Psychological Development and Education ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 55-63.doi: 10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2024.01.06

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Anger Congruence and Interpersonal Relationships in Female College Roommates: A Moderated Polynomial Regression Model

CHEN Qishan1,2, HE Jingyi1,2   

  1. 1. Philosophy and Social Science Laboratory of Reading and Development in Children and Adolescents(South China Normal University), Ministry of Education, Guangzhou 510631;
    2. School of Psychology, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631
  • Published:2024-02-20

Abstract: This present study aims to investigate the influence of individual-roommate congruence in anger and attribution styles on dormitory interpersonal relationships among female college students. A dyadic study was conducted in which the subjects were paired in the dormitory unit. Four hundred sixty-eight female college students from universities took part in the research. Polynomial regression and response surface analysis were used to examine the research hypothesis. The results showed that individual and roommate congruence in anger affects an individual’s perception of their relationship. Compared with both individual and roommate being high anger, when both individual and roommate are low anger, individual’s perception of dormitory interpersonal relationship is relatively better. When the individual and roommate’s anger level is incongruent, compared with the individual with high anger and roommate with low anger, if the individual with low anger and roommate with high anger, individual perception of dormitory interpersonal relationship will be better. Attribution style plays a moderating role between the individual-roommate anger congruence and individual perception of their relationship. When internal attribution is adopted, with the increase of individual anger, her perception of the roommate relationship descends but gradually slows down. However, for those who adopt the external attribution style, their perception of dormitory relationships decreases rapidly with the increase in anger level.

Key words: anger congruence, attribution styles, dormitory interpersonal relationship, polynomial regression, response surface analysis

CLC Number: 

  • B844
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