Psychological Development and Education ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 772-780.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.06.02

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Justice Comes Sooner or Later: The Development Characteristics of Children’s Fair Normative Executive Behavior in Different Resource Allocation Situations

ZHU Naping1, LIU Yanling1, XIONG Hongmei2, ZHAO Pan3   

  1. 1. Faculty of Education, Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, Nanchang 330038;
    2. Nanchang Xihu District Nursing Home, Nanchang 330025;
    3. College of Marxism, YuZhang Normal University, Nanchang 330103
  • Published:2023-11-11

Abstract: This study refined the resource value according to different attributes, innovatively defined the objective value of resources, and explored the development characteristics of children aged 4 to 9 in the implementation of fair norms based on quantity, objective value and subjective value. The results showed that children's fair norm execution behavior has developmental differences due to the situation of resource allocation and unfair proposal: (1) Children's quantity-based fair norm execution behavior appears earlier than value-based fair norm execution behavior;(2) In the context of resource allocation based on subjective value, children are more difficult to show fair normative executive behavior;(3) In the face of absolute unfair proposals, children are more likely to show fair norm execution behaviors. These findings not only elaborate the developmental characteristics of children's fair norm execution behavior, but also provide comprehensive and targeted suggestions for ensuring the continuity of cooperative activities between individuals and carrying out fair norm education.

Key words: fair normative executive behavior, resource allocation situation, objective value, unfair offers, children

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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