Psychological Development and Education ›› 2001, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4): 35-39,46.

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The Effects of intention cue on children’s judgment of lying and moral evaluation


  • Online:2001-10-15 Published:2001-10-15

Abstract: The present research examined the effects of communicative intention which were be directly explained (or not) on children's judgment of lying or truth-telling and rmral evaluation.The results showed that five-year-olds could not use intention cue to definite the concepts of lying or truth-telli ng and moral evaluation,while 7-or 9-year-olds made the different judgments and rmral evaluation between the intention cue being directly explained and being not directly explained.But communication intendon cue had different effects on white-lying,truth-telling,harming-lying,and flat-out-truth telling.

Key words: Intention cue, lying/truth-telling, children

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