Psychological Development and Education ›› 2011, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (4): 351-358.

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The Relations between Paternal Emotional Expressivity and Children’s Social Adjustment: Moderate Effect of Child Temperament

LIANG Zong-bao1, SUN Ling2, ZHANG Guang-zhen1, CHEN Hui-chang3, ZHANG Ping4   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Child Development and Learning Science, Minstry of Education, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China;
    2. Central University of Finance & Economics, School of Social Development, Department of Psychology, Beijing 100081, China;
    3. Institute of Developmental Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;
    4. School of Social Development and Public Policy, Department of Psychology, FuDan University, Shanghai 200433, China
  • Online:2011-07-15 Published:2011-07-15

Abstract: Social adjustment is an important developmental task of preschoolers.Both children's temperament and proximal parental emotion-related behaviors are important influential factors of social adjustment.Although lots of research has implicated that maternal emotion-related behaviors and children's temperament are associated with children's adjustment,few research has examined the relation between paternal emotional expressivity and children's social adjustment.Moreover,little attention is paid to paternal emotional expressivity and children's emotionality and effortful control simultaneously in Chinese culture background.Chinese emphasize the ability of emotion control more in order to maintain harmonious relationship with others.The current study explored relations a mong paternal emotional expressivity,children's emotionality and effort fulcontrol and social adjustment.Three hundred and forty-one children aged 3-6 and their parents and teachers participated in the study.Chil dren's emotionality and effortful control were assessed on Children's Behavior Questionnaire by mothers,and ef fortful control was also measured through stroop task by research assistants.Children's behavior problem and social competence were rated by mothers and teachers on Early School Behavior Rating Scale respectively; children's fa thers reported their own emotional expressivity on Self-Expressiveness in the Family Questionnaire.Multiple Regression linear analyses indicated:(1) Paternal positive expressivity positively predicted children's social competence; paternal negative emotional expressivity positively predicted children's externalizing and inter nalizing problems and negatively predicted children's social competence; (2) Children's positive emotionality positively predicted social competence,negatively predicted externalizing problems,while negative emotionality positively predicted externalizing and internalizing problems,negatively predicted social competence; effortful con trol negatively predicted externalizing and internalizing problems,positively predicted social competence; (3) Pa ternal emotional expressivity interacted with children's temperament to influence children's social adjustment,which implied that children's temperament moderated the relation between paternal expressivity and children's so cial adjustment.Further analysis indicated that for children high in effortful control,paternal negative emotional ex pressivity were negatively associated with children's externalizing problem behavior,while for children low in ef fortful control,paternal negative emotional expressivity were positively associated with their externalizing problems.Among children high in negative emotionality,paternal negative emotional expressivity was positively associated with internalizing problems,and paternal positive emotional expressivity was positively associated with children's social competence,while for children low in negative emotionality,paternal negative emotionality expressivity was not significantly associated with internalizing problems,and paternal positive emotional expressivity was also not sig nificantly associated with children's social competence.These results indicate that parental emotional expressivity influence children with different dispositional characteristics differently.Temperament conveys its influence in inter action with the demands of the environment,including parental emotional expressivity.

Key words: paternal emotional expressivity, social adjustment, effortful control, emotionality, moderate effect

CLC Number: 

  • B844.1
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