Psychological Development and Education ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (5): 533-540.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.05.03

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The Development of Visual Attention Span And Its Effect on Reading Fluency in Chinese Children with Developmental Dyslexia

LIU Hanlong, ZHAO Jing   

  1. Beijing Key Laboratory of Learning and Cognition, School of Psychology, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100037
  • Online:2018-09-15 Published:2018-10-25

Abstract: The present study investigated the development of visual attention span (VAS) and the predictive power of visual attention span at each age group on reading fluency in Chinese children with developmental dyslexia. Eighty-five primary school students from the second to the sixth grades participated here, including both of dyslexic readers and the age-matched normal readers. Analyses of variance and hierarchical regressions analyses were adopted to process data. The results showed that the current cohort of Chinese children with dyslexia exhibited the deficit in their visual attention span, and the impaired VAS was more significant in the dyslexic readers at high age, revealing a development increase in the VAS impairment. Meanwhile, for children with developmental dyslexia, VAS could significantly predict the variance of reading fluency, and the predictive power increased with age. As to typically developing children, VAS could independently account for the variance in lower age group but not in higher age group. These findings suggested a close relationship between visual attention span and reading fluency in Chinese, and provided some enlightments for future intervention of dyslexia from the aspect of visual attention span.

Key words: visual attention span, developmental dyslexia, Chinese children in primary school

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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