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    15 April 2007, Volume 23 Issue 2
    • Children’s Moral Evaluation of Lies and Truths in Different Situations
      ZHANG Jing-jing, MA Feng-ling, XU Fen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(2):  1-5,13. 
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      This study investigated the situation effect on children's moral evaluation of lies and truths in 7, 9 and 11 years of age. Results revealed that all children evaluated lies or truths with positive meaning better than lies or truths with negative meaning in all situations. But in individual situation, there were age effects in the evaluation of modesty lie and prosocial truth, and children better for modesty lie than white lie, while the evaluation of white lie was better than lie in collective situation and lie to hurt someone. The evaluation of blunt truth-telling was getting neutral as the age increased, that was different from truths in other situations.
      The Relation between Young Children’s Emotion Competence and Peer Acceptance
      PAN Miao-miao, SU Yan-jie
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(2):  6-13. 
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      Eighty-three 4-year-old children from Kindergarten of Peking University were examined in order to explore developing relations between their emotion competence and their peer acceptance. Expression identification task and emotional perspective-taking task were used to assess children's understanding of emotion, and their regulation of emotion was surveyed by teacher-rated coping strategies questionnaire. At last, picture sociometric measurement was used to identify children's peer acceptance. In general, children's regulation strategies were related to emotional perspective-taking and peer acceptance. The correlation between emotional perspective-taking and peer acceptance was marginally significant but disappeared when age was partialled. The association of peer acceptance with emotion understanding and regulation strategies changed as a function of children's age. For older children, only aggressive strategy could predict peer acceptance. For younger children, aggressive strategy and constructive strategy predicted their peer acceptance respectively, and each of them mediated the association between emotional perspective-taking and peer acceptance independently.
      A Longitudinal Study on the Development of Pre-school Children’s Intrinsic Motivation
      ZHANG Rong-hua, CHEN Hui-chang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(2):  14-17. 
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      This longitudinal study investigated the development of intrinsic motivation in children from 4 to 7 years of age. A total of 110 children participated in this research. Self-reported questionnaire was administrated to measure parental control. Two types of intrinsic motivation(people oriented, object oriented) were measured by laboratory observation in both study sessions. The results indicate as follows:(1) two types of intrinsic mot ivat ion are increased rapidly from 4 to 7 years of age;(2) at both ages(4 and 7), objects oriented intrinsic motivation was significantly negatively correlated with people oriented intrinsic motivation;(3) at both ages, objects oriented intrinsic motivation was significantly higher than people oriented intrinsic motivation;(4) at both ages, the relationship between parental control and children's intrinsic motivation was not significant.
      A study on the development of analogical problem-solving and strategy using in grade 3~5 primary students
      CHEN Ying-he, ZHAO Xiao-mei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(2):  18-22,62. 
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      The development of analogical problem-solving and strategy using of 270 children in primary 3~5 by using problem-solving paradigm was explored. The results were as follows:(1) Children in grade 4 had acquired best performance on the quality of the analogical problem-solving;with the grade, the speed of the analogical problem-solving was enhanced.(2) The development of strategies in analogical problem-solving was corresponded with the mixed model and the leap was between grade 4 and grade 5;children choose more analogical strategies over time;the changes in strategy using was variety, competing and also adaptive.
      Effects of Cue and Preparation in Shifting Attention of High-and Low-proficiency Junior High School Learners of Math
      QI bing, BAI Xue-jun, SHEN De-li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(2):  23-28. 
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      The paradigm of task switching was used to examine the effects of cue and preparation in shifting attention. The subjects were 34 high-and low-proficiency junior high school learners of math. The results indicated that there were significant effects of cue and preparation for general switch cost;and there were only significant effects of cue for special switch cost. High-proficiency learners could make better preparations for the incoming trail through cue and preparation interval than low-proficiency learners.
      A Research on High and Low Academic Achievement Adolescents’ Creativity
      WO Jian-zhong, WANG Fu-xing, LIN Chong-de, LIU Cai-mei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(2):  29-35. 
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      This study focused on the creative thinking of 990 students with different academic achievements, the results indicate:(1) students with high academic achievement are higher than the low in creative thinking, divergent thinking and convergent thinking;(2) there are significant grade differences in creative thinking, divergent thinking and convergent thinking of high and low academic achievement students;(3) creative thinking is increased with the increased grades;creativity thinking of the high academic achievement students is peaked at grade 2 in junior high school and senior high school, but that of the low academic achievement group is peaked at grade 1 in senior high school;(4) the divergent thinking of students with high academic achievement tends to be increased with the increased grades;(5) convergent thinking of the two groups has a similar tendency, increased in middle school, and stabilized in high school.
      The Correlation of Adolescent’s Creative Inclination, Intelligence and Academic Achievement
      CAI Xiao-yue, ZHU Yu-jie
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(2):  36-41. 
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      Williams' Creativity Assessment Packet and Raven's Standards Progressive Matrices were used to test the correlations of creative inclination and intelligence with academic achievement. The results were as follows:(1) the creative inclination of students was always in the seedtime from primary school to middle school, the creative inclination became stable after middle school and the intelligence was developing;(2) the Chinese scores of primary school students are related to creative inclination, the mathematics scores of students from junior schools are related to creative inclination, the Chinese and mathematics scores of students from primary school are related to intelligence, so are the mathematics scores of students from junior school;(3) the scores of student from every subsection scores of Chinese and mathematics and every grade are significantly related to intelligence, a significant correlation was obtained between academic achievement and intelligence for the students who come from every subsection scores of Chinese and mathematics, the scores of students from every subsection scores of Chinese and mathematics are significantly related to intelligence.
      The Relationship between Adolescents’ Extraversion/Agreeableness, Internet Service Preference, and Internet Addiction
      YANG Yang, LEI Li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(2):  42-48. 
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      This study uses unconstrainted structural equation model to explore the interactive effects of adolescents' extraversion/agreeableness and internet service preference on internet addiction, by surveying a sample of 481 adolescents through questionnaires. The results indicate that the interactive effects of adolescents' agreeableness and internet social service preference are significant, but recreational, information and business service preference are not significant. Interactive effects of extraversion and internet service preference are not significant.(1) On average effect, adolescents' extraversion, agreeableness, internet social, recreational, and business service preference have positive effects on internet addiction, and internet information service preference has no significant effect on internet addiction;(2) For adolescents high in agreeableness, the relationship between internet social service preference and internet addiction are stronger than adolescents low in conscientiousness.
      The Development Trend of Teacher-students Relationship and Its Effect on School Adaptation in Yunnan Province Students of Middle-school and Elementary-school
      YANG A-li, FANG Xiao-yi, LI Hui, LIN Xiu-yun, LIU Qian-qian
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(2):  49-56. 
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      Objective:In order to explore the teacher-student relationship's development changing trend and type's characteristic in the middle-school students and elementary-school pupils in Yunnan Province;and analysis the effect of teacher-student relationship on students' School Adaptation. Method:Selected the participants according to different layer randomly, then 9055 middle-school students and elementary-school pupils were selected. Every student finished the Teacher-Student Relationship Measure and Adaptation Scale. Result:The analysis showed that(1) The relationship of attachment and friendliness between teacher and student were dropping with grade increasing, and The relationship of conflict and avoidance showed a increasing-droping trend among them, junior high school students were most in conflict and avoidance. Furthermore there was significant different among different grade and gender student;(2) There were three teacher-student relationship types which are contrary type, distant type and close type, and contrary type showed a ascending-droping trend followed grade increasing among them, junior high school students were most in contrary type, distant type were rising with grade increasing, senior high school students were most in this type. The close type were dropping followed grade increasing, elementary-school pupils were most in this type. Also, there was significant different in gender in three types;(3) The relationship of conflict and friendliness significantly predict students'school adaptation, however avoidance significantly predict middle-school students'school adaptation.(4) The students that were belong the close type had better school adaptation than contrary type and distant type. Conclusion:We should enhance education for students' close type in teacher-student relationship, and especially pay more attention to middle-chool students' teacher-student relationship.
      The Classification and Discriminate of School Adjustment
      HUANG Ning, XIN Tao, LI Xiao-xia
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(2):  57-62. 
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      In the research, we selected 6579 students from grade 3 and grade 5, and used the tool of K-means cluster and discriminant analysis. The result showed:(1) According to school adjustment internal indications,the children could be classified four kinds:positive adjustment、leisure adjustment、tense adjustment and high risk.(2) The positive adjustment has the positive scores in achievement value, achievement motivation and metal health, and the negative score in problem behavior;The scores of high risk are absolutely opposite to the positive adjustment's. The leisure adjustment has the positive mental health, and the negative achievement motivation;The tense adjustment has the positive achievement motivation, but the negative mental health.(3) Establishing the discriminant function of children school adjustment will provide a primary diagnose for education and mental problem and will bring a new view for other correlative researches.
      The Relationships between College Students’ Identity, Career Exploration and Career Decision-Making Difficulties
      LI Wen-dao, ZOU Hong, ZHAO Xia
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(2):  63-67. 
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      Questionnaires were used to explore the relationships among college students' identity, career exploration and career decision-making difficulties. The results indicated as follows:(1) different type of identity has significant difference in career exploration,the higher the level of the identity,the higher the career exploration;(2) different type of identity has significant difference in career decision-making difficulties,the higher the level of the identity,the lower the career decision-making difficulties.
      A Study on the Multi-Dimensional Structure of Chinese Parents’ Warmth Behavior
      WANG Yan, CHNAG Lei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(2):  68-75. 
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      Parental warmth and control have been two major focuses of parenting research in the West. Similar work has also been carried out in China. The cross cultural comparisons seem to suggest that Chinese parents are not as warm as Western parents and, to some ext ent, are also more controlling than Western parents. Whereas culture has been used as a convenient explanation for these differences, we believe that Chinese parents and Western parents may have different conceptualizat ions about warmth and, to a lesser degree, control. In the present study, we focused on warmth and tested the hypothesis that, whereas Western parents, as well as the instrument used to measure parenting, emphasize emotional or psychological warmth, Chinese parents might distinguish between motional and physical warmth. The latter refers to parental behaviors and actions directed at improving the child's physical or material well-being. We constructed parenting questionnaire items that were aimed to differentiate among emotional, health-oriented physical, and material oriented physical warmth. The sample was taken from two primary schools and one secondary school in Beijing and one primary and one secondary school in Shanghai. Primary school grades 2, 3 and 4 and secondary school grade 2 students and their parents were included in the sampling. The total number of students approached was 1040, of whom 905 had complete data from both the students and their parents and were included in the analyses. Of the 905 students, 49.2% were female and 50.8% were from secondary schools. The average age of students was 11.09(SD= 2.90). Among the 905 parents, 73.52% were mothers. The average age of parents was 39.26(SD=4.74). The Parenting Style and Dimensions Quest ionnaire(PSDQ) were administered to the parents. Of interest were the nine items that targeted emotional support and warmth. In addition to the PSDQ, parents were also given 23 self-constructed items of which 8 were related to emotional warmth(e. g., "I'll spend time to keep my child company"), 9 were related to health oriented physical warmth(e. g., "I am concerned with my child's diet"), and 6 were related to material-oriented physical warmth(e. g., "I will make sure that my child has a good material life"). Various child variables were also obtained. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses support the three-factor-model. The three factors were emotional warmth, health-oriented physical warmth, and material-oriented physical warmth. The average factor loading was 0. 62. Most of the goodness of fit statistics was satisfactory. On all three factors, parents of primary school children had higher scores than parents of secondary school students. The threewarmth factors showed both similar and different correlations with such child outcome variables as academic achievement, peer acceptance, and self-concept. For example, emotional warmth was more strongly correlated with child outcome variables than physical warmth and health-oriented physical warmth was least correlated with child social outcome variables. The different warmth dimensions were also more strongly correlated with child outcome variables for primary than secondary school children. However, all the correlations were moderate. These findings lend some support to our hypothesis that Chinese parents and children conceptualize parental warmth differently than what have been reported in the Western literature. Chinese parents emphasize both physical and emotional support of their children even though the former may not be felt by children as much as and thus has less effect on child social outcomes than the latter.
      The Study of the Subtypes of Developmental Dyscalculia in Pupils from Grade 1 to Grade 4
      ZHANG Shu-dong, DONG Qi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(2):  76-81. 
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      This study was designed to explore the subtypes of developmental dyscalculia through cluster analysis. There were 54 subjects selected from three schools. The results indicated that there were four subtypes of developmental dyscalculia in pupils from Grade 1 to Grade 4, namely, they were auditory subtype, visual subtype, analogue subtype and audio-analog subtype respectively. They had defects in different modules of number processing and calculation abilities.
      The Roles of Different Components of Phonological Awareness in English Reading among Mandarin-speaking Children
      TAO Sha, FENG Yan-jiao, LI Wei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(2):  82-92. 
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      This study examined the roles of different components of phonological awareness and the moderating effect of reading levels in learning to read in English among Mandarin-speaking children in primary school. Seventy-four third and fifth graders in Study 1 finished detection and deletion tasks of phonological awareness in both Chinese and English, an English word identification task and an English work attack task. Eighty-three poor English readers and 73 average readers in Study 2 completed a deletion task of English phonological awareness as well as English word reading tasks. Results indicated that English onset-rime awareness accounted for significant part of variances of English reading even after controlling for age, nonverbal IQ and other components of phonological awareness. While Chinese onset-rime awareness accounted for unique variances for word recognition and tone awareness did for nonword decoding, their effects on English reading were mediated by English onset-rime awareness. Moreover, children's reading levels moderated the relation between phonological awareness and English reading. English onset-rime awareness was the only significant predictor for non-impaired readers, whereas English syllable awareness was the only significant predictor for poor readers. This study revealed the importance of onset-rime and syllable awareness in learning to read English among Mandarin-speaking children, suggesting that native language experience may have significant effects on learning to read a second language.
      Multilevel Analysis of Effects of Teachers’ Variables on Primary School Students’ Conceptions of Mathematical Learning
      LI Qiong, NI Yu-jing, XIAO Ning-bo
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(2):  93-99. 
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      The study recruited 32 elementary mathematics teachers and 1691 students from the thirty classrooms where the teachers taught. Two measures were used to assess the teachers'subject matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge of elementary mathematics. Fifty-five sessions of classroom instruction were videotaped and then were coded in terms of cognitive demands of learning tasks the teachers used and the ways they led classroom discourse. Student mathematical term examination score was measured as learning outcome. Hierarchical Linear Model(HLM) results indicated that teachers' pedagogical content knowledge, the cognitive level of mathematical learning task, and the classroom discourse significantly predicted students' conceptions of mathematical learning;meanwhile, teachers'subject matter knowledge had no significant effect on student achievement of mathematics.
      The Development of Middle School Students’ Thinking Traits in Writing
      WANG Ke, LIN Chong-de
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(2):  100-105. 
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      801 students from junior and senior school completed tasks of designing syllabus for writing,writing short essays and amending an article with faults.The result indicated as follows:(1) as a whole,the thinking traits are increased significantly with increased grades,showing a faster step from 8th to 9th grades;(2) the traits of profundity and flexibility are increased with increased grades, however, they are decreased in the 10th grade;(3) the traits of criticism and originality are significantly increased from 7th to 10th grades;(4) significant differences in gender are found in grade 7,8, 10 and 12.
      The Influence of Language Cues on the English Reading of Senior Middle School Students
      ZHAO Jun-feng, ZHANG Xiao-hui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(2):  106-110. 
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      Through the experiments of induced affects and English reading, it was found that language cues may exert significant influence on part icipants' affects. Specially, the positive language cue may lead to positive affect, while the negative language cue may cause negative affect. With negative affect, participants may perform better in the recall of micro-informat ion than macro information. With positive affect, participants may choose lower criteria, so they will have high memory intention, while the negative language cue may cause participants to have low memory intention.
      A Research on the Relationships among Explanatory style, Dispositional Optimism and Psychological Well-being
      YUAN Li-min, ZHANG Ri-sheng
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(2):  111-115. 
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      The purpose of this study is to reveal the relationships among explanatory style, dispositional optimism and psychological well-being(depression and the satisfaction with life). The results showed as follows:(1) Explanatory style had a significant negative correlation with dispositional optimism and satisfaction with life, a significant positive correlation with depression. Dispositional optimism had a significant negative correlation with depression, a significant positive correlation with satisfaction with life;(2) On internality of explanatory style, optimist and pessimist had not significant differences on low, middle, and high controllable level events;On stability and globality of explanatory style, the pessimist had more pessimistic explanatory styles than the optimist when facing middle and high controllable level events, although they had not significantly different explanatory styles when facing low controllable level events;(3) Dispositional optimism was a mediated variable which could mediate the relationship between explanatory style with depression, the relationship with satisfaction with life.
      Researches on the Relationship between Interpersonal Disturbances and Subjective Well-being in College Students
      ZHANG Ling, ZHENG Xue, YAN Biao-bin, WEN Juan-juan, SHI Yan-cai
      Psychological Development and Education. 2007, 23(2):  116-121. 
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      To study the relationship between interpersonal disturbances and subjective well-being in college students, 467 undergraduates in Guangzhou were investigated. The results indicted as follows:(1) there was interaction on the interpersonal disturbance of talking with others between the areas and the single child or multi-child, the interpersonal disturbance of talking with others of the college students who were single child and came from city was the lowest;there was significant a difference on interpersonal disturbance of gett ing along with opposite gender in the areas and the single child or multi-child, the interpersonal disturbance of getting along with opposite gender of the college students who are from village had a worse disturbance;(2) there was interaction on life satisfact ion between the areas and the single child or multi-child, as well as on the positive affect, life satisfaction and the positive affect of the college students who were single child and came from city were highest, life satisfaction and the positive affect of the college students who were single child and came from village were lowest;(3) stepwise regression analysis showed that interpersonal disturbance of making friends, interpersonal disturbance of talking with others and interpersonal disturbance of gett ing along with opposite gender had significant predictable effects on life sat isfaction;interpersonal disturbance of talking with others, interpersonal disturbance of treat ing others in proper way and interpersonal disturbance of making friends had significant predictable effects on positive affect;interpersonal disturbance of making friends, interpersonal disturbance of talking with others and interpersonal disturbance of treating others in proper way had significant predictable effects on negative affect.