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    15 November 2021, Volume 37 Issue 6
    • The Impact of Encoding and Retrieval on Children's Development of Binding
      LONG Yiting, JIANG Yingjie, JIAO Runkai
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(6):  761-767.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.06.01
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      It is the core process of episodic memory to bind various elements in the episodes into coherent relational structures. In order to explore the development of binding in children's episodic memory and the different contributions of encoding and retrieval processes to binding, the present study recruited children from 5 to 10.5 to complete a paired-associated image learning task and three tests in different retrieval difficulties (free recall, cue recall and recognition). Results indicated that children's binding performance improve with age, and two-way bindings develop earlier than three-way bindings. Encoding ability plays different roles on two-way and three-way bindings. Children since 5 years have mature encoding process for two-way bindings, while the encoding ability for three-way bindings is limited and improve slowly after 6.5. However, both two-way bindings and three-way bindings in childhood are promoted by the development of retrieval.
      The Development of Audiovisual Speech Perception in Native Chinese Speakers
      LIU Min, DU Xiaoxin, LIU Qiaoyun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(6):  768-773.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.06.02
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      Using the McGurk paradigm, the present study explored the developmental trends of audiovisual perception of Chinese children and adults, 30 children aged 6~12, 30 teenagers aged 13~18 and 30 adults aged 20~30 were requested to repeat the monosyllable presented in the audiovisual and audio-only modality. The results showed the speech perception were significantly affected by the visual cues for all subjects, and the magnitude of influence showed age difference. After the age of 13, the dependence on visual cues did not increase significantly under audiovisually congruent conditions, but the influence of visual speech is still gradually increasing under audiovisually incongruent conditions.
      The Impact of Spontaneous Perspective Taking on the Forgiveness to Interpersonal Harm of Varying Severity
      FAN Ruolin, RU Taotao, ZHENG Yunjia, XU Guiping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(6):  774-783.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.06.03
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      Combined with self-report questionnaire and the AMP implicit attitude test, "experiencing the other side" paradigm is designed and used to explore the impact of spontaneous perspective taking and verbal persuasion on forgiveness to interpersonal harm in different severity, focusing on the role of spontaneous perspective taking in forgiveness via 2 experiments. Results indicate that:regardless of severity of interpersonal harms, (1) compared with spontaneous perspective taking, verbal persuasion can facilitate explicit forgiveness more effectively; (2) spontaneous perspective taking can significantly reduce explicit negative attitude to transgressors, thereby facilitating explicit forgiveness. By contrast, verbal persuasion increases the explicit negative attitude, hindering explicit forgiveness. The outcomes suggest that the way to resolve conflicts has different effects on forgiveness, and noticeably, in a real-time interactive activity, a process of perspective taking can be triggered automatically, which can affect interpersonal activities implicitly.
      The Relationship between Mother-child Interaction and Executive Function of 2~3-year-old Children: Moderating Effect of Children's Temperament
      WANG Xinghua, HONG Huifang, ZHU Ruiling
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(6):  784-791.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.06.04
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      This study examined the effects of child temperament and the quality of mother-child interaction on children's executive function at an early stage of development. Executive function tasks, questionnaires on child effortful control (a sub-scale of child temperament) were administrated to 160 children and their mothers (main caregivers). Mother-child interactions during a jigsaw puzzle task were videotaped and coded. Findings showed that quality of mother-child interaction was a significant predictor of children's cognitive flexibility; and child effortful control played a negative moderating role between mother-child interaction and children's cognitive flexibility. Findings implied how child temperament interacted with the quality of mother-child interaction in predicting early development of executive function.
      Family Socioeconomic Status and Toddlers' Social Adjustment in Rural-to-urban Migration and Urban Families: The Roles of Maternal Sensitivity and Attachment Security
      LIANG Xi, WANG Zhengyan, YU Jie
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(6):  792-799.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.06.05
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      The present study investigated the influence of social economic status (SES) on urban and migrant toddlers' social adjustment and the mediating effect of rearing quality and toddler-mother relationship. The results showed that:(1) The migrant families' SES, maternal sensitivity and migrant toddlers' attachment security and social competence were significantly lower than their urban counterparts'. Also, migrant toddlers' externalizing problems and dysregulation were significantly more than their urban peers'. There were no significant differences between urban and migrant toddlers on their internalizing problems; (2) In the urban families, after controlling gender differences, SES affects toddlers' social adjustment problems through an indirect path:the chain mediating role of both maternal sensitivity and toddlers' security of child-mother attachment; (3) In the migrant families, regardless of their SES, attachment was positively associated with maternal sensitivity and toddlers' social competence.
      A Longitudinal Study of the Influence of Parenting Styles on Social Adjustment of Preschool Children: Mediating Effects of Self-control
      ZHANG Guangzhen, LIANG Miao, LIANG Zongbao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(6):  800-807.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.06.06
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      A follow-up survey was conducted among 439 preschoolers' parents to investigate the impact of parenting styles on children's social adjustment and explore the potential mediation mechanism. Both fathers and mothers were asked to report their own parenting style and their children's social adjustment during the first year, and their children's self-control and social adjustment during the second year, respectively. The results showed that:(1) Authoritative parenting was positively associated with children's social adjustment, while authoritarian and permissive parenting were negatively associated with children's social adjustment; (2) Children with higher self-control had more prosocial behavior and fewer problem behavior; (3) Self-control fully mediated the effect of maternal authoritarian parenting on preschool child's delinquency and aggression, and the effect of paternal permissive parenting on preschool child's delinquency and aggression, and shyness and anxiety.
      The Intergenerational Transmission of Dual Filial Piety: The Moderating Effect of Parent-child Gender and Child Age
      LI Qiming
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(6):  808-817.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.06.07
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      Data was drawn from a survey of 591 children and their father and mother, and researched the effect of parent-child gender and child age on the intergenerational transmission of dual filial piety. The results indicated that authoritative filial piety and reciprocal filial piety have intergenerational transmission effect from parent to children, and maternal reciprocal filial piety can predict children authoritative filial piety. The children's gender can moderate effect on the whole model. Maternal reciprocal filial piety can predict the authoritative filial piety of male children, but it can't predict the authoritative filial piety of female children. Moreover, the intergenerational transmission effect of reciprocal filial piety between mother and son is higher than that between mother and daughter, and between father and son. Children age can't moderate effect on the whole model, but part of the path coefficient have significant differences, such as maternal reciprocal filial piety only can predict adult children authority of filial piety. And the effect of reciprocal filial piety from father to adolescent children is significantly higher than the same path of adult children, and the effect of reciprocal filial piety from mother to adult children is significantly higher than the same path of father. In conclusion, parent-child gender and child age are the important "transmission belt" effect on the intergenerational transmission of filial piety.
      The Characteristics of Number Sense in 5~7 Years Old Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
      WANG Wei, GONG Deying, CHENG Chun, CHEN Ke, LI Yongxin, YAN Jingjing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(6):  818-825.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.06.08
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      The present study aimed to examine the ability of number sense in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). 26 ASD children, 20 children with intellectual disability (ID), and 32 typical development (TD) children were measured with the Number Sense Test for Young Children. Results showed that:(1) the overall and dimensional development levels of ASD children's number sense were significantly lower than those of TD children, while were similar to those of ID children; (2) there was no significant difference in terms of each dimension of number sense in the three groups between 5~6 years and 6~7 years; (3) the development of quantity comparison, quantity estimation and size comparison in the three groups of children were at the leading level, while the development of analogical reasoning and size reasoning was relatively backward. In addition, the development of number sense in both ASD children and ID children was more synchronous in three dimensions (i.e., volume comparison, size reasoning, and analogical reasoning), while the development of volume comparison in TD children was significantly better than that of size comparison and analogical reasoning. These results suggested that the level of number sense in ASD children aged 5~7 years lagged behind that in TD children, and the development of number sense in each dimension was unbalanced and unsynchronized. This study revealed the developmental characteristics and needs of ASD children's number sense, which can provide reference for formulating intervention programs to improve ASD children's number sense ability and promote their math learning.
      The Relationship between Parental Learning Companionship and Children's Academic Underachievement: The Mediating Effect of Parent-child Academic Communication and the Moderating Effect of Learning Burden
      SHEN Yijia, ZHANG Guohua, HE Jiankang, LUO Lilan, HAN Jintao, JIANG Bo
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(6):  826-833.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.06.09
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      The present study aimed to explore the relationship between parental learning companionship and academic underachievement, and to further analysis the mediating effect of parent-child academic communication (attitude, method, achievement and habit communication) and the moderating effect of learning burden. There were 578 primary school students from Grade 4 to 6 (M=11.69, SD=1.08) and their parents participated this study. The results showed that:(1) parental learning companionship has a significant negative predictive effect on academic underachievement; (2) after controlling for the influence of age and gender, parent-child attitude and method communication played a full mediating effect between parental learning companionship and academic underachievement; (3) learning burden played a moderating effect on parent-child attitude communication and academic underachievement, and the improvement effect of parent-child attitude communication on academic underachievement under the condition of low learning burden is more obvious. The findings will shed some light on the influence of parental learning companionship on academic underachievement and have useful implications for interventions of academic underachievement.
      Receptive Language Skills and Social Withdrawal among Chinese Left-behind Preschool Children: A Moderated Mediation Model
      ZHAN Shuwei, YANG Ning, ZHAO Bihua
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(6):  834-844.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.06.10
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      Based on the social withdrawal Questionnaire, the Teacher-Child Relationship Scale, PPVT-R and H-T-K-S, a sample of 484 Chinese Left-behind preschool children were recruited for the study to explore the mechanism of the relationship between receptive language skills and social withdrawal. The results are as followings:(1) After controlling for age, receptive language skills has significant direct effect on social withdrawal. However, it could negatively predict social withdrawal through the mediation of executive function; (2) The mediating effects of executive function in the association between receptive language skills and social withdrawal are moderated by teacher-child relationship. The indirect effects are stronger for individuals with a lower level of teacher-child relationship. Specifically, teacher-child relationship moderated the second path of the mediation; (3) For individuals with a higher level of teacher-child relationship, the negative direct effect of executive function on social withdrawal and the mediating effect of executive function in the association between receptive language skills and social withdrawal are not statistically significant. The results may contribute to a better understanding of the effects as well as the mechanisms, and the conditions of receptive language skills on social withdrawal. It has certain enlightenment to the prevention and intervention the social withdrawal of Chinese Left-behind preschool children.
      The Association between Parental Rejection and Peer Rejection among Children: The Mediating Role of Problem Behaviors and the Moderating Role of Home Chaos
      WANG Jingmin, GUO Mingyu, CHANG Shumin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(6):  845-853.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.06.11
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      The goal of the study was to explore the relations between parental rejection, problem behaviors, home chaos and peer rejection among children. Participants were 307 early adolescents from three elementary schools in Jinan and their mothers. Data were collected by using multi-source assessments, including self-reports, mother-reports and peer nominations. Results indicated that:(1) Parental rejection had a significantly positive prediction for peer rejection and externalizing problems of the elementary school students; (2) Externalizing problems of the elementary school students mediated the relationship between parental rejection and peer rejection; (3) The home chaos moderated the first half of the mediating process in which parental rejection influences peer rejection through children's externalizing problems. That is to say, the low home chaos can be used as a protective factor to reduce the risk of children's externalizing problems.
      Perceived Discrimination and Intergroup Relations among Parents of ASD: A Moderated Mediation Model
      GUAN Wenjun, HU Mengjuan, LIU Chen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(6):  854-863.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.06.12
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      The present study investigated the relationship between perceived discrimination and intergroup relations among parents of ASD,and explored the mediating effect of intergroup anxiety as well as the moderating effect of self-esteem.Based on questionnaire method,474 parents of ASD were recruited to participate in the study.Results were as follows:(1) perceived discrimination significantly positively predicted intergroup relations of Parents of ASD; (2) intergroup anxiety partially played mediating role in the relationship between perceived discrimination and inter-group relations; (3) The mediating effect of intergroup anxiety was positively moderated by self-esteem. Self-esteem moderated the path from perceived discrimination to intergroup relations as well as the path from intergroup anxiety to intergroup relations.In the case of high self-esteem, the perceived discrimination of parents of ASD has an enhanced influence on intergroup relations. In the case of low self-esteem, the intergroup anxiety of parents of ASD has an enhanced influence on the intergroup relationship of parents of ASD.
      Parent-child Relationship and Depression in Junior High School Students: The Mediating Effects of Self-esteem and Emotional Resilience
      ZHOU Zongkui, CAO Min, TIAN Yuan, HUANG Chun, YANG Xiujuan, SONG Youzhi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(6):  864-872.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.06.13
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      Based on ecosystem theory and cognitive susceptibility model, this study intends to explore the influence and mechanism of parent-child relationship on depression in junior high school students. A sample of 813 junior high school students was recruited for the survey research. Participants completed the Parent-Child Relationship Questionnaire for middle school students, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, the Emotional Resilience Questionnaire and the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale. Results indicated that:(1) Parent-child relationship, self-esteem and emotional resilience were significantly correlated with depression, and parent-child relationship could significantly predict depression negatively; (2) Self-esteem and emotional resilience played significant mediating roles between parent-child relationship and depression, including three specific pathways:the separate mediation effect of self-esteem and emotional resilience, and the serial mediation effect of self-esteem and emotional resilience. This study reveals how parent-child relationship of junior high school students influences the level of depression through internal psychological factors, and provides guidance and suggestions for further improving the mental health of junior high school students.
      The Effect of Victimization on Depressive Symptoms: The Mediating Roles of Sadness Rumination, Anger Rumination and Gender Differences
      REN Ping, WEI Yi, MENG Xiaozhe, QIN Xingna, WANG Xuan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(6):  873-881.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.06.14
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      To explore the relationship between victimization and depressive symptoms and the role of rumination and gender differences, the bullying questionnaire, the sadness rumination subscale of children's coping style questionnaire, the anger rumination questionnaire and the Children's Depression Inventory were completed by 2,582 middle school students (1,328 boys and 1,254 girls). The results showed first that victimization was positively correlated with sadness rumination, anger rumination and depressive symptoms among adolescents. Second, victimization, sadness rumination and anger rumination significantly predicted the level of depressive symptoms. Moreover, sadness rumination and anger rumination played partial mediating roles in the relationship between victimization and depressive symptoms. Third, the effect of sadness rumination on predicting depressive symptoms in girls was significantly greater than that in boys. This study revealed the mechanism of victimization on depressive symptoms, and provided a reference for cognitive intervention in Chinese adolescent mental health from the perspective of sadness and anger rumination.
      The Impact of Social Media Self-control Failure on Subjective Well-being of Postgraduates and Its Mechanism
      CHEN Bizhong, ZHENG Xue, SUN Xiaojun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(6):  882-888.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.06.15
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      This study constructed a moderated mediation model to examine whether time efficacy mediated the relation between social media self-control failure and subjective well-being, and whether this mediating process was moderated by negative perfectionism. Based on convenient sampling, 408 postgraduates from Guangdong Province were recruited to participate in this study. The results showed that:(1) Social media self-control failure negatively predicted subjective well-being; (2) Time efficacy played a partial mediating role between the social media self-control failure and subjective well-being; (3) The first half path of the mediation effect were moderated by negative perfectionism. In term of high negative perfectionism individuals, social media self-control failure played a more negative role on time efficacy.
      Gendered Impact of Widowhood on Depressive Symptoms among Chinese Older Adults: The Moderating Role of Social Networks
      TANG Dan, QIAO Xin, DENG Yumeng
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(6):  889-896.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.06.16
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      Data are derived from the 2014 baseline survey of the China Longitudinal Social Survey (CLASS), which provides a sample of older adults who had been married. This Study examines the association between widowhood and the depressive symptoms of older adults, and addressed the moderating role of social networks (measured by family ties and friendship ties) on the perceived association. Furthermore, the study analyzed gender as a moderator of these associations. The results showed that widowhood had a negative effect on the depression symptoms of the older adults, but there was no gender difference in this association. The friendship ties of the male widowed older adults was significantly lower than that of the married elderly, but there was no such difference among the female sample. Compared with the married older adults, the family ties had a greater effect on alleviating the depression level of the male widowed older adults, but the buffering effect of the family network was not found in the female sample.
      Eye Movement Research of Analogical Reasoning: An Effective Way to Reveal the Developing Analogical Reasoning Strategies
      YU Xiao, ZHANG Han, CHEN Yinghe, QI Yue, LIU Aifang, LIU Lili
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(6):  897-903.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.06.17
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      As the "core of cognition", analogical reasoning refers the process of generating inferences based on relational correspondences between two domains. In the recent years, researchers have begun to explore analogical reasoning using eye-movement technology. An advantage of using eye tracking on analogical reasoning is that it provides a real-time metric of the strategies that individual is engaging in while solving the task. By analyzing the order and amount of time that individual spend fixating on the various items in the analogy problem,researchers can gain insight that how individual is integrating information over the course of a trial before arriving at a solution. Recent studies have found three analogical strategies based on eye movement pattern.-project-first strategy, structure-mapping strategy and semantic-constrain strategy. Previous results showed that adults used more project-first strategy, while children used more semantic-constraint strategy. Future study can optimize the eye movement on analogy, especially the global saccade path. Furthermore, study would also focus special group's eye pattern on analogical reasoning and its relationship with behavior prediction.
      The Effect of Musical Training on Statistical Learning
      DENG Jue, YE Ziqing, ZHOU Jiaxian
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(6):  904-912.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.06.18
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      Statistical learning, as one of the prerequisites for rapid acquisition of information regulations in the environment, helps organisms adapt to environmental changes at a lower cost. As an intensive activity with participation of multiple senses, musical training is widely regarded as an effective way to improve cognitive ability. With the confirmation of the core position of statistical learning in music adaptation and the repeated verification of the effect of musical training, in recent years, researches in behavioral performance and brain mechanism have suggested that long-term musical training can enhance the sensitivity of individuals to statistical rules in input information and promote the ability of auditory statistical learning. However, there are still inconsistent results as to whether musical training can promote statistical learning ability of other modes such as vision. The future research should explore the promoting effect of musical training on the cross-modal statistical learning involved auditory, visual and motor. In addition, novice subjects can be selected for musical training intervention, in order to clarify the causal relationship of brain mechanism between musical training and the enhancement of multi-modal statistical learning.