Psychological Development and Education ›› 2012, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (5): 510-515.

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An investigation into the Structure Type and Characteristics of Kindergarten Teachers’ Teaching Strategies

QIN Xu-fang1, GAO Bing-cheng2   

  1. 1. Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034;
    2. National Institute of Educational Science, Beijing 100088
  • Online:2012-09-15 Published:2012-09-15

Abstract: In order to obtain a better understanding of kindergarten teachers' teaching strategies,we employed self-develope Kindergarten Teachers' Teaching Strategies Questionnaire to investigate the structure and characteristics of 432 kindergarten teachers' teaching strategies in Liaoning province..Results of the study are as follows: 1) The structure of kindergarten teachers' teaching strategies is mainly composed of guidance and monitoring strategies,evaluation and summary strategies,communicative and interactive strategies as well as planning and contingency strategies.2) Kindergarten teachers' teaching strategies can be divided into three types,including comprehensive development type,integration enhance type,and weak exchange strategies type.3) Kindergarten teachers of comprehensive development type had the highest level of teaching strategies; Kindergarten teachers of integration enhance type had the intermediate teaching strategies; while Kindergarten teachers of weak exchange strategies type had the lowest level of teaching strategies.

Key words: Kindergarten teachers, teaching strategies, latent profile analysis

CLC Number: 

  • G615
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