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    15 January 2017, Volume 33 Issue 1
    • The Relation between Mothers' Depressive Symptoms and Child Withdrawal in a U.S. Sample: The Mediational Role of Parenting Behavior
      YAN Ni, YU Yao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(1):  1-10.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.01
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      This study aims to explore the association between maternal depression and child withdrawal by means of longitudinal research, to understand how changes in depressive symptoms among mothers may lead to changes in child withdrawal over time, and to understand the role of particular kinds of parenting in these associations. Data for the present study came from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. The data were analyzed using lierarchical linear modeling. The results showed that the correlation of children's withdrawal behavior and maternal depressive symptoms during 24 and 54 months was significant. All the three types of parenting were positively correlated with maternal depressive symptoms and children's withdrawal, except that parenting and child withdrawal were not significantly correlated at 54 months. Even though child withdrawal at 24 months was predicted by across-dyad variance in mother's early depressive symptoms regardless of the child's gender, the relation of within-dyad changes in the mother's depressive symptoms to the child withdrawal from 24 to 54 months was dependent on the child's gender. Changes in the mother's depressive symptoms predicted more changes in the withdrawal of boys than girls. Also, negative parenting mediated this relation only for boys. This suggests that, compared with girls, boys start to become more vulnerable to develop withdrawal from two years old if they have mothers with depressive symptoms.
      The Relation between Adolescents' Resilience and School Adaptation
      ZHANG Guangzhen, WANG Juanjuan, LIANG Zongbao, DENG Huihua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(1):  11-20.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.02
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      This research aimed to examine the relation between adolescents' resilience and school adaptation with longitudinal design. Four hundred and seventy adolescents (254 boys, 216 girls; M age=12.95, SD=0.91 at the first assessment) participated in this study and was followed up for one year. Adolescents were asked to report their resilience on the Resilience Scale for Chinese Adolescents. Parents and teachers were asked to rate adolescents' school adaptation on a revised version of Teacher-Child Rating Scale and Parent-Child Rating Scale, respectively. One year later (T2), data was collected in the same manner. The results of this research showed that:(1) Adolescents' resilience was positively correlated with competence at both T1 and T2, negatively correlated with learning problems, externalizing problems, and internalizing problems; (2)In general, after controlling for the effect of sex, SES, and the stability of adolescents' resilience and school adaptation, adolescents' resilience at T1 significantly predicted teacher-reported internalizing problems, learning problems and school-related competence, and parent-reported competence at T2, however, adolescents' school adaptation could not predict their resilience at T2. These results indicate that adolescents' resilience might have unidirectional effect on their school adaptation.
      The Effect of Parents' Marital Conflict on Junior Students' Academic Burnout: The Mediating Role of Co-parenting
      MA Meifen, ZHU Lei, YANG Xiaojun, WANG Zhenhong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(1):  21-29.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.03
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      This study included 376 junior middle school students, and examined the spillover hypothesis of the ecological family theory. The children's perception of inter-parental conflict scale, the Maslach burnout inventory-student survey, and parent's perception of the co-parenting relationship survey has been used to examine whether co-parenting mediated the relationship between students' perception on parents' marital conflict and students' academic burnout. Results showed that:(1) conflict frequency, conflict intensity of parents' marital conflict factor and academic burnout have a significant positive correlation, un-supportive parents co-parenting is significantly positive related to students' academic burnout, while supportive parents' co-parenting is significantly negative correlated with students' academic burnout; parents' marital conflict is negatively correlated with parents co-parenting, higher marital conflict parents show more un-support parenting behavior in co-parenting; and (2) un-supportive parents co-parenting full mediated the relationship between parents' marital conflict and academic burnout.
      Changes in College Students' Personality in 2004~2013: A Cross-temporal Meta-analysis
      TIAN Yuan, MING Hua, HUANG Silin, SUN Ling
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(1):  30-36.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.04
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      Previous studies have found that college students' psychological states, such as mental health and so on, changed with the social change. We are interested in how intrinsic personality traits change with times. This study conducted a cross-temporal meta-analysis of 65 papers from 2004 to 2013 adopting NEO Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI) to investigate the changing trends of the personality traits of 47029 College Students. The results showed that:(1) During 2004~2013, the scores of the five factors of college students' personality were significantly positively correlated with the times. This means that the personality traits of college students have changed with times. (2) Over the past decade, the scores of the students' Nervousness, Extraversion, Openness and Conscientiousness was increased more than 1 standard deviation (the d value was between 1.06 and 1.30), and the Agreeableness improved 0.57 standard deviation. This means that college students became more outgoing, more open, more conscientious and more pleasant, and their emotional stabilities were worse. (3) The changes of personality traits of male and female college students had common trends and some significant differences. The five factor scores of male were significantly increased, but the Openness had no change and the Agreeableness even declined in female.
      The Effect of Calling on Employability of College students: The Mediating Role of Job Searching Clarity and Job Searching Self-efficacy
      YE Baojuan, ZHENG Qing, DONG Shenghong, FANG Xiaoting, LIU Linlin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(1):  37-44.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.05
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      To explore how calling influences employability of college students, 802 college students were recruited in this study to complete calling questionnaire, job searching clarity questionnaire, job searching self-efficacy questionnaire and employability questionnaire. The results indicated that:(1) Job searching clarity mediated the effect of calling on college students' employability; (2)Job searching self-efficacy mediated the effect of job searching clarity on college students' employability; (3) Job searching self-efficacy mediated the effect of calling on college students' employability. In conclusion, job searching clarity and job searching self-efficacy played a chain mediation effect between calling and college students' employability.
      The Social Cognition Processing Characteristics on Occupational Events in Teachers with Different Levels of Professional Identity
      WEI Shuhua, SONG Guangwen, ZHANG Dajun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(1):  45-55.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.06
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      Through Tversky's social cognition experiment paradigm, this study explored whether there were different social cognition processing characteristics on occupational events in the process of encoding, recognition and priming of teachers with high or low professional identity. The results showed that:(1) Teachers with high professional identity encoded more positive items as positive items and encoded less positive and neutral items as negative items. The positively encoding bias of positive items and neutral items in teachers with high professional identity was significantly higher than which in the teachers with low professional identity. (2) Teachers with high professional identity recognized more originally positive and neutral items. Teachers with low professional identity misjudged much more newly neutral and negative items as originally. (3) The positively priming items and the positively priming bias in teachers with high professional identity was significantly higher than which in the teachers with low professional identity. Conclusion:There were different social cognition processing characteristics on occupational events in teachers with different levels of professional identity. The social cognition processing in teachers with high professional identity was more positive and effective.
      The Association of Negative Academic Emotions on Perceived Academic Self-efficacy of Migrant Children: The Moderating Role of Emotion Regulation Strategies
      WANG Daoyang, LU Xiang, YIN Xin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(1):  56-64.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.07
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      A total of 397 migrant children were recruited as subjects with questionnaire method to investigate the association of negative academic emotions on perceived academic self-efficacy of migrant children and the moderation effect of emotion regulation strategies on that. The results showed that:Firstly, the negative predictive effect of academic emotions on the sense of control was significantly higher than that of the basic sense of ability. Among them, only the predictive effect of angry, shame and helpless on the basic sense of ability were significant. Moreover, only the predictive effect of cognitive re-evaluation on the basic sense of ability were significant. And, the cognitive re-evaluation had the moderating effect on the relationship of angry, depression and the basic sense of ability. And the expression suppression had the moderating effect on the relationship of helpless and the basic sense of ability. Secondly, except for angry, in the academic emotions of the migration children, the predictive effect of anxiety, shame, boredom, helpless, depression and vexation on the sense of control were significant. Both the predictive effect of cognitive re-evaluation and expression suppression of emotion regulation strategies on the sense of control were significant. Besides, the moderating effect of cognitive re-evaluation on the shame, boredom, depression were significant and the moderating effect of expression suppression on the depression were significant.
      The Association between Psychological Abuse and Neglect and Adolescents' Aggressive Behavior: The Mediating and Moderating Role of the Moral Disengagement
      SUN Lijun, DU Hongqin, NIU Gengfeng, LI Junyi, HU Xiangen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(1):  65-75.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.08
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      Based on the General Aggression Model(GAM) and individual-contex model, the present study examined the association between psychological abuse and neglect and adolescent' aggression behavior, as well as the role of moral disengagement. A sample of 696 adolescents completed the Psychological Abuse and Neglect Scale, Adolescent Moral Disengagement Scale and Aggressive Behavior Scale. Results revealed that:(1) Psychological abuse and neglect was positively correlated with aggressive behavior and moral disengagement, and moral disengagement was also positively correlated with aggressive behavior. (2) Moral disengagement played a partially mediating role in the association between psychological abuse and neglect and aggressive behavior;No significant gender difference in the mediating effect was observed,but significant age difference was observed. Moral disengagement played a partially mediating role among middle school students,and played a fully mediating role among high school students.(3) The moderating role of moral disengagement in the association between psychological abuse and neglect and aggressive behavior was insignificant.Significant gender difference in the moderating role was found,but significant age difference was not observed. The moderating role of moral disengagement was insignificant among male students,but significant among female students.
      The Relation between Parent-Adolescent Relationship and Adolescent Risk-Taking Behavior: A Moderated Mediation Model
      TIAN Lumei, WU Yunlong, YUAN Jingchi, SHAN Nan, LIU Lu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(1):  76-84.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.09
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      The present study constructed a moderated mediation model to examine whether self-control ability mediated the relation between parent-adolescent relationship and adolescent risk-taking behavior, and whether this mediating process was moderated by deviant peer affiliation. With cluster sampling method, 1263 adolescents completed questionnaire measures of personal relationships in social networks, self-control ability, deviant peer affiliation, and risk-taking behavior. The results indicated that:(1)self-control ability played a mediating role in the relation between parent-adolescent relationship and adolescent risk-taking behavior;(2)deviant peer affiliation moderated the mediated path through self-control ability, namely this indirect effect was much stronger for adolescents affiliated with more deviant peers relative to those affiliated with fewer deviant peers. Thus, self-control ability's mediating effect existed in the association of parent-adolescent relationship with adolescent risk-taking behavior, meanwhile this mediating effect was moderated by deviant peer affiliation.
      Effects of Neighborhood, Parental Monitoring and Deviant Peers on Adolescent Problem Behaviors
      HOU ke, ZHANG Yunyun, LUO Fang, Ren Ping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(1):  85-94.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.10
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      Based on a survey of 2188 adolescents (age=12.97 years, SD=0.62) and their parents, this study examined the combined effects of neighborhood, parents, and peers on adolescent problem behaviors. Results from structural equation model indicated that neighborhood crime, neighborhood social cohesion and neighborhood disorder influenced adolescent problem behaviors via parental monitoring and affiliation with deviant peers; Furthermore, neighborhood crime manifested its effect by influenced adolescent problem behaviors directly. An interaction effect were found between parental monitoring and deviant peers on problem behaviors. As the rise of parental monitoring, the effect of deviant peers on problem behaviors were weaken. For boys, the effects of neighborhood crime, parental monitoring, and affiliation with deviant peers on problem behaviors were larger than for girls.
      The Relationship Between Character Strengths and Subjective Well-being among College Students: The Roles of Strengths Use and Stressful Life Events
      WANG Huanzhen, JIANG Qi, HOU Lulu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(1):  95-104.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.11
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      This study aimed to explore the relationship of character strengths, strengths use, stressful life events and subjective well-being. A total of 800 students of two universities from Chongqing and Henan Province completed the questionnaires measuring character strengths (CVQ-96), strengths use (SUS), subjective well-being (SWLS and PANAS) and stressful life events (ASLEC). Structural equation modeling (SEM) results showed that:(1) strengths use partially mediated the relationship between character strengths and subjective well-being. Character strengths not only had a direct influence on subjective well-being, but also indirectly influenced subjective well-being through strengths use; (2) stressful life events moderated the mediation of strengths use. The relationship between strengths use and subjective well-being was stronger for college students with high stressful life events than those with low stressful life events. Therefore, strengths use played a moderated mediating role in the relationship between character strengths and subjective well-being.
      Dyadic Patterns in the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model and its Testing
      LIU Chang, WU Xinchun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(1):  105-112.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.12
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      APIM is an important analytic approach of dyadic data, and its analysis unit is dyad. Based on the actor and partner effects, Kenny and Ledermann discussed four general APIM dyadic patterns:the actor-only, the partner-only, the couple, and the contrast patterns. Then Kenny and Ledermann defined k as the ratio of the partner effect to the actor effect. By estimating k, researchers have a quantitative index of the relative size of the partner effect. Researchers can simplify the results and analyze the process of group interaction through dyadic patterns. On the basis of example, both advantage and limitation were discussed.
      Advances in Research on Subtypes of Developmental Dyslexia
      MENG Zelong, ZHANG Yiwei, BI Hongyan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(1):  113-121.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.13
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      Developmental dyslexia is a kind of learning disability and has various subtypes. According to reading model, children with dyslexia are classified to phonological dyslexia and surface dyslexia in alphabetic languages. From the perspective of cognitive deficits, there are phonological processing deficit, orthographic processing deficit and rapid naming deficit. In the three deficits, phonological processing deficit is a main subtype that dyslexics show difficulty in phonological processing. Based on the basic sensory-perceptual processing deficit, some dyslexia can be devided into visual processing deficit subtype and auditory processing deficit subtype. However, the ratio of phonological subtype, when classified according to the same reading model in Chinese children with dyslexia, is much lower than that in alphabetic language. Chinese dyslexic children can also be classified to three subtypes including phonological processing deficit, orthographic processing deficit and rapid naming deficit in the light of cognitive deficits. Further studies are highly needed to clarify the neural mechanism of different subtypes in developmental dyslexia.
      Weight Effect Analysis of Multivariate Generalizability Theory for Teaching Level Evaluation of College Teachers
      LI Guangming, ZHANG Minqiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(1):  122-128.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.01.14
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      Exemplified teaching level evaluation for college teachers, the paper explored if the weights had an effect on composite reliability of multivariate generalizability theory (MGT). By the designed questionnaire of teaching level evaluation for college teachers, 534 students were asked to evaluate 16 english teachers. We used MGT to analyze the multivariate nested collected data. The results showed that:(1) as for teaching level evaluation for college teachers, three weights, i.e. estimation weights, priori weights and effective weights, had a large difference for composite reliability of MGT; (2)exemplified the teaching level evaluation and based on a full analysis about three weights how to affect the composite reliability, this study proposed a pattern of three weights effect analysis for composite reliability of MGT, which could provide a scientific reference for the proper use of weight in MGT.