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    15 September 2012, Volume 28 Issue 5
    • Automatic Processing of Undergraduate Students’ Trust Judgment based on Face
      XU Fen, ZOU Rong, MA Feng-ling, WU Ding-cheng
      Psychological Development and Education. 2012, 28(5):  449-455. 
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      Using the methods of implicit processing and implicit memory,the present study investigated whether trustworthiness judgment of faces is automatic.Results in the explicit memory task showed significant effect of trustworthiness on the recall performances with the best and most rapid reaction for the untrustworthy faces.Whereas the implicit memory task showed the comparable results in which the participants also had the best and the most rapid memory for the untrustworthy faces.These findings taking together suggested that the trustworthiness judgment of unfamiliar faces is an automatic process,in which individuals are most sensitive to untrustworthy faces.
      The Influence of Task Types and Gender Attribute on Interpersonal Trust
      KANG Ting-hu, BAI Xue-jun
      Psychological Development and Education. 2012, 28(5):  456-462. 
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      This study adopted investment game task and its variant to investigate the effects of gender attributes and task risk on interpersonal trust.24 participants aged 20.41±1.99 completed Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 through different rounds.Results showed that: (1) In risk task,there was a significance discrepancy between different gender trustors' trust placing,while their trust levels were different for different gender trustee.(2) In no risk task,trustees' trust keeping were influenced by trustors' trust placing,and the gender attributes of trustees or trustors didn't affected trustees' behavior.So sum up,whether or not gender attribute influenced interpersonal trust that depend on the task risk.
      The Stability and Gender Difference of Children’s Self-control from 2 to 11Years Old
      ZHANG Ping, LIANG Zong-bao, CHEN Hui-chang, ZHANG Guang-zhen
      Psychological Development and Education. 2012, 28(5):  463-470. 
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      Stability and gender difference of children's self-control of 114 children from 2 to 11 years old was investigated in lab by observing children's behavior.The results are as follows: (1) Children's self-control from 2-year-old to 4-year-old show low stability,and children's self-control from 4-year-old to 11-year-old show low stability; (2) Girls' self-control is significantly higher than boys' in all age stages.(3) There is significantly difference between boys and girls in their self-control's developmental trajectories from 2 to 11 years old.For girls,their self-control at 4 years old is significantly higher than that of 2 years old,and there is no difference in self-control among 4,7 and 11 years old.For boys,their self-control at 4 years old is significantly higher than that of 2 years old,their self-control at 4 years old is significantly higher than that of 7 years old,and there is no difference in self-control between 7 and 11years old.
      Function of Affective Priming and Attention Restoration in Environment Adolescents Attaching to
      CHI Li-ping, SU Qian
      Psychological Development and Education. 2012, 28(5):  471-477. 
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      In the field of environmental psychology,some researches focused on the environments where people can recover from stress and mental fatigue.Kaplan and Ulrich developed theories to describe and explain the mechanism of affective priming and attention restoration in those environments.An interesting issue is whether the restoration of affect and attention in some environments are different,when people become to attach to those environments? The present study would examine the impact of place attachment on affective priming and attention restoration.Ninety-six seventh grade students were divided into two groups based on their scores on the Place Attachment Scale.One group named high place attachment group scored higher,and the other named low place attachment group scored lower.The study consisted of two experiments.In the experiment 1,whether environment participants attaching to would elicit rapid positive affection responses was examined.An affective priming paradigm with pictures of environmental scenes and facial expressions as primes and targets,respectively,was employed.In the experiment 2,pretest-posttest design in attention task was used to investigate the impact of place attachment on restore of participants' attention.The results of experiment 1 showed that: (1) after viewing natural scene pictures,participants from low attachment group responded to disgusted faces significantly faster than those from high attachment group and the other two control groups who were assigned to view geometric pictures; (2) there was no difference in response time to happy faces for the participants assigned to view natural scene pictures or geometric pictures.In the experiment 2,the results revealed that,(1) there were no differences on the accuracy and reaction times of pretest between two experiment groups and two control groups; (2) in the posttest of experiment group,participants who high attaching to the natural environment reacted to the target number faster than those who low attaching to the environment.
      College Students’ Trait Empathy and Internet Altruistic Behavior: The Mediating Effects of Online Social Support
      ZHAO Huan-huan, ZHANG He-yun, LIU Qin-xue, WANG Fu-xing, ZHOU Zong-kui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2012, 28(5):  478-486. 
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      The purpose of this study was to examine how the college students' trait empathy influenced internet altruistic behavior,and to explore the mediating effects of online social support in the relationship between trait empathy and internet altruistic behavior.The Mehrabian Emotional Empathy Scale,the Online Social Support Scale of Adolescence and the Internet Altruistic Behavior Scale of Undergraduates have been applied to collect data from 560 college students.The results indicated as follows: (1) As a whole,ability of college students' trait empathy was high,and girls scored significantly higher than boys; college students' online social support generally in good condition and internet altruistic behavior in moderate; no significant differences of online social support and internet altruistic behavior were emerged in genders.(2) College students' trait empathy and online social support were all the positive predictor of internet altruistic behavior.(3) College students' online social support played a fully mediation effect on trait empathy and internet altruistic behavior; especially,the affection support and peer support of online social support had prominent mediating effects on the relationship between the college students' trait empathy and internet altruistic behavior.
      Fairness Decision-making of College Students in Social Dilemmas: Effect of Social Value Orientation
      HONG Hui-fang, KOU Yu, WU Jun-hui
      Psychological Development and Education. 2012, 28(5):  487-494. 
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      Through two studies,the present research investigated behavioral decision-making and sense of fairness of college students in social dilemmas and the effect of social value orientation was tested,with 85 participants in study 1 and 84 participants in study 2.Results indicated that: (1) Prosocials were more inclined to make fair decisions than proselfs.Compared with asymmetric information condition,symmetric information could promote participants' fair decisions.Moreover,females were more likely to make fair decisions than males.(2) Social value orientation and information symmetry influenced fairness decision-making through the moderating effect of gender.While males' fairness decision-making was only significantly influenced by social value orientation,females' fairness decision-making was only significantly influenced by information symmetry.(3) Social value orientation significantly influenced individuals' tolerance of unfairness.Specifically,prosocials were less tolerated with unfairness than proselfs.(4) Participants were inclined to accept unfair behavior favorable for them but reject unfair behavior unfavorable for them.When faced with unfair behavior favorable for them,prosocials didn't experience stronger emotion of guilty.However,for participants with prosocial and proself orientations,unfair behavior unfavorable for them triggered stronger sense of unfairness,accompanied by anger.
      Reading Model Essay Influenced Pupils’ Composition Achievements
      WANG Yao, ZHANG Qi
      Psychological Development and Education. 2012, 28(5):  495-501. 
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      Introduction In composition instruction teachers generally recommended for pupils to read some complete model essays,and rarely used incomplete model essays.However,the authors were inspired by the incomplete worked-example and believed that the results of reading some types of incomplete model essays as well as or may be better than the results of reading a complete model essay.Method In order to verify the hypothesis,the authors established an evaluating indicator of pupils' narrative writing,and designed one complete model essay and 8 different types of incomplete model essays.300 third-grade pupils were randomly divided into 10 groups,one group was the control group,and other 9 groups were experimental groups.All the pupils were asked to write a narrative with the same subject during the first phase of the experiment (in 30 minutes),and then tock rest for10 minutes.After10 minutes,the pupils of one experimental group read the complete model essay,other 8 experimental group separately read one types of incomplete model essays,and the control group studied by oneself in scheduled time but did not read anything model essay during the second phase of the experiment (in 10 minutes),and then tock rest for10 minutes.After10 minutes all the pupils of the 10 groups pupils were asked to rewrite a narrative with the same subject as the same as before during the third phase of the experiment (in 30 minutes).Results Each composition of the pre and post was assessed by three graduate students which master the evaluating indicator of pupils' narrative writing and calculated the sub-scores.The results showed that the article content post scores of the experimental groups were all significantly batter than the per scores and the control group; The article frame post scores of the complete model essay groups and 4 incomplete model essays groups were remarkable batter than the per scores and the control group,and other 4 incomplete model essays groups were not remarkable; The post scores of the good words and sentences of the complete model essay groups and 6 incomplete model essays groups were remarkable batter than the per scores and the control group,and other 2 incomplete model essays groups were not remarkable; But the post scores with the per scores of the writing mistakes scores of the all experimental groups and the control group,there were not significantly difference.Conclusions Third-grade pupils which reading some types of incomplete model essays could improve their composition achievements as well as or may be better than the results of reading a complete model essay,but some types of incomplete model essays were not.However,reading model essays (complete or incomplete) couldn't improve the writing mistakes.
      The Effect of Different Kinds of Perceptual Stimulus on Language Comprehension
      XIE Jiu-shu, WANG Rui-ming, ZHANG Kun, ZHANG Chang-qing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2012, 28(5):  502-509. 
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      Perceptual load paradigm was used in two experiments to test the effect of perceptual stimulus on language comprehension.In experiment 1,the representation of audio and visual concepts was studied.In experiment 2,the representation of visual concepts were further tested which divided into two different types,that is,shape and color.Experiment 1 found that the audio loads affected the comprehension of audio concepts.But this phenomenon was not found between visual loads and visual concepts.Experiment 2 found that color loads affected the comprehension of visual concepts.However,this phenomenon was not found in shape concepts.In conclusion,different perceptual stimulus affected language comprehension in different methods,and the language comprehension both included modal system and amodal system.
      An investigation into the Structure Type and Characteristics of Kindergarten Teachers’ Teaching Strategies
      QIN Xu-fang, GAO Bing-cheng
      Psychological Development and Education. 2012, 28(5):  510-515. 
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      In order to obtain a better understanding of kindergarten teachers' teaching strategies,we employed self-develope Kindergarten Teachers' Teaching Strategies Questionnaire to investigate the structure and characteristics of 432 kindergarten teachers' teaching strategies in Liaoning province..Results of the study are as follows: 1) The structure of kindergarten teachers' teaching strategies is mainly composed of guidance and monitoring strategies,evaluation and summary strategies,communicative and interactive strategies as well as planning and contingency strategies.2) Kindergarten teachers' teaching strategies can be divided into three types,including comprehensive development type,integration enhance type,and weak exchange strategies type.3) Kindergarten teachers of comprehensive development type had the highest level of teaching strategies; Kindergarten teachers of integration enhance type had the intermediate teaching strategies; while Kindergarten teachers of weak exchange strategies type had the lowest level of teaching strategies.
      The impact mechanism of stressful life events on adolescents’ subjective well-being
      FU Qiao-qiao, YE Bao-juan, WEN Zhong-lin
      Psychological Development and Education. 2012, 28(5):  516-523. 
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      Based on the coping interaction model,stress-buffering hypothesis and stress-vulnerability hypothesis,we constructed a moderated mediating model in which coping style mediated the relationship between stressful life events and subjective well-being,and this mediating process was moderated by emotional intelligence.A total of 1670 adolescents were assessed by a set of tools including: an adolescent self-rating life events check list,a coping style questionnaire,an emotional intelligence scale,and a subjective well-being questionnaire.The results indicated that: (1) coping style mediated the effect of stressful life events on subjective well-being; (2) emotional intelligence moderated the effect of stressful life events on coping style: in the context of low stressful life events,adolescents with high levels of emotional intelligence performed better in coping style than those with low levels of emotional intelligence; whereas in the context of high stressful life events,adolescents with high levels of emotional intelligence performed dose to even worse than those with low levels of emotional intelligence.As a conclusion,emotional intelligence is a stress vulnerable factor.
      Accuracy and Bias of Peer Acceptance Perception and Loneliness in Childhood: A Cross-lagged Analysis
      YOU Zhi-qi, FAN Cui-ying, ZHOU Zong-kui, SUN Xiao-jun, TIAN Yuan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2012, 28(5):  524-531. 
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      A one year follow-up study was designed to explore bidirectional associations between peer acceptance perceptual accuracy,bias,and children's loneliness.515 children in grade 3 to grade 6 were randomly selected from a primary school in Wuhan in this research.The children in the current study were asked to rate how much they like their classmates and how much they would be liked by each classmate,and the children also were asked to complete self-report measures of self-perceived social competence and loneliness questionnaires.The results indicate follows: (1) peer acceptance perceptual absolute accuracy insignificantly related with loneliness,and peer acceptance perceptual directional accuracy significantly predict the loneliness over one year follow-up period.(2) bidirectional associations were found for peer acceptance perceptual bias and loneliness.This means positive perceived bias is good to decreasing of loneliness and loneliness makes positive prediction for future peer acceptance perceptual bias.
      Moral Disengagement and Aggressive Behavior: The Moderating Effect of the Moral Identity
      WANG Xing-chao, YANG Ji-ping, LIU Li, GAO Ling, LI Xia
      Psychological Development and Education. 2012, 28(5):  532-538. 
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      Based on the study of the questionnaire of 440 college students,the paper probed into the moderating effects of moral identity on the relationship between moral disengagement and aggressive behavior.Findings of the study confirmed the following aspects: (1) moral disengagement could positively predict college students' aggressive behavior,and moral identity moderated the effect of moral disengagement on aggressive behavior; (2) the positive correlation between moral disengagement and aggressive behavior was stronger among those higher in moral identity.
      Perceived Parental Conflict and Adolescents’Internet Addiction: the Mediating Effect of Adolesncents’Conflict Appraisal and Emotional Management
      DENG Lin-yuan, ZHANG Jin-tao, FANG Xiao-yi, LIU Qin-xue, TANG Hai-yan, LAN Jing
      Psychological Development and Education. 2012, 28(5):  541-544. 
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      This study selected 1038 students from Grade 7 to Grade 9 from Beijing,Chongqing and Shijiazhuang to explore the effect and mechanism of adolescent perceived parental conflict on their internet addiction.The results revealed that: (1) In general,parental conflict and adolescents' conflict appraisal were positively related to adolescents' internet addiction,and adolescents'emotional management was negatively related to their internet addiction; (2) Parental conflict had both direct and indirect influences on adolescents' internet addiction,while the indirect influence was through the medication of conflict appraisal and emotional management of adolescents; however,the direct effect was more significant; (3) Adolescents' emotional management was more important in the mediation effect,compared to their appraisal of parental conflict.
      Further Exploration and Integration for Studies on Academic Procrastination
      NI Shi-guang, LI Hong, HUANG Lin-yan
      Psychological Development and Education. 2012, 28(5):  545-553. 
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      Traditional researches considered academic procrastination as maladaptive,which was irrational delay under self-regulatory failure conditions.Recent researches found that active procrastination was adaptive,which was rational delay under self-regulatory success.Based on the definition of academic procrastination and the current researches in this field,the present study analyzed the nature of academic procrastination and intervention studies on it.Three stages of academic procrastination studies were revealed,and they were poly-dimensional traditional research,self-regulation theory,and a holistic model.An integration of traditional procrastination and active procrastination was carried out under the mechanism of self-regulation,with a holistic model of procrastination set up.Based on the previous studies,a holistic program of preventing traditional procrastination and enhancing active procrastination was put forward by the present study.
      Internet Addiction Disorder: Categories or Dimensions?
      MA Wen-chao, BIAN Yu-fang, LUO Fang
      Psychological Development and Education. 2012, 28(5):  554-560. 
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      Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) is getting increasing concerns because it brings about many negative influences from both physical and mental aspects.However,an important but open question is whether the internal structure of IAD is dimensional or categorical.A false assumption of nature of latent variable is likely to cause biased results.This paper focused on the latent structure of IAD-categories,dimension or combination.We analyzed 2511 Chinese middle school students'responses in Internet Addiction Test (Young,1996) using the Rasch Model,Latent Class Model (LCM) and Mixed Rasch Model (MRM).To determine the appropriate number of latent classes,LCM and MRM with different numbers of classes were fitted to the data.The results show that MRM with two latent classes (MRM-2L) can fit data in terms of Q index (Rost & von Davier,1994) and is the best-fitting model according to information criteria (BIC and CAIC).Thus,the data of IAD should be described by MRM-2L allowing for qualitative differences between two groups (difference in kind) as well as quantitative differences in each group (difference in degree).Furthermore,the features of classification using MRM are discussed and comparisons are made with existing classification using cut-off raw scores.Finally,based on the new classification method,we provide some practical recommendations for assessment and treatment of IAD.