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    15 January 2020, Volume 36 Issue 1
    • Do Lexical Categories Produce Lateralized Categorical Perception of Color?
      ZHONG Weifang, RU Taotao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(1):  1-9.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.01.01
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      The present study investigated whether lexical categories could produce lateralized categorical perception (CP) of color, and whether lateralized color CP depends on learned lexical categories or color discrimination. In an experiment, four gradual colors, such as A (green), B (green), C (blue) and D (blue) were used. These colors were equated in the number of just-noticeable differences. Participants were trained to name the four colors with four meaningless syllables, and to finish a visual search task before training, after the first and the eighth training session, respectively. After training, both the within-and between-category colors became between-category colors. The data showed that:(1) participant could discriminate the four colors by their new names after the first training session, and learned the new names of the four colors after the eighth training session; (2) in the visual search task before training, there was a lateralized color CP corresponded to the green-blue categories; (3) in the visual search task after the eighth rather than the first training session, there was a lateralized color CP corresponded to the newly learned categories. These results suggested that lexical categories can produce lateralized color CP and that lateralized color CP depends on learned lexical categories rather than color discrimination.
      Math Anxiety Affects Children's Numerical Representation: Cognitive Inhibition as a Moderator
      GUAN Dongxiao, AI Jiru, HUANG Bijuan, CUI Shuang, SI Jiwei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(1):  10-18.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.01.02
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      The current paper examined differences among children with different level of math anxiety in the processing of numerical magnitude under condition of inhibition and non-inhibition. 70 third graders, including 36 high math anxiety children (HMA) and 34 low math anxiety children (LMA), were employed and asked to accomplish symbolic numerical representation tasks and non-symbolic numerical representation tasks. The results showed that numerical distance effect was found in all participants. Compared to symbolic numerical representation tasks, the ACC of HMA children was lower than LMA children in non-symbolic numerical representation tasks, and the distance effect was larger for HMA group than for LMA group. Additionally, HMA had poorer performance in inhibition condition than LMA children. These findings suggested that math anxiety may not only affect difficult mathematical tasks, but simple numerical tasks. And the cognitive inhibition plays a regulatory role in this processing.
      Effects of Mental Rotation Training on 5~6 Years Old Children's Spatial and Mathematical Performance
      KANG Dan, WEN Xin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(1):  19-27.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.01.03
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      Mental rotation refers to the individual's spatial thinking ability involving self or the object rotation in the mind, which is characterized with plasticity. Exploring the effect of mental rotation game on preschool children's spatial ability and mathematical ability can not only enrich and replenish the correlative theoretical researches, but also offer significant reference information for educators. A two-factor mixed experimental design of 2 (test time:pretest/post-test)×2 (group:experimental group/control group) was used to investigate the effect of mental rotation game training on the spatial and mathematical abilities of children aged 5~6 years. Based on the plasticity of mental rotation and the close relationship between spatial ability and mathematical ability, an intervention program for mental rotation was designed. Thirty-six subjects were divided into experimental group and control group, and subjected to the intervention of total 24 times for 8 weeks. The results of the study show that:(1)There is a significant positive correlation between spatial ability and mathematics ability; (2) The spacial ability and mathematics ability of children aged 5~6 years are effectively improved through mental rotation game, and the training program achieves a good immediate effect.
      The Impact of Maternal Attachment Style on Attachment of Children with ASD: The Mediating Role of Maternal Parenting Style
      HOU Yujia, YAN Tingrui, DENG Meng
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(1):  28-37.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.01.04
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      The current study investigated the impact of maternal attachment and parenting style on attachment in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and explored the mediation effects of maternal parenting style on the relationship between maternal attachment and attachment in children with ASD. The results revealed that:(1) The average score of attachment in children with ASD exceeded the theoretical median value, indicating that children with ASD could establish well attachment relationships with their mothers. Specifically, greater severity of autistic symptom was consistently associated with lower attachment security. (2) The quality of attachment in children with ASD was negatively related to maternal attachment avoidance, attachment anxiety and maternal control, and positively related to maternal care and maternal encourage autonomy. (3) Maternal care partly mediated the relationship between maternal attachment avoidance and attachment in children with ASD. Moreover, Maternal care and maternal control played fully mediated roles between maternal attachment anxiety and attachment in children with ASD.
      8-to 12-Year-Olds' Trust in Peers Predicted by Trait Trustworthiness and Facial Trustworthiness and Its Age Difference
      LI Qinggong, ZHANG Wenyu, SUN Jieyuan, MA Fengling
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(1):  38-44.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.01.05
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      This study, which recruited 297 8-to 12-year-olds, investigated the prediction of trustee's trait trustworthiness and facial trustworthiness towards the peer trust and its age difference. The peer trust scores for trustees were assessed by peer evaluation. The trait trustworthiness was measured by peer nomination. The facial trustworthiness was marked by the same age children who were recruited from different school, the result showed as follows. (1) Trustee's trait trustworthiness and facial trustworthiness could positively predict children's peer trust. (2) There was a significant interaction effect between trait trustworthiness and facial trustworthiness. Specifically, if trustees had higher facial trustworthiness, the trait trustworthiness would have a higher positive prediction on peer trust. (3) The prediction effect of trait trustworthiness increased with the growth of age, whereas the prediction effect of facial trustworthiness remained the same.
      The Relationship among Parental Autonomy Support, Parental Psychological Control and Junior High School Students' Creative Self-efficacy: The Mediating Role of Academic Emotions
      LIU Xiaoxian, GONG Shaoying, ZHOU Zhijin, FENG Xiaowei, YU Quanlei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(1):  45-53.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.01.06
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      To explore the effects of parental autonomy support and psychological control on junior high school students' creative self-efficacy with academic emotions as mediators, Parental Autonomy Support Questionnaire, Parental Psychological Control Questionnaire, Students' Creative Self-Efficacy Scale and Adolescent Academic Emotions Questionnaire were used to measure 512 junior high school students. Results were as follows:(1) The relationship between parental autonomy support and creative self-efficacy was mediated by junior high school students' deactivating emotions (i.e. relaxation, boredom), but was not mediated by junior high school students' activating emotions (i.e. enjoyment, anxiety). (2) The indirect effects of four types of academic emotions were nonsignificant in explaining the relationship between parental psychological control and creative self-efficacy. These results show that the sufficient parental autonomy support will increase junior high school students' positive academic emotions, thus promoting their creative self-efficacy.
      Does My Friend's Academic Achievement Affect Mine? The Influence Effect in Friend Dyads and the Mediation Effect of Achievement Goal Orientation
      ZHANG Yunyun, HUANG Meiwei, REN Ping, ZHANG Ruiping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(1):  54-66.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.01.07
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      Although friend is an important factor affecting the academic achievement of teenagers, there is still a lack of research on the two-way influence between friends. In this study, peer nomination and self-report questionnaire were used to collect data of eighth grade teenagers at the end of two semesters, and 216 pairs of same-gender friends whose friendships were stable in one semester were obtained. Using Actor-Partner-Independence-Model, the influence effect of academic achievement between two good friends were explored, and the mediation effect of achievement goal orientation on the above mentioned influence effect as well as the gender differences were examined. The results showed that:(1) Similarities of academic achievement between two teenagers in a pair of friends were due to both selection effect and influence effect. (2) Mastery goal orientation played a mediation role in the relationship between the individual's current and subsequent academic achievements, and the academic achievement of friend could affect future academic achievement of him/herself or the other party through the mastery goal orientations of the other parth of him/herself. Male students had more mediation paths than female students. (3) For male students, performance-approach goal orientation negatively mediated an individual's current academic achievement and his subsequent academic achievement, but had a positive impact on his friend's subsequent academic achievement. These results support the statement that friendship between two individuals is one of the most important situations in the academic development of adolescents and highlight the key role of achievement goal orientation in the interaction between friends' academic achievements and the gender difference model.
      Harsh Parenting and Adolescents' Academic Achievement: A Moderated Mediation Model
      WANG Mingzhong, WANG Jing, WANG Baoying, QU Xiqian, XIN Fukang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(1):  67-76.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.01.08
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      Substantial literature has documented the important influence of individual psychological factors and campus factors on individuals' academic achievement. However, there exists scanty research on the mechanisms underlying the relationship between parenting practices and adolescent academic achievement. This study examined the mediating role of effortful control on the relation between harsh parenting in the context of negative parental attribution and adolescents' academic achievement by testing a moderated mediating model. With convenience sampling method, the Harsh Parenting Questionnaire, the Effortful Control Subscale of Early Adolescent Temperament Questionnaire (EATQ) and The Child-Responsible Attribution Subscale of the Parent Cognition Scale were administered to 880 junior high school students (mean age=13.57 years, SD=0.99). At the end of the semester, we obtained their grades in Chinese, Mathematics and English through their teacher in charge of every class as indicators of academic achievement. Results demonstrated that:(1) Harsh parenting was significantly and negatively associated with academic achievement; (2) Effortful control partially mediated the relationship between harsh parenting and academic achievement; (3) Parental negative attribution could moderate the mediated path via effortful control, such that this indirect effect was much stronger for adolescents with high levels of parental negative attribution relative to those with low levels of parental negative attribution. Therefore, correcting parental negative parenting behaviors and negative parental attribution patterns and improving children's effortful control will be conducive to adolescents' academic achievement.
      The Effect of Childhood Abuse on Internet Addiction: Moderated Mediating Effect
      WEI Hua, DUAN Haicen, ZHOU Zongkui, PING Fan, DING Qian
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(1):  77-83.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.01.09
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      Based on limited resource model of self-control, this study examines the effect and mechanism of childhood abuse on Internet addiction. Participants were 1162 college students. We adopt childhood abuse scale, self-control scale, gratitude scale and Internet addiction scale. The results were as follows:(1)Childhood abuse was negatively correlated with self-control and gratitude, and significantly positively related to Internet Addiction; self-control was positively correlated with gratitude and negatively correlated with Internet addiction; gratitude and Internet addiction were negatively correlated. (2)Self-control mediated the relationship between childhood abuse and Internet addiction. (3)The first half of this mediating path "childhood abuse→self-control→Internet addiction" was moderated by gratitude; compared to the individuals with high gratitude, childhood abuse had smaller impact on the self-control of individuals with low gratitude.
      Negative Prediction of Father Involvement on Aggressive Behaviors among Primary School Students: The Partial Mediating Effect of Maternal Parenting Stress
      GAO Wen, ZHU Jinhui, FANG Zhen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(1):  84-93.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.01.10
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      To investigate the mediating effect of maternal parenting stress in the relationship between aggressive behaviors of primary school students and their fathers' involvement in parenting, this study surveyed 604 pupils from grade one to six and their parents with peer nominations and questionnaires. The results of several latent variable structural equation models showed:(1) father involvement (engagement, accessibility, and responsibility) had negative predictions on children's physical aggression and relational aggression; (2) maternal parenting distress and mother-child dysfunctional interaction played partial intermediary roles between father involvement and children's relational aggression, while only mother's parenting distress played the same role between father involvement and children's physical aggression. These results suggested that more father involvement could lead to less relational aggression of children through reducing their mothers' distress on parenting and dysfunctional interactions with children, and also lead to less physical aggression of children through reducing their mothers' distress on parenting.
      Family Cumulative Risk and Mental Health in Chinese Adolescents: The Compensatory and Moderating Effects of Psychological Capital
      XIONG Junmei, HAI Man, HUANG Fei, XIN Liang, XU Ying
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(1):  94-102.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.01.11
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      This study analyzed the associations between family cumulative risk (FCR) and anxiety/depression and life satisfaction, respectively. Furthermore, psychological capital was examined as a protective factor of the association between FCR and mental health. 1473 Chinese adolescents completed self-report FCR, psychological capital, anxiety/depressive symptom, and life satisfaction questionnaires. Results revealed:(1) FCR negatively predicted life satisfaction, and positively predicted anxiety/depression; (2) psychological capital positively predicted life satisfaction and negatively predicted anxiety/depression; (3) psychological capital buffered the impact of CR on anxiety/depressive symptoms in junior and senior high school students. The findings indicate that psychological capital protects adolescents exposed to CR from the exacerbation of psychopathology. Therefore, improving family environment and enhancing psychological capital play an equally important role in the development of adolescents' mental health. Furthermore, it is important to pay attention to the different roles of psychological capital in the relations between FCR and anxiety/depression, and FCR and life satisfaction.
      The Effects of Proactive Personality on Job Satisfaction: A Moderated Mediation Model
      LIN Yixuan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(1):  103-112.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.01.12
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      The present study constructs a moderated mediation model to examine whether person-job fit mediated the relation between proactive personality and job satisfaction among primary school teachers,and whether this mediating process was moderated by the work-family conflict.With questionnaire survey method, 420 teachers from 8 primary schools were tested by using the proactive personality scale, the person-job matching scale, the work-family conflict scale and the job satisfaction scale. The results showed that (1) proactive personality had a significantly positive prediction for person-job matching and job satisfaction; (2) person-job matching played an intermediary role between proactive personality and job satisfaction; (3) the relationship between proactive personality and person-job matching was modulated by work-family conflict. Therefore, there was a moderated mediation model between proactive personality and job satisfaction.
      Neurotic Personality and MMORPG Addiction: A Chain Mediation Analysis
      GONG Jian, LIANG Xiaoyan, LIU Xiaofei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(1):  113-120.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.01.13
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      This study's aim was to examine whether narrative transportation and avatar identification play the chain mediating roles in the relationship between neuroticism personality and MMORPG addiction in a sample of college students in Shanxi province. A total of 268 college students completed the questionnaires. The results indicated that:(1) Neuroticism personality positively predicted narrative transportation and MMORPG addiction. (2) Narrative transportation mediated the relationship between neuroticism personality and MMORPG addiction partially. (3) Neuroticism personality also affected MMORPG addiction through the chain mediating roles of narrative transportation and avatar identification. The results show that the high neuroticism indeed has a higher risk of Internet game addiction, and narrative transportation and avatar identification play an important role in it.
      Parental Marital Quality and Internalizing Problem among Children: The Moderated Mediation Model
      WANG Zhenhong, PENG Yuan, ZHAO Yimeng
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(1):  121-128.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.01.14
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      The present study examined the relation between parental marital quality and children' internalizing a problem, as well as the mediating role of parental emotion expressiveness and the moderating role of vagal activity. Totally 155 elementary school students (80 boys and 75 girls) participated in this study. Electrocardiogram (ECG) data were collected to obtain RSA during the baseline period and task period. Self-Expressiveness in the Family Questionnaire, ENRICH and CBCL were used to assess the main variables in this study. The results showed that (1) parental marital quality can predict children's internalizing problem. (2) Both parental negative and positive emotion expressiveness played mediating role in the relationship between parental marital quality and children's internalizing problem.(3) Baseline RSA moderated the mediating path of parental negative emotion expressiveness and children's internalizing problem. The present study exhibited that marital quality has both direct and indirect influence on children's internalizing problem, and vagal tone can buffer the negative effect on children.