心理发展与教育 ›› 2015, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (6): 719-727.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2015.06.11

• 教与学心理学 • 上一篇    下一篇


李伟健1,2, 丁菀1, 孙炳海1,2, 俞丽莉3   

  1. 1. 浙江师范大学心理研究所, 金华 321004;
    2. 北京师范大学发展心理研究所, 北京 100875;
    3. 浙江省联合应用心理科学研究院, 杭州 310000
  • 出版日期:2015-11-15 发布日期:2015-11-15
  • 通讯作者: 孙炳海,E-mail:jky18@zjnu.cn E-mail:jky18@zjnu.cn
  • 基金资助:

The Effects of Teachers' Empathy on Students' Academic Achievement:A Hierarchical Linear Analysis Based on the Measurement of Animated Narrative Vignettes Simulations

LI Weijian1,2, DING Wan1, SUN Binghai1,2, YU Lili3   

  1. 1. Institute of Psychology, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004;
    2. Institute of Developmental Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875;
    3. Zhejiang Joint Research Institute of Applied Psychology, Hangzhou 310000
  • Online:2015-11-15 Published:2015-11-15

摘要: 以往研究认为教师共情能促进学生的社交能力和情绪的发展,但教师共情能否促进学生学业成绩呢?以往研究存在较多的分歧。本研究为进一步考察教师共情对学生学业成绩的作用,开发和运用针对教师职业特殊性的ANVs共情测量工具,采用准实验的方式,运用共情培训对20位实验组教师进行干预(另外20位教师作为控制组),同时收集相应实验组803名学生、控制组852名学生的期中、期末成绩,并采用多层线性的方式控制无关变量,关注学生原有成绩的影响,从而检验教师共情与学生学业成绩的关系。结果表明:(1)教师共情能力的提高能够促进学生学业成绩的提高;(2)在教师共情对学生学业成绩的促进作用中,学生原有成绩起到调节作用。

关键词: 教师共情, 学业成绩, 动画叙述短片模拟(ANVs)

Abstract: The effects of teachers' empathy on students' development of social skills and emotions has been demonstrated by previous researches,whereas to date no consistent conclusion is achieved for the facilitation of teachers' empathy onto students' academic development. To elucidate the influence of teachers' empathy to students' academic achievement, by using a quasi-experimental design, the current study developed and applied an ANVs tool that measures teachers' empathy, and utilized an empathy training to intervene 20 primary-school teachers in the treatment group(meanwhile, another 20 primary-school teachers in the control group didn't participate any related training). Correspondingly, mid-term academic grades and final grades of 803 students from the classes of 20 teachers in the treatment group and 852 students from the classes of another 20 teachers in the control group were collected. Considering different hierarchy of variables and the role of students' original academic grades, hierarchical linear analysis was conducted to examine the relationship of teachers' empathy to students' academic achievement. The findings indicated that:1) the improvement of teachers' empathy contributed to the improvement of students' academic achievement; 2) students' original academic grades had a mediating effect on the relationship between teachers' empathy and students' academic achievement.

Key words: teachers' empathy, academic achievement, animated narrative vignettes simulations


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