心理发展与教育 ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (2): 192-202.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.02.08

• 教与学心理学 • 上一篇    下一篇


李蓓蕾1, 高婷1, 邓林园1, 陈珏君2, 倪虹3   

  1. 1. 北京师范大学教育学部, 北京 100875;
    2. 清华大学附属中学丰台学校, 北京 100088;
    3. 美国加州州立大学Fresno分校心理系, 美国 Fresno
  • 发布日期:2019-04-19
  • 通讯作者: 邓林园,E-mail:09036@bnu.edu.cn E-mail:09036@bnu.edu.cn

The Mediation Effect of Core Self-evaluation between Class Environment and Academic Stress among Middle School Students——The Moderation Effect of Gender

LI Beilei1, GAO Ting1, DENG Linyuan1, CHEN Juejun2, NI Hong3   

  1. 1. Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;
    2. Qinghua High School in Fengtai, Beijing 100875, China;
    3. Department of Psychology, California State University-Fresno, USA
  • Published:2019-04-19

摘要: 为考察初中生的核心自我评价在班级环境和学业压力之间的中介作用及此作用在不同性别群体中的差异性,对北京市四所初中697名初一到初三的学生进行了班级地图量表、中学生学习压力问卷、核心自我评价量表的测查。结果表明:(1)总体班级环境不存在显著性别差异,但女生在学业自我决定上具有小效应量的显著优势,男生的学业压力显著高于女生,核心自我评价不存在显著性别差异;(2)班级环境中的师生关系和班级行为自控可以显著预测学业压力,两者共同解释学业压力12%的变异;(3)男生和女生的核心自我评价在班级环境和学业压力间均起完全中介作用;(4)女生群体中核心自我评价的中介作用显著高于男生群体,说明性别对此中介效应存在调节作用。最后对核心自我评价在班级环境和学业压力之间的中介机制及其对女生群体的重要意义等进行了讨论。

关键词: 初中生, 班级环境, 核心自我评价, 学业压力, 性别

Abstract: Adopting ClassMaps Survey, Academic Stress Questionnaire of Middle School Students and Core Self-Evaluation Scale, 697 7th to 9th grade students in four middle schools of Beijing were tested to explore the mediating role of core self-evaluation on the relationship between class environment and academic stress as well as its gender differences. The results showed that:(1) There were no significant gender differences in general class environment and core self-evaluation. Girl's academic autonomy was significantly higher than that of boy's, while boy's academic stress was significantly higher than that of girl's; (2) The teacher-student relationship and class behavior self-regulation significantly predicted the students' academic stress and together explained 12% variability of the dependent variable; (3) The core self-evaluation fully mediated the effect of class environment on academic stress in both gender groups; (4) The mediation effect of core self-evaluation in girls was significant higher than that in boys. The mediation effect of core self-evaluation between class environment and academic stress and the moderation effect of gender were discussed at last.

Key words: middle school students, class environment, core self-evaluation, academic stress, gender

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