Psychological Development and Education ›› 2010, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (5): 515-520.

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Moderating Effects of Optimism on Psychological Well-being

LI Hong1, SUN Han-yin2   

  1. 1. Department of Psychology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084;
    2. School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875
  • Online:2010-09-15 Published:2010-09-15

Abstract: The cognitive literature abounds with reports demonstrating a positive relation between a heightened degree of attention focused on the self and diverse psychopathological states.For example,several theoretical conceptualizations of self-focused attention have been related to a vairety of specific clinical disorders such as alcohol abuse,depression,anxiety,test anxiety,and social anxiety.Furthermore,several authors have discussed the theoretical possibility that an excessive degree of self-focused attention occurs in depression and may mediate a subset of depressive features.Numerous other theoretical approaches have also suggested that test anxious individuals in a performance situation as“self rather than task oriented.Several self-focused attention studies have investigated other types of anxiety such as social anxiety,and found significant relations among the social anxiety and self-focused attention.Then,which aspects of self specifically lead to the problems,and how do they work as the predictors? Our literature review revealed that many researches in this field focused on the relationship between self-conscious-ness and psychological well-being.Researches further suggested that findings of the relationship between one aspect of self-consciousness-public self-consciousness and psychological well-being were consistent.But,findings of the relationship between another aspect of self-consciousness-private self-consciousness and psychological well-being were different.Private self-consciousness consists of self-reflectiveness and internal-state-awareness.Self-reflective-ness was found to be negatively associated with psychological well-being,but internal-state-awareness was found to be positively associated with psychological well-being.However,people would be healthy and happy if they were dispositional optimism no matter they tend to be self-reflectiveness or internal-state-awareness.The literature suggested that self-reflectiveness,internal-state-awareness and optimism might be the main influential factors of self on psychological well-being or psychological problem.Moreover,there might be an association among these three factors when they work on the psychological status and this association might be one of the working ways of self influences on psychological well-being or psychological problem. The central aim of this study is to examine the moderating effects of optimism on the relationship between both self-reflectiveness and internal state awareness and psychological well-being.Measures of self-reflectivenenss and internal state awareness are private self-consciousness scale,and of optimism and psychological well-being are Life Orientation Test,and GHQ-20 and Self-esteem Scale.In the study,568 undergraduate students from three specific universities in Beijing were included.Findings suggested that optimism moderated in the relationship between self-reflectiveness and general health status,but not in the relationship between self-reflectiveness and self-esteem.It implied that optimism could decrease self-reflectiveness people's general health problems,but could not increase their self-esteem.Another moderating effect was showed in the relationship between internal-state-awareness and self-esteem,as well as in the relationship between internal-state-awareness and general health status.This finding suggested that optimism could not only decrease internal-state-awareness people's general health problem,but also coule increase their self-esteem.The theoretical implication is that the results of this study modified and renewed the previous findings of the relationship between internal state awareness and psychological well-being,as well as the relationship between self-reflectiveness and psychological well-being.The suggestions of this study is that internal state awareness and self-reflectiveness do not necessarily decrease or increase people's psychological well-being,but optimism exerts an important moderating effect on the relationships between them.The practical implication is that increasing optimistic attitude is an important way to increase people's psychological well-being.

Key words: Optimism, Psychological Well-being, Self-Reflectiveness, Internal State Awareness, Moderating Effect

CLC Number: 

  • B844.2
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