Psychological Development and Education ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (3): 369-378.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2023.03.08

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The Effect of Reading Modes to Reading Comprehension in Chinese Children: A Mediated Moderation Model

WANG Haolan, CHEN Hongjun, WU Xinchun, ZHAO Ying, SUN Peng   

  1. Research Center of Children’s Reading and Learning, Beijing Key Laboratory of Applied Experimental Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875
  • Online:2023-05-15 Published:2023-05-13

Abstract: This study explored the role of grade in the process of Chinese children’s reading modes affecting reading comprehension and its internal mechanisms. Participants were 933 elementary children in grades 2 to 6. We compared their reading comprehension scores under three reading modes (reading aloud, mumble reading, and silent reading). The three-minute reading test assessed children’s reading fluency to explore its mediating role in the moderating effect model. The results indicated that: (1) Mumble reading was more conducive to Chinese elementary school children’s reading comprehension than silent reading; (2) Grade played a moderating role in the influence of reading modes on reading comprehension. For second-grade children, comprehension scores in the silent reading mode were significantly lower than those in reading aloud and mumble reading modes. While for fourth-grade children, comprehension scores in the mumble reading mode were significantly higher than those in silent reading mode. In addition, for children in the fifth grade, comprehension scores in the mumble reading mode were significantly higher than those in the other two modes; (3) Reading fluency played a partially mediating role in the moderating effect of grade on the relationship between reading modes and comprehension. This study validated and supplemented Vygotsky’s view of internalization in reading development to some extent, suggesting that we should not blindly correct children’s natural reading modes (such as the muttering phenomenon in reading). In addition, more attention should be paid to children’s reading fluency training because it may help facilitate children’s transition to silent reading.

Key words: reading mode, reading comprehension, reading fluency, primary stage

CLC Number: 

  • G442
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