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    15 July 2017, Volume 33 Issue 4
    • Mother and Father Reported Reactions to Children's Negative Emotions and Children's Emotion Regulation Ability
      LI Xiaowei, YANG Qingqing, ZOU Hong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(4):  385-393.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.04.01
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      The present study aimed to assess the unique and joint contributions of mother-and father-reported reactions to children's negative emotions to preschoolers' emotion regulation ability, 280 preschoolers' parents participated in the questionnaire survey. The results showed that:(1) Maternal supportive reactions could positively predict preschoolers' emotion regulation ability regardless of preschoolers' gender, and maternal nonsupportive reactions could negatively predict preschoolers' emotion regulation ability. (2) Paternal supportive reactions and nonsupportive reactions significantly predicted girls' lability/negativity. (3) Mother×Father nonsupportive reactions interactive effects predicted emotion regulation ability for girls only, which indicated partial support for the divergence model.
      The Impact of Luminance on the Spatial-Numerical Association of Response Codes
      CAO Bihua, HUANG Xiaomei, YANG Li, LI Hong, LI Fuhong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(4):  394-400.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.04.02
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      The present study aimed to explore whether the luminance could affect the numerical spatial representation, index of the Spatial-Numerical Association of Response Codes (SNARC) effect. All participants were asked to make a parity judgment task, which the stimuli consisted of Arabic digits from 1 to 9 (except for 5) on the black background in three experiments. In Experiment 1, the digits were printed in the highest luminance value (255). In line with previous studies, the SNARC effect was found in this study. Left-hand responses were faster for the small relative to large numbers, whereas the right-hand responses were faster for the large relative to small numbers. Experiment 2 designed two higher luminance values of the numbers (255 vs. 213). Results demonstrated that the SNARC effects were both found for two luminance conditions. In Experiment 3, high and low luminance values (213 vs. 42) of digits were designed. The results indicated the SNARC effect disappeared, even if the luminance value was the same as experiment 2 (213). These findings suggested that luminance would promote or inhibit the numerical spatial representation, which might be related to the luminance contrast values and the cognitive resources consumed.
      The Roles of Phonological Awareness, Naming Speed, and Morphological Awareness in Chinese Reading Development
      ZHANG Yuping, DONG Qiong, SHU Hua, WU Yan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(4):  401-409.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.04.03
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      Using regression analyses and structure equation modeling, the present study investigated the influences of phonological awareness, naming speed, and morphological awareness on different reading aspects (accuracy, fluency, and comprehension) in 123 fourth and fifth Chinese students. Results showed that phonological awareness, naming speed, and morphological awareness are all important cognitive predictors of children's reading, but contributed differently to the three reading aspects. (1) Reading accuracy was directly influenced by all three cognitive skills, with morphological awareness contributed slightly higher than both phonological awareness and naming speed. (2) In addition to its direct influence, the influence of naming speed on reading fluency also was partially mediated by reading accuracy; while the influence of both phonological awareness and morphological awareness on reading fluency was totally mediated by reading accuracy. (3) The influences of phonological awareness, naming speed and morphological awareness on reading comprehension were mediated by reading accuracy and reading fluency.
      The Different Effects on Cooperative Behavior among Teenagers by the Social Distance and the Cooperation Index
      ZHANG Lei, XU Bibo, DING Lu
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(4):  410-416.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.04.04
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      The Prisoner's Dilemma paradigm was employed to discover the development characteristics of teenagers' cooperative behaviors. Participants were directed to play Prisoner's Dilemma Game with same-gender friend and stranger respectively. In the procedure, different payoff matrix was randomly presented based on 9 levels of CI (0.1~0.9). The reward entirely depended on outcome of the game. Cooperative rate was computed from frequency of cooperation as a measurement in each conditions. The results of the REGRESSION and ANOVA revealed that:(1)teenagers' cooperative behaviors was showed a increasing tendency with an increasing age;(2) Social Distance had a large influence on college students' cooperative behaviors, but little on middle school students;(3)The individual cooperate would be promoted by CI, which was more obvious for college students than middle school students. The stage differences appeared during the teenager's cooperative behavior development.
      The Effect of Hope and Parental Cultural Maintenance on the Relationship between Family Functioning and Identity Integration among Chinese Migrant Adolescents
      LI Hong, YANG Ruidong, WANG Xi, NI Shiguang, XU Jihong
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(4):  417-424.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.04.05
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      This study was aimed to explore the effect of hope and parental cultural maintenance on the relationship between family functioning and identity integration among Chinese migrant adolescents. Based on cluster sampling, 1345 migrant adolescents from 3 migrant adolescents middle schools in Guangdong province were recruited, which data was collected by self-reported questionnaires. The result indicates:(1) Family functioning significantly predicted adolescents' identity integration; (2) Hope had mediating effect in migrant adolescents' family functioning and identity integration, and family functioning had both direct impact on identity integration and indirect impact through hope; (3) Parental cultural maintenance significantly moderated the relationship between family functioning and identity integration.
      The Effect of Stereotype Threat on Achievement Motivation of Teenagers with Learning Disability
      WANG Qi, YU Guoliang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(4):  425-432.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.04.06
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      Increasing attention has been paid to the influence of stereotype threat on different groups. However, past studies are limited. Built on previous research, the present study aims to explore the association between stereotype threat of learning disabled teenagers and their achiecement motivation. In Study 1, a two-step mental rotation task combining mental rotation trials and negative stereotype sentences was conducted. In Study 2, after inducing stereotype threat, Achievement Motivation Scale was used for measuring participants' motivation. In Study 3, self-affirmation was ased to reduce effects of stereotype threat. The results indicated that 1) compared with learning disabled teenagers in control group, learning disabled teenagers in stereotype threat group improved slower in mental rotation task. 2) learning disabled teenagers in stereotype threat group hold lower achievement motivation and higher avoid-failure motivation; 3) Self-affirmation lowered learning disabled teenagers' avoid-failure motivation.
      Exploring the Reasons of Aging Effect on Encoding Multiple Words during Chinese Reading:Evidence from Disappearing Text
      SU Yongqiang, FU Fuyin, LIU Zhifang, CHEN Chaoyang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(4):  433-440.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.04.07
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      The effect of aging on the process of word encoding for fixated words and words presented to the right of the fixation point during reading of sentences in Chinese was investigated with a disappearing text experiment. The results showed that 40 to 160 ms onset of disappearance manipulations, all of these did not cause disruptions to young adults, which suggested that young readers encode the word n and n+1 parallel, but these conditions made old readers spend more time reading a sentence compared to the normal display condition with the more immediate disappearing onset was more disruptive to text processing. Specifically, the 40 ms onset of disappearance manipulations disrupted reading time most seriously, but the 80 ms, 120 ms and 160 ms onset of disappearance manipulations disrupted reading time almost equally. The results of present experiment indicated a reliable aging effect on the process of multiple words visual encoding in the perceptual span when reading Chinese, and that sensory and cognitive factors are important contributors to these age-related differences.
      Parental Cohesion, Beliefs about Adversity and Left-behind Children's Positive/Negative Emotion in Rural China
      ZHAO Jingxin, LUAN Feifei, SUN Ping, XU Tingting, LIU Xia
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(4):  441-448.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.04.08
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      A total of 340 left-behind children were recruited from a rural area in Shandong province, including 173 children from two-parent-migrant families and 167 children from father-migrant families. Using self-report scales of parental cohesion, beliefs about adversity, and positive/negative emotion, the present study examined the mediating role of beliefs about adversity in different left-behind status.Results indicated that:(1) The level of two-parent-migrant families children's beliefs about adversity was lower than father-migrant families children. (2) In two-parent-migrant families, father-child cohesion was positively associated with children's positive emotion, negatively associated with children's negative emotion, while mother-child cohesion was only predicated children's positive emotion; In father-migrant families, father-child cohesion was negatively correlated with children's negative emotion, mother-child cohesion was positively correlated with children's positive emotion. (3) The beliefs about adversity mediated the relationship between father/mother-child cohesion and children's positive emotion, but the mediation effect only existed in the two-parent-migrant families.
      The Relation Between Friendship Quality and Depression During Middle and Late Childhood:A Longitudinal Analysis
      SU Zhiqiang, SHAO Jingjin, ZHANG Dajun, PU Jian
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(4):  449-456.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.04.09
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      The relationships between friendship quality and depression in the time of 18 months were analyzed by using multivariable Cross-lagged regression. 847 students in grades 3~4 were investigated by Friendship Quality Questionnaire and Children Depression Scale. The results indicated that:(1)There is a significant negative correlation between friendship quality and depression at the same point in time; (2) Cross-lagged analysis indicated that early friendship quality could predict later depression, at the mean time, early depression could also predict later friendship quality, and comparing to the positive effect of friendship quality on depression, the negative influence of depression on children' s friendship quality is much more obvious; (3) The interaction relationship between friendship quality and depression during middle and late childhood has no significant sex differences.
      Parental Corporal Punishment and Adolescent Anxiety and Depression:The Mediating Effects of Peer Victimization and The Moderating Effects of Parent-Child Relationship
      XU Yang, ZHANG Wei, YU Chengfu, SU Ping, LIU Sha, ZHEN Shuangju
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(4):  457-467.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.04.10
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      The current study examined the mediating effect of peer victimization and the moderating effect of parent-child relationship between parental corporal punishment and adolescent anxiety and depression. A total of 1406 students (Mean age=12.90 years; 699 females) from Guangzhou, Southern China participated across four assessments. Participants completed questionnaires assessing their demographics, parental corporal punishment, peer victimization, parent-child relationship, and depression. Results showed that:(1) when controlling for demographics, parental corporal punishment significantly positively predict anxiety and depression; (2) the relationship between parental corporal punishment and adolescent anxiety and depression was absolutely mediated by peer victimization; (3) the indirect effect was also significant moderated by parent-child relationship.
      Marital Conflict, Parent-child Relationship and Adolescents' Depression in Chinese Only and Non-only Child Family
      XIAO Xue, LIU Lisha, XU Liangyuan, LI Yanfang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(4):  468-476.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.04.11
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      Based on the data from 452 adolescents and their parents, the present study investigated the mediating effects of parent-child relationship between marital conflict and adolescents' depression, and explored whether the effects were different on Chinese only and non-only child. Results showed that:(1)Compared with non-only child, the only child experienced higher level of mother-child closeness and father-child closeness, and lower level of mother-child conflict and father-child conflict, while the two groups had no difference in marital conflict. (2)Marital conflict positively predicted adolescents' depression, and mother-child relationship instead of father-child relationship partially mediated the pathway. (3)The mediation of mother-child conflict was significantly moderated by whether children were only or non-only child, the effect was found on the only child rather than non-only child. The mediation of mother-child closeness didn't differ between the only child and non-only child. These findings underlined the importance for mothers to resolve marital conflict in marital subsystem, rather than bringing them into parental subsystem, especially for those who have the only child.
      The Effect of Self-disclosure on Social Networking Site on Adolescents' loneliness:A Moderated Mediation Model
      SUN Xiaojun, CHAI Huanyou, NIU Gengfeng, CUI Xixi, LIAN Shuailei, TIAN Yuan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(4):  477-486.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.04.12
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      To explore the relationship between self-disclosure on social networking site (SNS), and loneliness, the mediating role of perceived positive feedback and the moderating effect of self-esteem on the mediating process, questionnaires of self-disclosure on SNS, perceived positive feedback, self-esteem and loneliness were completed among 1588 middle school students from 8 schools in Wuhan aged from 11 to 19. The results indicated that:(1) self-disclosure on SNS negatively predicted adolescents' loneliness (2) perceived positive feedback played a partially mediated role in the relationship between self-disclosure on SNS and loneliness; (3) self-esteem moderated the mediation effect of perceived positive feedback on the relationship between self-disclosure on SNS and loneliness. Specifically, the mediation effect of perceived positive feedback was only found in high self-esteem individuals, but not in low self-esteem ones.
      The Effect of Resilience on Mobile Phone Addiction among Minority Preparatory Students in Han District:Moderated Mediating Effect
      LIAO Yaqiong, YE Baojuan, JIN Ping, XU Qiang, LI Aimei
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(4):  487-495.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.04.13
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      This study constructed a moderated mediation model to examine whether social anxiety mediated the relation between resilience and mobile phone addiction among minority preparatory students in Han district and whether this mediating effect process was moderated by sensation seeking. A sample of 622 minority preparatory students in Han district was recruited in the study to complete resilience questionnaire,social anxiety questionnaire,sensation seeking scale and mobile phone addiction questionnaire. The results indicated that:(1) Resilience negatively predicted mobile phone addiction among minority preparatory students in Han district; (2) Social anxiety played partial mediating effect between resilience and mobile phone addiction among minority preparatory students in Han district; (3) Sensation seeking moderated this mediation effect. Sensation seeking moderated the second path of the mediation. Therefore,the effect of resilience on mobile phone addiction among minority preparatory students in Han district was moderated mediating effect.
      The Chinese Researches in Psychology of Aging in the 21th Century:Current Status and Future
      PENG Huamao
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(4):  496-503.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.04.14
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      The Psychology of aging researches in China in the past 40 years were reviewed, which were also compared with the aging researches in United America from the perspective of research topics. The comparison results indicated that Chinese aging researches mainly focused on mental health of older adults. In addition, the researches focused on interpersonal relationships in older adults' families and social supports were also numerous. However, the researches about cognitive aging, personality, emotion and affect were relative less, neither about frontiers of basic research, nor about integrate researches in complex abilities and affect. Based on the fact about aging of population in China, four future approaches of Psychology of aging in China were proposed:approach of combining basic and applied research, approach of outstanding of Chinese culture, approach of individual-environment interaction and approach of individual differences.
      Reporting and Interpreting Multidimensional Test Scores:A Bi-factor Perspective
      GU Honglei, WEN Zhonglin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2017, 33(4):  504-512.  doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2017.04.15
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      Empirical psychological, educational and social scientists are often confronted with multifaceted tests which are comprised of several related dimensions or subtests. This study is organized as follows:Firstly, the measurement models of multidimensional scales were reviewed and evaluated. Secondly, some statistical indices (i.e., ECV, PUC and four types of reliability coefficients) based on bi-factor modeling were calculated and interpreted. Thirdly, based on different research purposes, we summarized and proposed two analysis processes about multidimensional measurement, and both of them took the simplicity and accuracy into account simultaneously. Finally, as an example, the bi-factor model of the Machiavellianism Personality Scale (MPS) was analyzed, and the following questions were clarified for applied researchers:Do total scores generally reflect variation on a single latent variable? Is it justified to report the subscale scores? After partitioning out variability attributed to the total score, could subscales still provide reliable information? Could a complex multidimensional measurement be modeled using a simple unidimensional CFA?