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    15 November 2020, Volume 36 Issue 6
    • Development Trends and Gender Differences of Cool and Hot Self-regulation for Children Aged 3~4—A Longitudinal Study
      WANG Su, GAI Xiaosong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(6):  641-648.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.06.01
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      Self-regulation is an important hallmark of individual development and socialization, which develops rapidly during preschool period. In this study, the development trends and gender differences of cool and hot self-regulation for 219 children aged 3 years was measured by day-night task, head-toes task and delaying task for three times in a year. The results showed that: (1) Two-factor model fitted significantly better than single-factor model. Cool and hot self-regulation were moderately related; (2) Children's cool self-regulation was moderately stable, while the stability of hot self-regulation was medium-low; (3) Inhibitory control and delaying of children increased with age. Delaying ability increased significantly first and then kept still, for girls; (4) For all, gender differences were significant in inhibitory control and delaying of children. But girls' inhibitory control was significantly higher than boys' only in early period, while always higher in delaying. Conclusion: At the age of 3~4, development trends of girls' cool and hot self-regulation are not synchronous. The “gender advantage” for girls persists only in hot self-regulation.
      Relations between Children's Rejection Sensitivity and Self-perception: A Cross-lagged Study
      ZHANG Wen, ZHOU Tong, DING Xuechen, ZHOU Nan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(6):  649-658.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.06.02
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      To explore the relation between rejection sensitivity and different types of self-perception, Children's Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire (CRSQ) and Harter's Self Perception Profile for Children (SPPC) were used to collect 596 children's self-reported one-year longitudinal data and examined the relation through a cross-lagged analysis. The results indicated that: (1) children in middle school had significantly lower scores on the self-perception of cognition, social acceptance, physical appearance, athletic competence, behavioral conduct and general self-worth than children in elementary school; (2) among the data of the first and second year, children's rejection sensitivity were significantly and negatively associated with all indices of different types of self-perception; (3) according to the cross-lagged analysis, after controlling for the effects of gender, grade and self-stability, six types of self-perception at Time 1 significantly and negatively predicted rejection sensitivity at Time 2, but rejection sensitivity at Time 1 only predicted self-perception of physical appearance and general self-worth at Time 2; (4) the longitudinal predictive relations between rejection sensitivity and self-perception of self-worth and behavioral conduct were moderated by grade. Rejection sensitivity at Time 1 predicted self-perception of general self-worth at Time 2 significantly only for middle-school children, but not elementary school children. Also, self-perception of behavioral conduct at Time 1 significantly predicted rejection sensitivity at Time 2 for elementary school children, and not the other way around, which is the opposite to children in middle school. Self-esteem can be divided into different types of self-perception. These findings suggest that individual self-esteem is one of the important reasons for children's rejection sensitivity, especially for older children, which can enlighten future research on children's social cognition and mental health.
      The Co-effect of Parental Negative Parenting Style and MAOA rs6323 Polymorphism on Externalizing Problem Behaviors of Preschool Children
      ZHANG Fan, ZHAO Demao, LIU Xia, BAI Rong, ZHANG Mingliang, XING Shufen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(6):  659-667.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.06.03
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      This study adopted the gene-environment interaction design to investigate the effect of the MAOA rs6323 gene polymorphism and parenting patterns of mother and father on the preschool children's externalizing behaviors, and to explore whether the gene-environment interaction can be moderated by gender among 295 preschool children (M=4.49). The main results were as follows: There were significant gender differences in the relations between parenting patterns and preschoolers' externalizing problem behaviors. Specifically, the main effects of parenting styles of mothers and fathers were significant when predicting the behavior of boys' externalization problems behaviors,but the interaction was not significant. In predicting girls' externalizing problem behaviors, the main effect of father's parenting style was significant, and the interaction between mother's parenting style and the rs6323 polymorphism of MAOA gene was also significant. Further significant regional analysis found that girls with T allele were more likely to suffer from the adverse effects of their mothers' negative parenting, resulting in more externalizing problem behaviors, Additionally, there were also more likely to be affected by positive parenting and had less externalize problem behaviors. This result supports the theoretical model of differential susceptibility.
      The Relationship between Interparental Conflict and Middle School Students' Coping Style: The Chain Mediating Effect of Parental Rearing Style and Emotional Security
      PENG Zifang, FU Na, ZHANG Xinjie
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(6):  668-676.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.06.04
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      To explore the chain mediation mechanism among parental conflict, coping style of middle school students, parental rearing style and emotional security in 1,322 middle school students from grade 1 to grade 2 in Beijing and Henan province.The results show that: parental conflict affects coping style of middle school students through three indirect paths: through the mediating role of parental rearing style to positive coping style of middle school students, through the mediating role of negative parental rearing style to negative coping style of middle school students; through the mediating role of emotional insecurity; through the chain mediating role of negative parental rearing style and emotional insecurity. In summary, to cultivate the positive coping style of middle school students, we parents should reduce or avoid conflict and give their child positive parenting style, elevate emotional security.
      Smartphone Addiction out of “Beating”? The Effect of Harsh Parenting on Smartphone Addiction of Adolescents
      QI Di, LIN Yue, LIU Qinxue
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(6):  677-685.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.06.05
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      A questionnaire survey was conducted among 3,219 students from the first to the third grades in two middle schools in Hubei Province. A structural equation model was established to explore the relationship between harsh parenting, core self-evaluation, friendship quality and smartphone addiction of adolescents. The results showed that: (1) core self-evaluation played a mediating role between harsh parenting and smartphone addiction of adolescents, that is, harsh parenting has a direct effect on smartphone addiction of adolescents, and also has an indirect effect on smartphone addiction of adolescents through core self-evaluation; (2) friendship quality regulated the first half of the mediation process in which harsh parenting affected smartphone addiction of adolescents through core self-evaluation, and whether friendship quality was high or low, the core self-evaluation declined significantly with the increase of the degree of harsh parenting, but under the condition of high friendship quality, the degree of decline was higher. The findings revealed the effect of harsh parenting on smartphone addiction of adolescents and its functionary mechanism, and brought some important inspirations for prevention and intervention of smartphone addiction of adolescents.
      The Meta-stereotypes of Elderly People and Their Consequences for Social Interaction
      LIN Zhixuan, YANG Ying, KOU Yu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(6):  686-693.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.06.06
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      The present research investigated the content of Chinese elderly people's meta-stereotypes and their consequences for social interaction. We first collected the words of positive and negative meta-stereotypes of elderly people through interviews and open-ended questionnaires in a pilot study. In the formal study, 132 elderly participants were recruited to complete a questionnaire involving a table of meta-stereotype words, the intergroup help receiving scale, the recipient feeling scale, the intergroup help giving scale, and the social participation scale. The results showed that elderly people's positive meta-stereotypes positively predicted their willingness to accept both autonomy-oriented and dependency-oriented help from outgroup members, and receiving such help elicited their positive feelings. Their negative meta-stereotypes only predicted their willingness to accept autonomy-oriented help from outgroup members, but receiving such help elicited their negative feelings. The positive meta-stereotypes of elderly people also positively predicted their willingness to help outgroup members and the frequency of their participating in social activities, but negative meta-stereotypes were not significant predictors.
      The Relationship between Undergraduates' Self-esteem and Social Adaptation: The Chain Mediation Analysis of Positive Core Schema and Peer Attachment
      LIU Yan, CHEN Jianwen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(6):  694-699.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.06.07
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      The Self-esteem Scale, The Brief Core Schema Scale (BCSS), the Inventory of Peer Attachment, and Chinese College Student Adjustment Scale were used to investigate 459 undergraduates (235 boys and 224 girls) from 5 universities in three provinces of central China. The bias-corrected percentile bootstrap method was used to analyze the chain mediating roles of positive core schema and peer attachment between self-esteem and social adaptation. The results showed that: (1) The relationship between each pair of self-esteem, positive core schema, peer attachment and social adaptation were all significantly positive; (2) The undergraduates' self-esteem not only had a direct effect on social adaptation, but also had an indirectly effect on social adaptation through three ways: mediation through positive core schema, mediation through peer attachment and chain mediation through positive core schema and peer attachment. This conclusion is helpful to understand the mechanism of self-esteem on social adaptation, and to provide suggestions for future undergraduates to improve their social adaptability.
      The Relationship between Perceived Teachers' Support and Academic Engagement among High School Students: The Chain Mediating Effect of Academic Self-efficacy and Achievement Goal Orientation
      JIA Xuji, CAI Lin, LIN Lin, LIN Chongde
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(6):  700-707.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.06.08
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      498 high school students were investigated to explore the effect of perceived teachers' support on academic engagement, as well as the chain mediating effect of academic self-efficacy and achievement goal orientation. The measurement included students' perceived teachers support behavior scale, academic engagement scale, academic self-efficacy questionnaire and achievement goal questionnaire. The results showed that: (1) Teachers' support indirectly predicted academic engagement through academic self-efficacy. Teachers' support indirectly predicted academic engagement through mastery approach and performance approach and performance avoidance. (2)Academic self-efficacy→mastery approach,academic self-efficacy→performance approach and academic self-efficacy→performance avoidance played a chain mediating effect respectively between perceived teachers' support and academic engagement. However, the mediating effect of self-efficacy→mastery avoidance was not significant. These results revealed that perceived teachers' support not only predicted academic engagement through academic self-efficacy, mastery approach, performance approach and performance avoidance, but also indirectly predict academic engagement of high school students through the chain mediating effect of academic self-efficacy and achievement goal orientation.
      Justification Belief on Multiple-text Comprehension:Mediation of Reading Strategies and Moderation of Topic Knowledge
      LIN Wenyi, YANG Yi, YU Shengtao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(6):  708-714.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.06.09
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      In order to clarify the specific mechanism underlying the relationship between justification belief and multiple-text comprehension, this study conducted a moderated mediation model in a sample of 173 undergraduate students. Participants' justification belief, topic knowledge, and reading strategies were measured. In addition, they were required to answer three related open-ended questions directly after reading five conflict texts on cellphone radiation. Results showed that: (1) justification belief had positive indirect effects on multiple-text comprehension separately through accumulation strategy and elaboration strategy; (2) the relationship between justification belief and elaboration strtegy was moderated by topic knowledge. Our findings identified the underlying mechanisms of justification belief on multiple-text comprehension, and further s suggested that topic knowledge play an important role in using complicated strategies.
      Effects of Parental Psychological Control on Elementary Students' Bullying Behavior: The Roles of Hostile Attribution Bias and Callous-unemotional Traits
      ZHANG Jie, CHEN Liang, ZHANG Liang, PAN Bin, LI Tengfei, JI Linqin, ZHANG Wenxin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(6):  715-724.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.06.10
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      Previous studies have revealed that parental psychological control may be a significant risk factor of bullying behavior among children and adolescents, but less has been known about the underlying mechanism. Based on the person-relational integrative framework, the present study aimed to explore the mediating roles of hostile attribution bias and callous-unemotional traits in the effects of parental psychological control on pupils' bullying behavior. The study was conducted on 1,847 elementary school pupils (Mage=10.73, SDage=1.16; 987 boys) and their parents, who were selected by cluster random sampling method. The results showed that parental psychological control significantly and positively predicted children's bullying behavior. Callous-unemotional traits mediated the relation between parental psychological control and pupils' bullying behavior, but the mediating effect of hostile attribution bias was not significant. No gender and grade difference were found in the mediation effect. The findings suggested that callous-unemotional traits, rather than hostile attribution bias, constitute an important mechanism through which parental psychological control leads to elementary school children's bullying perpetration. These findings have important implications for bullying research and preventions.
      Parental Harsh Discipline and Child Problem Behaviors: The Mediating Effect of Child Self-control
      ZHANG Xiuhui, WANG Meifang, LIU Li
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(6):  725-733.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.06.11
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      To explore the mediating role of child self-control in the relations between parental harsh discipline and child problem behaviors, a sample of 1097 children and their parents from two public elementary school in Jinan completed the Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scales, Social Skills Rating System, and Child Behavior Checklist. The results showed that: (1) Paternal and maternal harsh discipline (psychological aggression and corporal punishment) were negatively correlated with child self-control, and were positively correlated with child internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors. Child self-control was negatively correlated with child internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors; (2) Paternal psychological aggression significantly and positively predicted child internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors. Maternal corporal punishment significantly and positively predicted child externalizing problem behaviors; (3) Child self-control mediated the relations between paternal psychological aggression/maternal corporal punishment and child internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors. There were no significant child gender differences in the mediating effects. These findings indicated that parental harsh discipline has direct effect on child internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors and indirect effect through child self-control.
      Relationship between Parent-child Relationship, Loneliness and Depression among the Left-behind Rural Children: Gratitude as a Mediator and a Moderator
      FAN Zhiyu, WU Yan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(6):  734-742.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.06.12
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      There are about 20.19 million rural left-behind children (LBC) live in a dilemma lacking parental nurturance and care in China, which results in their psychological inadaptation like loneliness and depression. To investigate the association among father-child relationship, mother-child relationship, loneliness, and depression as well as the mediation and moderation of gratitude among LBC, 424 LBC (200 boys) and 229 non-left-behind children (NLBC) (98 boys) were administered by parent-child relationship questionnaire, gratitude scale, loneliness scale and depression questionnaire. Results of this cross-sectional study shows: (1) In comparison to NLBC, LBC report higher loneliness, depression and exhibit greater disadvantages involving father-child relationship, mother-child relationship and gratitude; (2) After controlling for gender and grade, father-/ mother-child relationship have negative predictive effects on loneliness and depression for LBC/NLBC, and all of them are partially mediated by gratitude; (3) The gratitude moderates the effects of father-child relationship on loneliness and depression only for LBC, which prove that with the level of gratitude increasing, the inhibitory effects of father-child relationship on loneliness and depression enhance.
      Relationship between the Use of Different Social Networking Sites and Depression among Undergraduates: A Chain Mediation Model
      TIAN Lumei, PAN Yue, DONG Xinyue, KONG Lian
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(6):  743-752.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.06.13
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      The present study explored the relationship between the use of different social networking Sites (SNSs) (WeChat and microblog) and depression among undergraduates, as well as the possible chain mediation roles of upward social comparison and envy in this relationship. A total of 503 undergraduates with both WeChat and microblog accounts were surveyed by questionnaires. The main results indicated that: (1) The total effect of WeChat use on undergraduates' depression was not significant, while more microblog use was related to more depression. (2) WeChat use could not only directly predict depression negatively, but also indirectly positively predict it through upward social comparison and envy serially, whereas microblog use could not directly predict depression, but indirectly predict it through the chain mediation role of upward social comparison and envy positively. These findings suggest that WeChat use has different association with undergraduates' depression from microblog use and more diverse pathways to undergraduates' depression than the latter.
      A Cross-temporal Meta-analysis of Changes in Chinese Old People's Mental Health During 1996—2016
      XIN Sufei, YUE Yangming, XIN Ziqiang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(6):  753-761.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.06.14
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      To investigate the changes of Chinese mental health status of old people in China, data from 160 papers were analyzed using the cross-temporal meta-analysis. The reporting data was collected from 1996 to 2016, applying the Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90). Results showed that: (1) Scores of all 9 types of mental problems in SCL-90 were positively correlated with year, which indicated that the mental health level of old people decreased steadily in the past 21 years; (2) Correlations between three social indicators (divorce rate, mortality rate and crime rate) and scores of all 9 types of mental problems in SCL-90 were significantly positive, which suggested that changes on these social factors may be responsible for the decrease in Chinese old people's mental health levels; (3) The level of mental health of old people decreased significantly over time among both male and female old people, with a slightly larger shifts occurring among male old people, however, there were no significant gender differences in their scores of all 9 types of mental problems; (4) The mental health levels of old people from urban areas decreased significantly over time, whereas that of old people from rural areas showed an increasing trend with year.
      The Visual Crowding Effect in Developmental Dyslexia
      MENG Hongxia, BAI Xuejun, TAN Ke, SU Juan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2020, 36(6):  762-768.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.06.15
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      The core defects of developmental dyslexia have long been the concern of researchers. In recent years, a large number of studies have found that defects of visual processing may be an important cause of dyslexia, among which visual crowding effect is closely related to. This paper will review the concepts, theories and researches of visual crowding effect of Chinese and Alphabetic dyslexia, and then put forward to the research direction of visual crowding effect of Chinese dyslexia in the future, so as to better understand the relationship between Chinese dyslexia and visual crowding effect.