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    15 November 2019, Volume 35 Issue 6
    • Effects of Mastery Degree and Social Cues on Metacognitive Monitoring and Control
      JIA Ning, RONG Lizhuo, DAI Jinghua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(6):  641-647.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.06.01
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      Metacognitive monitoring and control is not only affected by the mastery degree of people's learning and memory, but also by social cues. In the present study, the effects of mastery degree and social cues on metacognitive monitoring (Experiment 1) and control (Experiment 2) were investigated. The mastery degree was based on whether the answer is correct or not, and the social cues provided the choice of "most people". The results show:Firstly, mastery degree and social cues independently influence metacognitive monitoring. Specifically, the higher the degree of mastery, the higher the level of confidence; Confidence levels are higher when individual choices are consistent with social cues. Secondly, the degree of mastery and social clues jointly influence metacognitive control. In particular, the higher the degree of mastery, the more individuals tend to stick to their initial choices. When the social cues are consistent with the initial choice of individuals, individuals tend to stick to their initial choice. Individuals tend to change their initial choices when they have a low level of mastery, and the social cues are inconsistent with individuals, they tend to be consistent with the majority of people. When the degree of mastery is low and the social clues are inconsistent with the individual, they tend to change their initial choice to be consistent with most people.
      The Mental Representations of Juvenile Delinquents' Vertical Spatial Metaphor for Morality and the Contributing Factors
      ZHANG Yahui, LU Zhongyi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(6):  648-656.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.06.02
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      This study aims to explore the mental representations of juvenile delinquents' vertical spatial metaphor for morality and their contributing factors. Experiment one uses implicit association test (IAT) and experiment two uses forced paper and pencil test, to inspect the mental representations under unconscious and conscious conditions respectively. The third experiment uses questionnaire and test method to investigate influencing factors of metaphorical connection. The results show that:juvenile delinquents have formed the metaphorical connection of "moral is up, immoral is down", but with lower connection strength; cognitive factors play an important role in the formation of a juvenile delinquent's vertical spatial metaphor for moral concept; the role of re-education in prison should be emphasized.
      After Depletion: The Role of Rest in Replenishment of Self-control Resource
      MU Defang, HUANG Fang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(6):  657-664.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.06.03
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      Following the analogy of a strength model, self-control depends on a limited resource that determines capacity for effortful control over dominant responses and, once expended, leads to impaired subsequent self-control task performance, known as ego depletion. Two experiments were conducted to investigate the role of rest in the mechanisms of replenishing the depleted resource. In Experiment 1, Resource-depleted participants were asked to concentrate their attention on characters in video without looking distraction words to induce ego depletion, non-depleted participants did not have self-control exertion when they watched the same attention video, and then all participants completed the Stroop effect test. The difference between Experiment 2 and Experiment 1 was that resource-depleted participants received rest at different time (5 minutes or 10 minutes) after attention-control video task. The results showed:(1) resource-depleted participants exhibited a significant reduction in performance of Stroop effect test compared to non-depleted participants; (2) when resource-depleted participants took rest 5 minutes or 10 minutes, their performance of Stroop test were both significantly better than non-depleted participant. These findings suggest taking a 5-minute rest can effectively replenish the self's depleted resource once it is initially depleted by prior control exertion.
      Aging Effects on Word Processing in Chinese Reading: Evidences from Eye Movements
      LIU Zhifang, TONG Wen, ZHANG Jun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(6):  665-677.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.06.04
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      Evidences have shown that aging enlarger the frequency effects in alphabetic languages reading, however, aging effects on predictability effects were not consistent between English and German. Present studies explored the aging effects on word processing in Chinese reading by tracing the eye movements of young and older adults when they reading. With two experiments we explored the age differences in word frequency and predictability effects respectively. The results have shown that (1) comparing to young adults, older adults fixated words for longer time, re-fixated and regressed more often, skipped less often, (2) the interaction between age groups and word frequency were not reliable on first fixation duration, and gaze duration on the target words, however, (3) interaction between age groups and word predictability were significant on all the fixation time and regression probability, the word predictability effect of older adults were lager than that of young adults. Thus these results indicated that aging lead to a decline in the efficiency of word processing, and the aging effects on eye movement control and word processing in Chinese reading were different from those in alphabetic languages reading.
      The Influence of Online Parent-child Communication on Left-behind Junior High School Students' Social Adjustment: A Moderated Mediation Model
      NIU Gengfeng, LI Zhanxing, WANG Chenxiao, MA Xiaotong, SUN Xiaojun, ZHOU Zongkui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(6):  678-685.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.06.05
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      Under the background of information age, this study aimed to investigate the influence of online parent-child communication on left-behind children's social adjustment, as well as its underlying mechanism. A sample of 492 left-behind junior high school students were recruited to complete a battery of questionnaires on online parent-child communication, parent-child relationship, beneficial interpretations, problem behavior, self-esteem, depression and life satisfaction. Results indicated that:(1) Among online parent-child communication, parent-child relationship, social adjustment and beneficial interpretations, there existed significant positive correlations between each two variables. (2) Online parent-child communication could influence left-behind junior high school students' social adjustment through the mediating effect of parent-child relationship. (3) Both the direct effect of online parent-child communication on left-behind children' social adjustment, and the mediating effect of parent-child relationship were moderated by beneficial interpretations; both these two effects were more significant for left-behind children with higher level of beneficial interpretations. This study may not only contribute to a better understanding on online communication and left-behind children's development, but also has implications for the improvement of left-behind children' social adjustment.
      The Developmental Trajectories of Reading Fluency and Its Predictive Effects on Reading Comprehension in Chinese Primary School Students
      CHENG Yahua, ZHOU Tingna, ZHAO Ying, LI Hong, WU Xinchun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(6):  686-696.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.06.06
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      149 children in grade one were followed up for three years from grade one entering to grade three. Latent growth modeling was conducted to examine the developmental trajectory of reading fluency and the predictive effects of the initial level and growth rates in reading fluency on reading comprehension after controlling for the related variables. Results indicated that children's word reading fluency increased in a non-linear trajectory, while sentence reading fluency increased in a linear trajectory during the follow-up period. The individual difference of word reading fluency showed a decreasing trend while individual difference increased in sentence reading fluency. The results also showed that initial status and growth rates of word reading fluency made a significant direct contribution to reading comprehension at Time 5 after controlling for the related variables. In addition, initial status of sentence reading fluency did not have the predictive effects on reading comprehension at Time 5. Growth rates of sentence reading fluency, however, made a significant direct contribution to reading comprehension at Time 5. The present findings have an important role in elucidating developmental changes of children's reading fluency. The findings underscore the importance of growth in reading fluency for reading comprehension and add to the literature about the nature of the reading fluency and reading comprehension relationship in Chinese.
      Does Emotional Design in Multimedia Learning Facilitate Learning? A Meta-analysis
      ZHOU Li, WANG Fuxing, XIE Heping, CHEN Jiaxue, XIN Liang, ZHAO Qingbai
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(6):  697-709.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.06.07
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      Recently, many studies are exploring whether the positive emotion induced emotional design internally or externally can enhance the teaching effect and learning performance in the multimedia learning. Previous empirical studies have not reached a consensus on how different emotional designs influence learners' learning performance and cognitive processing. In this study, we conducted a meta-analysis to investigate the effects of emotional design in multimedia learning on learning performance (i.e. retention and transfer test) and cognition processing (i.e. mental effort, internal motivation, results of mood induction, perception about learning achievement, perception of task difficulty, satisfaction with learning experience). We used key words (i.e. emotion, emotional, positive mood, multimedia, multimedia learning, learning, animation, picture and word) to search literatures in database and got 21 related empirical studies. Twenty eight independent effect sizes (2658 participants) were included in retention tests-related meta-analysis while 27 independent effect sizes (2447 participants) were included in transfer tests-related meta-analysis. According to the characteristics of studies about emotional design in multimedia learning, we reasonably chose random-effects model as meta-analysis model. The results showed that positive emotional design could successfully induce the learner's positive emotions (d=0.64), as well as significantly improve mental effect (d=0.21), perceived satisfaction (d=0.42), learning outcomes of retention (d=0.25) and transfer test (d=0.30). Moderator analyses indicated that the effect of emotional design on learning outcomes and cognition processing was mainly moderated by ways of emotion inducing, types of external induction materials, pace and the duration of the studying materials.
      Sleep Time Parameters and Preschoolers' Problem Behaviors: The Moderating Role of Negative Emotionality
      YAO Lining, GAO Jinfan, HE Lijing, GAO Xin, CUI Huixin, XING Shufen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(6):  710-718.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.06.08
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      The present study examined the joint effects of sleep time parameters and negative emotionality on preschoolers' problem behaviors among 338 preschoolers. Data were collected from mothers' reports. Results indicated that:(1) the main effects of total sleep duration on preschoolers' internalizing and externalizing problems were significant, but the moderations of negative emotionality on the relationships between total sleep duration and problem behaviors were not significant; (2) the main effect of the proportion of nighttime sleep to total sleep was significant on internalizing problems but not externalizing problems; the moderation of negative emotionality on the relationship between the proportion of nighttime sleep to total sleep and internalizing problem behavior was significant. The further analysis indicated that the proportion of nighttime sleep to total sleep was negatively associated with internalizing problem behavior in preschoolers with high negative emotionality but not low negative emotionality; the moderation of negative emotionality on the relationship between the proportion of nighttime sleep to total sleep and externalizing problem behaviors was not significant.
      The Effect of Emotionality on Preschoolers' Behavioral Problems and Social Competence
      LIU Yapeng, DENG Huihua, LIANG Zongbao, ZHANG Guangzhen, LU Zuhong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(6):  719-728.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.06.09
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      The present study aimed to explore the role of emotionality at early stage on preschoolers' behavioral problems and social competence. 299 children and their parents participated in this study. Mothers rated on child emotionality at child age of both 6 and 14 months. Fathers and mothers reported child behavioral problems and social competence at child age of 48 months, respectively. The results revealed that smiling/laughter at both 6 and 14 months significantly and positively predicted social competence. The effect of distress to limitations and fear at 6 months on preschoolers' externalizing and internalizing problems and social competence was not significant. However, distress to limitations at 14 months significantly and positively predicted externalizing problems. Fear at 14 months significantly and positively predicted internalizing problems, and negatively predicted social competence. Furthermore, fear at 14 months was significantly and negatively associated with social competence of preschoolers with high level of distress to limitations or low level of smiling/laughter, but not with that of child with low level of distress to limitations or high level of smiling/laughter.
      The Roles of Parent-child Triangulation and Psychological Resilience in the Relationship between Interparental Conflict and Adolescents' Problem Behaviors: A Moderated Mediation Model
      GAO Wen, WANG Yuhong, Fang Zhen, LIU Mingyan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(6):  729-739.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.06.10
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      To investigate the mediating effects of three kinds of parent-child triangulation and the moderated effect of adolescents' resilience in the relationship between interparental conflict and adolescents' problem behaviors, this study surveyed 647 middle school students. The results of a moderated mediation model showed, (1) interparental conflict had a positive prediction on adolescents' problem behaviors with the control of age and gender; (2)two kinds of parent-child triangulation, scapegoating and cross-generational alliance, played intermediary roles between interparental conflict and adolescents' problem behaviors, but parentification did not; (3)adolescents' resilience had a moderating effect on the relationship between above mentioned two kinds of parent-child triangulation and adolescents' problem behaviors. These results revealed interparental conflict not only had a direct effect on problem behaviors of adolescents, but also had indirect effects through cross-generational alliance and scapegoating; when highly involved in cross-generational alliance or regarded as the scapegoat, adolescents with high resilience showed less problem behaviors than their agemates with low resilience.
      The Effect of Parental Marital Quality and Coparenting on Adolescent Problem Behavior: Simultaneously Spillover or Lagged Spillover?
      LU Furong, ZHANG Cai, LIU Dandan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(6):  740-748.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.06.11
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      To explore the effect of spillover effect between parental marital quality and coparenting on adolescent problem behavior,A total of 416 junior middle school students were conducted a 6-month follow-up study by questionnaire. The questionnaires including Parental Marital Quality Questionnaire, Coparenting Scale and SDQ Scale. The results as follows:(1) There are simultaneously spillover and lagged spillover between parental marital quality and coparenting; (2)The father's marital quality has a negative effect on adolescent problem behavior through the father's cooperative coparenting at the same time;(3)And the mother's marital quality has a positive effect on adolescent problem behavior through the mother's conflict and undermining coparenting not only at the same time but also in different time. The results confirmed that the parental marital quality, mother's conflict and undermining coparenting, have a long-term and important impact on adolescent problem behavior.
      The Relationship between Parental Rejection and Internet Addiction in Left-behind Children: A Moderated Mediation Model
      WANG Qiong, XIAO Tao, LIU Huiying, HU Wei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(6):  749-758.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.06.12
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      A questionnaire survey was conducted on 2171 left-behind children from 44 primary and secondary schools in Henan Province, to investigate the effects of parental rejection on their internet addiction, the mediating role of self-control, and the moderating role of peer support in the direct and indirect relationship between parental rejection and internet addiction. The results indicated that:(1)Parental rejection directly predicted left-behind children's internet addiction after controlled for the effects of age, sex and left-behind type. (2)Parental rejection also indirectly predicted left-behind children's internet addiction through self-control. (3)Peer support played a moderating role between parental rejection and self-control, and the adverse impact of parental rejection to self-control was more potent for those who had higher levels of peer support rather than lower.
      A Meta-analysis of the Relationship between Self-efficacy and Mental Health with Chinese Samples
      LI Song, RAN Guangming, ZHANG Qi, HU Tianqiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2019, 35(6):  759-768.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2019.06.13
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      Social cognitive theory proposed that self-efficacy was of great significance to mental health, but the relationship between self-efficacy and mental health has not been consistent in previous studies. The main goal of the present study was to explore the relationship between self-efficacy and mental health and their factors affecting by using meta-analysis with Chinese samples. Through filtrating literature, 117 cases and 188 independent effect sizes together with 62162 volunteers conformed to the standard of meta-analysis. The results showed that self-efficacy was positively correlated to positive indicators of mental health and negatively correlated to negative indicators of mental health. In addition, the relationship between self-efficacy and mental health was moderated by the measuring tool of self-efficacy, publication year and gender, while age only moderated the relationship between self-efficacy and positive indicators of mental health.The above results indicated that individuals with stronger self-efficacy showed higher levels of mental health, meanwhile, the function of age, the measuring tool of self-efficacy, publication year and gender was also taken into consideration.