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    15 January 2016, Volume 32 Issue 1
    • Does Categorical Perception of Color Depend on Learned Categories or Color Discrimination?
      ZHONG Weifang, RU Taotao, MO Lei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(1):  1-8.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.01.01
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      The present study investigated whether right visual field (RVF) lateralized categorical perception (CP) of color depends on learned categories or color discrimination. Experiment 1 asked participants to finish a color discrimination task to distinguish four gradual colors, such as dark green, light green, light blue and dark blue, into four categories firstly, and then to complete a visual search task. The reaction times data showed that there was a significant RVF color CP in the whole and the early part of visual search task, suggesting that the RVF color CP depended on learned categories primed by color discrimination task, rather than color discrimination. Experiment 2 asked participants to finish a color discrimination task to distinguish four gradual blues into two categories, and to complete a visual search task before and after the discrimination task. The previous studies have shown that, distinguishing the four blues into the same two categories by learning lexical categories could produce RVF color CP. However, the result of this experiment showed that there was no such RVF color CP in the visual search task after the color discrimination task, suggesting that RVF color CP depended on learned categories rather than color discrimination. In short, the present study showed that RVF color CP depended on learned categories rather than color discrimination, promoting the study on the relationship between language and perception.
      Executive Function in 5~6 Years Old Children with Different Mathematical Ability
      TIAN Lili, ZHOU Xin, KANG Dan, XU Jingjing, LI Zhengqing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(1):  9-16.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.01.02
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      In order to investigate the differences in executive function among children with different early mathematical ability, 4 groups of children were selected from 311 kindergarteners.They were children at risk for mathematics learning disability (MLD), low achieving children, typical development children and high achieving children. Group differences in executive function were first analyzed.Discriminant analysis was then applied to investigate which functions predict group membership best, The results are as follows:In comparison with the typically achieving group, Children at risk for MLD showed general deficits in updating, inhibition and switch. Low achieving group had deficit only in number-related updating. The high achieving children outperformed the typical development children in number updating and one switching task with time limit.Furthermore, discriminant analysis indicated that it was the underlying construct of updating and switching that contribute most to the group differences in early mathematical ability.
      The Relationship between Mental Time Travel and the Self:Transition from Late Childhood to Early Adulthood
      LIU Yan, LIU Jing, WANG Minnan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(1):  17-25.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.01.03
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      The present research explored the developmental patterns in mental time travel and the self during late childhood (9~12 years old), adolescence (13~15 years old), and early adulthood (17, 19, 21 years old). Of particular interest on how episodic memory and the self would affect episodic foresight at each possible transitional period. Using the interview method, this research evaluated mental time travel performance through episodic details recalls. Self-description (in elementary school and secondary school) or self-continuity (in high school and college) was also used to measure self-concept. The results showed that (a) The episodic details numbers in episodic future thinking and paralleling episodic memory increased with age during late childhood. Both episodic memory and foresight then remained stable during adolescence and early adulthood; (b) Episodic memory was an effective predictor of episodic foresight in each of the above stage; (c) The influence of self-description on episodic foresight did not appear until adolescence; (d) Self-continuity mediated the relationship between episodic memory and episodic foresight during early adulthood.
      The Familiarity Influence on the Activation of Non-Target Language in Language Comprehension of Unskilled Chinese-English Bilinguals
      ANG Chen, LV Huan, ZHOU Yacong, LI Bowen, WANG Ruiming
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(1):  26-32.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.01.04
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      One question about language switching is the activation of one language when using the other language. This study was designed to investigate the familiarity influence on the activation of non-target language in language comprehension with innovative paradigm. Each experiment consisted of a study block and a test block. In the study block, Chinese and English words presented one at a time randomly, and bilingual participants were instructed to make a concept decision only to target language while ignoring non-target language of different familiarity. Study status (studied vs. unstudied) was manipulated in the test block. The same-language repetition priming was used in experiment 1a and 1b, which non-target language words presented in the study block were repeated in the test block. The cross-language repetition priming condition was used in experiment 2a and 2b, which non-target language words were presented in the study block and their translation equivalents were presented in the test block. The response time and accurate rates were recorded. In experiment 1a and 1b, we found cross-language repetition priming effect, non-target words were activated automatically. In experiment 2a, we found that when non-target words were English, the familiar words were activated on concept level, while the unfamiliar words were not activated on concept level. In experiment 2b, when non-target words were Chinese, words of both familiarity levels were activated. The results revealed that in language comprehension, non-target language can be activated automatically, the level of activation is influenced by words familiarity.
      The Influence of Context and Color Diagnosticity on Perceptual Simulation of Implied Color Information During Sentence Comprehension
      LI Ying, ZHANG Ying, LIU Jun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(1):  33-40.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.01.05
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      Perceptual symbol system held the hypothesis that knowledge representation is perceptual, and readers simulate objects' implied properties by activating perceptual representation during language comprehension. The present study used sentence-picture matching paradigm to explore that whether perceptual simulating process of implied object color information exists during sentence comprehension. Experiment 1 proved that implied color information of objects was perceptually simulated during sentence reading. In Experiment 2, contexts of sentences were changed to explore whether contexts affected perceptual simulation of implied color information. In Experimental 3, relationship between objects and their corresponding color was taken into consideration. The result showed that both context and color diagnosticity played roles in perceptual simulating process of implied object color. Furthermore, to objects with high color diagnosticity, their implied colors were always simulated during sentence processing, even lacking of sufficient sentence contexts.
      Effect of Acute Psychosocial Stress on the Self-referential Memory
      CHEN Yu, CHE Xianwei, GUAN Lili, XU Xiaofan, ZHAO Yufang, YANG Juan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(1):  41-48.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.01.06
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      Previous studies had found that acute psychosocial stress would impair the retrieval of the autobiographical memory. However, they rarely investigated the effect of acute psychosocial stress on the self-referential memory. So the current study was aimed to broaden this field.Fifty-nine participants were random divided into high stress group and low stress group by mean split of their heart rates responses during the stage of TSST (Trier Social Stress Test), which resulted a final dataset of thirty-two participants in the high stress group and twenty-seven participants in the low stress group. All participants finished the self-referential memory task in which participants were asked to judge whether some adjectives were appropriate to describe the self, mother and a celebrity (e.g., Lu Xun) and then were asked to recognize whether some adjectives were old or new. If participants judged an item to be an old item, they would further asked to make an R/K judgment by indicating whether ‘remembering’ (consciously recollect specific details of the item at the time it was presented, ‘R score’) or simply ‘knowing’ (feel familiar, but participants were unable to recollect details of its prior list, ‘K score’). Results showed that the recognition accuracy of R-response for self-relevance condition was higher in low stress group than that in high stress group. Further, participants' heart rates during the stage of TSST were negatively correlated with their recognition accuracy of R-response for self-relevance condition. Our findings indicate that stress-induced decreased the recognition of the self-relevance traits.
      Effect of Marital Satisfaction and its Similarity on Coparenting in Family with Adolescence
      LIU Chang, WU Xinchun, ZOU Shengqi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(1):  49-55.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.01.07
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      A total of 336 couples with adolescence nationwide were surveyed with questionnaires, including Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire and Coparenting Scale. Based on the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model, structural equation modeling results revealed spillover and crossover effects across the associations between marital satisfaction and coparenting. There was no gender difference between the spillover and crossover effects. The results also showed that the higher of similarity of marital satisfaction, the lower of mother coparenting conflict behavior. The similarity of marital satisfaction had no effect on father coparenting behaviors.
      Effect of School Composition on Migrant Children's Mathematics Academic Achievement in China
      ZHANG Yunyun, LUO Fang, Dong Qi, LIU Fanglin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(1):  56-64.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.01.08
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      This study examined the effect of school composition on mathematics academic achievement on migrant children and native children in mainland China. Two school composition indictors, school-SES and school proportion of migrant children were investigated. Data were from 4960 elementary students (including 14.5% migrant children) in grades 2 to 6 of 32 developed counties. The results showed:1) school-SES positively influences mathematics academic achievement, while the effect of school proportion of migrant children was not significant; 2) school-SES moderated the migration effect on short-term migrant children's mathematics academic achievement. Compared with native children, the academic disadvantage of short-term migrant children in high SES school were worse than in low SES schools; 3) School proportion of migrant children buffered the migration effect on long-term migrant children's mathematics academic achievement. The academic disadvantage of long-term migrant children decreased in school with more migrant peers.
      Effect of Parental Rearing Styles on Learning Burnout of Middle School Students:The Mediating Role of Self-concept
      LUO Yun, CHEN Aihong, WANG Zhenhong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(1):  65-72.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.01.09
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      The present study investigated the relationships between parental rearing styles, self-concept and learning burnout in middle school students. EMBU-Chinese version, Questionnaires of Self-Description (SDQⅡ) and Modified Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI) were administered to 1201 middle school students. Correlation analysis indicated that positive parental rearing styles were positively associated with academic self-concept, non-academic self-concept, and were negatively associated with learning burnout, whereas negative parental rearing styles were negatively related to academic self-concept, non-academic self-concept, and were positively related to learning burnout. Self-concept, non-academic self-concept were significantly correlated with learning burnout. Structural equation analysis showed that self-concept and non-academic self-concept separately mediated the relationship between positive parental rearing styles, negative parental rearing styles and leaning burnout.
      Unidimensional Assessment for Ability of Literacy
      WEN Hongbo, TANG Wenjun, LIU Xianwei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(1):  73-80.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.01.10
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      Comparability of test scores are affected by the test's dimensionality, before estimating student's scores, we need to estimate literacy's dimensionality. The study aims to analyze dimensionality of literacy ability based on dichotomous items scale for compulsory education phase students. We assume that literacy is unidimensional. The tool is Chinese character quantity test for compulsory education stage students, the test is constructed of two editions; the first edition is used for 1 to 2 grade students, and is consisted of 36 Chinese characters. The second edition is used for 3 to 9 grade students, and is consisted of 45 Chinese characters. And the test's reliability and validity are good, can be used to analyze dimensionality of literacy ability. More than 1300 students, from one to eight grades students, are selected randomly. Using exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) and nonparametric item response theory (NIRT), including the MSP and DETECT, to analyze literacy dimensionality. At first, do exploratory structural equation modeling analysis, using Mplus6.0. The model fit analysis results show, the model fit index for unidimensional model and multidimensional model are all acceptable, and the multidimensional model is better than unidimensional model, but considering of terseness of model, the unidimensional model is more appropriate. The eigenvalue analysis results show, the largest eigenvalue divide the second eigenvalue is 2.62 for 1~2 edition, and 5.35 for 3~9 edition test. According to the criterion, the 3~9 edition test is one-dimensional test, and the 1~2 edition is not. For factor loading analysis, in 1~2 edition test, in single factor model, the factor loading are above than 0.4 for all, except the 8 item. In double factors model, in despite of the 23 item is less than 0.4, the 1 item to 11item and 14 item are all belong to the factor 1, others are belong to the factor 2. Because items are assigned according to the word frequency from high to low, the results indicate, word frequency influenced literacy, but it is just a difficult dimensionality rather than an ability dimensionality. The 3~9 edition test shows similar results. In a word, the unidimensional model is superior to the multidimensional model, and in multidimensional model, didn't find differences between sound and meaning of literacy. The multidimensional results reflect a difficult dimensionality characteristics, is the role of word frequency. Second, nonparametric item response theory analysis is conducted, using Mokken scale to test dimensionality with MSP 5 procedure, the results find, 1~2 test and 3~9 test show unidimensional scale features as c increasing. At last, using DETECT to test dimensionality with DETECT v.2.1, the results show, D<0.2 for 1~2 test and 3~9 test, that is to say, 1~2 test and 3~9 test show unidimensional scale features. For three methods, the literacy ability tends to accept unidimensional hypothesis. We can draw the conclusion, the literacy ability tend to be unidimensional ability, but would be affected by word frequency. So teachers should pay attention to recreate literacy teaching, let students read more, improve students' familiarity of literacy, in order to help students to increase quantity of literacy. But there are some aspects need to improve, for example, at selecting participants, this study selects participants only from eight grades, from nine grades would be better; and the number of 1to 2 grade students is only 253, increasing the number would be better.
      Cross-legged Regression Analysis of Relationship between Academic Self-concept and Academic Achievement in Primary and Middle School Students:Test of Reciprocal Effect Model and Development Perspective
      CHEN Xiaohui, SHI Wendian
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(1):  81-88.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.01.11
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      The present 10-months longitudinal study aimed to explore reciprocal relations between academic self-concept and academic achievement in primary and middle school students, test reciprocal effect model and development perspective. 357 students from one primary school, one junior high school and one high school were investigated by Self Description Questionnaire. The results indicated that academic self-concept scores of Grade 5 in primary school has developmental differences and was higher than middle school students significantly. Cross-lagged regression analyses for the total samples were in line with reciprocal effect model. For students at Grade 5 in primary school, the first academic self-concept can predict subsequent academic achievement. But for middle school students, the first academic achievement can predict subsequent academic self-concept. These results indicated that causal ordering of academic self-concept and achievement changed when students' age transformed, and development perspective was confirmed in this study.
      The Association of Child Maltreatment and Migrant Children's Oppositional Defiant Symptoms:The Role of Parent-Child Relationship
      LI Yanbin, LIN Xiuyun, HOU Xiangning, Fang Xiaoyi, LIU Yajun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(1):  89-97.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.01.12
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      The purpose of the present study was to explore the association between emotional and physical abuse and migrant children's ODD (oppositional defiant disorder) symptoms. A sample of 369 migrant children with ODD symptoms, 349 migrant children with none ODD symptoms and 94 local children with ODD symptoms was recruited from 10 elementary schools in Beijing. Furthermore, mediating role and moderating role of parent-child relationship in that association were explored. According to the characteristics of ODD symptoms, ODD symptoms were classified into two categories-emotional ODD symptoms (irritable) and behavioral ODD symptoms (headstrong/hurtful). Results revealed that compared to local children with ODD symptoms, migrant children with ODD symptoms suffered more severe physical abuse, poorer parent-child closeness and higher parent-child conflict but had less emotional ODD symptoms; while compared to migrant children with none ODD symptoms, migrant children with ODD symptoms suffered more severe emotional and physical abuse, poorer parent-child closeness and higher parent-child conflict. Higher physical abuse was associated with more behavioral ODD symptoms, whereas emotional abuse was not associated with more behavioral ODD symptoms, and neither of physical abuse or emotional abuse was associated with emotional ODD symptoms. Furthermore, conflict played a significant mediating role between physical abuse and behavioral ODD symptoms, while closeness played a significant moderating role between physical abuse and emotional ODD symptoms, among migrant children with ODD symptoms.
      The Relationship between College Students' Online Identity Experiment and Self-identity:The Role of Online Social Tendency and Compulsive Internet Use
      ZHANG Mei, ZHANG Yue, XIN Ziqiang, ZHANG Qiaohong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(1):  98-105.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.01.13
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      Based on the controversial results between online identity experiment and self-identity, this study constructed a moderated model and a mediation model to examine whether the relationship between online identity experiment and self-identity was moderated by the online social tendency and was mediated by the compulsive internet use. Online Identity Experiments Scale, Self-identity Scale, Internet Behaviors Questionnaire and Compulsive Internet Use Scale were administrated to 275 college students. The results indicated that:(1) the relationship between the online identity experiment and self-identity was moderated by the online social tendency. For the below-the-line orientation group, who had more friends in real life rather than online, online identity experiment significantly negatively predicted college students' self-identity. However, for the online orientation group, who had more friends online rather than the real life, although high online identity experiment still significantly negatively predicted the self-identity, moderate online identity experiment was positively associated with self-identity; (2) compulsive internet use played completely mediating role between online identity experiment and self-identity. In sum, online identity experiment was harmful to the development of college students' self-identity as a whole, but moderate amount online identity experiment activities could plays a positive role in the development of self-identity.
      Can Self-control Resist the Effect of Negative Descriptive Norms on Middle School Students' Pro-environmental Behavior?
      FU Xinyuan, FANG Xiuying, KOU Yu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(1):  106-113.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.01.14
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      Negative descriptive norms affect individuals' pro-environmental behavior, yet whether self-control can resist the effect of negative descriptive norms is unknown. Therefore, we explored if self-control moderates the relation between negative descriptive norms and pro-environmental intention and behavior, based on a sample of middle school students in Beijing. In Study 1, 376 participants completed a questionnaire containing self-control ability and pro-environmental intention (which was measured through a hypothetical scenario with literal descriptive norms manipulation). In Study 2, a laboratory experiment was conducted and 168 participants were recruited. Self-control state was manipulated through ego depletion task (ego-depletion group vs. control group), and descriptive norms were manipulated by setting the environment of the laboratory (very dirty vs. normal). Also the participants' pro-environmental behavior (taking away plastic packing bag) was measured. The results showed that, negative descriptive norms decreased the participants' pro-environmental intention and behavior; both trait and state self-control positively predicted the participants' pro-environmental intention and behavior; however, self-control did not moderate the relation between negative descriptive norms and pro-environmental intention and behavior. That being said, self-control could not resist the effect of negative descriptive norms on middle school students' pro-environmental behavior.
      Older Adults' Decision Process in the Context of Cognitive Aging:Motivation as a Moderator
      PU Bingyan, PENG Huamao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(1):  114-120.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.01.15
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      Research on aging and decision making has yielded inconsistent results. We provide a review of research on the multifaceted impact of aging on decision making from the decision processes perspective. When considering the cognitive decline, older adults examine fewer pieces of information, use noncompensatory strategies and more likely to engage in an attribute-based search before making a decision. When considering the the change of motivation, older adults focus on the adjustment of emotion, and then tend to search more positive information and use noncompensatory strategies to avoid negative emotion induced by explicit trade-offs between features. The motivation can mediate the negative influence of cognitive aging on older adults' decision making. Specifically, the Socioemotional Selectivity Theory and Selective Engagement Hypothesis assume that decision task accord with social goal of older adults will increase the motivation to devote the cognitive resources, and then the older adults' decision performance will not be hampered by the limited cognitive resources. The future studies may conduct the precise experimental studies to further clarify whether or not the interaction between cognition and motivation may influence the older adults' decision-making performance and how. The comprehensive use of process tracing technologies will help avoid the defect of single technology. Considering the age difference of social goals, we should focus on the subjective quality when assessing the quality of older adults' decisions.
      A Reliability Generalization of the Big-Five Factor Personality Tests in China
      LUO Jie, ZHOU Yuan, CHEN Wei, PAN Yun, ZHAO Shouying
      Psychological Development and Education. 2016, 32(1):  121-128.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2016.01.16
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      In this paper, we attempted to analysis the reliability generalization on studies of the Big-Five factor personality tests during the last 20 years (1994~2013) in China. The results showed that:(1) Among all studies, 68.15% caused reliability induction phenomenon. (2) In the unweighted estimating, the lowest reliability coefficient was found for the Agreeableness and Openness, whereas the highest was found for the Neuroticism and Conscientiousness. What's more, the reliabilities from Chinese researchers were less than Western counterparts, except the Openness. And the latter had higher variance, except the Extraversion. With the meta-analysis of coefficient alpha, the coefficient alpha of Neuroticism was the highest, whereas Agreeableness and Openness were the lowest, in the random effects model. (3) The result of multivariate regression analysis indicated that sample characteristics such as the mean of scores, regional differences between the south and the north, inventory origin had predictive functions on the reliability for Neuroticism; inventory origin, paper types, testing version, and testing pointing were the main predictor variable for the reliability for Extraversion; sample size, paper types, and inventory origin had predictive functions on the reliability for Openness; paper origin, paper types, the number of the items, and sample types had predictive functions on the reliability for Agreeableness; inventory origin, the number of the items, paper types, and testing pointing were the main predictor variable for the reliability for Conscientiousness.