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    15 September 2018, Volume 34 Issue 5
    • The Influence of Facial Dimorphism on Preschoolers'Trust: Explanation from the Perspective of Personality Label
      CHEN Lijun, WANG Xin, ZHAO Lingbo, CHEN Xin, WANG Yiwen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(5):  513-522.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.05.01
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      Sexual dimorphism in adult human faces reflect the masculinisation or feminisation of secondary sexual characteristics that occurs at puberty. This research aimed to explore if the facial dimorphism influence 4-6 years old children's trust, and used the personality label of dimorphic faces to explain preschooler's trust behaviors. In experiment 1, we revised Trust Game to explore whether the preschoolers trust was affected by the partner's facial dimorphism, and whether the trust rate decreased on the whole after encountering the negative feedback. In experiment 2, participants were asked to match the faces and the personality adjective words, This experiment aimed to confirm whether the preschoolers had different personality labels for dimorphic faces. The results showed that the preschool children had a highest rate of trust on the partners with feminine faces. If receiving negative feedback after choosing trust their partners, the preschoolers' trust rate significantly decreased in the next choice. Preschoolers tended to use the positive personality tag to understand the feminine faces and use negative words to explain the masculine faces. So, it can be concluded that Facial dimorphism affected children's trust, because they have formed the completely opposite personality label towards different dimorphic faces.
      The Influence of Communicative Context on Language Accuracy of Both Sides of Learning
      ZHANG Hengchao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(5):  523-532.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.05.02
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      The study arranged communication task and individual task, created three communicative contexts, and compared the language accuracy of both sides in different contexts. The results showed that:(1)In the three contexts, language accuracy was the highest in only language communication. Object visibility in the context of communication hampered the rate of language accuracy, and expression visibility reduced the level of language accuracy. The efficiency and effect of language accuracy in high similarity subjects were higher than those in low similarity subjects. (2)Under the condition of language, the level of language accuracy was the highest in the communication task; in the context of object visibility, the accuracy level was the lowest in the individual task. Compared to the communication task, the high similarity subject in the individual task was more accurate. The results suggested that:language cognition did not fully represent communication cognition, object visibility hindered language cognition and communication cognitive level, and expression visibility and language together improved the cognitive level of communication.
      The Development of Visual Attention Span And Its Effect on Reading Fluency in Chinese Children with Developmental Dyslexia
      LIU Hanlong, ZHAO Jing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(5):  533-540.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.05.03
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      The present study investigated the development of visual attention span (VAS) and the predictive power of visual attention span at each age group on reading fluency in Chinese children with developmental dyslexia. Eighty-five primary school students from the second to the sixth grades participated here, including both of dyslexic readers and the age-matched normal readers. Analyses of variance and hierarchical regressions analyses were adopted to process data. The results showed that the current cohort of Chinese children with dyslexia exhibited the deficit in their visual attention span, and the impaired VAS was more significant in the dyslexic readers at high age, revealing a development increase in the VAS impairment. Meanwhile, for children with developmental dyslexia, VAS could significantly predict the variance of reading fluency, and the predictive power increased with age. As to typically developing children, VAS could independently account for the variance in lower age group but not in higher age group. These findings suggested a close relationship between visual attention span and reading fluency in Chinese, and provided some enlightments for future intervention of dyslexia from the aspect of visual attention span.
      The Spatial Metaphor of Moral Concepts in a Sentence Priming Paradigm: Matched Inhibition or Matched Facilitation?
      JIA Ning, CHEN Huanjuan, LU Zhongyi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(5):  541-547.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.05.04
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      In the current study, 4 experiments tested for matched facilitation or matched inhibition in moral spatial metaphor by using sentence priming paradigm. In Experiment 1, after reading the sentences with vertical spatial information, participants were asked to categorize the (im)moral words immediately. In the following two experiments, the starting positions (Experiment 2) or the termination positions(Experiment 3) need to focus on. In Experiment 4, there was a 4s interval between reading sentences task and categorization task. The results show a matched inhibition in Experiment 1, 2 and 3:when the position is UP, immoral word can be categorized faster; or when the position is Down, moral word is faster. But in Experiment 4, the result was reversed. It can be inferred that the spatial information in sentence does activate the moral metaphor. But, the sentence processing need more time. If participants categorize the words immediately, the two tasks will compete for the same cognitive resources. Then, a matched inhibition arises. If participants have enough time to finish the reading task to activate the moral metaphor, then a matched facilitation arises. In summary, the competition or activation of resources affects the match effect.
      Stressful Life Events and the Development of Integrity of Rural-to-Urban Migrant Children: The Moderating Role of Social Support and Beliefs about Adversity
      LIU Jirong, WANG Quanquan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(5):  548-557.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.05.05
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      Based on Positive Youth Development (YDP), the present study aims to examine the development of integrity of Migrant children, which is one of the disadvantaged groups in China, as well as the moderating role of social support and their beliefs about adversity. A total of 657 Rural-to-Urban Migrant Children were recruited, including 500 boys and 476 girls. Data were collected from self-report. Results indicated that:(1) As a whole, the integrity quality of migrant children are positive, but exhibited a downward trend with the growth of age; (2) life events was negatively associated with integrity quality, while family support, teacher support, friend support and the beliefs about adversity were all positively associated with integrity quality; Besides, teacher support, friend support and beliefs about adversity positively predicted the development of integrity and family support moderated the relationship between life events and integrity quality; (3) The beliefs about adversity, together with friend support, moderated the relationship between life events and integrity quality.
      The Relations between Family Socioeconomic Status and Teenagers' Wisdom: the Mediating Roles of Positive Parenting Style and Openness Personality
      CHEN Haobin, LIU Jie
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(5):  558-566.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.05.06
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      The study examined the relation between family socioeconomic status and teenagers' wisdom, and the mediating roles of positive parenting style and openness personality. 696 junior and senior middle school students were taken as the research object in this study. The results showed that:(1) teenagers' wisdom was positively correlated to family socioeconomic status, positive parenting style and openness personality; (2) positive parenting style played a fully mediating role in the relation between family socioeconomic status and teenagers' wisdom, but openness personality didn't play a mediating role in this relation. Openness personality played a partially mediating role in the relation between positive parenting style and teenagers' wisdom. In addition, positive parenting style played a fully mediating role in the relation between family socioeconomic status and openness personality. Positive parenting style and openness personality played a chain mediation effect between family socioeconomic status and teenagers' wisdom. The findings have significant implications that positive parenting style plays an important role in shaping the openness personality and promoting the development of teenagers' wisdom.
      The Effects of Feedback Type on Children's Learning Performance and the Gender Differences in These Effects
      ZOU Yuchen, DING Ying, ZHANG Xuran, LI Yanfang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(5):  567-575.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.05.07
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      The ability to learn from external feedback is particularly important during childhood. Previous studies have found that different types of feedback and reinforcement conditionings (the positive and negative feedback and the monetary and social reinforcement conditioning) had different influences on children's learning performances. In addition, there may be gender differences in the influences of the feedback type on learning performances. In this study, we used two experiments to examined the effects of the positive and negative feedback and the monetary and social feedback on children's learning performances. Experiment 1 examined effects of the positive and negative feedback on children's learning performances in 62 children (range 8-10 years). And experiment 2 examined the gender differences of learning performances in the monetary and social reinforcement conditionings in 133 children (range 8-10 years). These results indicated that, compared with positive feedback, negative feedback had a stronger influence on children's learning performances. In addition, the monetary reinforcement conditioning promoted boys' learning performances better, while the social reinforcement conditioning had a stronger influence on girls' learning performance.
      The Impact of Parental Rearing Style on Learning Engagement among Senior High School Students: A Serial Mediation Effect Model
      LI Yongzhan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(5):  576-585.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.05.08
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      From the perspective of positive psychology, this study explored the influence of parental rearing style on learning engagement among high school students, largely focusing on the mediating effects of locus of control and resilience. We selected one model senior high school in each of the following cities:Zhengzhou, Kaifeng, Xuchang and Pingdingshan of Henan Province. With cluster sampling, a total of 1128 students in grade one and grade two from the four schools were recruited to complete a battery of questionnaires, including parental rearing style questionnaire, learning engagement scale, locus of control scale, and resilience scale. The results showed that positive parental rearing style positively predicted high school students' learning engagement, whereas negative parental rearing style negatively predicted high school students' learning engagement; both positive and negative parental rearing styles influenced high school students' learning engagement through the mediation effects of locus of control and resilience, and the mediation effects contained the three paths:the separate mediation effect of locus of control, the separate mediation effect of resilience, and the serial mediation effect of locus of control and resilience.
      The Influence of Intelligence and Personality Implicit Theories on College Students' Coping Styles and Depression: Variable-oriented and Person-oriented Analyses
      HU Xinyi, CHEN Yinghe
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(5):  586-594.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.05.09
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      The present study aimed at exploring the influence of college students' intelligence and personality implicit theories on coping style and depression. 624 college students completed Theories of Intelligence and Personality Questionnaire, Coping Style Questionnaire and CES-D Scale. The results were as follows:(1) Variable-oriented analyses revealed that college students' implicit theories of intelligence and personality predicted positive coping style significantly. (2) Person-oriented analyses revealed that college students could be divided into four types according to implicit theories by Latent Profile Analysis. The four types were named as entity intelligence and personality theory type, moderate intelligence and personality theory type, incremental intelligence/malleable personality theory type, and entity intelligence/malleable personality theory type separately. The four groups exhibited significant difference on scores of intelligence implicit theories. The four groups also exhibited significant difference on scores of personality implicit theories, except the difference between incremental intelligence/malleable personality theory type and entity intelligence/malleable personality theory type. (3) College students with incremental intelligence/malleable personality theory type exhibited significantly higher positive coping style and significantly lower negative coping style and depression than the other three types. Students with entity intelligence/malleable personality theory type exhibited significantly higher negative coping style and depression than the other three types.
      Mobile Phone Addiction and College Students' Procrastination: Analysis of a Moderated Mediation Model
      LIAN Shuailei, LIU Qingqi, SUN Xiaojun, ZHOU Zongkui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(5):  595-604.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.05.10
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      In order to give an interpretation for the relationship and complex mechanisms between mobile phone addiction and procrastination, the present study conducted a moderated mediation model to examine the effects of mobile phone addiction, attention control and effortful control on procrastination and the underlying mechanism. A total of 1212 college students participated in this study. College students' mobile phone addiction was measured by the Mobile phone addiction index questionnaire. The short form of Attention Control Scale was used to assess attention control. Effortful control was assessed with Effortful Control Scale. College students' procrastination was assessed with Procrastination Scale. All the measures have good reliability and validity. The results showed that:(1) After controlling for age, grade, the mobile phone addiction has a positive direct effect on college students' procrastination. (2) The positive association between mobile phone addiction and college students' procrastination was mediated by attention control. (3) The mediating effect of attention control was moderated by effortful control. The indirect effect was stronger for college students with lower effortful control than for those with higher effortful control.
      Social Inferiority of Secondary Vocational Girl-Students and Its Relationship with Family Function and Mental Health: A Cross-lagged Study
      LI Yimin, LI Yongxin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(5):  605-613.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.05.11
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      To explore the characteristics of the secondary vocational girl-students' social inferiority and its relationship with family function and mental health, the Adolescents' Social Inferiority Scale, FACESⅡ-CV and the Mental Health Inventory of Middle School Students(MMHI-60) were presented to the 1066 girl-students of two secondary vocational schools in Henan Province, who were at their first year, at 2 time points over six months. The results showed that:(1) 89.21% of the secondary vocational girl-students experienced social inferiority. The social inferiority of the secondary vocational girl-students was associated with their family socioeconomic status significantly. The secondary vocational girl-students from rural areas showed significantly more social inferiority than those form urban areas. (2) The family adaptability of the secondary vocational girl-students could predict their subsequent social inferiority, and their mental health could significantly predict their subsequent social inferiority. (3) The relationship among social inferiority, family function and mental health showed strong stability between the urban secondary vocational girl-students and the rural ones. (4) The predictive effect of mental health of the secondary vocational girl-students form the remarried/divorced families on their subsequent social inferiority was significantly higher than that from the two-parent families. The present study shows that the secondary vocational girl-students experience social inferiority and there is a dynamic relationship among social inferiority, family function and mental health of the secondary vocational girl-students.
      The Protective Roles of Parent-child Relationship and Friend Support on Emotional and Behavioral Adjustment of Migrant Adolescents
      WANG Hui, XIONG Yuke, LIU Xia
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(5):  614-624.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.05.12
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      This study aimed to investigate the role of parent-child relationship and friend support on the relationship between emotional adjustment (loneliness, social anxiety) and behavioral adjustment (problem behavior, prosocial behavior) in migrant adolescents under the context of daily life stress and whether parents and friends have differential effects on psychological adjustment. 1008 migrant adolescents were recruited from 12 middle schools in Beijing. Results showed that:(1) Migrant adolescents with better parent-child relationship had more prosocial behavior and less problem behavior, while those who had higher friend support experienced lower loneliness and social anxiety and had more prosocial behavior. (2) Parent-child relationship could buffer against the negative effect of stressful events on adolescent problem behavior. (3) Friend support could buffer against the negative effect of stressful events on adolescents' loneliness and social anxiety. (4) Both parent-child relationship and friend support promoted prosocial behavior especially when they experienced less stressful events. These findings suggested that the close emotional connection with parents and friends alleviated the negative effects of stressful events on psychological adjustment. More specifically, parents act as buffers of behavioral problems whereas friends act as buffers of emotional outcomes. Supports from both parents and friends are beneficial to positive behavioral adjustment.
      Changes in Impoverished College Students' Mental Health in China: A Cross-temporal Meta-analysis 1998-2015
      ZHANG Mei, SUN Dongqing, XIN Ziqiang, HUANG Silin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(5):  625-632.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.05.13
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      As a special social group, the impoverished college students are facing with both the economic and psychological difficulties. What changes have taken place in Chinese impoverished college students' mental health since the introduction of Funding Policy of College Students in 1998? In this study, we used the cross-temporal meta-analysis of 106 papers to found the changes of Chinese impoverished college students' scores on the SCL-90 in the past 18 years (1998~2015). The data of 106 papers included 63613 college student samples (N=63613). The results showed that:(1) The average scores of SCL-90 were negatively correlated with the year of data collection, and the year could explain 4%~16% of the total variation of the nine factorial mean scores. From 1998 to 2015, the effect size of nine SCL-90 factors have decreased 0.24 to 0.55, and the scores of obsessive, depression and psychoticism are decreased more significantly. These results showed that the overall mental health of impoverished college students was gradually improved over the past 18 years. (2) Compared to middle region, the increase of impoverished college students' mental health was mainly due to students in Eastern and Western region. (3) Although the scores of the depression and psychoticism factors of female impoverished college students changed more noticeable than the males, there were no obvious differences between males and females. Besides, results of the common meta-analysis indicated that male impoverished college students' mental health was better than the females.
      Impact and Its Mechanism of Language Cues on Spatial Relationship Representation
      DOU Wenfei, HU Qingfen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(5):  633-640.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.05.14
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      The acquisition of language has a profound impact on spatial cognition. In recent years, not only a large number of correlational studies have found a close relationship between language ability and spatial cognitive ability, but also experimental studies that try to reveal the impact of language on spatial representation directly. Experimental studies found that the effect of linguistic cues is significantly better than non-linguistic cues in a series of tasks involving different spatial relationships. Further analysis explains the mechanism of language advantage from the aspects of language coding features and its working process, which shows that language plays a role of selectivity and integration in the representation of space and the process is momentary. It is recommended that future research should focus more on the variation in the form of spatial tasks and language expressions, so as to fully reveal the role of language.