Psychological Development and Education ›› 2013, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (2): 183-191.

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The Role of Dysfunctional Attitude on the Relationship between Stress and Depression in School-age Children:A Multi-wave Longitudinal Study

WU Wen-feng1, LU Yong-biao1, CHEN Shi-ying2   

  1. 1. The educational school of Hunan university of science and technology, Xiangtan 411201;
    2. Hunan vocational college of art, Changsha 410012
  • Online:2013-03-15 Published:2013-03-15

Abstract: To explore the role of cognitive vulnerability factors in Beck's depression theory on the relationship between stress and depression by a multi-wave longitudinal study of 3th grade and 7th grade children. The hierarchical linear modeling analysis showed that dysfunctional attitude couldn't moderate the relationship between stress and the change of depressive symptoms in both 3th grade students sample and 7th grade students sample significantly. The multilevel structure equation model analysis discovered that dysfunctional attitude of cognitive factors couldn't mediate the relationship between stress life events and depressive symptom significantly in third-grade students' sample, but it could significantly mediate the relationship of stress and depressive symptoms in seventh-grade students' sample. The results might suggest that: (1) Beck's cognitive theory, in which dysfunctional attitude significantly moderating the relationship between stress and the change of depression, may not be hold in Chinese children; (2) The mediating mode hypothesis of cognitive vulnerability to depression, in which the cognitive vulnerability factors mediate the relationship of stress and the change of depression, may not be hold in younger children, but it may be hold in older children.

Key words: Beck’s cognitive theory, Dysfunctional attitude, hierarchical linear model, multilevel structure equation model, children

CLC Number: 

  • B844.2
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