its relationship with attachment.114 children aged 3-6 years were tested by emotion comprehension task and children attachment behavior card.The results showed as followed:Different levels of emotion understanding would develop with age.The understanding in facial expression recognition and emotion causes would develop first,whereas understanding mixed emotions and moral emotion would be later.Children of different attachment styles have significant difference on different levels of emotion understanding.Emotion understanding of secure attachment children is significantly greater than that of insecure attachment children,especially on the understanding in emotion external causes,emotion based on desire,belief and memory.
      Long-term and Short-term Effects of Violent Media on Aggression of Undergraduates
      WEI Hua, ZHANG Cong-li, ZHOU Zong-kui, JING Qiong, TIAN Yuan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(5):  489-494. 
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      This study inverstigated the long-term and short-term effects on aggression of undergraduates by exposure to violent media with the Implicit Association Test and the Aggression Questionnaire.The results showed:(1)Individuals who contacted with more violent media have higher explicit and implicit aggression.(2)Exposure to a violent video game for 10minutes incease Individuals'implicit aggression,but exposure to a non-violent video game 10minutes have no influence on individuals's implicit aggression.Exfposure to a violent video game and a non-violet video game for 10 minutes have no influence on individuals'explicit aggression.(3)There is no interaction effect between the baseline of explicit aggression and the kind of game.The interaction effect between the baseline of implicit aggression and the kind of game was significant;For the individuals who have higher baseline of implicit aggression,the type of game has no influence on implicit aggression;For the individuals who have lower baseline of implicit aggression,the violent video game increased their implicit aggression,the non-violent video game have no influence on their aggression.
      Ego Identity Status,"Big Five"Personality and Causality Orientation in University Students
      WANG Shu-qing, SHI Meng, CHEN Hui-chang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(5):  495-501. 
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      Individual characteristics have important influence on college students'identity formation.This study aimed to investigate the relations among personality,causality orientation and ego identity status in university students by SEM,especially exploring the individual internal mechanism of ego identity formation.536 university students from freshman to senior participated in the questionnaire investigation.The results indicated:(1)both "big five" personality and causality orientation had strongly effect on university students'ego identity statuses, which can greatly explain the difference of university students'ego identity statuses,especially the identity achievement status and identity diffusion status.(2)causality orientation mediated the relation betweenm "big five"personality and ego identity status in university students.
      Chinese Migrant Children’s Future Orientation and Its Relationship with School Engagement
      HU Xin-yi, LIU Xia, JI Qiqo-ling, SHEN Ji-liang, ZHANG Ling-ling
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(5):  502-508. 
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      This study was aimed to explore the characteristics of migrant children's future orientation and the effect of migrant children's future orientation on school engagement.Seven hundred and fifty-five participants(including 562 migrant children)were investigated with the questionnaires of future orientation and school engagement.The results indicated that(1)Compared with the migrant children from public school and the urban children,migrant children from the school of migrant children had fewer goals on future education and more goals on future vocation, they also had lower scores on planning,internal attribution and optimism.(2)Migrant children in grade one had more goals on future education,and less internal attribution on future vocation than those in grade two in the school of migrant children.Migrant boys had higher external attribution and optimism than migrant girls in public school. (3)Planning and optimism in educational domain had significantly positive effect on Migrant children's behavioral engagement,while external attribution in educational domain and planning in vocational domain had significantly negative effect on it.Planning,goals and optimism in educational domain and internal attribution in vocational domain were the significantly positive predictors for Migrant children's psychological engagement.
      A Research on the Relationship between Interpersonal Disturbances and Attachment in College Students
      LI Cai-na, ZHOU Wei, ZHANG Man
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(5):  509-514. 
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      725 college students'from Xi'an were assessed in order to examine the characters of college students' interpersonal disturbances and its relations to attachment.The Interpersonal Relationship Integrated Diagnosis Questionnaire and General attachment questionnaire were used.The results that showed(1)the overall level of college students'interpersonal disturbances was low;(2)There were significant correlations between interpersonal disturbances and self-other working model;further more,working model of self was more significant;(3)Working model of self had direct effect on interpersonal disturbances,but working model of other only had direct effect on interpersonal disturbance of talking with others.in conclusion,there were significant correlations between interpersonal disturbances and self-other working model of attachment.Working model of self had direct effect on interpersonal disturbances.
      Moderating Effects of Optimism on Psychological Well-being
      LI Hong, SUN Han-yin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(5):  515-520. 
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      The cognitive literature abounds with reports demonstrating a positive relation between a heightened degree of attention focused on the self and diverse psychopathological states.For example,several theoretical conceptualizations of self-focused attention have been related to a vairety of specific clinical disorders such as alcohol abuse,depression,anxiety,test anxiety,and social anxiety.Furthermore,several authors have discussed the theoretical possibility that an excessive degree of self-focused attention occurs in depression and may mediate a subset of depressive features.Numerous other theoretical approaches have also suggested that test anxious individuals in a performance situation as“self rather than task oriented.Several self-focused attention studies have investigated other types of anxiety such as social anxiety,and found significant relations among the social anxiety and self-focused attention.Then,which aspects of self specifically lead to the problems,and how do they work as the predictors? Our literature review revealed that many researches in this field focused on the relationship between self-conscious-ness and psychological well-being.Researches further suggested that findings of the relationship between one aspect of self-consciousness-public self-consciousness and psychological well-being were consistent.But,findings of the relationship between another aspect of self-consciousness-private self-consciousness and psychological well-being were different.Private self-consciousness consists of self-reflectiveness and internal-state-awareness.Self-reflective-ness was found to be negatively associated with psychological well-being,but internal-state-awareness was found to be positively associated with psychological well-being.However,people would be healthy and happy if they were dispositional optimism no matter they tend to be self-reflectiveness or internal-state-awareness.The literature suggested that self-reflectiveness,internal-state-awareness and optimism might be the main influential factors of self on psychological well-being or psychological problem.Moreover,there might be an association among these three factors when they work on the psychological status and this association might be one of the working ways of self influences on psychological well-being or psychological problem. The central aim of this study is to examine the moderating effects of optimism on the relationship between both self-reflectiveness and internal state awareness and psychological well-being.Measures of self-reflectivenenss and internal state awareness are private self-consciousness scale,and of optimism and psychological well-being are Life Orientation Test,and GHQ-20 and Self-esteem Scale.In the study,568 undergraduate students from three specific universities in Beijing were included.Findings suggested that optimism moderated in the relationship between self-reflectiveness and general health status,but not in the relationship between self-reflectiveness and self-esteem.It implied that optimism could decrease self-reflectiveness people's general health problems,but could not increase their self-esteem.Another moderating effect was showed in the relationship between internal-state-awareness and self-esteem,as well as in the relationship between internal-state-awareness and general health status.This finding suggested that optimism could not only decrease internal-state-awareness people's general health problem,but also coule increase their self-esteem.The theoretical implication is that the results of this study modified and renewed the previous findings of the relationship between internal state awareness and psychological well-being,as well as the relationship between self-reflectiveness and psychological well-being.The suggestions of this study is that internal state awareness and self-reflectiveness do not necessarily decrease or increase people's psychological well-being,but optimism exerts an important moderating effect on the relationships between them.The practical implication is that increasing optimistic attitude is an important way to increase people's psychological well-being.
      The Effect of Multilevel Factors on Teacher Burnout
      SHI Lei-shan, Gao Feng-qiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(5):  521-526. 
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      In order to examine the factors that influence on teacher burnout at the individual and organizational levels,370 teachers as subjects from 39 primary schools were chosen.Hierarchical Linear Model(HLM)results revealed that(1)collective teacher efficacy negatively predicted emotional exhaustion,personal accomplishment and depersonalization;and there was a direct positive relationship between the care to people and personal accomplishment;(2)collective teacher efficacy and the care to work weaken the negative relationship of teacher efficacy and emotional exhaustion,but the care to people factor could promote the negative relationship of teacher efficacy and emotional exhaustion;(3)leadership behavior of principle could moderate the relationship of gender and teacher burnout,school ages and teacher burnout.The care to work factor induced the lower personal accomplishment for women,and had much more effect on teachers who had been working many years in school.However,concerning accomplishment and depersonalization,the care to people factor had much more effects on teachers who had been working few years in school.
      Analysis on Factors Affecting the Shaping of Teacher’s Career Plateau in Elementary and Middle School
      HUI Shan-kang, CAO Jian
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(5):  527-533,560. 
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      Through the investigation to 428 teachers'career plateau and its shaping factors in Elementary and High School,we analyze the features of teachers'career plateau.Then,finding the factors affecting the shaping of teacher's career plateau and constructing three factors scales.Those scales include teacher's vocational sentiment, perceived stress from society,background support.The result shows those scales'reliability and validity are very good.The correlative analysis indicates the correlation between teacher's career plateau and its shaping factors is significant.The regress model conveys the effect of teacher's vocational sentiment is most important,then,perceived stress from society and background support.Result shows that teacher's vocational sentiment partially mediate the relationship between perceived stress from society,background support and teacher's career plateau.
      Development of the Kindergarten Teachers’Work Engagement Questionnaire
      WANG Yan-feng, QIN Jin-liang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(5):  534-542. 
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      The aim of this research is to develop the kindergarten teachers'work engagement questionnaire.On the basis of literature review,the items of kindergarten teachers'work engagement were compiled according to interview(N=24)and open questionnaire investigation(N=72);Four factors were extracted,namely work pleasure, work value,work obligation and work absorption according to the results of Explore Factor Analysis(N=516); The main psychological survey index of this questionnaire were examined according to Confirm Factory Analysis and analysis of the reliability and validity(N=720),the results of analysis show that these index were up to the standard.This questionnaire has 21 items,of which the structure,reliability and validity are very good,it can be acted as the measurement tool of the kindergarten teachers'work engagement.
      Revision of the Scale of Celebrity Worship
      PENG Wen-bo, QIU Xiao-ting, LIU Dian-zhi, WANG Ping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(5):  543-548. 
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      It is necessary to revise a foreign authoritative scale such as the CAS(the Celebrity Attitude Scale)made by McCutcheon et al(2002)in order to communicate with international studies and develop the field in depth.640 college students and middle school students take part in the research,the ratio of items and samples is 1:17.8.The CAS Chinese Version is formed with five progressive dimensions such as entertainment-social,emotion-casted, completely-identity,relation fantasy,and borderline-pathological.The Version have satisfied psychometrics indexes,better data fitting quality and well consistency index in model structure,so it is an effective tool to measure the celebrity worship in china.
      Emotion Development of Chinese Adolescents under The Social Change
      SANG Biao, DENG Xin-mei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(5):  549-553. 
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      Base on the reviews of the advance in the development of emotion regulation and its related constructs, we analyzed the development of adolescence in the background of ongoing social change.To state the influence of social change,we focused on the developmental researches of emotion regulation,emotion experience,emotional intelligence,and emotion regulation attitude.Moreover,considering the methodological challenge of emotional researches and developmental researches,we recommended the longitudinal design and time sampling design.To elaborate,empirical researches which were conducted by using a longitudinal design and time sampling design respectively were introduced.In terms of the convergent results,we might conclude that down-regulation could be an effective and adaptive regulatory strategy in Chinese disclosure.
      Exploration of adolescents’Internet Addiction
      LEI Li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2010, 26(5):  554-560. 
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      Through the investigation to 428 teachers'career plateau and its shaping factors in Elementary and High School,we analyze the features of teachers'career plateau.Then,finding the factors affecting the shaping of teacher's career plateau and constructing three factors scales.Those scales include teacher's vocational sentiment, perceived stress from society,background support.The result shows those scales'reliability and validity are very good.The correlative analysis indicates the correlation between teacher's career plateau and its shaping factors is significant.The regress model conveys the effect of teacher's vocational sentiment is most important,then,perceived stress from society and background support.Result shows that teacher's vocational sentiment partially mediate the relationship between perceived stress from society,background support and teacher's career plateau.