Abstract: This study's aim was to examine whether narrative transportation and avatar identification play the chain mediating roles in the relationship between neuroticism personality and MMORPG addiction in a sample of college students in Shanxi province. A total of 268 college students completed the questionnaires. The results indicated that:(1) Neuroticism personality positively predicted narrative transportation and MMORPG addiction. (2) Narrative transportation mediated the relationship between neuroticism personality and MMORPG addiction partially. (3) Neuroticism personality also affected MMORPG addiction through the chain mediating roles of narrative transportation and avatar identification. The results show that the high neuroticism indeed has a higher risk of Internet game addiction, and narrative transportation and avatar identification play an important role in it.

Key words: neuroticism personality, narrative transportation, avatar identification, Internet game addiction, college students, MMORPG

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