Psychological Development and Education ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 287-294.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2022.02.16

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Effect of Parents' Phubbing on Adolescents' Self-injury: A Perspective of Experiential Avoidance Model

HE Can1,2, WEI Hua3, XIE Xiaochun4, LEI Yuju5   

  1. 1. School of Education, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079;
    2. College of Education Science, Hubei Normal University, Huangshi 435000;
    3. School of Education Science, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000;
    4. School of Psychology, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024;
    5. School of Education, Hubei University of Art and Science, Xiangyang 441053
  • Published:2022-03-24

Abstract: Based on the experiential avoidance model of self-injury, this study examined the impact of parents' phubbing on adolescents' self-injury, and the mediating effect of anxiety and experiential avoidance. Eight hundred and eight middle school students completed a battery of questionnaires including Parents' Phubbing Scale, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale, Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II, and Adolescents' Self-harm Scale. The results showed that:(1) Parents' phubbing was positively correlated with adolescents' anxiety, experiential avoidance, and self-injury; anxiety and experiential avoidance were positively correlated with self-injury; (2) Anxiety and experiential avoidance played partial mediating roles in the relationship between parents' phubbing and adolescents' self-injury; (3) Anxiety and experiential avoidance exerted a sequential mediating effect on the association of parents' phubbing with adolescents' self-injury. That is, parents' phubbing influenced adolescents' self-injury through anxiety and experiential avoidance. In summary, this study uncovers the mechanism underlying the relationship between parents' phubbing and adolescents' self-injury from the perspective of emotion and coping strategy, which has implications for the prevention and intervention of adolescent self-injury behavior.

Key words: parents' phubbing, adolescents, anxiety, experiential avoidance, self-injury

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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