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    15 May 2018, Volume 34 Issue 3
    • Parental Warmth and Adolescents' Gratitude: The Mediating Effect of Responsibility and the Belief in a Just World
      ZHAO Gai, KONG Fanchang, LIU Zhaojun, FENG Yameng, HUANG Shengpu, WANG Yadan, ZHOU Zongkui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(3):  257-263.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.03.01
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      The present study used questionnaire method to investigate the influence of parental warmth on adolescents' gratitude as well as the mediating effect of responsibility and the belief in a just world among 748 high school students. Results showed that:(1) Parental warmth could significantly positively predict the adolescents' gratitude; (2) After controlling for the gender, age and grade, responsibility and belief in a just world partly mediated the relationship between parental warmth and adolescents' gratitude respectively. It indicated that responsibility and the belief in a just world were crucial mediators in the relationship between the parental warmth and adolescents' gratitude.
      Parent-child Attachment and Interpersonal Forgiveness among Junior High School Students: A Moderated Mediation Model
      MIAO Lingtong, ZHAO Kaili, YANG Mengyuan, LEI Xue, LIU Shen, ZHANG Lin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(3):  264-272.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.03.02
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      The present study investigated the relationship between parent-child attachment and interpersonal forgiveness, proposed a moderated mediation model, and examined the mediation effect of empathy and the moderation effect of self-esteem. 502 students in four junior high schools in Zhejiang Province were recruited by questionnaire measures. The results were as follows:(1) Parent-child attachment has both a direct predictive effect on interpersonal forgiveness of junior high school students and indirect influence on interpersonal forgiveness through empathy; (2) the mediation effect of empathy was moderated by self-esteem. To be detailed, empathy had a significant effect on this link of parent-child attachment and interpersonal forgiveness for junior high school students with high self-esteem than for those with low self-esteem. This study shows that a secure attachment relationship is conducive to cultivating junior high school students' empathy and promote interpersonal forgiveness, but lower levels of self-esteem can hinder the exertion of empathy. The results suggest that fostering good parent-child relationship and improving self-esteem level play an important role in the development of junior high school students' forgiveness quality.
      Executive Control Function of Smart-phone Addicts: The Role of Mind-wandering
      LIN Yue, LIU Qinxue, DENG Han, LI Yuxuan, DING Kaixuan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(3):  273-283.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.03.03
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      Damages have been found in smartphone addicts' executive control function, but how these damages happened and the potential factors are unclear, especially whether these damages depended on addictive clues. The present study aimed to explore the possible role of mind-wandering. 90 participants were screened according to the Smartphone Addiction Scale for College Students(SAS-C). In experiment 1, Sustained Attention to Response Task(SART) was selected, and the daydreaming scale in Imaginal Processes Inventory was used to investigate the mind-wandering frequency in their daily lives. The results showed that smartphone addicts had higher mind-wandering frequency in their daily lives, and they evaluated their performance more frequently on the task; and their mind wandering was on the state of occurrent task inattention, generic task inattention and response disengagement. Meanwhile the mind wandering of non-addicts was only on the state of occurrent task inattention. In experiment 2, AX Continuous Performance Task(AX-CPT) was selected to investigate different groups' executive control function further and in details. Results showed that smart phone addicts with high mind wandering frequency had difficulties in maintaining task goals.
      The Relationship between Parent-child Attachment and Urban Adaptation among Migrant Children: The Mediating Role of Resilience
      WANG Zhonghui, LIN Xiuyun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(3):  284-293.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.03.04
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      The purpose of current study was to investigate the relationship among parent-child attachment, resilience and urban adaptation of migrant children. Totally, 665 migrant children in grades 3~6 in Beijing participated the study and completed the questionnaires containing scales of parent-child attachment, resilience and urban adaptation of migrant children. Data analysis revealed that:(1) Migrant children who were female, unchanging school, studying in public primary school, parents with higher education scored significantly higher urban adaptation than who were male, changing school few times, studying in private school and lower parents education. (2) Migrant children's parent-child attachment was positively associated with their urban adaptation, also self-model and parent model of migrant children's parent-child attachment. (3) Self-model and parent model of migrant children's parent-child attachment has positively predicted resilience of migrant children, also total migrant children's parent-child attachment. Resilience mediated the relationship between self-model of migrant children's parent-child attachment and urban adaptation. Resilience mediated the relationship between parent model of migrant children's parent-child attachment and urban adaptation. Resilience mediated the relationship between self-model and parent model of migrant children's parent-child attachment and urban adaptation. Self-model and parent model of migrant children's parent-child attachment and resilience could prevent migrant children developing into poor urban adaptation.
      Peer Group Socialization on Academic Achievement during Early Adolescence: Moderating Effects of Perceptions of School Climate
      Hou Ke, Zhang Yunyun, Xiang Xiaoping, Ren Ping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(3):  294-303.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.03.05
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      Based on a half-year longitudinal investigation of 1275 grade 7 students, the present study examined the effects of peer groups on the development of academic achievement in early adolescence, and to what extent these effects depended on students' perceptions of 3 dimensions of school climate (teacher support, student-student support, and opportunities for autonomy in the classroom). The results indicated that:(1)After controlled school, age, gender, peer group size and academic achievement, classroom-level academic achievement predicted higher academic achievement of adolescents half year later; (2)Peer groups' academic achievement magnified group members' academic achievement afterwards, while the classroom effects were not significant compared with peer group effects; (3)In the individual and peer group levels,students' perceptions of 3 dimensions of school climate didn't predict further academic achievement of adolescents. However, the interaction of perceptions of teacher support and peer groups' academic achievement predicted higher academic achievement of adolescents half year later.
      Episodic Simulation of Past and Future Emotional Events in Older Adults: Evidence from an Autobiographical Interview Task
      ZHOU Wenjia, SU Man, ZHOU Chu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(3):  304-313.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.03.06
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      People frequently re-experience past events and imagine specific events that might occur in their futures. Related studies regarding episodic future thinking mainly focus on young adults, a few studies in older adults show that they generate fewer internal (episodic) details and more external (semantic) details than do younger adults when remembering past events or imagining possible future events. But less is know whether older adults could show similar pattern during their remembering or imagining emotional events. Using the Autobiographical Interview task, the present experiment was conducted to examine how older adults and young adults generated internal details and external details when remembering and imagining emotional events. A 2(task type:remember past events vs. imagine future events)×3(emotional valence:positive, negative vs. neutral)×2(age:older adults vs. young adults) mixed design was used, which age was between-subject factor and the others were within-subject factors. Participants were 15 undergraduates and 13 older adults. The results showed that, (1) older adults generated fewer internal details and more external details than did younger adults when remembering past emotional events or imagining possible future emotional events. (2) Similar to young adults, older adults generated more details when they simulated positive future events, indicating their processing bias to positive information. (3) The rating of similarity between past events and future events given by older adults was higher than by young adults, which demonstrated that older adults depend mostly on their memories during the process of imagination. The results suggest that the age-related deficit in remembering the past and imagining the future can exist in the simulation of emotional events, which could provide strong evidence for the constructive episodic simulation hypothesis.
      Reading Fluency of First-graders Predicted Reading Comprehension of Second-and Third-graders
      CHENG Yahua, WU Xinchun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(3):  314-321.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.03.07
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      In the present study, we attempted to investigate reading fluency of first-graders and its long-term associations with reading comprehension of second and third-graders. One hundred and twenty-four children participated in the study. Regression analyses revealed that word reading fluency of first-graders could significantly predict reading comprehension of second-and third-graders after controlling for gender, family SES, IQ, vocabulary, character recognition, and the effects of reading-related skills. Besides, sentence reading fluency of Grade 1 could significantly predict reading comprehension of Grade 2, but not uniquely related with reading comprehensions of Grade 3. The contribution made by word reading fluency to reading comprehension is larger than the contribution made by sentence reading fluency. These results underscore the importance of word reading fluency for the development of children's reading comprehension.
      Shyness and Academic Adjustment among High School Students: The Mediating Role of Academic Help-seeking
      CHEN Yingmin, LIU Zhonghua, LI Liang, QU Yi, HAN Lei, GAO Fengqiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(3):  322-329.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.03.08
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      This study applied a shyness scale for middle school students, an academic help seeking scale, and an academic adjustment scale to 625 high school students to explore the relationship between shyness, academic help seeking, and academic adjustment. In particular, the mediating role of academic help seeking between shyness and academic adjustment was investigated. Data analysis indicated that:(1) shyness can significantly predict academic adjustment; (2) academic help-seeking attitudes have a partially mediating role in the relationship between shyness and academic adjustment; and (3) shyness partly influences academic adjustment through the multiple mediating effects of academic help-seeking attitudes and academic help-seeking behaviors.
      The Impact of Belief in a Just World on College Students' Academic Achievement: The Explanation of Time Management
      ZHANG Mei, HUANG Silin, SUN ling, DOU Donghui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(3):  330-337.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.03.09
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      In order to investigate the impacts of belief in a just world (BJW) on college students' learning engagement and described the mechanism of the time management factors to the relationship of the two, two studies have been designed. The first study explored the mechanism of how the college students' time management disposition affects the relationship between belief in a just world and academic achievement. A total of 205 college students from different majors were tested by questionnaires. The results indicated that time management disposition partially mediated the relationship between the belief in a just world and college students' academic achievement. In the second study, 120 college students were randomly chosen from different majors to explore the relationship between the belief in a just world and time management using priming paradigm. The results indicated that students who exposure to injustice information distributed less time to study while more time to recreation than those exposure to justice information. In a word, college students' belief in a just world, especially the sense of injustice indeed influences the academic time management and further influences their actual record.
      Extrinsic Autonomy of Teaching and Job Satisfaction: Mediating Role of Intrinsic Autonomy of Teaching
      ZHU Jinjie, YAO Jihai, WU Man
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(3):  338-345.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.03.10
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      923 primary and middle school teachers were investigated in this study to complete extrinsic autonomy of teaching scale, the intrinsic autonomy of teaching scale and teacher's job satisfaction scale. The results indicated that:(1) there were significant correlations among extrinsic autonomy, intrinsic autonomy of teaching, and job satisfaction; and (2) intrinsic autonomy of teaching played completely mediating role between extrinsic autonomy of teaching and teacher's job satisfaction.
      Heterogeneity in Anxiety Felt by Left-behind Children in Rural Areas: Based on Latent Profile Analysis
      HU Yiqiu, LIU Shuangjin, LI Zhihua, ZHU Cuiying, SUN Huanliang, FAN Xinghua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(3):  346-352.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.03.11
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      The Mental Health Diagnostic Scale (MHT) was adopted to test the mood of anxiety in 1292 left-behind children in Hunan Province and the method of latent profile analysis was employed to investigate whether or not heterogeneous population exist in left-behind children in terms of anxiety and to probe into factors associated with different groups. Results show that heterogeneity exists in anxiety felt by left-behind children, and that the anxiety can be categorized into three types, namely, serious anxiety, intermediate anxiety, and low anxiety. More anxiety is to be found in groups such as left-behind boys, left-behind children of Grade Five in elementary schools and of Grade Two in senior high schools, children left behind for longer time, and children left behind in earlier ages. The absence of either parent or both parents has the same impact on the anxiety felt by the left-behind children. Therefore, specific prevention and intervention measures should be adopted to alleviate the anxiety felt by left-behind children according to the child's gender, school grade, length of time of being left behind, and initial age of being left behind.
      Relations among Parent-adolescent Relationship, Negative Social Adjustment and Internet Addiction of Adolescents: A Mediated Moderation Effect
      ZHAO Baobao, JIN Cancan, ZOU Hong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(3):  353-360.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.03.12
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      This study aims to examine the relationship between parent-adolescent relationship, negative social adjustment and Internet addiction. 2324 middle school students from six cities in China were measured using self-report questionnaires. The results revealed that:(1) The adolescents with conflict-type parent-adolescent relationship scored highest on Internet addiction while adolescents with attachment-type scored lowest;(2)Negative social adjustment was a partial mediator between parent-adolescent attachment/conflict and Internet addiction; (3) Gender moderated this mediation effect of negative social adjustment. These findings offer a new insight into how positive and negative parent-child relationships influence adolescents' Internet addiction and also have practical significance on intervention and prevention activities.
      Effects of Family Functioning on Adolescent Risk-taking Behavior: The Sequential Mediating Effects of Self-control Ability and Deviant Peer Affiliation
      TIAN Lumei, LIU Lingling, YUAN Jingchi, SHAN Nan, WU Yunlong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(3):  361-368.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.03.13
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      Using a series of questionnaires the present study surveyed a sample of 922 adolescent students aged from 11~19 years old (M=14.39±1.68) in order to explore the mediating effects of self-control ability and deviant peer affiliation on the relationship between family functioning and adolescent risk-taking behavior, including General Functioning Scale of the Chinese version of the Family Assessment Device, Deviant Peer Affiliation Scale, Self-Control Ability Scale and Adolescent Risk-Taking Scale. The main findings were as follows:(1) family functioning, self-control ability, deviant peer affiliation and adolescents' risk-taking behavior were significantly related with each other; (2) self-control ability played an important mediating role in the relationship between family functioning and adolescent risk-taking behavior; (3) self-control ability and deviant peer affiliation exerted sequential mediating effects on the association of family functioning with adolescent risk-taking behavior, i.e., family functioning could influence adolescent self-control ability which in turn affected adolescent deviant peer affiliation and deviant peer affiliation then impacted adolescent take-risking finally.These findings further reveal how family, peer and individual factors affect adolescent risk-taking behavior.
      The Relationship between Impulsivity Traits and Suicide Ideation: A Moderate Mediation Model
      LIN Lin, WANG Chenxu, MO Juanchan, YANG Yang, LI Huisheng, JIA Xuji, BAI Xuejun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(3):  369-376.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.03.14
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      Based on the stress-vulnerability model, this study constructed a moderated mediation model to examine whether the effect of life events mediated the relationship between impulsivity traits and suicide ideation, and whether this mediating process was moderated by the family environment. For this purpose, 902 college students were recruited to participate in this study with Barratt Impulsiveness Scale、Adolescent Self-Rating Life Events Check List、Family Environment Scale and Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation. The study indicated that:(1) impulsivity traits and the effect of negative life events significantly positively predicted suicide ideation; (2) the relationship between impulsivity traits and suicide ideation was significantly mediated by the effect of negative life events; (3) the mediating effects of negative life events and the directing effects of impulsivity traits were significantly moderated by family environment. These findings contribute to our understanding of a comprehensive interpretation of both environmental and individual factors' impact on suicide ideation.
      The Chinese Researches of Internet Psychology and Behavior of Teenagers, Current Status and Future
      XU Bibo, XIE Han, LIN Chongde, WU Peng
      Psychological Development and Education. 2018, 34(3):  377-384.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2018.03.15
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      This paper reviews the research achievements of Internet psychology and behavior of Chinese teenagers in the last 10 years,and carries out clustering analysis on the research topics,and compares those with foreign research. Domestic Internet psychology and behavior research of teenagers mainly focuses on Internet addiction. Meanwhile, Chinese scholars have obtained a number of research achievements in the field of Internet bullying,Internet pro-social behavior and Internet self-disclosure. However, the existing research has the following limitations:the research field is relatively narrow, the contents of the research is not deep enough,and the research method is relatively simple. Based on teenagers' characteristics on using Internet and the development and changes of the times,this paper puts forward the direction of the domestic research on Teenagers' Internet psychology and behavior in the twenty-first Century in three aspects:Big-data research, New Media research and Electronic Sports research,which has theoretical and practical significance for the psychological research in the Internet era.