Psychological Development and Education ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 248-256.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.02.12

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The Relation between Parental Psychological Control and Adolescent Externalizing Problem Behavior: The Chain Mediating Role of Effortful Control and Deviant Peer Affiliation

WANG Yanhui1, SHEN Zifeng2, LAI Xuefen1   

  1. 1. School of Educational Science, Jiaying University, Meizhou 514015;
    2. School of Psychology, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350108
  • Published:2024-03-18

Abstract: Externalizing problem behavior is one of the most prominent behavioral problems in adolescence. As an important factor in the family system, parental psychological control has a significant impact on adolescent externalizing problem behavior. Based on ecological systems theory and choice theory, this study investigated the chain mediating role of effortful control and deviant peer affiliation in the relationship between parental psychological control and externalizing problem behavior. In this study, 1053 middle school students were surveyed with Parental Psychological Control Scale, Effortful Control Questionnaire, Deviant Peer Affiliation Questionnaire, and Externalizing Problem Behaviors Questionnaire. The results showed that after controlling for demographic variables (such as gender, age, and family economic status): (1) Deviant peer affiliation showed a significant mediating effect in the relationship between parental psychological control and adolescent externalizing problem behavior; (2) Effortful control did not mediate the relationship between parental psychological control and adolescent externalizing problem behavior; (3) Effortful control and deviant peer affiliation played a significant chain mediating role in the relationship between parental psychological control and adolescent externalizing problem behavior; (4) The mediating effects presented similar significant pattern between boys and girls, and the mediating effects shew no difference in different sections of learning. These results provided important enlightenments for the prevention and intervention of adolescent externalizing problem behaviors.

Key words: parental psychological control, effortful control, deviant peer affiliation, externalizing problem behavior, adolescents

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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