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    15 November 2023, Volume 39 Issue 6
    • Age Differences in Analogical Reasoning Strategies and Their Relationships with Working Memory and Inhibitory Control
      PENG Yue, ZHANG Heyi, CHEN Yinghe, LEI Xiuya, QI Yue, YU Xiao, QIAO Xuewen, LIU Moxuan, YAN Luyi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(6):  761-771.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.06.01
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      This study used eye movement technique to investigate the relationships among analogical reasoning strategies, working memory and inhibitory control and examine whether such relationships differ between children and adults. The results showed that: (1) Children are more likely than adults to use immature Semantic-constraint strategy during analogical reasoning; (2) Both verbal working memory and response inhibition significantly predicted children's two analogical reasoning strategies. In addition, visuospatial working memory significantly predicted children's Semantic-constraint strategy; (3) Only response inhibition significantly predicted adults' two analogical reasoning strategies. Instead of only focusing on the behavioral results of analogical reasoning in previous studies, this study used the eye movement technique to reveal the processes of analogical reasoning. These findings provided new evidence related to analogical reasoning processing and provided a theoretical guide for improving children's analogical ability.
      Justice Comes Sooner or Later: The Development Characteristics of Children’s Fair Normative Executive Behavior in Different Resource Allocation Situations
      ZHU Naping, LIU Yanling, XIONG Hongmei, ZHAO Pan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(6):  772-780.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.06.02
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      This study refined the resource value according to different attributes, innovatively defined the objective value of resources, and explored the development characteristics of children aged 4 to 9 in the implementation of fair norms based on quantity, objective value and subjective value. The results showed that children's fair norm execution behavior has developmental differences due to the situation of resource allocation and unfair proposal: (1) Children's quantity-based fair norm execution behavior appears earlier than value-based fair norm execution behavior;(2) In the context of resource allocation based on subjective value, children are more difficult to show fair normative executive behavior;(3) In the face of absolute unfair proposals, children are more likely to show fair norm execution behaviors. These findings not only elaborate the developmental characteristics of children's fair norm execution behavior, but also provide comprehensive and targeted suggestions for ensuring the continuity of cooperative activities between individuals and carrying out fair norm education.
      Effects of Spacing and Word Frequency on the Reading of Young and Older Adults: An Eye Movement Study
      WANG Jingxin, ZHAO Sainan, XU Qianqian
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(6):  781-787.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.06.03
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      An EyeLink 2000 eye-tracker recorded each participant's right-eye gaze location while they were reading inter-character spacing text. Participants were 24 young adults aged 18~26 years (M=21 years) and 24 older adults aged 65~76 years (M=66 years) from the Tianjin Normal University and community near the university. The results showed that there was no significant difference in reading time between increased inter-character spacing and normal condition, and there was no significant difference in the effect of inter-character spacing on high and low frequency words. What's more, significant interactions between age-group and spacing condition were found for average fixation durations, forward saccade length and number of forward saccade fixations. Under the condition of decreased and normal inter-character spacing, older adults had great differences in eye movements than young adults, and had longer fixation durations. Therefore, the results indicate that increase inter-character spacing had no significant influence on reading, and decrease inter-character spacing will had greater disrupt for older than young adults. It shows that older adults are more sensitive to visual changes, and visual rather than lexical processing is disrupted more for older adults.
      The Relationship between Preschooler’s Executive Function and Aggressive Behavior: The Mediation Effect of Cognitive Empathy
      YAN Zhiqiang, ZHOU Ke, ZENG Xiao, XU Hui, ZHU Xiaoqian, ZHANG Juan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(6):  788-797.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.06.04
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      Aggressive behavior of preschoolers is closely related to their executive function, and empathy may be the key to this relationship. Therefore, the purposes of this study are to explore the relationship between executive function and aggressive behavior (study 1); the relationship between its subcomponents and aggressive behavior in preschoolers, and exam the mediating role of empathy in variable relations (study 2). Results showed that preschoolers' aggressive behavior is significantly negatively correlated with their overall executive function, inhibitory control, and working memory. Cognitive empathy played a mediating role in the relationship between overall executive function, inhibitory control, working memory, and aggressive behavior, respectively. The current studies suggest that preschoolers' executive function is the cognitive limiter of their aggressive behavior, and inhibition control and working memory are particularly effective. Executive function might inhibit their aggressive behavior by promoting their cognitive empathy.
      Association between Parental Conflict and Peer Attachment: An Examination of the Mediation Effect of Parent-adolescent Attachment and Gender Difference
      ZOU Shengqi, WU Xinchun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(6):  798-807.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.06.05
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      This study examined the mediation effect of parent-adolescent attachment in the association between parental conflict and peer attachment. A total of 3045 adolescent participated in study and completed the revised Children's Perception of Marital Conflict Scale and Inventory of Parent-child and Peer Attachment. Results showed that parental conflict frequency, intensity and resolution were associated with peer attachment through the mediation effect of father-adolescent attachment, whereas the mediation effect of mother-adolescent attachment was significant only in the association between parental conflict resolution and peer attachment. Gender difference analysis revealed a parent-child sex matching effect of parental conflict frequency and an opposite-sex matching effect parental conflict intensity. There was no gender difference of the mediation effect of parent-adolescent attachment between parental conflict resolution and peer attachment. The results promoted the understanding of parental conflict and the role of children's gender in the family.
      Low Self-esteem or High'Other-esteem’? Differential Nature of Implicit Self-esteem in High and Low Socially Anxious Individuals: Evidence from EAST Study
      LU Cuiping, ZHENG Xifu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(6):  808-816.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.06.06
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      In the past few years, an Implicit Association Test (IAT) was used to assess socially anxious individuals' self-esteem and the results showed that non, as well as anxious individuals had a high implicit self-attitude. However, due to its relative nature and its sensitivity to task recoding task, IAT can only measure a relative attitude toward oneself. So the present study used a non-relative measure (the Extrinsic Affective Simon Task, EAST) that developed by De Houwer (2003) to explore the nature of implicit self-esteem as well as the differences of implicit self- attitude and other-attitude between the high and low socially anxious individuals. 44 high and 41 low socially anxious individuals were asked to complete the EAST. The present study focused on the implicit self-esteem as well as their general evaluation of others ('other-esteem'). The results indicated that: (1) Both groups had highly positive implicit self-esteem. Low socially anxious individuals displayed significantly negative 'other-esteem', but not for individuals with high social anxiety. There were significant differences between self and other attitudes in high and low groups; (2) High social anxious group had significantly lower positive implicit self-esteem (p<0.05), but significantly higher 'other-esteem' than the low social anxious group (p<0.05). Thus the degree of self-favouring was considerably weaker in high than in low socially anxious individuals (p<0.01). By and large, this study clearly showed that socially anxious individuals had a relatively low positive self-esteem but no negative 'other-esteem', so their self-favouring effects was particularly weak. Due to the lack of positive bias, high socially anxious individuals tend to be more objective and accurate in self and others cognition than low or non-anxious individuals. However, moderate positive bias of self enhancement can provide a self-protective mechanism that is beneficial to mental health. Individuals with social anxiety were characterized by the gap between attitude of self and others, and it may be this reduced tendency to self-favouring that is essential to social anxiety. In the end, the role of fear evaluation in social anxiety were discussed. As the core symptoms of social anxiety, fear of negative evaluation and fear of positive evaluation play important role in the formation of low self-esteem and high'other-esteem'.
      The Influence of Dynamic and Static Text Presentation of Electronic Picture Books on Children’s Reading Experience and Learning Effect
      GAO Zihui, JIAO Yu, WANG Xi, LIU Xiaocen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(6):  817-824.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.06.07
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      Picture books are vital to promoting early literacy in pre-school children. The development of digital technology has made electronic picture books another important form of early reading, which have demonstrated advantages in stimulating reading interest, promoting vocabulary learning and story retelling. The study used the Tobii X3 120 eye-tracker to record the eye movements of 46 pre-school children ranging in age from 4 to 5 during reading electronic picture books with dynamic and static texts, and to test their reading experience, vocabulary learning and story retelling. The results showed that: (1) the Dynamic could more significantly increase reading motivation than the Static; (2) No significant differences in the effects of the Dynamic and Static on vocabulary learning; (3) the Dynamic was more conducive to story retelling than the Static; (4) the Dynamic could significantly increase the frequency and probability of time on print fixation, and decreased those on illustration fixation.
      The Relationship between Supervisor-student Relationship and Academic Adjustment of Postgraduates: The Chain Mediating Effect of Research Self-efficacy and Professional Commitment
      XIN Zhaoyang, WANG Qinglin, WANG Minghui, DU Jing, ZHAO Guoxiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(6):  825-832.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.06.08
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      To explore the internal mechanism of the supervisor-student relationship affecting postgraduates' academic adjustment, a sample of 751 postgraduates was enrolled in the present research to fill out the supervisor-student relationship perception questionnaire, the academic adjustment questionnaire, the research self-efficacy questionnaire, and the professional commitment questionnaire. The results showed that: (1) Research self-efficacy and professional commitment, respectively, played a partial mediating role between the supervisor-student relationship and postgraduates' academic adjustment; (2) Research self-efficacy and professional commitment had a chain-mediated effect on the supervisor-student relationship and postgraduates' academic adjustment. The results indicated that the supervisor-student relationship not only directly affected postgraduates' academic adjustment but also indirectly affected postgraduates' academic adjustment through research self-efficacy and professional commitment. The research results are helpful in improving the ability of postgraduates' academic adjustment and also provide guidance and suggestions for the education and teaching of related educators.
      The Effect of Supervisor-induced Ostracism on Scientific Research Creativity among Postgraduate Students: The Bidirectional Chain Mediation Roles of Research Self-efficacy and Scientific Anxiety
      XIE Li, JIN Hui, WANG Zhiying, YE Qiaojian, YANG Xilan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(6):  833-841.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.06.09
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      This study aimed to explore the effect of supervisor-induced ostracism on scientific research creativity and its underlying mechanism. Based on cluster sampling, 608 postgraduates from four universities in Jiangsu Province were investigated. The results showed that: (1) There were significant correlations among supervisor-induced ostracism, research self-efficacy, scientific anxiety and scientific research creativity; (2) Postgraduates' research self-efficacy and scientific anxiety played an independent intermediary role in the relationship between supervisor-induced ostracism and scientific research creativity; (3) Postgraduates' research self-efficacy and scientific anxiety showed a bidirectional chain mediating effect in the relationship between supervisor-induced ostracism and scientific research creativity. In a word, supervisor-induced ostracism influence postgraduates' scientific research creativity via the mediating effect of research self-efficacy and scientific anxiety.
      The Relationship between Teaching Autonomy and Teaching Reflection: The Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment and Professional Commitment
      YAO Jihai, JIANG Yuhan, ZOU Honghui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(6):  842-849.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.06.10
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      Investigating teachers in 23 primary and secondary schools in Beijing by questionnaire, collecting 1341 valid data in total, and using structural equation model to explore the impact of teachers' teaching autonomy on their teaching reflection and the mediating role of psychological empowerment and professional commitment. The results show that the direct and indirect effects of teachers' teaching autonomy on teachers' teaching reflection are significant. The indirect effects include two paths: teaching autonomy affects teachers' teaching reflection through the separate mediating role of psychological empowerment and the chain mediating role of psychological empowerment and professional commitment. The results show that teachers' teaching autonomy is closely related to teachers' teaching reflection, psychological empowerment and professional commitment play important roles in this connection.
      The Effect of Job Support on Rural Teachers’ Work Passion: The Multiple Mediating Role of Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction
      YANG Zhenfang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(6):  850-858.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.06.11
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      Work passion is significant to improving the teaching effectiveness of rural teachers and promoting their personal career development. Based on the self-determination theory, this research constructed a framework of “external environment nourishment & internal psychological needs satisfaction” inspired by rural teachers' work passion. Through a survey of 1289 rural teachers, this paper explored the effect and mechanism of job support on rural teachers' work passion. The results showed that job support, job autonomy, professional efficacy, and professional belonging all significantly positively affected work passion. Job autonomy, professional efficacy, and professional belonging played the mediating role separately in the relation between job support and work passion. The results suggest that adequate job support is an important factor in stimulating rural teachers' work passion, the psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relationship have independent functional value for work passion. Building a good job support system can satisfy rural teachers' psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and relationships, and thus help to stimulate, and to maintain their work passion.
      Congruence and Incongruence of Mother-child Attachment and Grandmother-child Attachment: Links with Children’s Subjective Well-being
      TANG Yingying, LIN Xiuyun, YIN Jinxiu, HE Ting, ZHOU Shaojia, CAO Zhitao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(6):  859-868.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.06.12
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      The present study aimed to explore the relationship between congruence and incongruence of mother-child attachment and grandmother-child attachment qualities and children's subjective well-being(life satisfaction, positive affect, and negative affect). A total of 226 elementary students (178 completed) from grandmother involved co-parenting families participated in this study and completed Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, Students' Life Satisfaction Scale and Inventory of Parent and Grandparent Attachment. Using Response Surface Analysis, our study found that: (1) Congruence in attachment predicted children's subjective well-being. Specifically, congruent lower level of parent-child and grandparent-child attachment quality were associated with child's higher level of subjective well-being; (2) When the average quality of mother-child and grandmother-child attachment was controlled for, no significant differences in negative affect were found between congruent and incongruent attachment qualities, while incongruence defined by higher mother-child attachment quality versus grandmother-child attachment quality was associated with a higher level of child's life satisfaction. Besides, mother-child attachment quality and grandmother-child attachment quality were both positively related to child's positive affect. This study deepened the understanding of children's multiple attachment and stressed the importance of attachment in grandmother co-parenting families.
      Structural School Climate and Depression among Middle School Students: A Moderated Mediation Model of Social Support and Gender
      YUAN Yuan, LIANG Zhoujian, ZHANG Li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(6):  869-876.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.06.13
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      To explore the relationship among structural school climate, social support, gender, and depression of middle school students, 2,054 high school students ranging from Junior Grade One to Senior Grade Three in Beijing were administrated with Delaware School Climate Surveys, Social Relations Network Questionnaire, and Self-Rating Depression Scale. The results indicated that: (1) The structural school climate was negatively correlated with the depression of middle school students; (2) The partial mediating effect of social support on the relation between structural school climate and middle school students' depression were significant; (3) Gender moderated the second half of the mediation path with closer correlation between depression and social support in girls than in boys. Results contribute to understanding how structural school climate has influence intervening on depression of middle school students, and have practical implications for preventing and intervening middle school students' depression.
      The Relationship between Family Economic Strain and Adolescents’ Well-being: The Mediating Effect of Perceived Discrimination and The Moderating Effect of Sense of Control
      WU Xiaojing, GAI Xiaosong, LI Xiaotian, GU Tingyu, WANG Hong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(6):  877-886.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.06.14
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      This study examined whether perceived discrimination played a mediating role in the relationship between family financial strain and adolescents' present- and future-oriented well-being, and whether sense of control moderated the relationship between perceived discrimination and present- and future-oriented well-being. Participants were 8,374 (4,443 girls and 3,931 boys; Mage = 14.31; SD = 1.02) middle school students from Qinghai Province. Results showed that: (1) Family financial strain negatively predicted the present- and future-oriented well-being of junior middle school students; (2) Perceived discrimination mediated these associations; (3) The mediating effect of perceived discrimination was moderated by students' sense of control, in that it was stronger for students with a low sense of control than for those with a high sense of control. The results suggest that reducing perceived discrimination and improving the sense of control of junior high school students can help cultivate their present- and future-oriented well-being.
      The Influence of Campus Exclusion on Junior High School Students’ Online Deviant Behavior: The Serial Mediating of Relative Deprivation and Self-control
      CHEN Ying, ZHANG Ye, HAN Na, WANG Kai
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(6):  887-894.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.06.15
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      To investigate the effect of campus exclusion on junior high school students' online deviation behavior and the role of relative deprivation and self-control. A total of 886 junior high school students from grade one to grade three in three public schools in Jilin province were tested by using the Adolescent Campus Exclusion Questionnaire, the Relative Deprivation Questionnaire, the Self-Control Scale, and the Adolescent Online Deviation Behavior Questionnaire. The results indicated that: Campus exclusion not only had a direct effect on junior high school students' online deviant behavior, but also had an indirect effect on online deviant behavior through three paths: One was the mediating role of relative deprivation; The second was the mediating role of self-control; The third was the chain-mediated role of relative deprivation and self-control. A mechanism of “interpersonal stress→psychological deprivation→decreased self-control→negative online behavior” was finally clear.
      Psychological Burden Reduction Starts from Dealing with Boredom: The Influencing Mechanism of Boredom Proneness on Subjective Well-being among Adolescents
      PENG Haiyun, SHENG Liang, QIU Fanshuo, ZHOU Ziyan, XIN Sufei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(6):  895-902.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.06.16
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      The current study investigated the underlying mechanism of the relationship between boredom proneness and subjective well-being (SWB). Data were obtained through a questionnaire survey of 1231 adolescents from six schools of 3 provinces (Shandong Province, Hunan Province, Yunnan Province) by using the Boredom Proneness Scale, Subjective Well-being Scale, Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire, and Ruminative Responses Scale. The results showed that: (1) There was a significant correlation between boredom proneness, rumination, coping style and subjective well-being among adolescents; (2) Rumination and coping style mediated the relationship between boredom proneness and SWB. Furthermore, a serial mediation model was also observed between boredom proneness and SWB. Based on the results, the current study attempts to propose an integrative model explaining the influencing mechanism of boredom proneness on adolescent SWB discussing the joint effect of rumination and coping style at the micro-individual level and other potential factors at the macro-social level.
      The Influence of Parents’ Working through Information and Communication Technologies after Hours on Harsh Parenting: Mediating Effect of Anxiety/Depression and Moderating Effect of Perceived Supervisor Support
      HE Can, WEI Hua, DING Qian, GUI Yong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(6):  903-912.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.06.17
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      Based on the integrated model of emotion processes and cognition in social information processing, this study investigated the relationship between parents' working through information and communication technologies after hours(W_ICTs)and harsh parenting and its inner mechanism. A sample of 949 preschoolers' parents was recruited to fill out Working through Information and Communication Technologies after Hour Scale, Harsh Parenting Scale, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale and Perceived Supervisor Support Scale. Data was collected from self-report. Results showed that:(1)W_ICTs positively predicted harsh parenting in parents;(2)Anxiety/depression mediated this association;(3)This mediating effect was moderated by perceived supervisor support. Specifically, compared with parents with high perceived supervisor support, the W_ICTs of parents with low perceived supervisor support had a greater predictive effect on anxiety/depression, while the anxiety/depression of those with low perceived supervisor support had less predictive effect on harsh parenting. Our findings provide further evidence of the formation mechanism for harsh parenting, which have potential applied value for prevention and intervention programs.