Psychological Development and Education ›› 2012, Vol. 28 ›› Issue (1): 47-53.

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A Research of Space Effect on Chinese-Russian Bilinguals’ Reading Russian Text

BAI Xue-jun, GU Jun-juan, CAO Yu-xiao, GUO Zhi-ying, YAN Guo-li   

  1. Academy of Psychology and Behaviour, Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin 300074
  • Online:2012-01-15 Published:2012-01-15

Abstract: In this research,the participants were Chinese-Russian bilinguals(15)and native Russian undergraduates(15).To explore the impact of different spacing conditions for reading Russian sentences,all the participants were asked to read Russian sentences,which contained three types of spacing conditions:normally written sentences,regular unspaced sentences and alternatingbold unspaced sentences.Besides,all the Russian sentences were simple sentences that didn't have punctuations.Participants'eye movements were recorded with a SR Research EyeLink Ⅱ eyetracker(sampling rate=500 Hz)that monitored the position of the right eye every two milliseconds. From the results of global analysis,we found that the main effect of participants was significant,and the main effect of spacing conditions was significant,too.Further more,the interaction of participants and spacing conditions was significant.The results indicated that compared with native Russian undergraduates,the total number of fixations of Chinese-Russian bilinguals was more and the total reading time of Chinese-Russian bilinguals was longer. To sum up,for languages with spaces like Russian,removing spaces not only disturbed native Russian readers,but also disturbed readers of the second language more severely.Russian language ability of Chinese-Russian bilinguals and presentation style of Russian impacted their reading.

Key words: space, eye movement, Chinese-Russian bilinguals

CLC Number: 

  • G442
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