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15 November 2015, Volume 31 Issue 6
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The Developmental Character of Primary School Children's Sharing and the Effects of Positive Feedbacks
HAO Jiajia, CHEN Yinghe
Psychological Development and Education. 2015, 31(6): 641-647. doi:
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Sharing is one of the typical prosocial behaviors. This study explored the development of children's sharing during primary school and the effects of positive feedbacks from oneself, partner and authority. Double-anonymous dictator games were conducted to 386 students from 2-6 grades that randomly assigned as 3 experimental groups and control group. The experimental groups received positive feedback from self, partner or authority after the first session separately. The results showed:(a) most of children were willing to share with their partners in classic dictator game, and they shared more coins as growing up; the mainly sharing type changed from self-interested sharing to equal sharing.(b) feedbacks from partner and authority increased follow sharing of children in grade 2 and grade 4; however the feedback of self-evaluation increased follow sharing of children in grade 4 and grade 6. These results suggested that children's sharing increased during primary school, the positive feedbacks from different information sources had promoting effects on children's sharing varying with the age stage.
The Development of Children's Fair Behavior in Different Distribution Situations
LIANG Fucheng, WANG Xinyi, TANG Weihai
Psychological Development and Education. 2015, 31(6): 648-653. doi:
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To explore the development of children's fair behavior, the study presented four distribution situations. They were disadvantage game(2/2, 0/4) and(2/2, 1/3) in self task, advantage game(2/2, 4/0) and(2/2, 3/1) in self task, conflict game(0/4, 4/0) and(1/3, 3/1) in self task and(2/2, 0/4) and(2/2, 1/3) game in third-party task. This study selected four groups, namely, 4 year-old group, 6 year-old group, 8 year-old group and 10 year-old group, each containing 30 cases as participants. Children in self task were forced to choose one allocation solution for themselves and other anonymous child. Children in third-party task were forced to choose one allocation solution for another two anonymous children. It showed that:(1) the number of 4, 6, 8,10 year-old children who chose 2/2 fair option was respectively significantly more than 0/4 or 1/3 disadvantage option on disadvantage game of self task;(2) the number of 8 year-old and 10 year-old children who chose 2/2 fair option was respectively significantly more than 4/0 or 3/1 advantage option on advantage game of self task, but there was no significant difference for 4 and 6 year-old children;(3) the number of 4 and 6 year-old children who chose 4/0 or 3/1 self-interest option was respectively significantly more than 0/4 or 1/3 altruism option on conflict game of self task; but there was no significant difference for 8 and 10 year-old children;(4) the number of 8 and 10 year-old children who chose 2/2 fair option was significantly more than 0/4 or 1/3unfair option on the third-party task, but there was no significant difference for 4 and 6 year-old children. The present study demonstrated that 4 and 6 year-old children gave priority to self-interest consideration. When they made a decision for others, they did not adhere to the principle of fairness. Children as young as eight were at the turning point of acquiring the concept of fairness. 8 and 10 year-old children considered fair principle as criteria to make decisions and showed a tendency of altruism.
The Developmental Characteristics of Executive Functions and the Influence of Verbal Ability on Children Aged 2 to 3.5 Years Old
WU Huizhong, Wang Mingyi
Psychological Development and Education. 2015, 31(6): 654-660. doi:
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The age from 2 to 3.5 is an important period for children transitioning from infant to young child, which is also important regarding to children's development of executive functions and verbal ability. The aim of this study was to explore the developmental characteristics of children's executive functions, the relationships among the three components, and the effects of verbal ability on executive functions. 81 children from Beijing, aged 2 to 3.5 years old, participated in this study and completed the fixed box task, the building blocks task, the A-not-B task and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. The results showed that:(1) during the age of 2 to 3.5, children's working memory and inhibitory control developed quickly, except for the cognitive flexibility. 2.5 years old is the vital period for the development of working memory and inhibitory control;(2) during the period of 2 to 3 years old, cognitive flexibility is closely associated with working memory; while during the period of 3 to 3.5 years old, cognitive flexibility is closely related to inhibitory control. As for the relationship among the three components of executive functions, 3 years old is the key turning period. This result supported Garon's hypothesis that the development of cognitive flexibility based on the working memory and inhibitory control.(3) during the period of 2 to 3.5 years old, verbal ability developed rapidly, and this ability has some effects on the internal relationship of executive functions, however, different levels of verbal ability don't contribute to children's performance in executive functions' tasks significantly.
The Effect of Ecological Significance to Unexpected Stimuli on Inattentional Blindness:The Role of Emotional Valence and Fine Degree
GE Guohong, JIN Yibo
Psychological Development and Education. 2015, 31(6): 661-667. doi:
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This study adopts the sustained IB paradigm from Most S B(2000). This study takes circles, abstract faces(positive, neutral and negative faces) and real faces(positive, neutral and negative, and the balance of the gender effect) as unexpected stimuli, to study the effect of ecology on IB. The experimental findings are as following:(1) Compared to the positive faces and neutral ones, awareness rate of subjects is significantly higher than negative faces as unexpected stimuli; while awareness rate to positive faces and neutral faces is not much different.(2) Relative to circles, the awareness rate to abstract faces and real faces as unexpected stimuli is higher, while awareness rate to the abstract faces and real faces is not much different. In a word, the IB rate of negative and fine unexpected stimuli is lower, namely unexpected stimuli of strong ecological significance more easily captures attention.
Research on Implicit and Explicit Gender-Emotional Stereotypes of Undergraduates
Psychological Development and Education. 2015, 31(6): 668-675. doi:
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In order to measure students' gender-emotional stereotypes and analyze the relationship between implicit and explicit test, 280 undergraduates participated in explicit connection task and 87 undergraduates participated in implicit association test. The results showed that:in both implicit and explicit tests, male and female college students both have gender-emotional stereotypes and the male's names were linked much more with angry words, female's names were associated much more with happy words; The differences between the degrees of male and female college students' gender-emotional stereotypes were extremely significant, the female show more obviously bias that "male are more likely to be angry, female are more likely to be happy"; There was no significant correlation between explicit and implicit gender-emotional stereotypes, they belong to two different constructions.
Attentional Bias of Individuals in Adulthood with Disabilities for Different Types of Social Cues
ZHANG Lin, LIU Shen, XIE Wenlan, LI Wentao
Psychological Development and Education. 2015, 31(6): 676-684. doi:
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To investigate attentional bias of individuals in adulthood with disabilities for different types of social cues, the present study applied emotional Stroop task and odd-one-out search task to investigate attentional bias of individuals in adulthood with disabilities for social feedback speech cues and social feedback emotion cues through two experiments with normal people as a control group. The results indicate that:(1) Individuals with disabilities named the color of socially rejected words faster than normal people. Namely, individuals with disabilities had more stronger attentional bias for negative social cues.(2) Individuals with disabilities detected angry faces faster than normal people while normal people detected happy faces faster than individuals with disabilities. Namely, individuals with disabilities had more attentional sensitivities for negative social emotional cues while normal people had more attentional sensitivities for positive social emotional cues.(3) Individuals with disabilities didn't have attentional disengagement for negative social emotional cues.
Internet Use and Online Altruistic Behavior in College Students:The Role of Internet Use Self-efficacy and Gender
LIU Qinxue, CHEN Wu, ZHOU Zongkui
Psychological Development and Education. 2015, 31(6): 685-693. doi:
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The present study examined whether Internet use self-efficacy mediated the relationship between Internet use and online altruistic behavior, and whether this mediating process was moderated by gender. 562 college students in Hubei province completed anonymous questionnaires regarding Internet altruistic behavior, Internet use self-efficacy and Internet use. The results showed that males scored higher on online altruistic behavior, Internet use self-efficacy, online game behavior, and Internet information behavior than females, but there was no gender difference in online social interaction. Internet use, including online social interaction, Internet information behavior, online game behavior, was positively correlated with Internet use self-efficacy and online altruistic behavior; Internet use self-efficacy was positively correlated with online altruistic behavior. The positive association between Internet use and online altruistic behavior was mediated by Internet use self-efficacy. Moreover, the mediating effect of Internet use self-efficacy was moderated by gender, and this mediating effect was stronger for males than that for female.
Effect of Empathy on College Students' Charitable Donation in Real Acute Disease Situation:Moderated Mediating Effect
DING Fengqin, NA Wen
Psychological Development and Education. 2015, 31(6): 694-702. doi:
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To explore the inner mechanism that empathy affects the college students' charitable donation based on the real acute disease situation, 462 college students were surveyed with questionnaires about moral intensity, moral identity, empathic concern and charitable donation. The results indicated that:(1) under the real acute disease situation, female students were easier to show empathic response to the unfortunate events of the protagonist than male students, and the empathic response of college students reduced gradually with the distance of grade relationship;(2) empathy played partial mediating effect between moral intensity and charitable donation, i.e., moral intensity promoted charitable donation indirectly by increasing empathy;(3) moral identity moderated the mediating effect of empathy, specifically, comparing with individuals who are low moral identity, the individuals who are high moral identity show more charitable donation, moreover, the mediating effect of empathy on the moral intensity and charitable donation has enhanced significantly. These findings had important theoretical value on understanding the internal mechanism of charitable donation and practical enlightenment meaning to educate and intervene of charitable donation.
The Perceptual Span of Different Reading Level Uyghur Students in Fifth Grade in Uyghur Reading
ZHANG Yujing, MAI Hefulaiti·Kan ji, ZU Murantiguli·Ranmutula
Psychological Development and Education. 2015, 31(6): 703-709. doi:
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The present study investigated whether the levels of the reading skills was modulated by the amount of information that was acquired during a fixation in reading in Uyghur. The moving window paradigm was adapted with SR Research Eye Link 2000 eye tracker for record reader's eye movements. 16 high and 14 low reading uyghur primary school student participated in the experiment. Participants read 75 sentences with seven experimental conditions. The experiment design was 2(skill level:high and low)×7(display conditions:4-4 characters, 8-8 characters, 11-11characters, L11R1, L11R2, L11R3, whole line condition)mixed design.The results as follows:The perceptual span of high level students in the fifth grade was 8-11 characters to the left of current fixation and 2-3 characters to its right; The perceptual span of low level students in the fifth grade was 8-11 characters to the left of current fixation and 2 characters to its right. Therefore, we concluded that the perceptual span of different level readers is asymmetric; the perceptual span of high level students is lager than the low level students,especially in the right fixation.
The Influence of Parent Involvement on Students' School Engagement:A Mediated Moderation Model
MA Hong, YAO Meilin, JI Xueyan
Psychological Development and Education. 2015, 31(6): 710-718. doi:
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This study investigated the relationship between parent involvement and students' school engagement among 4160 students from 12 elementary and secondary schools in Beijing. The roles of autonomy-supportive/controlling parenting style as well as students' psychological need satisfaction in academic activities in this relationship were investigated and analyzed by hierarchical regression analysis. The study found that:(1) parent involvement decreased with the increase of students' grades;(2) parents involved more in the aspect of tutoring at home but less in collaborating with school and community;(3) parent involvement positively predicted students' school engagement;(4) the autonomy-supportive/controlling parenting style moderated the relationship between parent involvement and students' school engagement, and this moderated relationship was mediated partly by students' psychological need satisfaction in academic activities.
The Effects of Teachers' Empathy on Students' Academic Achievement:A Hierarchical Linear Analysis Based on the Measurement of Animated Narrative Vignettes Simulations
LI Weijian, DING Wan, SUN Binghai, YU Lili
Psychological Development and Education. 2015, 31(6): 719-727. doi:
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The effects of teachers' empathy on students' development of social skills and emotions has been demonstrated by previous researches,whereas to date no consistent conclusion is achieved for the facilitation of teachers' empathy onto students' academic development. To elucidate the influence of teachers' empathy to students' academic achievement, by using a quasi-experimental design, the current study developed and applied an ANVs tool that measures teachers' empathy, and utilized an empathy training to intervene 20 primary-school teachers in the treatment group(meanwhile, another 20 primary-school teachers in the control group didn't participate any related training). Correspondingly, mid-term academic grades and final grades of 803 students from the classes of 20 teachers in the treatment group and 852 students from the classes of another 20 teachers in the control group were collected. Considering different hierarchy of variables and the role of students' original academic grades, hierarchical linear analysis was conducted to examine the relationship of teachers' empathy to students' academic achievement. The findings indicated that:1) the improvement of teachers' empathy contributed to the improvement of students' academic achievement; 2) students' original academic grades had a mediating effect on the relationship between teachers' empathy and students' academic achievement.
Trends of Post-Traumatic Growth and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Adolescents after the Wenchuan Earthquake:Prediction Effect of Resilience
LI Renli, DAI Yan, LIN Chongde, WU Xinchun
Psychological Development and Education. 2015, 31(6): 728-737. doi:
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The researchers tracked adolescents after the Wenchuan Earthquake for nearly 30 months, in order to explore the trends of Post-Traumatic Growth(PTG) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD), as well as the prediction effect of Resilience. The study found that Resilience showed a significant downward trend during the 2
tracking time, while PTG and PTSD exhibited an initially decreasing trend followed by a subsequent increase. The optimism dimension of Resilience has positive prediction effect on PTG, while the strength dimension of Resilience has negative prediction effect on PTSD. Resilience explained 18.87% of the increasing PTG and 14.74% of the decreasing PTSD.
Peer Rejection and Alcohol Use in Early Adolescence:The Mediating Effects of Peer Victimization and Deviant Peer Affiliation
JIANG Yanping, ZHANG Wei, YU Chengfu, BAO Zhenzhou, LIU Sha
Psychological Development and Education. 2015, 31(6): 738-745. doi:
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To investigate the relationship between peer rejection and alcohol use in early adolescence, and the multiple mediation effects of peer victimization and deviant peer affiliation in this relationship, the cross-sectional study tested a multilevel structural equation model among a sample of 1386 seventh grade students recruited from four junior middle schools in Guangdong Province. Participants nominated peers for rejection and completed self-report measures of peer victimization, deviant peer affiliation, and alcohol use. Results revealed that:(1) Peer rejection, peer victimization, and deviant peer affiliation were all significantly and positively correlated with early adolescent alcohol use.(2) Both peer victimization and deviant peer affiliation mediated the relationship between peer rejection and early adolescent alcohol use, suggesting that peer rejection predicted increased alcohol use by way of peer victimization and more deviant peer affiliation.(3) The direct relationship between peer rejection and early adolescent alcohol use remained significance across many path analyses conducted.
Parent Supporting and Emotional Adaptation of Juvenile Offenders:Mediating Effect of Belief in a Just World
ZHANG Li, LI Jingya, ZHAO Jingxin
Psychological Development and Education. 2015, 31(6): 746-752. doi:
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In order to explore how parental support, belief in a just world impact juvenile offenders' emotional adaption, a sample of 446 male juvenile offenders completed the Parental Supporting Scale, Belief in a Just World Scale, Life Satisfaction Scale, Self-rating Depression Scale. Results indicated that:(1)Juvenile offenders had relatively poorer condition of emotional adaptation, higher level of depression, and lower level of life satisfaction.(2)For juvenile offenders, parental support and belief in a just world all predicated increased life satisfaction, declined depression.(3) Belief in a just world exerted partial mediating effect on the relations between parental support and depression, parental support and life satisfaction. Overall, the present study showed that juvenile offenders' parental support not only had a direct effect on emotional adaption, but also had an indirect effect on emotional adaption through belief in a just world.
Effects of Occupational Commitment on Job Performance among Kindergarten Teachers:Mediating Effect of Occupational Well-being
WANG Gang, HUANG Xu, LU Xue, ZHANG Dajun
Psychological Development and Education. 2015, 31(6): 753-760. doi:
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This study aimed at exploring the effects of occupational commitment and occupational well-being on job performance among kindergarten teachers. Participants were 328 kindergarten teachers in Sichuan Province and Chongqing City who completed a set of questionnaires including kindergarten teachers' occupational well-being scale(KTOWBS), teachers' occupational commitment questionnaire(TOCQ), and teachers' job performance scale(TJPS). The results showed that:(1) Kindergarten teachers' affective commitment and normative commitment had significantly positive effects on job performance, and kindergarten teachers' continuance commitment had significantly negative effect on job performance after controlling for types of kindergarten, working hours per day, monthly income, age and teaching age.(2) Kindergarten teachers' occupational well-being partially mediated the effects of affective commitment, normative commitment and continuance commitment on job performance. These results may contribute to improvement of job performance among kindergarten teachers.
fNIRS Studies of the Development of Early Advanced Cognitive Ability and Prefrontal Function
ZOU Yuchen, LI Yanfang, DING Ying
Psychological Development and Education. 2015, 31(6): 761-768. doi:
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The children's early development of cognition and brain activity would play a crucial role in their whole life. The fNIRS, as a new neuroimaging technique, is especially suitable for the studies on young children with its advantages of being relatively noninvasive, portable and insensitive to head-moving. This review summarized the fNIRS studies of the development of early advanced cognitive ability and prefrontal function from four aspects. In the follow-up studies, researchers should pay more attention to explore the dynamic relationship between the development of early advanced cognitive ability and prefrontal function, and to study the critical period of the development of early advanced cognitive ability and prefrontal function. In addition, studies on prefrontal dysfunction should be conducted to provide evidence for the early diagnosis of developmental disable children and children at risk for developmental disability.