Psychological Development and Education ›› 2011, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (3): 267-273.

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Current Status of Adolescents Parental Monitoring and its Effect on Their Social Adjustment

ZHANG Wen-juan, ZOU Hong, LI Xiao-wei   

  1. Institute of developmental psychology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875
  • Online:2011-05-15 Published:2011-05-15

Abstract: 2324 students participated in a study conducted to explore the current conditions of adolescents' parental monitoring and its effect on their social adjustment together with the moderate effect of Neuroticism.Parental Monitoring Questionnaires and Adolescents' Social Adjustment Assessment Questionnaires were used to measure the participants' current status of parental monitoring and their social adjustment.The results showed that:(1)Significant differences of parental monitoring were found between adolescents'of varied grades and different sexes.Parental knowledge about girls was significantly higher than parental knowledge about boys,there are significantly more negative feedbacks from boys than from girls; parental knowledge and autonomy granting of lower grades adolescents was significantly higher than that of higher grades adolescents.And negative feedback from participates of Grade 8 was significantly higher than those from Grade 10 and Grade 11.(2) The adolescents'parental monitoring could be categorized into 3 styles,namely democratic style,controlling style and Laissez-Faire style,the proportions of which were 38%,30% and 32% respectively.(3) The 3 styles differed significantly in all aspects of social adjustment.(4)Neuroticism served as a moderate variable in the relationship between parental monitoring and negative social adjustment.

Key words: Parental monitoring, Social adjustment, Neuroticism, Adolescent

CLC Number: 

  • B844.2
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