心理发展与教育 ›› 2008, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (2): 73-78.

• 认知与社会性发展 • 上一篇    下一篇


应贤慧, 戴春林   

  1. 浙江师范大学, 教师教育学院心理学系, 浙江, 金华, 321004
  • 出版日期:2008-04-15 发布日期:2008-04-15
  • 基金资助:

Empathy and Aggressive Behavior of Middle School Students:The Mediating Effect of the Anger-Hostility Action

YING Xian-hui, DAI Chun-lin   

  1. Dept. of psychology, School of Teacher Education, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua Zhejiang 321004
  • Online:2008-04-15 Published:2008-04-15

摘要: 采用问卷法调查了305名中学生,并通过结构方程模型技术考察了移情与攻击行为的关系及攻击情绪与认知的中介作用。结果表明:(1)中学生的主要攻击方式为言语攻击,性别和年级对攻击性存在影响;(2)攻击情绪与认知是移情影响攻击行为的中介变量;(3)"他人移情"完全经由中介变量抑制攻击行为,"自我敏感"则部分经由中介变量正向影响攻击行为,部分直接抑制攻击行为。

关键词: 移情, 攻击行为, 愤怒情绪, 敌意认知, 中介作用

Abstract: Methods of questionnaire and Structural Equation Models were used to investigate the relationship between empathy and aggressive behavior, and also the mediat ing effects of the anger-hostility action. Data were collected with 305 students from two middle schools. The results indicate that: (1) Oral aggression is the primary form of aggressive behaviors in middle school students; the gender and the grade have influence on aggressive behavior; (2) The anger-hostility action plays the mediating role between empathy and aggressive behavior; (3) Empathy to others impacts negatively on aggressive behavior through the mediating role. However, sensitivity of self2feeling is a two-way process, including both positive effect by mediating role and direct inhibitory effect.

Key words: empathy, aggressive behavior, anger, hostility, mediating effect

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