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    15 July 2018, Volume 34 Issue 4
    • The Variety of Position Representation in Reorientation: Evidence from Virtual Reality Experiment
      LI Weijia, HU Qingfen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(4):  385-394.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.04.01
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      The cognitive mechanisms of spatial reorientation in adults and children have long been hotly debated issues, among which whether individuals could form a holistic representation of navigating space is a key question. So far, there is still no consensus about how individuals maintain the information about their spatial surroundings. Some theories propose that people can form a cognitive map which is an abstract and orientation-free representation of the entire space, while some researchers argue that people can use the image-matching strategy to relocate the target, and a holistic representation of the space is not necessary in reorientation.
      The present study aimed to reveal what strategy participants would use in the relocated task. Using the virtual reality technology, we allowed participants to observe the environment from both aerial and ground perspectives. Thirty-four participants first learned the target position in a square enclosure from the ground perspective. Then they were tested with four aerial views of the learning enclosure, and the aerial views varied in their orientation, in which the right position was at TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM, and LEFT respectively.
      Based on their accuracy, we divided participants into 3 group:absolute accuracy (the accuracy was 100%), high accuracy (the accuracy was more than 50% and less than 100%), and low accuracy (the accuracy was no more than 50%).
      Reaction time analyses showed that the absolute accuracy group responded quickly in all the orientations, indicating that they might form a holistic and orientation-free spatial representation. In contrast, participants in the high accuracy group were faster in responding to the target position at the top of the display while they were slower in responding to the target position at the bottom of the display, which indicated that they formed a holistic and orientation-specific spatial representation. The low accuracy group was excluded from the analyses because a large proportion of their reaction time data was missing. Participants in this group might use the image-matching strategy in reorientation, which may lead to their failure to complete the present task.
      Moreover, we found that, for most participants, their accuracies varied in different enclosures, which showed that they might choose different spatial strategies in different time. This result demonstrated that the same individual may rely on more than one type of spatial representation and one's choice of spatial strategies may fluctuate over time. the three kinds of space representation all exist in human's space representation. People do not choose the same strategy for all the time.
      In sum, there are three types of spatial representations in spatial orientation:the abstract and orientation-free spatial representation, the entire and orientation-specific spatial representation. and the image-matching representation. There is clear individual difference on spatial representations and the spatial representation is not consistent.
      The Associations among Maternal and Grandparents' Mind-mindedness, Mother-Infant Attachment and Infants' Cognition under the Background of Grandmother Co-parenting: A Moderated Mediation Model
      KAN Jiaqi, LIU Siman, SHI Jiahui, YAN Qi, GUO Junbin, WANG Zhengyan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(4):  395-402.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.04.02
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      The present study constructed a moderated mediation model to examine whether mother-infant attachment mediated the association between maternal mind-mindedness and infants' cognition, and whether this mediating process was moderated by grandparents' mind-mindedness. A total of 37 infants (Mage=18.24 months, SD=3.34) and their mothers as well as grandparents were investigated with Mind-mindedness Coding List, Attachment Q-set, and Bayley Scales of Infant Development Ⅱ.The results indicated that:(1) Mothers' mind-mindedness was positively correlated with mother-infant attachment and infants' cognition. Mother-infant attachment was also positively correlated with infants' cognition. (2) Mother-infant attachment played a mediating role between mothers' mind-mindedness and infants' cognition. In addition, grandparents' mind-mindedness moderated the correlation between mothers' mind-mindedness and mother-infant attachment, wherein mothers' mind-mindedness positively correlated mother-infant attachment with high level of grandparents' mind-mindedness. The present study carried out under the background of China. The results provided evidence to support the impact of the universal phenomenon of co-parenting.
      The Occurrence and Development of Children's Gratitude Awareness in Helping Situations
      CHEN Qingqiu, XU Hua, WU Nan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(4):  403-409.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.04.03
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      To examine the critical age and developmental trend of children's gratitude awareness, a total of 118 children aged 3 to 6 were selected as subjects in this study. Three experimental tasks in various helping situations were designed to explore the different stages that children acquire the gratitude awareness. The three helping situations were:a generous benefactor vs. a stingy person (situation 1), a giver vs. a good person (situation 2) and a situation of expanding the gratitude virtue to others (situation 3). The results show that the critical age of the gratitude awareness in situation 1 and situation 2 is 5 years old, and it is speculated that the critical age of the awareness of gratitude expanding in situation 3 is after age 6. The awareness of gratitude in each situation increases with ages.
      A Study on the Characteristics of Cognitive Control of Adolescent with Learning Disabilities
      XIANG Ling, FAN Shuxian, CHEN Jiali, WANG Baoxi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(4):  410-416.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.04.04
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      According to the dual mechanisms of control framework, cognitive control consists of two complementary components:proactive control and reactive control.The present study explored the cognitive control characteristics of adolescents with learning disabilities by comparing 21 normal adolescents and 21 learning disabled adolescents using AX-continuous performance test. This task can measure proactive control and reactive control. The results showed that:(1) There were no significant differences in accuracy and reaction time on the AY trails between the two groups, but the d'-target value of the learning disabled group was significantly smaller than that of control group, suggesting that reactive control of learning disabled adolescents is partly impaired compared to control group. (2) learning disabled group showed lower accuracy and longer reaction time on the BX trails compared to controls, and d'-context value of learning disabled group was significantly smaller than that of control group, suggesting that proactive control of learning disabled adolescents is impaired relative to control group.
      The Association between Parental Involvement and Adolescent's Prosocial Behavior: The Mediating Role of Parent-child Attachment
      HOU Fen, WU Xinchun, ZOU Shengqi, LIU Chang, HUANG Binbin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(4):  417-425.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.04.05
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      This study investigated the association between adolescent's perceptions of parental involvement and their prosocial behaviors. Parental Involvement Questionnaire (adolescent version), Inventory of Parent-Child Attachment, and Prosocial Behavior Subscale were administered to 2370 adolescents in primary school fifth grade, junior middle school second grade, and high school second grade from Beijing, Guangdong, Henan and Liaoning of China. Structural equation modeling revealed that:(1) Parental involvement were positively correlated with adolescent's prosocial behaviors in which mothers'contribution was greater than that of fathers'; (2) Parent-child attachment mediated the association between parental involvement and adolescent's prosocial behaviors; (3) There are different mechanisms in which the association between father and mother involvement and adolescent's prosocial behavior:While father-child attachment fully mediated the association between father involvement and prosocial behavior; mother involvement played positive association with prosocial behavior through mother-child attachment partly mediating role, and negative association through the suppressing effects of father-child attachment.
      Meta-Stereotype Threat Effects on Intergroup Relations among Impoverished Undergraduates: A Moderated Mediation Model of Intergroup Anxiety and Self-esteem
      XU Lulu, WU Peipei, HE Wen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(4):  426-433.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.04.06
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      Meta-stereotype threat refers to the psychosocial predicament and cognitive dissonance experienced by individuals under the negative meta-stereotype. It could induce the experience of stress and fear, leading to the detriment of performance. Based on the Intergroup Anxiety Model, the current study aimed to explore the effects of negative meta-stereotype on intergroup relations in impoverished college students. We also explored intergroup anxiety as the mediator and self-esteem as the moderator in this relationship. A sample of 158 impoverished undergraduates from a university in Xuzhou, Jiangsu province participated in the present study. Participants were randomly assigned to either the meta-stereotype threat (MST) condition or the non-MST condition. We found that:(1) Intergroup anxiety under the MST condition was higher than that of the non-MST condition, while intergroup relations under the non-MST condition were worse than those under the MST condition; (2) The relationship between meta-stereotype threat and intergroup relations was mediated by intergroup anxiety. Self-esteem moderated the path from meta-stereotype threat to intergroup anxiety as well as the path from intergroup anxiety to intergroup relations. These results suggested that the deleterious effects of negative meta-stereotype activation on intergroup relations among impoverished undergraduates.
      Interparental Conflict Compromises Adolescents' Academic Achievement: The Indirect Roles of Effortful Control and Classroom Engagement
      WANG Mingzhong, WANG Mengran, WANG Jing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(4):  434-442.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.04.07
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      To examine the possible mechanisms underlying the relation between interparental conflict and adolescent academic achievement, 815 middle school students were conveniently chosen as our subjects to fill in the Conflict Properties Scale, the effortful Control subscale, the Classroom Engagement Scale. As indicators of adolescents' academic achievement, the final examination results in Chinese, mathematics and English were obtained from the school administrative personnel. The results indicated that, (1) interparental conflict could directly and negatively predict adolescents' classroom engagement and their academic achievement, (2) interparental conflict could indirectly and negatively influence adolescent academic achievement via the mediator of effortful control, (3) interparental conflict could successively compromise adolescents' effortful control and classroom engagement, resulting in poor academic achievement. Our findings not only inspire educational personnel to attach importance to the role of interparental conflict as familial risk factors for adolescents' poor academic achievement, but also promote parents to consciously reduce interparental conflict to create a harmonious family environment for the development of adolescents' effortful control and academic achievement.
      The Accuracy and Form of Fraction Magnitude Representation for 4 to 8 Graders
      GAO Ruiyan, NIU Meixin, YANG Tao, ZHOU Xinlin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(4):  443-452.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.04.08
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      Fraction is a useful tool for exploring the relationship between the two quantities in real life, and fraction magnitude representation plays an important role in fraction study. This study adopted number line task to investigate the patterns of fraction magnitude representation for fourth to eighth graders. The results demonstrated that:(1) The accuracy of fraction magnitude representation raised along with grade increasing; (2) The accuracy of unit fraction representation and non-unit fraction representation was different, the representation of unit fraction was significantly more accurate than non-unit fraction representation, furthermore, this difference was larger in junior grades (fourth to sixth graders) and could be ignorable in senior grades (seventh to eighth graders); (3) Students showed linear rather than logarithmic form in fraction magnitude representation on the 0~3 number line, the linear representation emerged in sixth graders and developed gradually with age increasing. Children in China and the West have similar development path for the accuracy and form of fraction magnitude representation, while Chinese children showed higher accuracy, and the linear representation emerged earlier.
      Relationship between Math Anxiety and Mathematical Achievement in Township Pupils: The Chain Mediating Roles of Mathematical Self-efficacy and Metacognition
      ZHANG Jie, HUANG Bijuan, SI Jiwei, GUAN Dongxiao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(4):  453-460.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.04.09
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      Numerous studies have focused on factors that affect math performance, and how to improve skills and strategies related to mathematics. Math anxiety, mathematical learning self-efficacy and metacognition are looked as individual factors relatively close to mathematical performances. The aim of the present study was to explore the potential mechanisms of the association between math anxiety and mathematical achievement. We hypothesized that mathematical self-efficacy and metacognition may mediate the relationship between math anxiety and mathematical achievement. 508 adolescents were recruited in township and completed Children's Math Anxiety Scale, Primary School Students' Mathematics Learning Self-Efficacy Scale, and Pupils Mathematical Metacognition Questionnaire. Based on social cognitive theory and suppression anxiety model, a multi-mediator model was constructed, and the mediating roles of mathematical self-efficacy and metacognition between math anxiety and mathematical achievement were analyzed by AMOS 17.0.The results showed that:(1) Math anxiety could negatively predict mathematical achievement; (2) Both metacognition and mathematical self-efficacy played partial mediating roles in the relationship between math anxiety and mathematical achievement; (3)Math anxiety affected mathematical achievement through the chain mediating roles of mathematical self-efficacy and metacognition. In summary, the above findings contribute to understand the complex mechanism between math anxiety and mathematical achievement. Mathematical self-efficacy and metacognition may be crucial factors in the link of math anxiety and mathematical achievement. Future research should be more comprehensive to explore the factors affecting mathematical achievements, and to further reveal the internal mechanisms.
      Parental Corporal Punishment, School Engagement and Internet Gaming Addiction among Adolescents: Parent-Adolescent Relationship as a Moderator
      TIAN Yunlong, YU Chengfu, LIN Shuang, YE Shimin, ZHANG Xiaolin, LIU Yi, LU Hong, ZHANG Wei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(4):  461-471.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.04.10
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      A total of 1389 junior middle school students were tested by questionnaires to examine the mediating effect of school engagement and the moderating effect of parent-adolescent relationship between parental corporal punishment and adolescent Internet gaming addiction (IGA). The results indicated that:(1) After controlling gender, age, average monthly income and parents' education levels, parental corporal punishment significantly positively predicted adolescents' IGA; (2) School engagement partially mediated the relationship between parental corporal punishment and adolescents' IGA; (3) The mother-adolescent relationship moderated the indirect link "parental corporal punishment → school engagement → IGA". Specifically, for adolescents with high mother-adolescent relationship, parental corporal punishment could weaken their school engagement, which in turn increased the likelihood of IGA. However, this indirect link was nonsignificant for adolescents with low mother-adolescent relationship.
      The Associations among Class Group Attachment, Self-compassion, and Learning Burnout among Junior Middle School Students
      JIANG Yongqiang, SHAO Yuntian, LIN Xiuyun, HE Xianyou
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(4):  472-480.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.04.11
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      To explore the associations among class group attachment (anxiety and avoidance), self-compassion, and leaning burnout, and examine the mediating role of self-compassion in the association between class group attachment and learning burnout, this study investigated a sample of 658 junior middle school students by using the Learning Burnout scale, Social Group Attachment scale (toward class collective), Self-Compassion scale, Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment, Life Satisfaction scale, and Grade Satisfaction. Results from regression analyses revealed that:after controlling for the demographic variables, attachment to parents and peers, life satisfaction and grade satisfaction, (1) both class group attachment anxiety and avoidance positively related to learning burnout; (2) self-compassion negatively predicted learning burnout; and (3) self-compassion mediated the association between class group attachment anxiety and learning burnout partially, and association between class group attachment avoidance and learning burnout fully. These findings contribute to understanding learning burnout among junior middle school students from group attachment and self-compassion.
      Impact of Parents' Marital Conflict on Adolescent Depressive Symptoms: A Moderated Mediation Model
      FAN Hang, ZHU Zhuan, MIAO Lingtong, LIU Shen, ZHANG Lin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(4):  481-488.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.04.12
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      Based on questionnaire method, the present study was conducted among 537 junior school students from four Junior middle schools in Ningbo City by cluster sampling method to investigate the relationship between parental marital conflicts and adolescent depressive symptoms, while exploring the mediating role of psychological resilience and whether this role is mediated by social support. The results showed that:(1) psychological resilience played a mediating role between parents' conflict and adolescent depressive symptoms; (2) social support regulated the first half and second half of the mediation process in which parents' marital conflict affected adolescent depressive symptoms through psychological resilience. The findings revealed that the internal mechanism of parents' marital conflicts affecting depressive symptoms had important theoretical and empirical value for enhancing the strength of adolescent psychological resilience and reducing depression and other emotional problems.
      How Parental Educational Expectations Influence Student Academic Burnout: The Mediating Role of Educational Involvement and Moderating Role of Family Functioning
      LI Ruoxuan, ZHU Wenlong, LIU Hongrui, YAO Meilin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(4):  489-496.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.04.13
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      The present study explored the association between parental educational expectations and student academic burnout, and the potential impacts of parental involvement and family functioning between parental expectations and academic burnout. 2921 students (Mage=12.56, SD=1.53, 1624 males and 1297 females) and their parents were recruited from 10 primary and middle schools in Beijing, China. Students completed paper questionnaires of student academic burnout, and parents completed measurements of parental educational expectations, parental involvement and family functioning. The results showed that parental educational expectations negatively predicted students' academic burnout. Furthermore, the relationship between parental educational expectations and students' academic burnout was mediated by parental involvement. Specifically, high expectations enhanced the level of parental involvement, and it in turn decreased students' academic burnout. Besides, family functioning moderated the association between parental involvement and students' academic burnout. Parental involvement only alleviate students' academic burnout when they have warm family atmosphere, intimate relationships and well family functioning. Those findings reveal the complex mechanism of parental expectations on children academic burnout, and highlight future intervention of reducing students' academic burnout may start from encouraging parents to be involved more in children's academic life, and enhancing family functioning.
      The Effect of Perceived Stress on College Students' Depression: Moderated Mediating Effect
      YE Baojuan, ZHU Lijun, FANG Xiaoting, LIU Mingfan, WANG Kaikai, YANG Qiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(4):  497-503.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.04.14
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      This study aimed to explored the effect of perceived stress on college students' depression. A total of 746 participants including freshman to senior students from 5 universities in the central region of China, completed perception stress scale, resilience scale, perceived social support scale and depression scale. The results indicated that:(1) Resilience stress played partial mediating role between perceived stress and college students' depression. (2) Perceived social support moderated this mediation effect. Perceived social support not only moderated the relationship between perceived stress and college students' depression, but also moderated the relationship between perceived stress and resilience. This study revealed that we could reduce college students' depression by decreasing college students' perceived stress, as well as improving resilience and perceived social support.
      Association between Parental Emotion Expressiveness and Adolescents' Behavior Problem: the Mediating Role of the Parent-Child Attachment and Loneliness
      PENG yuan, ZHU lei, WANG zhenhong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(4):  504-512.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.04.15
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      The present study examined the relation between parental emotion expressiveness and adolescents' internalizing and externalizing problem, as well as the mediating role of attachment and loneliness. Totally 688 adolescents (348 boys and 340 girls) from grade 7 and grade 10 in Xi'an of Shaanxi province participated in this study. Self-Expressiveness in the Family Questionnaire, Experiences in Close Relationships Inventory, Loneliness Scale and Youth Self-Report were used to assess the main variables in this study. The results showed that Parent-child attachment and loneliness had multiple mediation effect between parental emotion expressiveness and adolescents' internalizing and externalizing problem. Specifically, parental emotion expressiveness affected problem behavior through both mediated roles of attachment or loneliness and chain-mediated role of attachment and loneliness. In summary, this study uncovered the mechanism underlying the relationship between parental emotion expressiveness and adolescents' problem behavior, which contributes to the understanding of the complex mechanism between parental emotional socialization and adolescents development.