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    15 January 2021, Volume 37 Issue 1
    • Difference between Cognitive Empathy and Affective Empathy in Development: Meta-analysis Preliminary Exploration
      YAN Zhiqiang, SU Yanjie
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(1):  1-9.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.01
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      Empathy consists of cognitive empathy and affective empathy. The model of lifespan development of empathy suggests that the development of two components may show different characteristics. Thus, the current research employed a meta-analysis to investigate the characteristics in question. Through literature retrieval, 136 studies and 178 independent effect sizes met the inclusion criteria, with a total of 50606 participants. Funnel plotting, Egger's intercept test, and trim-and-fill test showed no publication bias, and heterogeneity test indicated that a random effects model was appropriate for the meta-analysis. Random effects modelling demonstrated that cognitive empathy was significantly stronger than affective empathy (Z=5.39, p<0.001). A moderator analysis revealed that age moderated the difference (Qb=73.99,p<0.001). Specifically, affective empathy was the primary component in preschool, cognitive empathy in middle childhood through emerging adulthood, affective empathy again in middle and late adulthood, and puberty saw the strongest difference between cognitive empathy and affective empathy.
      The Unconscious Integration of the Semantic Category Consistency Relationship of Semantic Words Presented in Sequence
      TU Shen, LIANG Qiuxia, ZHU Sishi, LI Changjun, LIU Qingying, ZHOU Yajuan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(1):  10-18.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.02
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      It is argued that the brain can process single subliminal stimulus. Furthermore, recent research showed the evidence of an integration between multiple subliminal stimuli. However, as for the high level processing such as semantic word, recently, some studies did not reveal any integration between different words/characters when the words/characters were presented in sequence, but the results showed an integration effect when the words/characters were presented simultaneously. In these studies, the sequentially presented subliminal prime words were displayed at the same location. There is a possibility that the different stimuli presented sequentially at the same spatial position could produce interferential neural activity that might influence the unconscious integration. Therefore, in the present study, the advantage of simultaneous presentation (different spatial presentation positions) was used to investigate whether there can be unconscious semantic integration between different Chinese words presented in sequence. Specifically, two masked Chinese words of same or different categories (fruit or tool) were presented as prime on both sides, followed by two Chinese words also of same or different categories in the target. Participants were asked to judge whether the paired target words were of the same or different categories. The different time interval between the two subliminal prime words was controlled in experiment 1 (0 ms) and in experiment 2 (32ms). In addition, experiment 3 was designed to exclude the visual residue of the first prime word in experiment 1.The results indicated that there existed the unconscious semantic category integration effect in experiment 1. But there was no unconscious semantic category integration effects in experiment 2. Meanwhile, in Experiment 3, no integration effect was observed, which indicated that the unconscious integration effect observed in experiment 1 was promoted by visual residue of the first prime word. Overall, the results of the three experiments revealed that the integration of sequential subliminal semantic information was difficult to occur, and the semantic relation between the two subliminal words could only be unconsciously integrated under the special conditions of simultaneous presentation, suggesting the importance of the short-range temporal window for the unconscious integration of high-level semantic relations.
      New Evidence for Whorf Hypothesis: Lexical Categories Affect Preattentive Color Perception when Within- and Between-category Colors are Equally Discriminable
      ZHONG Weifang, GUO Yongxing, RU Taotao, HOU Wei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(1):  19-25.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.03
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      The present study investigated whether lexical categories affect preattentive color perception when within- and between-category colors are equally discriminable. Four gradual colors (two greens and two blues), with within- and between-category colors equated in the number of just-noticeable differences, were used. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were monitored during a visual oddball task where standard and deviant colored stimuli from the same or different lexical categories were presented. ERPs showed that, within-category deviants evoked a marginal significantly larger vMMN than the between-category deviants when the stimuli were presented in the left visual field (LVF), but no such difference was observed when stimuli were presented in the right visual field (RVF). Further, between-category deviants evoked a significantly larger vMMN when the stimuli were presented in the RVF, but within-category deviants evoked similar vMMNs when the stimuli were presented in different visual fields. These results suggested that lexical categories affect preattentive color perception when within- and between-category colors are equally discriminable, supporting the Whorf Hypothesis.
      Family Socioeconomic Status and Preschoolers' Good Behavior Habits: Mediating Effects of Parenting Style and Preschoolers' Psychological Suzhi
      LUO Shilan, ZHANG Dajun, LIU Yunyan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(1):  26-33.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.04
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      Early childhood is a key period for cultivating young children's good behavior habits. To examine the mediation of parenting style and preschoolers' psychological suzhi on the relationship between family socioeconomic status and good behavior habits, this study measured 814 children and their parents with questionnaire method. The results showed that:(1) family socioeconomic status was positively correlated with preschoolers' good behavior habits; (2) parenting style and psychological suzhi had a chain-mediated effect between family socioeconomic status and preschoolers' good behavior habits, and the chain-mediated effect of authoritative parenting style and psychological suzhi was significantly stronger than that of authoritarian parenting style and psychological suzhi. Therefore, in order to cultivate preschoolers' good behavior habits, we should pay attention to the selection of parenting style and the development of preschoolers' psychological suzhi.
      The Relationship between Passive Social Network Sites (SNSs) Use and Adolescents' Body Image Depression: Mediating Role of Appearance-related Comparison and Appearance Self-discrepancy
      ZHAO Yunyan, YU Li, LIAN Shuailei, YAO Liangshuang, SUN Xiaojun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(1):  34-45.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.05
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      The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between passive SNSs use and body image depression in adolescents, as well as underlying mechanisms. Based on social comparison theory and self-discrepancy theory, we used a questionnaire including Surveillance Use Scale, the SNS Appearance Comparison Scale, the Body-Image Ideals Questionnaire (BIQ), and Body Image Depression Questionnaire, on 789 high school students from two full-time middle schools in Nanchang and Wuhan. The results indicated that:(1) There were significant correlations between passive SNSs use, appearance-related comparison, appearance self-discrepancy and body image depression in both boys and girls except the correlation between passive SNSs use and appearance self-discrepancy in girls; (2) Appearance-related comparison and appearance self-discrepancy played mediating roles between passive SNSs use and body image depression, and gender differences existed in such mediation effects. In particular, passive SNSs use predicted females' body image depression indirectly through two paths:one was the mediating role of appearance-related comparison; and the other was the mediating role of appearance self-discrepancy. While for males, passive SNSs use predicted body image depression indirectly through different two paths:one was the mediating role of appearance-related comparison; and the other was the chain mediating role of both appearance-related comparison and appearance self-discrepancy. To conclude, this study uncovered the mechanisms underlying the relationship between passive SNSs use and body image depression, and gender difference in indirect paths, which contributed to the understanding of the complex mechanism between social network sites usage and its outcomes.
      The Relationship between Shyness and Mobile Phone Dependence in Middle School Students: A Moderated Mediation Model
      CHEN Yingmin, GAO Yujie, DENG Qiuyue, PENG Miao, GAO Fengqiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(1):  46-53.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.06
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      The present study explored the relationship among shyness, alienation, class psychological environment and mobile phone dependence, by surveying 1077 middle school students from two schools in Shandong province with Shyness Scale, Adolescent Alienation Scale, Class Psychological Environment Scale and Mobile Phone Dependence Index Scale. The results showed that:(1) shyness significantly positively predicted middle school students' mobile phone dependence; (2) alienation fully mediated the effect of shyness on mobile phone dependence; (3) class psychological environment moderated the second path of the mediation. In particular, high class psychological environment reduced the impact of alienation on mobile phone dependence, however, extremely high level of alienation, the class psychological environment intensified the individual's mobile phone dependence. These findings have important theoretical value for understanding the complex mechanism of shyness on mobile phone dependence and have practical implications for preventing and reducing mobile phone dependence.
      The Influence of Different Operational Sex Ratios and Childhood Economic Status on Unmarried Males' Unrestricted Sociosexual Attitudes
      WANG Yan, WANG Sufang, ZHANG Yina, WANG Kai
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(1):  54-59.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.07
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      On the basis of life history theory, this research aims to explore how sex ratios influence unmarried male's unrestricted sociosexual attitudes. Two experiments are carried out to testify the hypothesis that young male's childhood economic background plays a moderating role between the perceived sex ratio in the environment and their unrestricted sociosexual attitudes. Experiment 1 adopted series of facial photo pictures, which was consist of 6 male and 2 female facial photo pictures or 2 male and 6 female ones, as the priming material of different sex ratio.Results indicated that perceived sex ratio and childhood economic status showed a significant interactive effect on male's unrestricted sociosexual attitudes:men with lower level of childhood economic status displayed a higher level of acceptance to casual sexual behaviors when primed with low sex ratio than that primed with high sex ratio; male with higher level of childhood economic background exhibited a stable level of sexual attitudes under different priming conditions. In addition, childhood economic background produced a significant main effect on male's attitude to casual sexual behaviors. The perceived sex ratio did not have a significant main effect on men's unrestricted sociosexual attitudes. Experiment 2 adopted pseudo news reports, which depicted the situation of unbalanced sex ratio (more female or more male) in current China, as the priming materials. The result was similar with that in Experiment 1:Sex ratio and childhood economic status influenced male's unrestricted sociosexual attitudes interactively:Men with poorer childhood economic status showed higher level of acceptance to casual sexual behaviors when primed with low sex ratio in comparison with that of high sex ratio; men with a relatively richer childhood status showed a stable level of acceptance to casual sexual behaviors under both of the perceived unbalanced sex ratio in the background. In addition, childhood economic condition as well as the perceived sex ratio did not have a significant main effect on male's attitude to casual sexual behaviors. Conclusion:Overall,both of the two experiments support that sex ratio and childhood economic status produce an interactive influence on male's unrestricted sociosexual attitudes:the unmarried male participants with poor childhood economic status increase the level of their acceptance to casual sexual behaviors under the condition of more females in comparison of that under the condition of more males, while the unmarried men with rich childhood economic status show a relatively stable level of acceptance to casual sexual behaviors under different priming conditions of sex ratio.
      The Influence of Individually-oriented Courage on Middle School Students' Academic Achievement: The Mediating Roles of Problem-solving and Help-seeking Coping Styles
      CHENG Cuiping, HUANG Xiting
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(1):  60-67.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.08
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      A total of 1100 middle school students from Shanxi, Yunnan and Chongqing were selected as participants with cluster sampling. Psychological scales and subject tests were used to obtain the data of their individually-oriented courage, coping style and academic achievement in order to explore the influence of individually-oriented courage on the participants' academic achievement and its mediating effect. The results of structural equation model showed that:(1) there was a significant positive correlation between middle school students' individually-oriented courage and academic achievement; (2) problem-solving and help-seeking coping styles played an mediating role in the process of individually-oriented courage' influence on their academic achievement. This research revealed that middle school students with higher courage tended to achieve greater academic achievement by problem-solving and help-seeking coping styles, which had important implications for educators in developing middle school students' courage and improving their academic achievement.
      The Effect of Subjective Phonetic-radical Neighborhood on Character Naming in Chinese Children
      GU Chanyuan, BI Hongyan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(1):  68-75.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.09
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      To explore the impact of subjective phonetic-radical N on character naming in Chinese children, two naming tasks were carried out in 3rd, 5th and 7th grade students. In experiment 1, subjective N size was manipulated, results revealed that 3rd graders showed null N size effect; 5th graders showed a marginally significant inhibitory effect of subjective N size, naming characters from small subjective N faster than naming those from large subjective N; while 7th graders showed a significant inhibitory effect. In experiment 2, the independent variable was whether targets had higher-frequency neighbors, results exhibited that there was a significant inhibitory effect of higher-frequency neighbors, children needed longer reaction times for targets with higher-frequency neighbors than for those without higher-frequency neighbors. The above results suggested that the influence of subjective phonetic-radical N on character naming was gradually enhanced with age, there existed inhibitory effect of subjective N size in senior children. And this influence was related to the inhibitory effect of higher-frequency neighbors.
      Effects of Family Function on Pre-schoolers' Problem Behaviors: The Sequential Mediating Effects of Attachment Avoidance and Social Anxiety
      WANG Yingjie, LI Yan, WU Fan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(1):  76-83.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.10
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      This study adopted a longitudinal research design, 192 kindergarten children from two public kindergartens in Shanghai participated in a tracking survey which lasted one and a half years, investigated the association between family function and preschool children's behavior problems, and the mediating effects of attachment avoidance and social anxiety. The results showed that:(1) there are significant relations among family function, attachment avoidance, social anxiety and child behavioral problems;(2) family function can significantly negative predict children's behavioral problems;(3) attachment avoidance and social anxiety have an independent mediating effect between family function and behavior problems;(4) attachment avoidance and social anxiety have a serial mediating effect between family function and behavior problems. The results further reveal the internal mechanism between family function and preschool children's behavior problems.
      The Heterogeneity and Predictability of Childhood Depression Development: A 2-year Follow-up Study
      SU Zhiqiang, MA Zhengyu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(1):  84-91.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.11
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      In this study, 771 students in grades 3~4 were investigated by Children Depression Scale in the time of 2 years. Adopting The latent category growth model and The latent growth model with distal outcome measure. This study examined the subgroup types of childhood depression development, and the predictive effects of the developmental characteristics of childhood depression on the status of depression at the end of the observation period. The results indicated that:(1) the development of depression in childhood children presents three different subtypes:High risk group for depression, Low risk group for depression and Depression self-healing group. The proportion of people in each type group was 9.6%,53.4% and 36.8% respectively; (2) The initial level of depression in childhood and its rate of development can significantly predict the depression at the end of the observation period. The early monitoring of childhood depression is of great practical significance.
      Alexithymia and Interpersonal Relationships among Middle School Students: A Moderated Mediation Model
      XUE Lulu, JIANG Yuan, FANG Ping
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(1):  92-100.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.12
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      A total of 998 students from grades 7 to 11 were surveyed with the purpose of analyzing the internal mechanism of the relationship between alexithymia and interpersonal relationship of middle school students, in three middle schools in Beijing, Shijiazhuang and Jiamusi. The Middle School Student Interpersonal Relationship Scale, Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Social Anxiety Scale and Perceived Social Support Scale were used and 218 pieces of information were obtained in accordance with the screening criteria of alexithymia. The results were as following:(1) Positive correlation was found between alexithymia and social anxiety, negative correlation between alexithymia and interpersonal relationship and social support. Interpersonal relationship was negatively correlated with social anxiety; however, positive correlation was found between interpersonal relationship and social support. As for social anxiety, it correlated negatively with social support; (2) Between alexithymia and middle school students' interpersonal relationship, social anxiety performed as a mediator and social support played the role of a moderator; (3) Social support moderated the first half of this path "alexithymia→social anxiety→middle school students' interpersonal relationship". Alexithymia influenced more on the social anxiety of the individuals with lower social support rather than on those who had high social support.
      Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Depression Mediates the Relationship between Traumatic Exposure and Violent Behavior/Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents After an Earthquake
      YU Qingyun, WANG Wenchao, WU Xinchun, Tian Yuxin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(1):  101-108.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.13
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      To explore the mediating effect of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression in the relationship between traumatic exposure and violent behavior, suicidal ideation among adolescents after the Ya'an earthquake. All adolescents completed the Trauma exposure questionnaire, PTSD checklist for DSM-5, the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale for Children and the Child Behavior Problems Questionnaire. The results indicated that traumatic exposure directly and positively predicted violent behaviors and suicidal ideation. Moreover, traumatic exposure positively predicted violent behavior and suicidal ideation via PTSD, and traumatic exposure positively predicted suicidal ideation but not violent behavior via depression. This study suggests that traumatic exposure is one of the risk factors for suicidal ideation and violent behavior among adolescents after the earthquake. PTSD and depression played an important role to mediate the effect of traumatic exposure on suicidal ideation and violent behavior.
      The Relationship between Parents Neglect and Online Gaming Addiction among Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Hope and Gender Difference
      LIN Yue, LIU Qinxue, YU Si, ZHOU Zongkui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(1):  109-119.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.14
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      The present study examined whether hope mediated the relationship between parents neglect and online gaming addiction, and whether this mediating process was moderated by gender. A sample of 805 students from Grade 8 (mean age=13.38, SD=0.63) completed anonymous questionnaires. After control for every-week online time and age of Internet using, the results revealed that:(1) parent neglect was positively associated with online gaming addiction; (2) the relation between parents neglect and online gaming addiction was totally mediated by hope; (3) the effect of parents neglect on hope was moderated by gender, with the effect being stronger for boys. Implications for prevention of online gaming addiction are discussed.
      The Effect of Type D Personality on College Freshmen's Mental Health: A Three-wave Moderated Mediation Analysis
      WANG Yanhong, YE Liyuan, LI Fugui, ZHOU Mingjie
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(1):  120-127.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.15
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      The present study is aimed to explore the mediating effect of perceived stress on the relationship between type D personality and freshmen's mental health and whether it is moderated by resilience. 1428 freshmen in a university was investigated at different points during the first three months using the type D personality scale(T1), the resilience scale(T2), the perceived stress scale(T2), and the mental health scale(T3). Results showed that:(1)After controlling for gender, age, dating and mental health (T1), social inhibition significantly predicted perceived stress, and perceived stress significantly predicted mental health. Social inhibition indirectly affects mental health through the mediating effect of perceived stress. However, perceived stress did not mediate the relationship between negative affection and mental health; (2)Resilience moderated the relationship between social inhibition and mental health and the relationship between perceived stress and mental health; (3)A moderated mediation model was confirmed.
      The Influence of Subjective Childhood Trauma on Depression: The Multiple Mediating Effect of Anti-frustration Ability and Extraversion
      YANG Wenmin, LU Jiachen, TAN Xin, LIANG Jingyuan, LEI Yi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(1):  128-136.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.16
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      The definition and scope of "childhood trauma" are different at home and abroad research. However, previous studies trended to focus on one or several kinds of trauma objectively, and did not explore the impact of trauma from an individual subjective point of view. The magnitude of stress defined objectively is not the only factor to measure the psychological impact, and it should also examine the traumatic events from individual perspective. Pevious studies have proven that the DSM-V definition of trauma events was found to be not necessary for the symptoms of PTSD. Previous studies have proven childhood trauma-personality-depression pathway, and one of the personality traits-extraversion, is an important protective factor for preventing depression and mediates the relationship between childhood trauma and depression. This study is the first to incorporate extraversion and Anti-frustration Ability to further expand childhood trauma-personality-depression pathway. So in this study,"childhood trauma" is defined as "a traumatic event experienced by an individual before the age of 14 and subjectively perceived from the perspective of the participants",to explore the relationship between childhood trauma and depression through quantitative and qualitative methods.
      The questionnaire includes Essen Trauma Inventory、Anti-frustration Ability Questionnaire、Back Depression Inventory and Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Five-Factor Inventory. The participants of this study were 302 college students (Age is between 17~24 years old;143males,159 females).99 students (20.9%) had not experienced childhood traumatic events.
      The Results indicate:Most of the trauma events collected do not consistent with the DSM-V definition of trauma events. Correlation analysis showed the following results:First, there are significant correlations between childhood trauma and depression, anti-frustration ability and extraversion. The structural equation model shows that subjective childhood trauma indirectly predicts depression through the mediating effects of extraversion and anti-frustration ability and the multiple mediating effects of the two. The mediating effect accounts for 61.7% of the total effect, which can explain the predictive effect of depression in childhood trauma moderately.
      Our finding confirmed the pathway of childhood trauma to extraversion to anti-frustration ability to depression. The present study is the first to demonstrate the negative impact of subjective childhood trauma, although the event is not worth mentioning in the eyes of adults. And it further proves the stress model of childhood stress affecting adult depression. The results of this study have important theoretical and practical value for the scientific prevention and intervention of college students' depression.
      The Impact of Parental Phubbing on the Psychological Development of Children and Adolescents
      JIANG Qianyun, WANG Xingchao, LIU Bing, WANG Pengcheng, LEI Li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(1):  137-145.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.17
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      Parents phubbing is the behavior that parents pay much attention on smartphones while taking care of their children or communicating with them. By reviewing the relevant studies, it is found that parental phubbing has a variety of adverse effects on their children, such as reducing the quality of parent-child relationship, increasing the risk of accidental injury, impairing interpersonal skills, and increasing problem behaviors. Previous studies mainly use the displacement hypothesis, the theory of multitasking, and the attachment theory to explain these effects. In the future research, we should distinguish neighborhood concepts, improve measurement methods and research methods, explore children's perceptions of parents phubbing, and examine the possible positive impact of mobile devices on parent-child interaction.
      Is Parenting a Happy Experience? Review on Parental Burnout
      CHENG Huabin, LIU Xia, LI Yimin, LI Yongxin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2021, 37(1):  146-152.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2021.01.18
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      Parental burnout is a negative syndrome resulting from parental identity and enduring exposure to chronic parenting stress. It encompasses an overwhelming exhaustion related to one's parental role, an emotional distancing with one's children and a sense of ineffectiveness in one's parental role. Scholars use the Balance Between Risks and Resources Model to explain parenting burnout and carry out a series of research around its measurement, antecedent variable and consequence variable. Future research should focus on the following issues:(1) clarifying the concept connotation of parental burnout and developing scientific measurement and assessment tools; (2) attaching importance to the relationship between parental burnout and consequence variables and its mechanism; (3) paying full attention to the position and role of culture in the study of parental burnout.