心理发展与教育 ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (5): 581-588.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.05.09

• 心理健康与教育 • 上一篇    下一篇


史滋福, 谢云天   

  1. 湖南师范大学心理学系, 认知与人类行为湖南省重点实验室, 长沙 410081
  • 发布日期:2019-09-30
  • 通讯作者: 史滋福,E-mail:shizf@hunnu.edu.cn E-mail:shizf@hunnu.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Effect of Problematic Internet Use on Suicidal Ideation among Junior Middle School Students: A Moderated Mediation Model

SHI Zifu, XIE Yuntian   

  1. Department of Psychology, Hunan Normal University, Cognition and Human Behavior Key Laboratory of Hunan Province, Changsha 410081
  • Published:2019-09-30

摘要: 采用戴维斯在线认知量表、自杀意念自评量表、UCLA孤独感量表以及领悟社会支持量表,对江西赣州九所公立学校三个年级的1311名初中生进行测查,探讨问题性网络使用对初中生自杀意念的影响及作用机制。结果发现:(1)问题性网络使用对初中生的孤独感和自杀意念都有显著的正向预测作用;(2)孤独感在问题性网络使用与初中生自杀意念之间起着部分中介作用;(3)孤独感和自杀意念的关系(中介效应的后半段路径)受到领悟社会支持的调节,即孤独感对自杀意念的影响随着领悟社会支持的增强而减弱。因此,问题性网络使用和初中生自杀意念之间存在孤独感的中介作用和领悟社会支持的调节作用。

关键词: 问题性网络使用, 自杀意念, 孤独感, 领悟社会支持, 初中生

Abstract: To investigate the effect of problematic internet use on suicidal ideation, 1311 junior middle school students from nine public schools in Ganzhou, Jiangxi province were recruited to participate in the study, and they anonymously filled out DOCS, SIOSS, the Revised UCLA Loneliness Scale and PASS. Results were as follows:(1) problematic internet use had a significant positive prediction for loneliness and suicidal ideation of junior middle school students; (2) loneliness of junior middle school students mediated the relationship between problematic internet use and suicidal ideation; (3) perceived social support significantly moderated the relationship between loneliness and suicidal ideation, and the effect of loneliness on suicidal ideation was weakened as perceived social support increased. Therefore, there were mediating role of loneliness and moderating role of perceived social support between problematic internet use and suicidal ideation of junior high school students.

Key words: problematic internet use, suicidal ideation, loneliness, perceived social support, junior middle school students

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