Psychological Development and Education ›› 2005, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (2): 30-35.

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The Role of Cognitive Appraisa Between Marital Conflict Children’s Problem Behavior:Mediator or Moderator?

CHI Li-ping   

  1. Department of Preschool Education Administration, Women's College of China, Beijing 100101
  • Online:2005-04-15 Published:2005-04-15

Abstract: The researches in the last 30 years found that higher marital conflict would lead to children's adjustment problem behaviors.But the mechanisms by which marital conflict affects children's adjustment are controversial. Many researchers advanced different frameworks to explain it.The relationship of children's perception of marital conflict,cognitive appraisal and problem behaviors was examined in a survey of 303 primary school students from Grade 2 to Grade 6 using the Children's Perception of Interparental Conflict Scale and Children's Problem Behaviors Scale.The study introduced and analyzed similarities and differences of cognition-mediator model and cognition-moderator model widely used in the field of relationship of marital conflict and children's problem behaviors.Comparative analysis of mediating model and moderating model supported mediator role of cognitive appraisal in the relation between marital conflict and children's internalized problem behaviors.Marital conflict affected children's externalized problem behaviors directly.

Key words: marital conflict, problem behavior, mediator model, moderator model, children

CLC Number: 

  • B844.1
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