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    15 May 2023, Volume 39 Issue 3
    • A Comparative Study on the Attentional Blink of Body Expression between Deaf and Normal Children
      JIN Xing, LIU Jinghong, MA Yue, YU Zhanyu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(3):  305-312.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.03.01
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      By using the dual-task rapid serial visual presentation paradigm, two experiments were conducted to explore the difference of attention blink between deaf and normal children in response to disgust and fear body expressions. The results showed that: (1) Both deaf children and normal children had higher correct rate of response to the first target stimulus (T1) disgust than to T1 fear, no matter whether the body expressions were covered or not; (2) Under the condition of complete body expression, only deaf children had attentional blink; but under the condition of arm occlusion, both deaf and normal children had attentional blink. The results confirmed that both deaf and normal children were more sensitive to disgust body expression. The visual attention ability of deaf children was weaker than that of normal children. However, the visual attention ability of deaf children was similar to that of normal children when the arm was covered.
      Electrophysiological Evidence for the Lateralized Effect of Lexical Categories on Perception of Facial Expression
      ZHONG Weifang, GUO Yongxing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(3):  313-322.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.03.02
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      The current study investigated whether lexical category affects facial expression perception at early, preattentive perceptual processing stage and whether this effect lateralizes to the left hemisphere of the brain. In an ERP study, four gradual facial expression images, including H1, H2, F1 and F2 were used. The expressions of H1 and H2 were happiness, while those of F1 and F2 were fear. Participants were asked to complete a visual oddball task, in which standard and deviant facial expression images from the same or different lexical categories were presented and a facial image displayed angry was presented as an attention-capturing target stimuli. ERPs showed that, in both the time windows of N1 and N2, amplitude of the vMMN evoked by the between-category deviant was larger than that evoked by the within-category deviant when displayed in the right visual field, but no such effect was observed when stimuli were presented in the left visual field. These results suggested that lexical category affects the perception of facial expression at both early, preattentive perceptual processing stages and post-perceptual decision/response phases, and the effect of lexical category on facial expression perception lateralizes to the left hemisphere of the brain.
      Developmental Trajectory of Prosocial Behavior in Impoverished Children during Early Adolescence: The Effects of Gender and Parenting Style Heterogeneity
      ZHAO Xian, WANG Zhihang, WANG Dongfang, YUAN Yanyun, YIN Xiayun, LI Zhihua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(3):  323-332.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.03.03
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      This study aimed to explore the developmental trajectory of Chinese impoverished children’s prosocial behaviors during early adolescence. Latent Profile Model and Multi-group Latent Growth Model was conducted to examine the development trajectory of prosocial behavior and to explore gender differences and predictive effects of parenting style heterogeneity on the developmental trajectory. A sample of 815 Chinese impoverished children (Meanage = 11.75 ±1.55 years old) were investigated four times in two years. Due to sample attrition, 763 Chinese impoverished children (Meanage = 13.88 ±1.52 years old) were investigated in the last survey. Results showed that: (1) Impoverished children’s prosocial behavior decreased linearly during the early of adolescence; (2) The heterogeneity of parenting style in poor families had significant effects on the initial level and developmental trajectory of children's prosocial behaviors, with the initial score of impoverished children’s prosocial behavior from positive caring groups significantly higher than other groups, but the developmental trajectory showed a linear decline; however, the prosocial behaviors of the children from the negative control groups were significantly lower than other groups at the initial level, but the developmental trajectory did not change significantly; (3) In terms of gender effect, the initial level of prosocial behavior of girls in the moderate caring groups were significantly higher than boys, and the decline rate of prosocial behavior of girls in this groups were slower than boys. Conclusion: The heterogeneity of parenting style had a significant effect on the developmental trajectory of prosocial behaviors of early adolescent impoverish children. Moderate caring parenting styles can relieve the decline rate of prosocial behaviors of female impoverished children.
      Development Trends of Adolescents’ Internet Altruistic Behavior and the Influence of Social Class: A Longitudinal Study
      ZHENG Xianliang, CHEN Huiping, WANG Xue, BAO Zhenzhou
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(3):  333-341.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.03.04
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      A one-and-a-half-year longitudinal study (4 tests in total) was conducted to explore the development trend of Internet altruistic behavior (IAB) among adolescents and the relationship between social class and the developmental trends of adolescents’ IAB. A total of 832 participates aged 12~20 years completed all questionnaires. Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) results showed that: (1) The adolescents’ IAB showed an increasing trend over time; (2) Gender, weekly online time and objective social class had no significant influence on the development trend of the adolescents’ IAB, while subjective social class had significant influence on the development trend of adolescents’ IAB. That is, the higher the adolescents’ subjective social class, the stronger the upward trend of their IAB.
      Effect of Money Priming and Moral Identity on Undergraduates’ Moral Hypocrisy
      DU Xiufang, WU Yuxi, XU Zheng, YUAN Xiaoqian, CHEN Gongxiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(3):  342-349.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.03.05
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      Taking undergraduates as subjects, using the task assignment paradigm, Experiment 1 examines the influence of money priming and moral identity on individual moral hypocrisy. Experiment 2 explores the influence of the priming of money abundance and moral identity on individual moral hypocrisy. The results show that: (1) Compared with the control group, money priming caused a significant increase in the number of people who saying one thing and doing another; compared with the group of money scarcity, the priming of money abundance increased the number of people who saying one thing and doing another; (2) The proportion of moral hypocrisy among subjects with low moral identity was significantly higher than those with high moral identity; moreover, money priming significantly increased the moral hypocrisy of subjects with high moral identity. The research reveals that we can reduce the profit-related clues such as money in the situation and improve the level of individual moral identity, which will help reduce the occurrence of moral hypocrisy.
      The Influence of Prorelationship Motivation on Family Consumption Decision and Marital Satisfaction
      LI Yue, XIN Ziqiang, LAN Yihua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(3):  350-359.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.03.06
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      Two studies are carried out to explore the influence of prorelationship motivation on family consumption decision and marital satisfaction. In Study 1, 118 individuals completed an individual decision making task about family consumption, the prorelationship motivation scale and the marital adjustment test. It was found that individual’s prorelationship motivation can negatively predict the rationality of family consumption decision, and positively predict marital satisfaction. In Study 2, the same tools were adopted to test 94 couples under the couple joint decision making situation. According to the mean of prorelationship motivation, couples were divided into three dyad types: homogeneous high prorelationship motivation couples, mixed prorelationship motivation couples and homogeneous low prorelationship motivation couples. It was found that when couples can interact with each other in decision making, there was no significant difference in the rationality of family consumption decision among three dyad types. However, the entire marital satisfaction of homogeneous high prorelationship motivation couples was significantly higher than the other two dyad types, but there is no significant difference between the other two types. In addition, it was also found that prorelationship motivation is correlated with age, marriageable age, children situation, education and income. The results above indicate the importance of interaction and communication in family consumption decision. Moreover, taken together, this research suggests that people had better cultivate prorelationship motivation in their marriage.
      The Influence of Subjective Social Class and Putting a Price for Time Priming on Individual Prosocial Behavior
      LI Qiangqiang, HU Jia
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(3):  360-368.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.03.07
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      Prosocial behavior is defined as behavior that helps others at the expense of self-interest, and can be classified as time-consuming pro-social behavior and money-consuming pro-social behavior according to the loss of benefit attribute. Previous research has suggested that putting a price for time priming leads individuals to reduce pro-social behavior, but less has examined whether putting a price for time priming affects pro-social behavior as a function of subjective social class. This study examined the effects of putting a price for time priming and subjective social class on pro-social behavior through three experiments. The results found that: (1) putting a price for time priming reduced pro-social behavior; (2) subjective social class positively predicted money-consuming pro-social behavior but failed to predict time-consuming pro-social behavior; (3) there was an interaction between putting a price on time priming and subjective social class: under putting a price on time priming, subjective social class positively predicted money-consuming pro-social behavior and negatively predicted time-consuming pro-social behavior; under non putting a price on time priming, subjective social class positively predicts money-consuming pro-social behavior but not time-consuming pro-social behavior under non putting a price on time priming.
      The Effect of Reading Modes to Reading Comprehension in Chinese Children: A Mediated Moderation Model
      WANG Haolan, CHEN Hongjun, WU Xinchun, ZHAO Ying, SUN Peng
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(3):  369-378.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.03.08
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      This study explored the role of grade in the process of Chinese children’s reading modes affecting reading comprehension and its internal mechanisms. Participants were 933 elementary children in grades 2 to 6. We compared their reading comprehension scores under three reading modes (reading aloud, mumble reading, and silent reading). The three-minute reading test assessed children’s reading fluency to explore its mediating role in the moderating effect model. The results indicated that: (1) Mumble reading was more conducive to Chinese elementary school children’s reading comprehension than silent reading; (2) Grade played a moderating role in the influence of reading modes on reading comprehension. For second-grade children, comprehension scores in the silent reading mode were significantly lower than those in reading aloud and mumble reading modes. While for fourth-grade children, comprehension scores in the mumble reading mode were significantly higher than those in silent reading mode. In addition, for children in the fifth grade, comprehension scores in the mumble reading mode were significantly higher than those in the other two modes; (3) Reading fluency played a partially mediating role in the moderating effect of grade on the relationship between reading modes and comprehension. This study validated and supplemented Vygotsky’s view of internalization in reading development to some extent, suggesting that we should not blindly correct children’s natural reading modes (such as the muttering phenomenon in reading). In addition, more attention should be paid to children’s reading fluency training because it may help facilitate children’s transition to silent reading.
      Association between the Approximate Number System and Mathematical Competence: A Meta-analysis
      CHENG Yangchun, HUANG Jin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(3):  379-390.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.03.09
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      Numerous researches have been dedicated to exploring the association between the Approximate Number System (ANS) and mathematical competence in the past two decades. However, various contradictory results have been reported. It remains unclear whether and to what extent and direction the relationship differs systematically and whether variables such as index, task type and task presentation of ANS, math content, and participant age are additional moderators. We investigated these questions by employing of a meta-analysis. The literature yielded 55 articles, 59 independent samples reporting 242 effect sizes found with 12661 participants. The main effect analysis indicated a significant positive correlation (r=0.271) between ANS and mathematical competence. Significantly, the association between ANS and math ability was reciprocal. The moderation analysis revealed that the association was moderated by the index of ANS, math content and participant age. In addition, 82 or more participants are needed to detect the effect. The study set the foundation for further longitudinal, experimental and interventional research and shed light on mathematical education.
      The Relationship between Belief in a Just World and Learning Burnout in Undergraduates: The Mediating Role of Coping Style and Boredom Proneness
      YU Haoxue, LI Hui, WANG Fuxing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(3):  391-401.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.03.10
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      In order to explore the relationship between undergraduates’ belief in a just world and their learning burnout, and to investigate the mediating role of coping style and boredom proneness, nine hundred and fifty-five undergraduates were measured by using the just world belief questionnaire, undergraduates’ boredom proneness questionnaire, simple coping style scale and undergraduates’ learning burnout scale. The results were as follows: (1) Taking positive coping and boredom proneness as mediating variables, the belief in a just world could not directly predict learning burnout, while boredom proneness played a complete mediating role. Taking negative coping and boredom proneness as mediating variables, the belief in a just world could directly predict learning burnout, while negative coping and boredom proneness played a partial mediating role respectively; (2) The chain mediating effect between positive/negative coping style and boredom proneness was significant in the relationship between belief in a just world and learning burnout. The results of this study are helpful to understand the mechanism of belief in a just world on learning burnout and provide suggestions for alleviating it.
      The Effect of Lack of Sleep on Negative Emotion in Primary and Secondary School Students: A Chain Mediation Model
      ZHANG Pengcheng, LI Xi, HAN Wuyang, SHEN Yongjiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(3):  402-409.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.03.11
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      Lack of sleep has become a common problem for contemporary primary and secondary school students. To examine the mediating role of social support and emotion regulation self-efficacy in the relationship between sleep loss and negative emotion of primary and secondary school students, we used the Lack of Sleep Questionnaire, the Simplified Chinese version of the Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scale, the Social Support Rating Scale and the Emotion Regulation Self-Efficacy Scale. A whole group sample of 1103 primary and secondary school students in Jiangsu and Anhui were selected for the survey. The results found that: (1) Lack of sleep significantly and positively predicted negative emotion in primary and secondary school students; (2) Social support and perceived self-efficacy in managing negative emotion played a separate mediating role between lack of sleep and negative emotion in primary and secondary school students; the mediating role of self-efficacy for perceived self-efficacy in expressing positive emotion was not significant; (3) Social support and perceived self-efficacy in managing negative emotion played a chain mediating role between lack of sleep and negative emotion in primary and secondary school students. It shows that lack of sleep has a significant effect on the negative emotion of primary and secondary school students. Social support and perceived self-efficacy in managing negative emotion have separate and chained mediating effects.
      Effects of Bully-victimization on Proactive and Reactive Aggression in Early Adolescence: The Role of Moral Disengagement and Gender
      WANG Yue, XIONG Yuke, REN Ping, YANG Liu, MIAO Wei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(3):  410-418.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.03.12
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      To investigate the relationship between bully victimization and proactive/reactive aggression, the mediating effect of moral disengagement and the moderating effect of gender, a sample of 2533 middle students (initial age 13.95 ± 0.60, 51.32% boys) was followed up for six months and examined for two waves. The results showed that: (1) Bully victimization at wave 1 could significantly and positively predict proactive aggression and reactive aggression at wave 2; (2) Moral disengagement mediated the relationship between victimization and proactive/reactive aggression; (3) The mediating effect of moral disengagement in the link between victimization and proactive aggression was moderated by gender. For girls, the relationship between victimization and moral disengagement was stronger. For boys, the relationship between moral disengagement and proactive aggression was stronger. The results of the present study suggest that relevant educators should pay attention to the level of moral disengagement of adolescents. Intervening adolescents’ moral cognition will help cut off the link between bully victimization and aggressive behavior.
      Negative Life Events and Internalizing Problem of Junior Middle School Students: Mediating of Rumination and Moderating of Peer Attachment
      FENG Quansheng, ZHOU Zongkui, SUN Xiaojun, ZHANG Yanhong, LIAN Shuailei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(3):  419-428.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.03.13
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      Based on the diathesis-stress model and attachment internal working model, the present study examined the relation between negative life events and internalizing problem, as well as the mediating role of rumination and the moderating role of peer attachment. 800 students from three grades of two junior middle schools in Wuhan and Shangqiu were recruited to complete a series of questionnaires: Adolescent Life Events Checklist, Rumination Scale, The Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale. The results showed that: (1) Negative life events, rumination, depression, and anxiety were significantly positively correlated with each other. Whereas negative life events, depression, and anxiety were significantly negatively correlated with each other; (2) Negative life events not only had direct effects on depression and anxiet but also had indirect effects on depression and anxiety through the mediating role of rumination. And these indirect effects could be moderated by peer attachment. Specifically, this indirect effect was more significant for middle school students with lower peer attachment; (3) Peer attachment could moderate the link between negative life events and depression, but this moderating effect cannot be found in the relationship between negative life events and anxiety. Conclusions: Negative life events are an important external factor resulting in depression and anxiety of middle school students. Moreover, rumination plays a mediating role in the link between negative life events and depression or anxiety. Peer attachment can alleviate these indirect effects. These results reveal the psychological mechanism of the influence of negative life events on the internalizing problem in adolescents, and provide useful suggestions for guiding adolescents to improve the level of peer attachment and promoting the development of mental health.
      The Relationship between Developmental Trajectories of Adolescents’ Depression and Self-injury: A Two-year Longitudinal Study
      LI Jinwen, BAI Rong, WANG Yumeng, LIU Xia
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(3):  429-438.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.03.14
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      By cross-lagged analysis and latent growth modeling, the current study examined the causal effects of depression and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), and the relationship between their developmental trajectories among 581 Grade 7 students from four schools in Guizhou Province followed up over two years. Additionally, the protective role of social support in the above association was further explored. The results indicated that (1) Adolescents’ depression positively predicted subsequent NSSI, but NSSI had no significant predictive effect on follow-up depression; (2) Depression and NSSI were not stable but increased linearly during early adolescence; (3) Both initial level and slope of depression positively predicted the growth of NSSI; (4) Social support significantly moderated the effect of depression’s growth on NSSI’s growth. Specifically, under the high level of social support, the effect of adolescents’ depression growth on NSSI growth was weakened, suggesting that high social support played a protective role. These results revealed the dynamic changes and relationship between depression and NSSI and their protective factor, which were valuable for intervention program making and NSSI reduction.
      Parental Phubbing and Adolescent’s Cyberbullying Perpetration: The Roles of Self-esteem and Basic Empathy
      GAO Ling, MENG Wenhui, LIU Jiedi, YANG Jiping, WANG Xingchao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(3):  439-448.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.03.15
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      The current study used a questionnaire method and conducted 2407 grade seven students from seven middle schools in Taiyuan and Changzhi, Shanxi Province. We examined the relationship between parental phubbing and adolescents’ cyberbullying perpetration and extended previous literature by exploring the mediating effect of self-esteem and the moderating effect of basic empathy in this relationship. The results showed that: (1) Parental phubbing positively predicted adolescents’ cyberbullying perpetration; (2) Self-esteem mediated the relationship between parental phubbing and adolescents’ cyberbullying perpetration; (3) Basic empathy significantly moderated the relationship between self-esteem and adolescents’ cyberbullying perpetration. However, basic empathy did not moderate the relationship between parental phubbing and adolescents' cyberbullying perpetration.
      Changes of Adolescents’ Loneliness in China (2001~2019): The Perspective of Cross-temporal Meta-analysis
      PENG Haiyun, SHENG Liang, WANG Jinrui, ZHOU Ziyan, XIN Sufei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2023, 39(3):  449-456.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.03.16
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      As a key indicator to measure adolescents’ mental health, it is necessary to examine the changes in loneliness level of Chinese adolescents with social change, which can help improve the intervention program for their mental health status. This study conducted a cross-temporal meta-analysis of 79 papers to investigate the change trends and influencing factors of adolescents’ loneliness level from 2001 to 2019. Results showed that: (1) Chinese adolescents’ loneliness level has increased steadily over time; (2) Six social indicators of economic condition, social connectedness and social threat might account for the rise in Chinese adolescents’ loneliness level; (3) In contrast with senior high school students, the upward trend of junior school students’ loneliness level was more obvious; (4) Compared with adolescents of Eastern region, the rise of Midwestern adolescents’ loneliness level was more obvious.